Πέμπτη 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

The added value of SPECT-CT in the detection of heterotopic ossification on bone scintigraphy

The added value of SPECT-CT in the detection of heterotopic ossification on bone scintigraphy:



Heterotopic ossification (HO) is the abnormal osteogenesis in non-skeletal tissue. It can be difficult to detect, as it can mimic other conditions clinically and on imaging studies. The purpose of this study was to find the added value of SPECT-CT in accurate detection of HO.

Materials and methods

A total of 1780 reports on the PACS system of patients underwent bone scintigraphy at the Department of Nuclear Medicine and were filtered for the term “HO” or “heterotopic bone formation” and “SPECT-CT”. Thirty-four patients fulfilled this criterion. All patients had bone scintigraphy and SPECT/CT in the same occasion. Images were reviewed by two nuclear medicine physicians blindly. The certainty of the presence of extra-skeletal soft tissue ossification on the planar with SPECT was graded as “definitely present”, “maybe present”, or “not present”, and the same was determined on planar with SPECT-CT images.


Based on SPECT/CT, 23 (67.6%) patients were found to have HO, and 11 (32.4%) did not have confirming findings. Of the 23 positive patients on SPECT/CT, eight (34.8%) showed “definitely present” and 12 (52.2%) patients were under “maybe present” on SPECT only. Three (13%) patients were negative on the SPECT and showed evidence of HO on CT. Of the 11 patients that did not demonstrate definite evidence of HO on SPECT/CT, seven (63.6%) were negative on SPECT alone and, four (36.4%) were under “maybe present” on SPECT. The definite detection of HO was statistically significant higher when CT is added to SPECT.


Our findings suggest that adding the CT component to SPECT is valuable in the detection of HO.

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