Targeted impact of cyproterone acetate on the sexual reproduction of female rotifersAbstract
Monogonont rotifers constitute, depending on the moment of the year, most of the zooplankton in many freshwater ecosystems. Sexual reproduction is essential in the development cycle of these organisms as it enables them to constitute stocks of cysts which can withstand adverse environmental conditions and hatch when favorable conditions return. However, endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) can interfere with the reproduction of organisms. The present work aimed to investigate the effects of cyproterone acetate (CPA, anti-androgen and progestogen synthetic steroid) at 0.5 mg L−1, on the sexual reproduction of Brachionus calyciflorus in a cross-mating experiment. Results show no impact on mixis whereas the fertilization rate and resting egg production were higher in females exposed to CPA (from embryogenesis to adult stage), regardless of the treatment applied to the males with which they were mating (i.e. males hatched from CPA-treated females or from control females). Moreover, neonate females which mothers has been exposed to 0.5 mg L−1 CPA had more oocytes in their germarium than control neonates. Our results suggest that the effects of CPA observed are not related to toxicity but rather are consistent with an endocrine disruption-related impact, probably through disturbance of the mate recognition protein (MRP) production and through interference with a steroid receptor. Moreover, the absence of effect on mixis rate indicates that mixis induction on the one hand and mating process and resting production on the other hand are not controlled by the same hormonal pathways.
Evaluation of the photosynthetic parameters, emission of volatile organic compounds and ultrastructure of common green leafy vegetables after exposure to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)Abstract
Understanding the effects of many essential non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) on plants is still limited, especially at environmentally realistic concentrations. This paper presents the influence of three of the most frequently used NSAIDs (diclofenac, ibuprofen, and naproxen) at environmentally realistic concentrations on the autochthonous green leafy vegetables: orache (Atriplex patula L.), spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). Our research was focused on the determination of the photosynthetic parameters, the emission rate of volatile organic compounds, and the evaluation of the ultrastructure of leaves of studied vegetables after exposure to abiotic stress induced by environmental pollutants, namely NSAIDs. The data obtained indicate a moderate reduction of foliage physiological activity as a response to the stress induced by NSAIDs to the selected green leafy vegetables. The increase of the 3-hexenal and monoterpene emission rates with increasing NSAIDs concentration could be used as a sensitive and a rapid indicator to assess the toxicity of the NSAIDs. Microscopic analysis showed that the green leafy vegetables were affected by the selected NSAIDs. In comparison to the controls, the green leafy vegetables treated with NSAIDs presented irregular growth of glandular trichomes on the surface of the adaxial side of the leaves, less stomata, cells with less cytoplasm, irregular cell walls and randomly distributed chloroplasts. Of the three NSAIDs investigated in this study, ibuprofen presented the highest influence. The results obtained in this study can be used to better estimate the impact of drugs on the environment and to improve awareness on the importance of the responsible use of drugs.
Effects of oil sands process water mixtures on the mayfly Hexagenia and field-collected aquatic macroinvertebrate communitiesAbstract
Extraction of Canada’s oil sands has created 1 billion m3 of tailings, which are stored in on-site tailings ponds. Due to limited storage capacity, the planned release of tailings into the surrounding environment may be required. This represents an environmental management challenge, as the tailings contain contaminants that are known toxins to aquatic communities. Of particular concern are naphthenic acids and their metallic counterparts, as they are the principal toxic components of tailings, are relatively soluble, and are persistent in aquatic environments. This study examines the acute toxicity of environmentally relevant 10:1 mixtures of two process water components: naphthenic acid and sodium naphthenate. We assess the effects of these simplified oil sands process water (OSPW) mixtures under planned and unplanned tailings release scenarios, using traditional and cutting-edge bioindicators for aquatic invertebrate taxa. We found that safe concentrations for mayflies and other aquatic macroinvertebrates were less than 1 mg/l, as no mayfly taxa survived repeated exposure to this dose in either the 48-h or 72-h acute toxicity test. In the 72-h test, no mayflies survived treatment levels greater than 0.5 mg sodium naphthenate/l. In the mesocosm study, even a 90% dilution of the OSPW mixture was not sufficient to protect sensitive macroinvertebrate communities. The results of this study highlight the potential environmental damage that will occur if OSPW is not carefully managed. This information will aid with the development of a management plan for oil sands tailings ponds, which will provide insight into the potential for process water release into the surrounding environment while conserving unique ecosystems downstream of development in the oil sands region.
Fungicide application increased copper-bioavailability and impaired nitrogen fixation through reduced root nodule formation on alfalfaAbstract
Copper-based fungicides have been used for a long time in viticulture and have accumulated in many vineyard soils. In this study, incrementing Cu(OH)2-based fungicide application from 0.05 to 5 g Cu kg−1 on two agricultural soils (an acidic sandy loam (L, pH 4.95) and an alkaline silt loam (D, pH 7.45)) resulted in 5 times more mobile Cu in the acidic soil. The most sensitive parameters of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) growing in these soils were the root nodule number, decreasing to 34% and 15% of the control at 0.1 g Cu kg−1 in soil L and at 1.5 g Cu kg−1 in soil D, respectively, as well as the nodule biomass, decreasing to 25% and 27% at 0.5 g Cu kg−1 in soil L and at 1.5 g Cu kg−1 in soil D, respectively. However, the enzymatic N2-fixation was not directly affected by Cu in spite of the presence of Cu in the meristem and the zone of effective N2-fixation, as illustrated by chemical imaging. The strongly different responses observed in the two tested soils reflect the higher buffering capacity of the alkaline silt loam and showed that Cu mitigation and remediation strategies should especially target vineyards with acidic, sandy soils.
Effect of organophosphorus pesticides in juveniles of Litopenaeus vannamei : alteration of glycogen, triglycerides, and proteinsAbstract
The presence of pesticides has recently been reported in shrimp farms adjacent to agricultural areas on the east coast of the Gulf of California. This study assessed the possible effect of organophosphorus pesticides in the coastal environment of Sinaloa, México, using the white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei as a bioindicator since their presence, abundance or behavior indicate some process or state of the system in which they live. Sublethal bioassays were performed on shrimps in intermolt state using commercial brands of organophosphorus pesticides, chlorpyrifos (0.0015 mg l−1), diazinon (0.0120 mg l−1), methamidophos (1.207 mg l−1), azinphos-methyl (0.0101 mg l−1), and methyl parathion (0.0075 mg l−1) were tested. Results showed reductions in glycogen, triglycerides, and total protein concentrations in shrimp muscle, except for the diazinon treatments, in which an increase in triglyceride level was detected. The observed alterations in the three cellular components were probably due to the metabolic compensation mechanism of the shrimp in reaction to the stress produced by organophosphorus pesticides, which act as endocrine disruptors. The establishment of continuous environmental monitoring programs of the coastal zone of Northwestern Mexico is strongly recommended.
First indication of deleterious impacts in white-seabream larvae ( Diplodus sargus ) survival and behaviour following acute venlafaxine exposureAbstract
Wastewater effluents are teeming with organisms, nutrients and chemical substances which water treatment processes fail to remove. Among these substances, pharmaceuticals such as antidepressants are a frequent occurrence, and have been reported to lead to severe effects in the physiology and behaviour of non-target marine species across taxa. Venlafaxine (VFX) is one of the most consistently prescribed substances for the treatment of human depressive disorders, acting as a serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. In the present study, the potential effects of this antidepressant on the survival and key behaviours (i.e. movement, aggression and foraging) of white seabream (Diplodus sargus) larvae were addressed. Larvae were submitted to an acute exposure of two different VFX treatments (low concentration, 10 µg L−1; and high concentration, 100 µg L−1) for a total of 48 h. Sampling took place after 24 and 48 h of exposure. Overall, results showed a significant effect of a two-day exposure to VFX in larvae of D. sargus. Survival was significantly reduced by exposure to a high concentration, but behavioural effects of antidepressant exposure were subtle: i.e. increased attack frequency and temporary modulation of capture success. Further research efforts should be directed towards evaluating the potential chronic effects of antidepressants in marine species, if we are to anticipate possible pressures on natural populations, and effectively advice policymakers towards the investment in new and more efficient methods of wastewater treatments.
Acute toxicity of the insecticide methyl parathion and its hydrolytic product p -nitrophenol to the native Australian cladoceran Daphnia carinataAbstract
The toxicity of an organophosphorus (OP) insecticide, methyl parathion (MP), and its hydrolysis product, p-nitrophenol (PNP), to the native Australian cladoceran species, Daphnia carinata, was assessed. Both MP and PNP were stable in cladoceran water during the test period. D. carinata was sensitive to both MP and PNP; however, the parent compound was more toxic than its metabolite. This is the first study that demonstrated the acute toxicity of MP and PNP towards an Australian daphnid species. The present investigation emphasizes the need for including the native taxa as non-target test organisms while evaluating the toxicity of environmental pollutants.
Involvement of glutamate receptors in regulating calcium influx in rice seedlings under Cr exposureAbstract
Glutamate receptors (GLRs) are ligand-gated Ca2+-permeable channels that govern and modulate the dynamic influx of cytosolic Ca2+ in plants. The present study investigated the interaction of OsGLR3 gene expression with subcellular Ca distribution in rice seedlings exposed to chromium (Cr) solution containing Cr(III) or Cr(VI). The results displayed that the accumulation of Ca was evaluated or higher in shoots compared to roots under Cr exposure, and a similar pattern of subcellular Ca distribution was observed between rice tissues exposed to Cr(III) and Cr(VI). Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) analysis revealed that eight OsGLR3 isogenes were distinctly expressed in different rice tissues at different levels of Cr exposures. This differential expressions could possible be due to the uptake variations, subcellular distribution and chemical speciation of the two Cr species. Notably, distinct expression patterns of OsGLR3 genes were found between Cr(III) and Cr(VI) exposures, suggesting that different regulation strategies are used to mediate Ca influx in rice materials under different Cr exposures. These results demonstrated a full picture of Cr-induced transcriptional alterations in OsGLR3 expression levels in rice seedlings, and provided suggestive evidence for further investigation on specific OsGLR3 genes participated in the regulation of cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations under Cr exposure.
Lethal toxicity of the herbicides acetochlor, ametryn, glyphosate and metribuzin to tropical frog larvaeAbstract
Despite the high amphibian biodiversity and increasing pesticide use in tropical countries, knowledge on the sensitivity of tropical amphibians to pesticides remains limited. The aim of this study was to evaluate the acute toxicity of the active ingredients of four of the main herbicides used in Brazilian sugarcane production to tadpoles of two tropical frog species: Physalaemus cuvieri and Hypsiboas pardalis. The calculated 96 h-LC50 (median lethal concentration; in mg a.s./L) values for P. cuvieri and H. pardalis were 4.4 and 7.8 (acetochlor); 15 and <10 (ametryn); 115 and 106 (glyphosate); and 85 and 68 (metribuzin), respectively. These toxicity values demonstrated little interspecies variation and the toxicity of the herbicides appeared to be at least partly related with the respective octanol-water coefficient. Published acute toxicity data of fish and amphibians for herbicides were also compiled from the US-EPA ECOTOX database. These data indicated little difference in herbicide sensitivity between tropical amphibians and both non-tropical amphibians and fish. These findings indicate that temperate (fish and amphibian) herbicide toxicity data are also protective for tropical amphibians. Constraints in such extrapolations and indications for future research are discussed.
Study on the accumulation characteristics and conduction trend of water environment risk from Taizihe River Basin, ChinaAbstract
The accumulation and conduction of water environmental risks is of great significance to the ecological safety of river basins. To resist the outbreak of water environmental risk events, it is important to control the risk during its production and conduction phases and cut the chain of risk conduction. Currently, there are rarely reports on the research of water environment risk conduction in river basins. In order to reveal the risk accumulation characteristics and conduction trend of water environment from Taizihe River Basin, this study tried to calculate the risk level coefficient, the comprehensive risk index, the probability and intensity of the risk conduction based on the risk energy theory, and reveal the risk conduction trend in the region. The results showed that the risk sources in the study area mainly include mining, petrochemicals, metallurgical industries and equipment manufacturing industries, and habitats were waters, cultivated land, forest land, grasslands and urban land. There were one region (R4) in the slight risk area, one region (R6) in the low risk area, two regions (R3 and R5) in the medium risk area, one region (R7) in the high risk area, and two regions in the very high risk area (R1 and R2). The upper reaches of the Taizihe River was the main risk accumulation area, and the middle and lower reaches were the main risk conduction release areas. The most important contributors to the risk were TN and NH3-N. The excess of nitrogen elements constituted the main risk source of node water quality. The highest risk during the wet and dry season occurred in the downstream section, and Tangmazhai, Xiaojiemiao, Sanchahe and Guchengzi all showed higher comprehensive risk values. This study breaks the previous idea of simple risk assessment, and observes the risk-shifting direction, which provides a theoretical and methodological support for watershed environmental risk research.
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
Κυριακή 21 Ιουλίου 2019
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
2:27 π.μ.

Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
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