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Δευτέρα 7 Φεβρουαρίου 2022

Role of antioxidants and oxidative stress in the evolution of acute pancreatitis (Review)

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Exp Ther Med. 2022 Mar;23(3):197. doi: 10.3892/etm.2022.11120. Epub 2022 Jan 5.


Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a severe disease with a high prevalence and 3 to 15% mortality worldwide, which can represent an important challenge for the physician. Oxidative stress and antioxidants are involved in AP progression. The mechanisms responsible for the onset and progression of AP are still poorly understood. Previous studies have highlighted the important contribution of antioxidants and oxidative stress in AP. The existence of a relationship between oxidative stress and antioxidants in AP is unquestionable, although a more accurate understanding of the mechanistic pathways involved is required to create a solid basis for potential prevention or treatment strategies. Further investigation is needed to clarify the role of antioxidant status and the severity of AP and to determine the association between oxidative stress and pancreatic enz yme activities. Antioxidant therapy may represent an interesting option for the management of patients with AP, although additional information about the effectiveness of this potential treatment is required.

PMID:35126700 | PMC:PMC8794551 | DOI:10.3892/etm.2022.11120

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