Τρίτη 21 Ιανουαρίου 2020

Growth hormone releasing hormone in the unfolded protein response context

Growth hormone releasing hormone in the unfolded protein response context:


The effects of Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone in human pathophysiology are not limited to those mediated by the Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone–Growth Hormone–Insulin-like Growth Factor-I axis. Receptors specific for this neuropeptide are expressed in a diverse variety of human tissues, to initiate multifarious signaling cascades, regulators of cellular homeostasis and survival. The Unfolded Protein Response is in charge of adaptive responses towards a plethora of challenges, able to trigger cellular repair or death. The possible involvement of Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone and its agonistic and antagonistic analogs in those events, may deliver exciting possibilities in the treatment of human disease, including the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.

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