Κυριακή 28 Ιουλίου 2019

Resources, Vol. 8, Pages 133: Effect of Recycled Plastic Granules as a Partial Substitute for Natural Resource Sand on the Durability of SCC
Resources, Vol. 8, Pages 133: Effect of Recycled Plastic Granules as a Partial Substitute for Natural Resource Sand on the Durability of SCC Resources doi: 10.3390/resources8030133 Authors: Bala Rama Krishna Chunchu Jagadeesh Putta This investigation is focused on durability studies of binary blended self-compacting concrete (SCC) with the replacement effect of electronic plastic waste, namely high-impact polystyrene (HIPS) granules as partial sand. In the current investigation, for...
Sat Jul 27, 2019 03:00
Resources, Vol. 8, Pages 134: Groundwater Flow Model and Statistical Comparisons Used in Sustainability of Aquifers in Arid Regions
Resources, Vol. 8, Pages 134: Groundwater Flow Model and Statistical Comparisons Used in Sustainability of Aquifers in Arid Regions Resources doi: 10.3390/resources8030134 Authors: Javier Alexis Trasviña-Carrillo Jobst Wurl Miguel Angel Imaz-Lamadrid Groundwater provides the most important of the water resources used in the maintenance of communities in arid and semi-arid regions. In these areas, the usage of deep wells with motorized pumps in combination with the lack of effective...
Sat Jul 27, 2019 03:00
Resources, Vol. 8, Pages 132: Characterizing the Urban Mine–Challenges of Simplified Chemical Analysis of Anthropogenic Mineral Residues
Resources, Vol. 8, Pages 132: Characterizing the Urban Mine–Challenges of Simplified Chemical Analysis of Anthropogenic Mineral Residues Resources doi: 10.3390/resources8030132 Authors: Mählitz Løvik Figi Schreiner Kuntz Korf Rösslein Wäger Rotter Anthropogenic mineral residues are characterized by their material complexity and heterogeneity, which pose challenges to the chemical analysis of multiple elements. However, creating an urban mine knowledge...
Fri Jul 26, 2019 03:00
Resources, Vol. 8, Pages 131: Devil Landforms as Resources for Geotourism Development: An Example from Southern Apulia (Italy)
Resources, Vol. 8, Pages 131: Devil Landforms as Resources for Geotourism Development: An Example from Southern Apulia (Italy) Resources doi: 10.3390/resources8030131 Authors: Paolo Sansò The landscape of Murge Tarantine limestone ridge (southern Apulia, Italy) is marked by the presence of an isolated relief showing a singular shape and name, the Monte del Diavolo (i.e., the Devil’s Mount). The Monte del Diavolo is located in a very interesting area from a geological point...
Fri Jul 26, 2019 03:00

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