Κυριακή 18 Ιουλίου 2021

Normative Value for the Laryngopharyngeal Measure of Perceived Sensation

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The Laryngopharyngeal Measure of Perceived Sensation (LUMP) is a recently validated patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) aimed at evaluating the symptom severity of patients with globus pharyngeus (GP). The objective of this study was to define the normative values for the LUMP questionnaire.

Study Design

Prospectively collected, descriptive research/scale development.


The LUMP questionnaire was completed by 88 subjects. Individuals without throat-related symptoms such as dysphagia, dysphonia, or cough were provided LUMP. The results of the eight-item questionnaire were analyzed for standard error of the mean (SEM), mean, and standard deviation (SD).


Review of the 88 LUMP questionnaires elucidated a mean of 0.42 (SEM = 0.10, SD = 0.96) in the normative population. By gender, the female (n = 50) mean was 0.24, SD = 0.66, SEM = 0.09; for males (n = 38), the mean was 0.66, SD = 1.21, SEM = 0.20.


This study provides normative data for the LUMP, a recently established PROM useful in patients with GP. A LUMP score greater than or equal to 3 should be considered abnormal and warrants additional attention.

Level of Evidence

3 Laryngoscope, 2021

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