Τετάρτη 17 Ιουλίου 2019

Medical Applications of Rose Bengal‐ and Riboflavin‐Photosensitized Protein Crosslinking
Robert W. Redmond, Irene E. Kochevar
Version of Record online: 10 July 2019
Research on the many potential surgical applications of photosensitized crosslinking of tissue proteins and on the underlying photochemical mechanisms is reviewed. Largely used to close wounds or reattach tissues, protein photocrosslinking stiffens and strengthens tissues, decreases inflammatory responses and facilitates tissue bioengineering. Covalent crosslinks within and between collagen molecules in tissue are formed by an oxygen‐dependent mechanism. Surgical applications include sealing wounds in skin, cornea and bowel; reattaching severed nerves, blood vessels and tendons; strengthening cornea and veins; reducing capsular contracture after breast implants; and regenerating joint cartilage.

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