Κυριακή 28 Ιουλίου 2019

Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 437: Multi-Channel Regression Inversion Method for Passive Remote Sensing of Ice Water Path in the Terahertz Band
Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 437: Multi-Channel Regression Inversion Method for Passive Remote Sensing of Ice Water Path in the Terahertz Band Atmosphere doi: 10.3390/atmos10080437 Authors: Chensi Weng Lei Liu Taichang Gao Shuai Hu Shulei Li Fangli Dou Jian Shang Retrieval of ice cloud properties using passive terahertz wave radiometer from space has gained increasing attention currently. A multi-channel regression inversion method for passive remote sensing of ice water...
Sun Jul 28, 2019 03:00
Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 436: Observed Trends in Thermal Stress at European Cities with Different Background Climates
Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 436: Observed Trends in Thermal Stress at European Cities with Different Background Climates Atmosphere doi: 10.3390/atmos10080436 Authors: Dimitra Founda Fragiskos Pierros George Katavoutas Iphigenia Keramitsoglou Intensification of extreme temperatures combined with other socioeconomic factors may exacerbate human thermal risk. The disastrous impacts of extreme weather during the last two decades demonstrated the increased vulnerability of populations...
Sat Jul 27, 2019 03:00
Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 434: Monitoring Tropospheric Gases with Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) during the Second CLOUDMAP Flight Campaign
Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 434: Monitoring Tropospheric Gases with Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) during the Second CLOUDMAP Flight Campaign Atmosphere doi: 10.3390/atmos10080434 Authors: Travis J. Schuyler Sean C. C. Bailey Marcelo I. Guzman Small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS) are a promising technology for atmospheric monitoring of trace atmospheric gases. While sUAS can be navigated to provide information with higher spatiotemporal resolution than tethered balloons, they...
Sat Jul 27, 2019 03:00
Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 435: Decarbonizing Space and Water Heating in Temperate Climates: The Case for Electrification
Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 435: Decarbonizing Space and Water Heating in Temperate Climates: The Case for Electrification Atmosphere doi: 10.3390/atmos10080435 Authors: Imran Sheikh Duncan Callaway In order to meet ambitious carbon reduction goals, direct combustion of fossil fuels in homes will need to largely cease. The largest portion of this reduction will likely come from energy efficiency, but efficiency alone will not be sufficient. In this paper we look specifically at California...
Sat Jul 27, 2019 03:00
Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 433: Simulating Arctic Ice Clouds during Spring Using an Advanced Ice Cloud Microphysics in the WRF Model
Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 433: Simulating Arctic Ice Clouds during Spring Using an Advanced Ice Cloud Microphysics in the WRF Model Atmosphere doi: 10.3390/atmos10080433 Authors: Setigui Aboubacar KEITA Eric GIRARD Jean-Christophe RAUT Jacques PELON Jean-Pierre BLANCHET Olivier LEMOINE Tatsuo ONISHI Two Types of Ice Clouds (TICs) have been characterized in the Arctic during the polar night and early spring. TIC-1 are composed by non-precipitating small ice crystals...
Fri Jul 26, 2019 03:00
Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 432: Does the IOD Independently Influence Seasonal Monsoon Patterns in Northern Ethiopia?
Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 432: Does the IOD Independently Influence Seasonal Monsoon Patterns in Northern Ethiopia? Atmosphere doi: 10.3390/atmos10080432 Authors: Daniel Gebregiorgis David Rayner Hans W. Linderholm The dominant large-scale interannual modes in the tropical Pacific and Indian Oceans—El Niño southern oscillation (ENSO) and the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD)—dominate seasonal rainfall patterns in Ethiopia. However, there is a clear interaction...
Fri Jul 26, 2019 03:00
Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 431: Evaluation of the Sea-Ice Simulation in the Upgraded Version of the Coupled Regional Atmosphere-Ocean- Sea Ice Model HIRHAM–NAOSIM 2.0
Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 431: Evaluation of the Sea-Ice Simulation in the Upgraded Version of the Coupled Regional Atmosphere-Ocean- Sea Ice Model HIRHAM–NAOSIM 2.0 Atmosphere doi: 10.3390/atmos10080431 Authors: Wolfgang Dorn Annette Rinke Cornelia Köberle Klaus Dethloff Rüdiger Gerdes The sea-ice climatology and sea-ice trends and variability are evaluated in simulations with the new version of the coupled Arctic atmosphere-ocean-sea ice model HIRHAM–NAOSIM 2.0....
Fri Jul 26, 2019 03:00
Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 430: Simulating Canadian Arctic Climate at Convection-Permitting Resolution
Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 430: Simulating Canadian Arctic Climate at Convection-Permitting Resolution Atmosphere doi: 10.3390/atmos10080430 Authors: Gulilat Tefera Diro Laxmi Sushama Inadequate representation and parameterization of sub-grid scale features and processes are one of the main sources for uncertainties in regional climate change projections, particularly for the Arctic regions where the climate change signal is amplified. Increasing model resolution to a couple of kilometers...
Fri Jul 26, 2019 03:00
Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 429: Simulations of Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillation Using Climate Forecast System Version 2: Insight for Horizontal Resolution and Moist Processes Parameterization
Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 429: Simulations of Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillation Using Climate Forecast System Version 2: Insight for Horizontal Resolution and Moist Processes Parameterization Atmosphere doi: 10.3390/atmos10080429 Authors: Snehlata Tirkey P. Mukhopadhyay R. Phani Murali Krishna Ashish Dhakate Kiran Salunke In the present study, we analyze the Climate Forecast System version 2 (CFSv2) model in three resolutions, T62, T126, and T382. We evaluated the performance...
Fri Jul 26, 2019 03:00

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