Πέμπτη 2 Ιανουαρίου 2020

Newborn hearing screening programme

Parents' satisfaction with a trial of a newborn hearing screening programme in Jordan.:

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Parents' satisfaction with a trial of a newborn hearing screening programme in Jordan.

Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2019 Dec 24;130:109845

Authors: Zaitoun M, Nuseir A


OBJECTIVE: This study examines parents' satisfaction level toward a trial of a newborn hearing screening programme (NHSP) that was applied in King Abdullah II University Hospital (KAUH) in Jordan over one year. This is the first study that investigated parents' satisfaction toward a hearing screening programme in the Arab countries, and the results will improve any future screening programmes in the Arabian region.

METHOD: The main tool for this study was a questionnaire that was translated and modified from the original version of the Parental Satisfaction with the Newborn Hearing Screening Programme (PSQ-NHSPs1). The questionnaire consisted of 19 items covering five main aspects of the NHSP. The parents' responses were not anonymously given where the parents whose children had undergone the hearing screening were contacted by phone using the data record of the hospital.

RESULTS: The majority of the parents were very satisfied with the programme overall and showed great support and appreciation for the effort in testing their babies and increasing their awareness. The satisfaction levels varied among the specific aspects of the programme. Good portion of the parents did not receive the brochure containing information about the screening, and almost half of them did not know the results of the hearing screening.

CONCLUSION: Parents were overall satisfied with neonatal hearing screening programme that was conducted at KAUH. However, parents were less satisfied with information related to the test procedure and results. Parents' responses in this study could be used to improve any future hearing screening program in Jordan or in the Arab countries.

PMID: 31887568 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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