A Case of Nervus Laryngeus Superior Paresis Treated With Novafon Local Vibration Voice Therapy:

Publication date: Available online 7 December 2019
Source: Journal of Voice
Author(s): Ben Barsties v. Latoszek, Christopher R. Watts
The aim of the study is to present a case of chronic idiopathic superior laryngeal nerve paresis (SLNp) treated with a novel voice therapy approach called Novafon Local Vibration Voice Therapy (NLVVT).Methods
Outcome measurements including acoustics, aerodynamics, and self-perception of voice handicap were acquired before intervention (i.e., NLVVT) and after intervention (i.e.,follow-up). The use of NLVVT was modified from previous reports of use in functional voice disorders for application to a neurological voice disorder (SLNp).Results
The results showed that NLVVT had meaningful improvements in Voice Range Profile boundaries, an increase in speaking fundamental frequency, and improved acoustic indices of voice quality in a case of SLNp. The follow-up after NLVVT intervention revealed maintenance of the post-treatment improvements at a 1-month measurement interval.Conclusion
The NLVVT program may have potential to improve voice quality and vocal function in a case of SLNp. Further research is necessary to test a potential effectiveness for NLVVT applied to vocal fold immobility due to paresis in both larger numbers of patients and more well-designed, controlled experiments.
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