Πέμπτη 23 Ιανουαρίου 2020

Four-Point Computed Tomography Scores for Evaluation of Occult Peritoneal Metastasis in Patients with Gastric Cancer: A Region-to-Region Comparison with Staging Laparoscopy.

Four-Point Computed Tomography Scores for Evaluation of Occult Peritoneal Metastasis in Patients with Gastric Cancer: A Region-to-Region Comparison with Staging Laparoscopy.:

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Four-Point Computed Tomography Scores for Evaluation of Occult Peritoneal Metastasis in Patients with Gastric Cancer: A Region-to-Region Comparison with Staging Laparoscopy.

Ann Surg Oncol. 2020 Jan 21;:

Authors: Li ZY, Tang L, Li ZM, Li YL, Fu J, Zhang Y, Li XT, Ying XJ, Ji JF


BACKGROUND: Preoperative diagnosis of peritoneal metastasis with gastric cancer remains challenging. This study explored the abnormal computed tomography (CT) signs of occult peritoneal metastasis (OPM) and evaluated it by region-to-region comparison using staging laparoscopy, from which a 4-point CT score system was developed.

METHODS: Patients with advanced gastric cancer (stage cT ≥ 2M0) diagnosed by CT were enrolled in the study. Occult peritoneal metastasis detected during staging laparoscopy was compared with preoperative CT to investigate the presence of abnormal signs by a region-to-region comparison. A 4-point CT score system was developed to define the radiologic characteristics. Subsequently, the diagnostic efficacy of the CT score system was prospectively verified.

RESULTS: In this study, 57 OPM regions were detected by staging laparoscopy in 33 of the 385 enrolled patients. The greater omentum was the most frequent site of OPM (38.60%, 22/57), which usually exhibited a smudge-like ground-glass opacity (S-GGO) (90.91%, 20/22) with a mean CT score of 2.14. The parietal and perihepatic peritoneum was the second most common site (22.81%, 13/57). A 4-point CT score system was developed based on the results. A cutoff CT score of 2 or higher was associated with a false-negative rate of 2% (2/99). This CT score system had a sensitivity of 87.5% and a specificity of 76.4% for an OPM-positive diagnosis (area under the curve, 0.848). The agreement between two radiologists on the assigned final score was 76.2% (kappa, 0.5).

CONCLUSIONS: Patients with OPM mostly exhibited S-GGO on CT, which should be interpreted cautiously. The 4-point CT score system may improve the pretreatment evaluation of occult peritoneal metastasis, and staging laparoscopy might not be necessary for patients with a score lower than 2.

PMID: 31965376 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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