Δευτέρα 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

Faculty and Student Perspectives of a Graduate Online Delivery Model Supported by On-Campus Immersion
imagePurpose The purpose of this article is to describe an immersion model implemented in a doctor of nursing practice program with the goal of engaging students and optimizing learning. Description of the Project The immersion model was designed to support learners in an online doctor of nursing practice program to promote self-direction and active involvement in diagnosing, planning, implementing, and evaluating their own learning. The Community of Inquiry framework, based on learning and teaching theory, was used in developing this immersion model. Outcome Students expressed positive opinions about immersion. Students valued simulation and skills practice, peer interaction, engagement with faculty, and the leadership colloquium. Faculty reported value in having group advising meetings and in collaborating across specialty tracks for skills laboratory experiences. Conclusion The immersion model has enhanced student engagement and helped optimize learning outcomes. Students and faculty found the use of the immersion model to be beneficial for practicing skills, use of simulated learning experiences, and student advising.
The Effect of Training Given to Hemodialysis Patients According to the Comfort Theory
imagePurpose This study was conducted to determine the effect of training that is given in accordance with the Comfort Theory to hemodialysis patients. Methods This study was conducted as a randomized, controlled, and experimental trial between October 10, 2018, and February 27, 2019. The sample of the study consisted of 68 voluntary and literate individuals (34 in the experimental group and 34 in the control group). Results When the comfort conditions of patients in the experimental and control groups were compared, it was determined that there was no significant difference in the mean total score on the General Comfort Questionnaire, mean subdimension scores, and mean comfort level scores in the first interview. In the last interview, it was determined that the differences in the mean total score on the General Comfort Questionnaire; the mean scores on the physical, psychospiritual, and sociocultural comfort subdimension; and the mean score of the comfort levels between the experimental and control groups were statistically significant. Conclusion It was observed that the training that is given in accordance with the Comfort Theory of Kolcaba to the hemodialysis patients increased the mean scores of patients' comfort.

NACNS Newsletter: New Year Reflections
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Creating Professional Citizens
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The Intersection of Architecture/Medicine/Quality and the Clinical Nurse Specialist: Designing for the Prevention of Delirium
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Understanding Descriptive Research Designs and Methods
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A Most Dangerous Outbreak: New Delhi Metallo-β-Lactamase-1 Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae
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Developing a Virtual Nursing Team to Support Predictive Analytics and Gaps in Patient Care
imagePurpose/Aims Development and implementation of a predictive analytic scoring system in a system of 21 hospitals required 24-hour surveillance to ensure alerts were responded and acted upon. Identification of gaps in patient care created an opportunity to innovate and develop a team to integrate both workflows. Description of Project/Program A Virtual Nurse team of master's degree–prepared nurses with backgrounds in intensive care and management led by a clinical nurse specialist work remotely from their homes. Each nurse is assigned to either of 2 workflows: Advance Alert Monitor—predictive analytic scores or e-Hospital involving capturing of care gaps. The Virtual Nurse team covers 24 hours a day/7 days a week. Outcomes The program has resulted in 169 lives saved and an observed-to-expected mortality of 0.8. Improvements in standard workflows across the system have enabled Rapid Response Teams to be implemented in each hospital. Conclusions The success of the Virtual Nurse team has resulted in developments to spread the program into other Kaiser Permanente regions. The Virtual Nurse team has grown to 40 nurses and will expand as the program spreads.

The Restaurant of Mistaken Orders: A Tokyo Restaurant Where All the Servers Are People Living With Dementia
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A Most Dangerous Outbreak: New Delhi Metallo-β-Lactamase-1 Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae
No abstract available

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