Πέμπτη 23 Ιανουαρίου 2020

A treatise on endothelial biology and exosomes: homage to Theresa Maria Listowska Whiteside.

A treatise on endothelial biology and exosomes: homage to Theresa Maria Listowska Whiteside.:

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A treatise on endothelial biology and exosomes: homage to Theresa Maria Listowska Whiteside.

HNO. 2020 Jan 21;:

Authors: Ludwig N, Lotze MT


Exosomes are the current primary research focus of Dr. Theresa L. Whiteside. They are key mediators of intercellular communication in the head and neck, as well as other sites. Their effects in the tumor microenvironment are manifold and include suppression of immunity, promotion of angiogenesis, enabling of metastasis, as well as reprogramming of fibroblasts and mesenchymal stromal cells. The aim of this communication is to summarize Dr. Whiteside's contribution to the field of exosome research and details the interactions of exosomes with endothelial cells leading to recent findings on how to target endothelial cells using exosomes as a therapeutic approach.

PMID: 31965194 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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