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Τρίτη 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

Complication Rates Using CASPER Dual-Layer Stents for Carotid Artery Stenting in Acute Stroke

Complication Rates Using CASPER Dual-Layer Stents for Carotid Artery Stenting in Acute Stroke:


Background and Purpose

The number of acute and early stent occlusions after emergency stenting of the internal carotid artery (ICA) in patients with tandem lesions is unclear and only mentioned in a small number of publications, ranging from 0–20%. A recent article by Yilmaz et al. reported a high rate of acute in-stent occlusions of 45% within 72 h after deployment of CASPER dual layer stents.


All patients with acute ischemic stroke treated with a CASPER stent between August 2014 and April 2018 were retrospectively evaluated for occlusion rates, periinterventional medication and early complications. A total of 66 patients, 45 with tandem pathologies and 21 with proximal ICA stenosis only were enrolled.


Thrombotic complications occurred in 16 out of 66 patients (24%) and hemorrhagic complications in 8/66 (12%) and 15 of the 16 thrombotic complications and 7/8 symptomatic intracranial hemorrhages (sICH) occurred in patients with tandem lesions and accessory intracranial thrombectomy. Of the patients with sICH five were treated in a prolonged or unknown time window. In patients with intraprocedural thrombotic complications ultrasound imaging showed patent stents in 13 of the 14 patients


The CASPER stent system showed a high technical success rate in patients with acute stroke. The number of patients with sICH was not higher than the numbers reported in the published literature despite the early use of Gp IIb/IIIA inhibitors, whereas the number of thrombotic complications was smaller than that reported in recent studies. The majority of sICH occurred in patients treated because of tandem lesions in an unknown or prolonged time window.

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