Τετάρτη 26 Φεβρουαρίου 2020

Parotidectomy via Individualized Mini-Blair Incision.

Parotidectomy via Individualized Mini-Blair Incision.:

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Parotidectomy via Individualized Mini-Blair Incision.

ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 2020 Feb 25;:1-9

Authors: Khafif A, Niddal A, Azoulay O, Holostenco V, Masalha M


BACKGROUND: The modified Blair incision is the standard facial incision for the vast majority of parotid gland lesions. We utilize three types of incisions: "classic mini-Blair" for parotid body tumors, "cervical mini-Blair" for parotid tail tumors, and "vertical mini-Blair" for anterior parotid tumors. In this study, we describe the surgical and esthetic outcomes of these individually tailored incisions.

METHODS: Patients undergoing parotidectomy between 2011 and 2013 were included. The surgical outcomes and patients' satisfaction were assessed.

RESULTS: Of 122 patients, 89 were included. All patients completed a questionnaire assessing the postoperative course and patients' satisfaction regarding the surgery in general and the scar in particular. Among these patients, 78 (87%) had a benign pathology and 11 (13%) had malignant tumors. The tumors were located at the parotid body in 57 patients (64%), at the parotid tail in 19 (21%), at the deep lobe in 8 (9%), and at the anterior parotid gland in 5 (6%). All tumors were removed successfully with negative margins on pathology. No inadvertent permanent facial nerve paralysis occurred. The median operation time was 72 min (23-211). The average patient scores of satisfaction with the surgical scar and with the surgery were 9.54 and 9.72, respectively.

CONCLUSIONS: Individualized mini-Blair incision is feasible for benign as well as selected malignant parotid tumors.

PMID: 32097928 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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