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Τρίτη 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

Galectin-3 Expression Correlates with Post-surgical Survival in Canine Oral Melanomas.

Galectin-3 Expression Correlates with Post-surgical Survival in Canine Oral Melanomas.:

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Galectin-3 Expression Correlates with Post-surgical Survival in Canine Oral Melanomas.

J Comp Pathol. 2019 Nov;173:49-57

Authors: Vargas THM, Pulz LH, Ferro DG, Sobral RA, Venturini MAFA, Corrêa HL, Strefezzi RF


Malignant melanomas (MMs) represent 7% of all malignant neoplasms in dogs. Oral melanocytic neoplasms are often malignant and associated with poor prognosis. There are no universally accepted prognostic markers for canine oral melanoma. Galectin (Gal)-3 is a prognostic marker for human neoplasms such as thyroid, gastric, colorectal and prostate cancers. The protein is related to processes that favour cancer progression, such as angiogenesis, proliferation and apoptosis. The aim of the present study was to characterize the immunohistochemical expression of Gal-3 in canine oral melanomas and to compare it with post-surgical survival, the expression of apoptosis-related proteins and other known prognostic tools. Twenty-seven samples of canine oral melanomas were evaluated for Gal-3, B-cell lymphoma (BCL) 2, caspase (CASP) 3 and Ki67 expression, mitotic index and degree of nuclear atypia. Gal-3 cytoplasmic positivity was correlated positively, while nuclear positivity was correlated negatively, with survival. The intensity of BCL2 labelling was also correlated positively with Gal-3 cytoplasmic positivity. Higher nuclear atypia was observed in dogs with melanoma that died due to the tumour, as well as in dogs that survived for <1 year after surgery. We have confirmed the importance of nuclear atypia for MMs and suggest that Gal-3 is a valuable prognostic indicator for this neoplasm. More in-depth studies are needed to unveil Gal-3 functions in canine MMs using larger sample sizes.

PMID: 31812173 [PubMed - in process]

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