Τρίτη 16 Ιουλίου 2019


Correction to: Anesthetic technique and cancer outcomes: a meta-analysis of total intravenous versus volatile anesthesia
There was an isolated error relating to the Oh et al. study (1) within our recurrence-free survival analysis. When the reported estimates for Oh et al. are corrected, the pooled hazard ratio (HR) is now 0.87; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.66 to 1.15; P=0.32.

Embolization of percutaneous closure device

The Pediatric Procedural Sedation Handbook

What do non-critical care residents actually learn during an intensive care unit rotation: time to find out!

Pediatric Anesthesia: A Problem-Based Learning Approach

Evaluation of the Dams TuLip-i™: a new airway device for flexible bronchoscopic intubation

Pseudo heparin resistance caused by elevated factor VIII in a critically ill patient

Canadian Pediatric Anesthesia Society statement on clear fluid fasting for elective pediatric anesthesia

Comparison of three techniques of face mask ventilation in children less than two years of age—a randomized crossover study

Representation of women on the editorial board of the Canadian Journal of Anesthesia : a retrospective analysis from 1954 to 2018

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