Training Primary Care Physicians in Dermoscopy for Skin Cancer Detection: a Scoping ReviewAbstract
In many countries, patients with concerning skin lesions will first consult a primary care physician (PCP). Dermoscopy has an evidence base supporting its use in primary care for skin cancer detection, but need for training has been cited as a key barrier to its use. How PCPs train to use dermoscopy is unclear. A scoping literature review was carried out to examine what is known from the published literature about PCP training in dermoscopy. The methodological steps taken in this review followed those described by Arksey and O’Malley, as revised by Levac et al. Four electronic databases were searched for evidence published up to June 2018. Sixteen articles were identified for analysis, all published since 2000. Ten training programs were identified all of which addressed dermoscopy of pigmented skin lesions, among other topics. Ten articles reported on a range of outcomes measured after training and showed generally positive results in terms of improved diagnostic performance, although no meta-analysis was conducted. However, it was unclear whether trained PCPs continued to use dermoscopy after training. Observational questionnaire data revealed that many PCPs use dermoscopy in practice without any formal training. The literature generally supports the use of dermoscopy by PCPs, but it is unclear whether current training leads to long-term change in PCPs’ use of dermoscopy in clinical practice. Understanding this problem, as well as exploring PCPs’ training needs, is essential to develop training programs that will facilitate the uptake and use of dermoscopy in primary care.
Correction to: Evaluating the Effect of a Video Education Curriculum for First Time Breast Cancer Patients: a Prospective RCT Feasibility Study
The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake. The name of “Eric Gelfand” was omitted.
Correction to: Educational Opportunities for Down-Staging Breast Cancer in Low-Income Countries: an Example from Tanzania
The original version of this article unfortunately contained errors.
Reflections from the 2019 International Cancer Education Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah |
Training the Twenty-First Century Cancer EpidemiologistAbstract
To assess and advance training of twenty-first century cancer epidemiologists, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) sought to obtain a snapshot of the cancer epidemiology training landscape by conducting a survey across academic institutions and cancer centers, focusing on four key training areas driving current cancer epidemiology research (“drivers”): (1) collaboration, (2) novel methods/technologies, (3) multilevel analysis, and (4) knowledge integration. Complementary to the survey, we conducted a portfolio analysis of active NCI-funded training grants. In the present report, we provide our findings from this effort and contribute to the on-going conversation regarding the training of next-generation cancer epidemiologists. Analyses and insights gained from conversations with leaders/educators across 24 academic institutions/cancer centers and the portfolio analysis of training grants echoed contemporaneous conversation that cancer epidemiology training must adapt to meet the needs of the changing research environment. Currently, with the exception of novel methods/technologies, cancer epidemiology trainees receive the majority of their training in collaboration, multilevel approaches, and knowledge integration/translation either informally, ad hoc, or not at all; exposure to these identified drivers varied considerably by institution, mentor, and other external as well as internal factors.
Support for Young Adult Cancer Patients: Perspectives of Patients and their MothersAbstract
The shift from adolescence to adulthood is marked by increased independence from parents. The purpose of this research is to describe types of beneficial support and concordance between young adult cancer patients/survivors and their parents. One-on-one phone interviews were conducted. Data were analyzed with constant comparison and linguistic methods. Fifteen patients and eight mothers participated. Support types most cited included informational, tangible, and emotional. The greatest difference between patients and mothers was in mention of emotional or tangible support. Continued attention to the role of parental support for young adult cancer patients is important for care.
Challenges to Educating Smokers About Lung Cancer Screening: a Qualitative Study of Decision Making Experiences in Primary CareAbstract
We sought to qualitatively explore how those at highest risk for lung cancer, current smokers, experienced, understood, and made decisions about participation in lung cancer screening (LCS) after being offered in the target setting for implementation, routine primary care visits. Thirty-seven current smokers were identified within 4 weeks of being offered LCS at seven sites participating in the Veterans Health Administration Clinical Demonstration Project and interviewed via telephone using semi-structured qualitative interviews. Transcripts were coded by two raters and analyzed thematically using iterative inductive content analysis. Five challenges to smokers’ decision-making lead to overestimated benefits and minimized risks of LCS: fear of lung cancer fixated focus on inflated screening benefits; shame, regret, and low self-esteem stemming from continued smoking situated screening as less averse and more beneficial; screening was mistakenly believed to provide general evaluation of lungs and reassurance was sought about potential damage caused by smoking; decision-making was deferred to providers; and indifference about numerical educational information that was poorly understood. Biased understanding of risks and benefits was complicated by emotion-driven, uninformed decision-making. Emotional and cognitive biases may interfere with educating and supporting smokers’ decision-making and may require interventions tailored for their unique needs.
Educating Hispanics About Clinical Trials and BiobankingAbstract
Hispanics are under-represented in clinical research. To ensure that the Hispanic population benefits from advances in public health and medicine, including personalized medicine, there is a need to increase their participation in clinical trials and biobanking. There is a great need for improving awareness and addressing concerns individuals may have about participation. The purpose of this study was to adapt, implement, and evaluate educational materials about clinical trials and biobanking for Hispanic individuals. We adapted existing materials based on focus group data. We then trained four promotoras de salud to deliver education to Hispanic adults in community settings in Houston, TX. The promotoras educated 101 Hispanic adults, 51 on biobanking and 50 on clinical trials. Study staff administered brief pre- and post-test questionnaires that measured benefits, barriers, norms, self-efficacy, and intention to participate in either clinical trials or biobanking. Our sample was predominately female (83%) and Spanish-speaking (69%) and made less than $25,000 a year (87%). This intervention increased perceived benefits of participating in biobanking and clinical trials, self-efficacy for donating biospecimens, and intention to participate in biobanking if invited. Perceived barriers to participating declined. This study demonstrated that brief education can result in improved perceptions and attitudes related to participation in biobanking and clinical trials, and could increase participation. Researchers and practitioners could use these educational materials to educate Hispanic community members on clinical research potentially increasing participation rates in the future.
Effect of Educational Intervention Based on the Health Belief Model and Self-Efficacy in Promoting Preventive Behaviors in a Cholangiocarcinoma Screening GroupAbstract
Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is a neoplasm known as one of the most common causes of cancer-related deaths in Southeast Asia, particularly in Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia. Prevention and health education are required. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the effectiveness of an educational intervention to prevent CCA among a rural population in Thailand based on the health belief model (HBM) and self-efficacy frameworks. In this quasi-experimental study, 60 participants (30 participants in the experimental group and 30 participants in the control group) were selected in 2017. The educational intervention for the experimental group consisted of seven training sessions (introduction to CCA, risk factors, complications, benefits and barriers to proper consumption of cooked fish, carcinogenic agents, behavioral protection, and self-efficacy in applying preventive behaviors). A questionnaire that consisted of demographic information, knowledge, and HBM constructs (perceived susceptibility, severity, benefits, barriers, cues to action, and self-efficacy) was used to measure CCA preventive behaviors before and 3 months after the intervention. Data were analyzed using SPSS-22 via chi-squared, paired t-tests, and independent samples t tests at a significance level of 0.5. Three months after the intervention, the experimental group showed a significant increase in the knowledge, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, cues to action, self-efficacy, and CCA preventive behaviors compared to the control group. This study showed the effectiveness of the intervention based on the HBM constructs and self-efficacy in the adoption of CCA preventive behaviors 3 months post intervention in the risk group. Thus, these models may serve as a framework for designing and implementing educational interventions for the prevention of CCA.
The Effect of Counseling on Breast Cancer Awareness in Rural Iranian Women: a Randomized Controlled Clinical TrialAbstract
In a community such as Iran where late presentation is predominant and the majority of breast cancer patients are diagnosed at advanced stages of the disease, there is an urgent need for improving the level of awareness about breast cancer and early detection measures. Given that rural residents are at higher risk for late diagnosis of breast cancer because they have less education, income, and access to advanced screening technologies, this study was conducted to determine the effect of counseling on breast cancer awareness of rural Iranian women. This randomized clinical trial was conducted on 60 rural women from the Abish Ahmad area in northwestern Iran in 2017. The randomized cluster method was used for sampling. From 20 rural health houses and centers, about one third were selected randomly. From the six selected clusters, three were randomly allocated as the control group and three as the intervention group. Using convenience sampling, 30 women between the ages of 40 and 69 were selected from the control group and 30 from the intervention group. The intervention group attended six group counseling sessions. Data was gathered using a demographic and obstetrical information questionnaire and breast cancer awareness measures. The chi-square, independent t test and ANCOVA by controlling for the baseline scores were used to analyze the data. After counseling, the mean knowledge about breast cancer score was significantly higher in the intervention group than in the control group (adjusted mean difference, 17.02; confidence interval (CI) 95%, 15.44 to 18.59; p < 0.001). The mean barriers to breast cancer screening score showed a significant decrease in the intervention group compared to the control group (AMD, − 1.74; 95% CI − 3.12 to − 0.36, p < 0.001). After intervention, the frequency of breast self-exam showed a significant difference between groups (p < 0.001); but for confidence about noticing breast changes, no significant difference was observed between groups (p = 0.08). Group counseling had a significant effect on enhancing breast cancer awareness of rural Iranian women, except for confidence about noticing breast changes.
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
Τρίτη 3 Δεκεμβρίου 2019
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,
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