Δευτέρα 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

XRCC1‐mediated DNA repair is associated with progression‐free survival of multiple myeloma patients after autologous stem cell transplant
Abstract Autologous stem cell transplant (ASCT) with high‐dose melphalan (HDM) is the standard treatment for fit multiple myeloma (MM) patients. It is generally believed that some DNA repair proteins impact the activity to repair melphalan‐induced DNA damage, thus potentially contributing to the patient's clinical response. However, knowledge of these proteins is limited. In the current study, we investigated the roles of XRCC1, a protein involved in base excision repair and single‐strand break...
Molecular Carcinogenesis
lncRNA CCAT1 is a biomarker for the proliferation and drug resistance of esophageal cancer via the miR‐143/PLK1/BUBR1 axis
Recent evidence indicates that long noncoding RNA colon cancer‐associated transcript‐1 (lncRNA CCAT1) is abundantly expressed in esophageal cancer and is closely related to the occurrence, development, invasion, metastasis, and drug resistance of this disease. However, the role and molecular mechanisms of CCAT1 in the cell proliferation and chemoresistance of esophageal cancer are largely unknown. The correlation between CCAT1 expression and drug resistance to cisplatin (CDDP) in esophageal squamous...
Molecular Carcinogenesis
School-aged Children Who Are Not Progressing Academically: Considerations for Pediatricians
Pediatricians and other pediatric primary care providers may be consulted when families have concerns that their child is not making expected progress in school. Pediatricians care not only for an increasingly diverse population of children who may have behavioral, psychological, and learning difficulties but also for increasing numbers of children with complex and chronic medical problems that can affect the development of the central nervous system and can present with learning and academic concerns....
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Considering Approaches to Screening for Social Determinants of Health
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Women in Pediatrics: Progress, Barriers, and Opportunities for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Despite progress to date, resolution of gender equity will require data, abstract metrics, strategic interventions, tracking, and reporting in a climate of transparency and accountability.
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Screening Children for Social Determinants of Health: A Systematic Review
In this systematic review, we catalog SDOH screening tools used among children and evaluate how the tools detect early indicators of risk and inform care.
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How to Fix the Gender Disparity in Pediatrics
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Chinese nonmedicinal herbal diet and risk of nasopharyngeal carcinoma: A population‐based case‐control study
Background An association between a nonmedicinal herbal diet and nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) has often been hypothesized but never thoroughly investigated. Methods This study enrolled a total of 2469 patients with incident NPC and 2559 population controls from parts of Guangdong and Guangxi Provinces in southern China between 2010 and 2014. Questionnaire information was collected on the intake of traditional herbal tea and herbal soup as well as the specific herbal plants used in soups...
The clinical conundrum of managing 5‐fluorouracil–induced vasospasm in colorectal carcinoma
Implementation of TeleCare for New Hearing Aid Users with Mild Dementia
This course reports on research which has studied the feasibility of using hearing-aid-assisted TeleCare for follow-up assistance for new hearing aid users who have mild cognitive impairment.
HER2 assessment by bright‐field dual in situ hybridization in cell blocks of recurrent and metastatic breast carcinoma
Background Breast cancer recurrences or metastases often are diagnosed using cytology material. Cell blocks (CBs) with adequate cellularity are crucial for the determination of accurate hormonal and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) status and to guide treatment. In the current study, the authors evaluated the concordance of HER2 status between bright‐field dual in situ hybridization (DISH), fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and HER2 immunohistochemistry (IHC) performed on...
Cancer Cytopathology
Streamlining workflows and redesigning job roles in the theatre sterile surgical unit
The theatre sterile surgical unit (TSSU) is an essential core to support the operating theatres in National University Hospital. Surgical instruments and supplies are processed, packaged and sterilised safe for surgical procedures. A rapid improvement event adopting lean methodology was conducted with the TSSU team to streamline the workflows in this area. The project aimed to identify TSSU work processes that can be streamlined or automated, improving timeliness while identifying potential for...
BMJ QIR Current Issue

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