Reconceptualizing the Electronic Health Record for a New Decade: A Caring Technology?
Since the 2009 publication by Petrovskaya et al on, “Dilemmas, Tetralemmas, Reimagining the Electronic Health Record,” and passage of the Health Information Technology for Economic Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, 96% of hospitals and 78% of providers have implemented the electronic health record. While many positive outcomes such as guidelines-based clinical decision support and patient portals have been realized, we explore recent issues in addition to those continuing problems identified by Petrovskaya et al that threaten patient safety and integrity of the profession. To address these challenges, we integrate polarity thinking with the tetralemma model discussed by Petrovskaya et al and propose application of a virtue ethics framework focused on cultivation of technomoral wisdom.
Integrating Symptoms Into the Middle-Range Theory of Self-Care of Chronic Illness
The Middle-Range Theory of Self-Care of Chronic Illness has been used widely since it was first published in 2012. With the goal of theoretical refinement in mind, we evaluated the theory to identify areas where the theory lacked clarity and could be improved. The concept of self-care monitoring was determined to be underdeveloped. We do not yet know how the process of symptom monitoring influences the symptom appraisal process. Also, the manner in which self-care monitoring and self-care management are associated was thought to need refinement. As both of these issues relate to symptoms, we decided to enrich the Middle-Range Theory with knowledge from theories about symptoms. Here, we propose a revision to the Middle-Range Theory of Self-Care of Chronic Illness where symptoms are clearly integrated with the self-care behaviors of self-care maintenance, monitoring, and management.
Ethical, Policy, and Practice Implications of Nurses' Experiences With Assisted Death: A Synthesis
The conceptualization of assisted death as an act performed by physicians has resulted in a lack of attention to nurses' roles and experiences with the processes that surround an assisted death. In this article, we synthesize evidence from 6 articles focusing on the experiences of 55 nurses from Canada, Belgium, and the Netherlands, with relevant ethical and policy implications derived from the literature. Nurses have a central role in negotiating inquiries about assisted death and in providing wraparound care for patients, families, and other health care providers. This role is impactful for nurses and requires significant personal and professional moral work.
State of the Profession: The Landscape of Disability Justice, Health Inequities, and Access for Patients With Disabilities
The nursing profession can both perpetuate inequities and elevate the discourse around disability. Our article uses an intersectional lens to discuss the scope, magnitude, and determinants of health inequities that people with disabilities experience and the ways in which theoretical models of disability used in nursing education can further contribute to inequities. Our article makes the case for an intersectional social justice approach to nursing education by contextualizing the current state of affairs within historical and contemporary models of disability. This has the potential to be a revolutionary leap toward promoting health equity and upholding the Code of Ethics.
Implications for Paradigm Shift in Nursing: A Critical Analysis of Thomas Kuhn's Revolutionary Science and Its Relevance to Nursing By seeking answers to ontological and epistemological questions, nursing scholars explored the foundations of nursing and articulated the meaning of nursing science from various philosophical perspectives. This ongoing search for advancement and development of nursing aligns with the concept of “normal science” by Thomas Kuhn. Kuhn's science influenced nursing knowledge, resulting in the development of nursing metaparadigm and paradigms. Despite this influence, Kuhn's science's relevance for nursing science received a little scrutinization. This article presents a critical analysis of Kuhn's science and its influence on and relevance for nursing discipline and suggests implications for nursing knowledge development.
Complicated Grief of Immediate Family Caregivers: A Concept Analysis
Grieving is a normal reaction to loss; however, not everyone is able to recover from grief and adjust to a life after the loss. “Complicated grief” (CG) is a term used to describe intense and prolonged bereavement after the loss of a loved one that interferes with normal activities accompanied by destructive thoughts and behaviors. In practice and research, the concept of CG varies in definition and instruments used to measure. This concept analysis examines relevant research related to CG experienced by caregivers to provide a clear, comprehensive definition. Implications for nursing practice and research are explored. |
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