Τρίτη 3 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

Musical training enhances temporal adaptation of auditory-motor synchronization


To coordinate their actions successfully with auditory events, individuals must be able to adapt their behaviour flexibly to environmental changes. Previous work has shown that musical training enhances the flexibility to synchronize behaviour with a wide range of stimulus periods. The current experiment investigated whether musical training enhances temporal adaptation to period perturbations as listeners tapped with a metronome, and whether this enhancement is specific to individuals’ Spontaneous Production Rates (SPRs; individuals’ natural uncued rates). Both musicians and nonmusicians adapted more quickly to period perturbations that slowed down than to those that sped up. Importantly, musicians adapted more quickly to all period perturbations than nonmusicians. Fits of a damped harmonic oscillator model to the tapping measures confirmed musicians’ faster adaptation and greater responsiveness to period perturbations. These results suggest that, even when the task is tailored to individual SPRs, musical training increases the flexibility with which individuals can adapt to changes in their environment during auditory-motor tasks.

Virtual time-to-contact identifies balance deficits better than traditional metrics in people with multiple sclerosis


Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurodegenerative disease that negatively affects the quality of electrical signaling throughout the central nervous system. Although impaired postural control is one of the most common symptoms in people with MS (PwMS), commonly reported metrics such as center of pressure (CoP) path length and velocity have not been great predictors of fall risk. A relatively new metric, known as virtual time-to-contact (VTC), is a measurement that uses the instantaneous position, velocity and acceleration of the CoP, to predict how long it would take the CoP to reach the boundary of the base of support for every data point in a trial. While the VTC metric has shown promising results in PwMS, there are still inconsistencies in how VTC is reported. Thus, the purpose of this work was to compare VTC to commonly reported measures of postural balance control to identify the most appropriate metric(s) for assessing balance impairments unique to PwMS. A group of patients with MS and a group of neurologically healthy controls performed a static balance task with both eyes open and eyes closed. The VTC minimum values (minima) were the best at detecting balance performance differences between conditions and between study groups. In addition, VTC minima was the best at detecting proprioceptive weaknesses in PwMS, assessed via the Romberg ratio. These results suggest that the VTC minima may be better than traditional metrics at detecting balance impairments unique to PwMS as well as proprioceptive deficits within this population.

Brain functional differences in visuo-motor task adaptation between dominant and non-dominant hand training


Although learning and adapting to visuo-motor tasks is critical to child development and health conditions requiring rehabilitation, the neural processes involved in learning a new visuo-motor task and adapting it to novel conditions such as execution with an untrained limb are not fully understood. Therefore, we trained 27 healthy, right-hand-dominant individuals aged 18–35 years to perform a multidirectional point-to-point visually rotated aiming task with a joystick during functional magnetic resonance imaging, with 13 participants learning the task with the dominant (D) and 14 with the non-dominant (ND) hand. All individuals performed the task with the trained and untrained hand before and after training. As expected, performance of both the trained and the untrained hand improved significantly over the course of task acquisition. Brain functional changes associated with adaptation to the demands of the task, and execution differed significantly between D and ND groups. In particular, the ND group showed greater recruitment of visual and motor regions (left middle occipital and left precentral gyri) than the D group during task acquisition. In addition, the D group exhibited greater recruitment of motor planning regions (left precuneus) that contribute to performance with the trained hand, even after bilateral transfer—switching from the trained to non-trained hand. The D group showed more persistence of activation in sensorimotor regions—greater activation when returning to the rotated task after a switching to a simpler, non-rotated aiming task for a short interval. Finally, the D group showed more activation after-effects—increases in simpler task activation after training on the visually rotated task. The findings suggest that brain functional changes associated with adaptation to a visuo-motor skill may differ substantially depending on whether the dominant or non-dominant hand is trained, with non-dominant-hand training associated with greater activation during acquisition, and dominant-hand training associated with greater activation during bilateral transfer, persistence, and after-effects.

The left cerebral hemisphere may be dominant for the control of bimanual symmetric reach-to-grasp movements


Previous research has established that the left cerebral hemisphere is dominant for the control of continuous bimanual movements. The lateralisation of motor control for discrete bimanual movements, in contrast, is underexplored. The purpose of the current study was to investigate which (if either) hemisphere is dominant for discrete bimanual movements. Twenty-one participants made bimanual reach-to-grasp movements towards pieces of candy. Participants grasped the candy to either place it in their mouths (grasp-to-eat) or in a receptacle near their mouths (grasp-to-place). Research has shown smaller maximum grip apertures (MGAs) for unimanual grasp-to-eat movements than unimanual grasp-to-place movements when controlled by the left hemisphere. In Experiment 1, participants made bimanual symmetric movements where both hands made grasp-to-eat or grasp-to-place movements. We hypothesised that a left hemisphere dominance for bimanual movements would cause smaller MGAs in both hands during bimanual grasp-to-eat movements compared to those in bimanual grasp-to-place movements. The results revealed that MGAs were indeed smaller for bimanual grasp-to-eat movements than grasp-to-place movements. This supports that the left hemisphere may be dominant for the control of bimanual symmetric movements, which agrees with studies on continuous bimanual movements. In Experiment 2, participants made bimanual asymmetric movements where one hand made a grasp-to-eat movement while the other hand made a grasp-to-place movement. The results failed to support the potential predictions of left hemisphere dominance, right hemisphere dominance, or contralateral control.

Predicting the fate of basketball throws: an EEG study on expert action prediction in wheelchair basketball players


The ability to anticipate and detect changes in human movement helps people to modify their behaviors in ever changing environments. Studies indicate that expertise modulates observation of domain-specific actions in sports—a process that is crucial for adapting rapidly to a new situation, often before awareness of environmental changes is achieved. Here, we explored the electrophysiological underpinnings of wheelchair basketball players predicting the fate of free throws performed by wheelchair basketball athletes. We performed electroencephalography (EEG) in semi-professional wheelchair players with different degrees of expertise (players) and in ambulant, non-expert people (controls) while they observed movie stimuli of a free throw that could land inside or outside the basket. On each trial, participants were asked to predict the outcome of the throw. For each group, event-related potentials (ERPs) were averaged as a function of condition, using only the trials that were correctly predicted. Results show that compared to controls, expert players exhibit a greater negative amplitude of oCNV over Pz (an observational contingent negative variation-like waveform which is considered a marker of action effect prediction) during the wrist movement preceding the ball release (the last 100 ms of the shot), which carries the most crucial kinematic information regarding the fate of the throw. Our data provide further support to the view that functional modulation of the action observation network is associated with expertise.

Effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation and voluntary commands on the spinal reflex excitability of remote limb muscles


It is well known that contracting the upper limbs can affect spinal reflexes of the lower limb muscle, via intraneuronal networks within the central nervous system. However, it remains unknown whether neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES), which can generate muscle contractions without central commands from the cortex, can also play a role in such inter-limb facilitation. Therefore, the objective of this study was to compare the effects of unilateral upper limb contractions using NMES and voluntary unilateral upper limb contractions on the inter-limb spinal reflex facilitation in the lower limb muscles. Spinal reflex excitability was assessed using transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation (tSCS) to elicit responses bilaterally in multiple lower limb muscles, including ankle and thigh muscles. Five interventions were applied on the right wrist flexors for 70 s: (1) sensory-level NMES; (2) motor-level NMES; (3) voluntary contraction; (4) voluntary contraction and sensory-level NMES; (5) voluntary contraction and motor-level NMES. Results showed that spinal reflex excitability of ankle muscles was facilitated bilaterally during voluntary contraction of the upper limb unilaterally and that voluntary contraction with motor-level NMES had similar effects as just contracting voluntarily. Meanwhile, motor-level NMES facilitated contralateral thigh muscles, and sensory-level NMES had no effect. Overall, our results suggest that inter-limb facilitation effect of spinal reflex excitability in lower limb muscles depends, to a larger extent, on the presence of the central commands from the cortex during voluntary contractions. However, peripheral input generated by muscle contractions using NMES might have effects on the spinal reflex excitability of inter-limb muscles via spinal intraneuronal networks.

Remarkable hand grip steadiness in individuals with complete spinal cord injury


Although no damage occurs in the brains of individuals with spinal cord injury, structural and functional reorganization occurs in the sensorimotor cortex because of the deafferentation of afferent signal input from below the injury level. This brain reorganization that is specific to individuals with spinal cord injury is speculated to contribute to the improvement of the motor function of the remaining upper limbs. However, no study has investigated in detail the motor function above the injury level. To clarify this, we designed an experiment using the handgrip force steadiness task, which is a popular technique for evaluating motor function as the index of the variability of common synaptic input to motoneurons. Fourteen complete spinal cord injury (cSCI) individuals in the chronic phase, fifteen individuals with lower limb disabilities, and twelve healthy controls participated in the study. We clarified that the force steadiness in the cSCI group was significantly higher than that in the control groups, and that sports years were significantly correlated with this steadiness. Furthermore, multiple analyses revealed that force steadiness was significantly predicted by sports years. These results suggest that brain reorganization after spinal cord injury can functionally affect the remaining upper limb motor function. These findings may have implications in the clinical rehabilitation field, such as occupational rehabilitation of the upper limbs. They also indicate that individuals with complete spinal cord injury, based on their enhanced force adjustment skills, would excel at fine motor tasks such as manufacturing and handicrafts.

Human string-pulling with and without a string: movement, sensory control, and memory


String-pulling is a behavior that is allied to many daily acts and is an easily performed action featuring hand-over-hand movements to reel in a string (or rope). String-pulling has been used as a test of perceptual and cognitive functions in many animal species, including human children, but its movements and sensory control have not been characterized. Male and female university students (n = 68) performed target-based or memory-based string-pulling in which they pulled down a string suspended on an overhead pulley and immediately afterwards attempted to make the same movement in a memory-based test. Frame-by-frame video scoring was used to describe movements, eye-tracking and visual occluding glasses were used to assess sensory control, and a Matlab video-analysis procedure was used to describe kinematics. The string was advanced using five arm/hand movements: with lift and advance comprising fast up movements, and grasp, pull and push comprising slow down movements. Fingers closed 5 (pinky) through 1 (thumb) to make a whole-hand grasp and release in target-based string pulling but moved in a reverse sequence for the memory-based task. Target-based string pulling was not visually guided unless participants were instructed to grasp at a cue, and then vision featured eye-tracking of the target and pupil dilation with the grasp, but there was no relation between eye events for memory-based string-pulling. For target-based string-pulling the left and right hands advanced the string with both independent and concurrent movement but only independent movements were featured in a more symmetrical memory-based movement. The results are discussed in relation to the sensory control of hand movements, contemporary theories of the neural control of hand movements, and species differences in string-pulling.

Effects of repetitive passive movement on ankle joint on spinal reciprocal inhibition


Repetitive passive movement (RPM) activates afferent Ia fibers. The input of afferent Ia fibers from antagonist muscle may modulate the extent of spinal reciprocal inhibition (RI). However, effects of RPM on RI remain unknown. We aimed to clarify these effects in 20 healthy adults. Four RPM tasks (40°/s, 80°/s, 120°/s, and 160°/s), with the range of ankle joint movement set to 40°, ranging from 10° in dorsiflexion to 30° in plantar flexion, were performed for 10 min. For measuring RI, a deep peroneal nerve as a conditioning stimulus, tibial nerve as a test stimulus, and three condition–test stimulus intervals (CTIs; single, 2 ms, and 20 ms) were used. The stimulation frequency was 0.3 Hz for 36 times (3 stimulation conditions × 12 sets). RI was measured before, immediately after, and 5, 10, 15, and 20 min (Pre, Post 5, 10, 15, and 20, respectively) after the task. The extent of reciprocal Ia inhibition (CTI 2 ms) significantly increased in Post 5 and 10 at RPM speed of ≥ 120°/s. The extent of D1 inhibition (CTI 20 ms) significantly increased in Post 5 and 10 at RPM speed of ≥ 80°/s, and continued to increase until Post 15 at RPM speed of 160°/s. The extent of RI was the highest at RPM speed of 160°/s for both Ia and D1. Therefore, high RPM may increase the extent of reciprocal Ia inhibition and D1 inhibition, suggesting that rapid movements affect RI by increasing the firing frequency from the muscle spindle to afferent Ia fibers.

The impact of diabetic peripheral neuropathy on pinch proprioception


This study aims to investigate the impact of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) on pinch proprioception and to establish the correlations with sensory impairments. We collected data from a total of 36 participants (healthy, n = 12; T2D without DPN, n = 11; and T2D + DPN, n = 13), all matched for age, 60 ± 6 years. Pinch proprioception was determined through 3 trials of attempts to actively reproduce 15° of pinch position without visual feedback. Target accuracy and precision was compared between groups using Kruskal–Wallis test. Sensation was tested through the two-point discrimination and Semmes–Weinstein monofilaments applied on the fingers. Sensory measures were correlated with pinch proprioception measures via Spearman’s rank test. The T2D + DPN group showed significant decrements in accuracy and precision as compared to the T2D-only (p = 0.003 and p = 0.006, respectively) and the healthy groups (both p = 0.002); no significant differences were found between T2D-only and healthy. Spearman’s rank showed moderate (r = 0.45–0.66, p < 0.001) correlations between pinch proprioception and sensory measures. Our results showed pinch proprioception disruption in people with T2D + DPN, but not in people with T2D-only. The awareness of pinch proprioceptive deficits is paramount for the safety of individuals with T2D and DPN. Moderate correlations between sensory impairments and pinch proprioceptive deficits suggest that not only superficial/discriminative sensation is implicated in proprioceptive decrements. Other mechanisms such as damage to muscle spindles or central nervous system associated with T2D + DPN warrant further investigations.

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