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Δευτέρα 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Modality-general representations of valences perceived from visual and auditory modalities
Publication date: December 2019Source: NeuroImage, Volume 203Author(s): Jin Gu, Linjing Cao, Baolin LiuAbstractValence is a dimension of emotion and can be either positive, negative, or neutral. Valences can be expressed through the visual and auditory modalities, and the valences of each modality can be conveyed by different types of stimuli (face, body, voice or music). This study focused on the modality-general representations of valences, that is, valence information can be shared across not...
Short-interval intracortical inhibition in human primary motor cortex: A multi-locus transcranial magnetic stimulation study
Publication date: December 2019Source: NeuroImage, Volume 203Author(s): Jaakko O. Nieminen, Lari M. Koponen, Niko Mäkelä, Victor Hugo Souza, Matti Stenroos, Risto J. IlmoniemiAbstractShort-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI) has been studied with paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) by administering two pulses at a millisecond-scale interstimulus interval (ISI) to a single cortical target. It has, however, been difficult to study the interaction of nearby cortical targets with...
Semantic and perceptual priming activate partially overlapping brain networks as revealed by direct cortical recordings in humans
Publication date: December 2019Source: NeuroImage, Volume 203Author(s): Elvira Khachatryan, Benjamin Wittevrongel, Mansoureh Fahimi Hnazaee, Evelien Carrette, Ine Dauwe, Alfred Meurs, Paul Boon, Dirk van Roost, Marc M. Van HulleAbstractFacilitation of object processing in the brain due to a related context (priming) can be influenced by both semantic connections and perceptual similarity. It is thus important to discern these two when evaluating the spatio-temporal dynamics of primed object processing....
Improved statistical efficiency of simultaneous multi-slice fMRI by reconstruction with spatially adaptive temporal smoothing
Publication date: December 2019Source: NeuroImage, Volume 203Author(s): Mark Chiew, Karla L. MillerAbstractWe introduce an approach to reconstruction of simultaneous multi-slice (SMS)-fMRI data that improves statistical efficiency. The method incorporates regularization to adjust temporal smoothness in a spatially varying, encoding-dependent manner, reducing the g-factor noise amplification per temporal degree of freedom. This results in a net improvement in tSNR and GLM efficiency, where the efficiency...
Correction: Tumour-infiltrating CD8<sup>+</sup> lymphocytes and colorectal cancer recurrence by tumour and nodal stage
British Journal of Cancer, Published online: 23 September 2019; doi:10.1038/s41416-019-0590-7Correction: Tumour-infiltrating CD8+ lymphocytes and colorectal cancer recurrence by tumour and nodal stage
British Journal of Cancer - AOP
The PLASMIC Score May Be Useful in the Early Diagnosis of Complement-Mediated Thrombotic Microangiopathy via Early Exclusion of Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Complement-mediated thrombotic microangiopathy is a rare form of thrombotic microangiopathy but has high rates of mortality and morbidity. Effective treatment exists with eculizumab for this condition, but administration of treatment is often delayed because of overlapping symptoms with other causes of thrombotic microangiopathy. We present a case of a 78-year-old male who was eventually diagnosed with complement-mediated thrombotic microangiopathy. We also discuss the use of the PLASMIC scoring...
Case Reports in Medicine
68Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT parameters predict response to peptide receptor radionuclide therapy in neuroendocrine tumours.
Related Articles68Ga-DOTATATE PET/CT parameters predict response to peptide receptor radionuclide therapy in neuroendocrine tumours. Radiother Oncol. 2019 Sep 18;: Authors: Sharma R, Wang WM, Yusuf S, Evans J, Ramaswami R, Wernig F, Frilling A, Mauri F, Al-Nahhas A, Aboagye EO, Barwick TD Abstract PURPOSE: [177Lu]DOTATATE prolongs progression free survival (PFS) in metastatic neuroendocrine tumours (NETs). However, objective response rate is low. This,...
pubmed radiother oncol
Down-regulation of miR-204 attenuates endothelial-mesenchymal transition by enhancing autophagy in hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension.
Related ArticlesDown-regulation of miR-204 attenuates endothelial-mesenchymal transition by enhancing autophagy in hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension. Eur J Pharmacol. 2019 Sep 19;:172673 Authors: Liu T, Zou XZ, Huang N, Ge XY, Yao MZ, Liu H, Zhang Z, Hu CP Abstract Pulmonary arterial remodeling is a crucial cause of increased pulmonary artery pressure during pulmonary hypertension (PH). Recently, growing evidence has upheld the contribution of endothelial-mesenchymal...
pubmed: autophagy
AMP-activated protein kinase inhibits MPP+-induced oxidative stress and apoptotic death of SH-SY5Y cells through sequential stimulation of Akt and autophagy.
Related ArticlesAMP-activated protein kinase inhibits MPP+-induced oxidative stress and apoptotic death of SH-SY5Y cells through sequential stimulation of Akt and autophagy. Eur J Pharmacol. 2019 Sep 19;:172677 Authors: Jovanovic-Tucovic M, Harhaji-Trajkovic L, Dulovic M, Tovilovic-Kovacevic G, Zogovic N, Jeremic M, Mandic M, Kostic V, Trajkovic V, Markovic I Abstract We investigated the interplay between the intracellular energy sensor AMP-activated...
pubmed: autophagy
Iron dysregulation in vascular dementia: focused on the AMPK/autophagy pathway.
Related ArticlesIron dysregulation in vascular dementia: focused on the AMPK/autophagy pathway. Brain Res Bull. 2019 Sep 19;: Authors: Huo T, Jia Y, Yin C, Luo X, Zhao J, Wang Z, Lv P Abstract Recent researches suggested that iron dysregulation play an important role in the pathogenesis of vascular dementia (VD). Iron deposition had been found in hippocampus in vascular dementia model in recent research. Nevertheless, the underlying mechanisms of iron...
pubmed: autophagy
Enhancement of epithelial cell autophagy induced by sinensetin alleviates epithelial barrier dysfunction in colitis.
Related ArticlesEnhancement of epithelial cell autophagy induced by sinensetin alleviates epithelial barrier dysfunction in colitis. Pharmacol Res. 2019 Sep 19;:104461 Authors: Xiong YJ, Deng ZB, Liu JN, Qiu JJ, Guo L, Feng PP, Sui JR, Chen DP, Guo HS PMID: 31542404 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: autophagy
Mitophagy protects against acetaminophen-induced acute liver injury in mice through inhibiting NLRP3 inflammasome activation.
Related ArticlesMitophagy protects against acetaminophen-induced acute liver injury in mice through inhibiting NLRP3 inflammasome activation. Biochem Pharmacol. 2019 Sep 19;:113643 Authors: Shan S, Shen Z, Zhang C, Kou R, Xie K, Song F Abstract Mitochondrial dysfunction was considered as a critical event involved in acetaminophen (APAP)-induced acute liver injury. Mitophagy is a type of autophagy responsible for the selective removal of damaged mitochondria....
pubmed: autophagy
Neuronal Autophagy in Synaptic Functions and Psychiatric Disorders.
Related ArticlesNeuronal Autophagy in Synaptic Functions and Psychiatric Disorders. Biol Psychiatry. 2019 Jul 29;: Authors: Tomoda T, Yang K, Sawa A Abstract Homeostatic maintenance of physiological functions is fundamental to organismal well-being. Disruption or imbalance in homeostasis results in functional disturbances at molecular, cellular, and tissue levels, leading to manifestation as physical and mental illnesses. Homeostatic imbalance is caused...
pubmed: autophagy
Leaders in Cardiovascular Research: Thomas Lüscher
Watch the interview here:youtu.be/tXWEP8sEDLo
Cardiovascular Research - current issue
Autophagy promotes longevity—except in the presence of ‘leaky’ mitochondria
Commentary on ‘Mitochondrial permeability uncouples elevated autophagy and lifespan extension’ by Zhou B. et al., Cell, 2019.
Cardiovascular Research - current issue
The Membership Committee of the ESC
Cardiovascular Research - current issue
Non-coding RNA in endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition
AbstractEndothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EndMT) is the process wherein endothelial cells lose their typical endothelial cell markers and functions and adopt a mesenchymal-like phenotype. EndMT is required for development of the cardiac valves, the pulmonary and dorsal aorta, and arterial maturation, but activation of the EndMT programme during adulthood is believed to contribute to several pathologies including organ fibrosis, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Non-coding RNAs, including microRNAs,...
Cardiovascular Research - current issue
Effect of Pooling Practices and Time Postpartum of Milk Donations on the Energy, Macronutrient, and Zinc Concentrations of Resultant Donor Human Milk Pools
To characterize the macronutrient, energy, and zinc composition of pasteurized donor human milk pools and evaluate how composition varies based on pooling practices and “time postpartum” (ie, elapsed time from parturition to expression date) of individual milk donations.
The Journal of Pediatrics
J. Intell., Vol. 7, Pages 22: The Impact of Situational Test Anxiety on Retest Effects in Cognitive Ability Testing: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach
J. Intell., Vol. 7, Pages 22: The Impact of Situational Test Anxiety on Retest Effects in Cognitive Ability Testing: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach Journal of Intelligence doi: 10.3390/jintelligence7040022 Authors: David Jendryczko Jana Scharfen Heinz Holling When a cognitive ability is assessed repeatedly, test scores and ability estimates are often observed to increase across test sessions. This phenomenon is known as the retest (or practice) effect. One explanation...
Journal of Intelligence
Primary Chordoma of the Nasopharynx: A Rare Case Report and Review of the Literatures
Primary chordoma of the nasopharynx is an extremely rare malignant tumor of notochordal origin in the extra-osseous axial skeleton. It presents as a soft tissue mass without involvement of the skull base bone (clivus) and may mimic other lesions of the nasopharynx. A 26-year-old male patient is presented with nasal obstruction and congestion for the last 3 years. Physical and radiological examination revealed a mass in the naso-oropharyngeal region. It was suspected to be a cystic mass or abscess...
Case Reports in Pathology
SMCHD1 mutation spectrum for facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy type 2 (FSHD2) and Bosma arhinia microphthalmia syndrome (BAMS) reveals disease-specific localisation of variants in the ATPase domain
BackgroundVariants in the Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes flexible Hinge Domain-containing protein 1 (SMCHD1) can cause facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy type 2 (FSHD2) and the unrelated Bosma arhinia microphthalmia syndrome (BAMS). In FSHD2, pathogenic variants are found anywhere in SMCHD1 while in BAMS, pathogenic variants are restricted to the extended ATPase domain. Irrespective of the phenotypic outcome, both FSHD2-associated and BAMS-associated SMCHD1 variants result in quantifiable...
Journal of Medical Genetics current issue
Resectable lung lesions malignancy assessment and cancer detection by ultra-deep sequencing of targeted gene mutations in plasma cell-free DNA
BackgroundEarly detection of lung cancer to allow curative treatment remains challenging. Cell-free circulating tumour (ct) DNA (ctDNA) analysis may aid in malignancy assessment and early cancer diagnosis of lung nodules found in screening imagery. MethodsThe multicentre clinical study enrolled 192 patients with operable occupying lung diseases. Plasma ctDNA, white cell count genomic DNA (gDNA) and tumour tissue gDNA of each patient were analysed by ultra-deep sequencing to an average of 35 000x...
Journal of Medical Genetics current issue
Loss-of-function mutations in SPEF2 cause multiple morphological abnormalities of the sperm flagella (MMAF)
BackgroundMultiple morphological abnormalities of the sperm flagella (MMAF) is a kind of severe teratozoospermia. Patients with the MMAF phenotype are infertile and present aberrant spermatozoa with absent, short, coiled, bent and/or irregular flagella. Mutations in several genes can explain approximately 30%–50% of MMAF cases and more genetic pathogenies need to be explored. SPEF2 was previously demonstrated to play an essential role in sperm tail development in mice and pig. Dysfunctional mutations...
Journal of Medical Genetics current issue
Prenatal ultrasound findings of rasopathies in a cohort of 424 fetuses: update on genetic testing in the NGS era
BackgroundThis study evaluates 6 years of prenatal rasopathy testing in the Netherlands, updates on previous data and gives recommendations for prenatal rasopathy testing. Methods424 fetal samples, sent in for prenatal rasopathy testing in 2011–2016, were collected. Cohort 1 included 231 samples that were sequenced for 1–5 rasopathy genes. Cohort 2 included 193 samples that were analysed with a 14-gene next generation sequencing (NGS) panel. For all mutation-positive samples in both cohorts, the...
Journal of Medical Genetics current issue
Promising member of the short interspersed nuclear elements (Alu elements): mechanisms and clinical applications in human cancers
Alu elements are one of most ubiquitous repetitive sequences in human genome, which were considered as the junk DNA in the past. Alu elements have been found to be associated with human diseases including cancers via events such as amplification, insertion, recombination or RNA editing, which provide a new perspective of oncogenesis at both DNA and RNA levels. Due to the prevalent distribution, Alu elements are widely used as target molecule of liquid biopsy. Alu-based cell-free DNA shows feasible...
Journal of Medical Genetics current issue
Genetic characteristics of retinitis pigmentosa in 1204 Japanese patients
BackgroundThe genetic profile of retinitis pigmentosa (RP) in East Asian populations has not been well characterised. Therefore, we conducted a large-scale sequencing study to investigate the genes and variants causing RP in a Japanese population. MethodsA total of 1209 Japanese patients diagnosed with typical RP were enrolled. We performed deep resequencing of 83 known causative genes of RP using next-generation sequencing. We defined pathogenic variants as those that were putatively deleterious...
Journal of Medical Genetics current issue
New insights into 5{alpha}-reductase type 2 deficiency based on a multi-centre study: regional distribution and genotype-phenotype profiling of SRD5A2 in 190 Chinese patients
BackgroundThe 5α-reductase type 2 (5α-RD2) deficiency caused by mutations in the steroid 5α-reductase 2 (SRD5A2) gene results in variable degrees of undervirilisation in patients with 46,XY disorders of sex development. This study aims to profile the regional distribution and phenotype–genotype characteristics of SRD5A2 in a large Chinese 5α-RD2 deficiency cohort through multi-centre analysis. Methods190 subjects diagnosed with 5α-RD2 deficiency were consecutively enrolled from eight medical centres...
Journal of Medical Genetics current issue
TNFRSF21 mutations cause high myopia
BackgroundHigh myopia (HM) is one of the leading causes of vision impairment worldwide, accompanied by a series of pathological ocular complications. Studies have shown that genetic factors play an important role in the pathogenesis of HM. The aim of our study is to identify a candidate gene for a large family with non-syndromic HM. MethodsA large Chinese family, including 12 patients with non-syndromic HM, and 220 unrelated patients with HM, were recruited from the Department of Ophthalmology,...
Journal of Medical Genetics current issue
Estimating the effect size of the 15Q11.2 BP1-BP2 deletion and its contribution to neurodevelopmental symptoms: recommendations for practice
BackgroundThe 15q11.2 deletion is frequently identified in the neurodevelopmental clinic. Case–control studies have associated the 15q11.2 deletion with neurodevelopmental disorders, and clinical case series have attempted to delineate a microdeletion syndrome with considerable phenotypic variability. The literature on this deletion is extensive and confusing, which is a challenge for genetic counselling. The aim of this study was to estimate the effect size of the 15q11.2 deletion and quantify its...
Journal of Medical Genetics current issue
Necrotic papulovesicular lesions mainly on sun‐exposed areas
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology
Putting Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter Infections Into Perspective
Peritoneal dialysis (PD) really became a choice for kidney failure management when a semipermanent access to the peritoneum was developed. Before the development of such a catheter, access was achieved by placing a temporary peritoneal catheter at the bedside, after which the patient would be dialyzed, often for 20 hours using 1dwell per hour, always in the supine position. Then the temporary catheter would be removed until the next treatment cycle. The disadvantages of this approach are obvious.
American Journal of Kidney Diseases
Catheter Type, Placement, and Insertion Techniques for Preventing Catheter-Related Infections in Maintenance Peritoneal Dialysis Patients: Summary of a Cochrane Review
Catheter-related infections, including peritonitis and exit-site/tunnel infections, can lead to technique failure or even mortality in patients treated with peritoneal dialysis (PD).1 Strategies to prevent these adverse infectious events from occurring in the earliest stages of the PD journey, including use of alternative catheter implantation techniques2 or catheter designs,3,4 have been explored in a number of studies.5,6
American Journal of Kidney Diseases
California air resources board forest carbon protocol invalidates offsets
The commercial asset value of sequestered forest carbon is based on protocols employed globally; however, their scientific basis has not been validated. We review and analyze commercial forest carbon protocols, claimed to have reduced net greenhouse gas emissions, issued by the California Air Resources Board and validated by the Climate Action Reserve (CARB-CAR). CARB-CAR forest carbon offsets, based on forest mensuration and model simulation, are compared to a global database of directly measured...
PeerJ Computer Science
Paenibacillus strains with nitrogen fixation and multiple beneficial properties for promoting plant growth
Paenibacillus is a large genus of Gram-positive, facultative anaerobic, endospore-forming bacteria. The genus Paenibacillus currently comprises more than 150 named species, approximately 20 of which have nitrogen-fixation ability. The N2-fixing Paenibacillus strains have potential uses as a bacterial fertilizer in agriculture. In this study, 179 bacterial strains were isolated by using nitrogen-free medium after heating at 85 °C for 10 min from 69 soil samples collected from different plant rhizospheres...
PeerJ Computer Science
Evaluation of the effects of the green nanoparticles zinc oxide on monosodium glutamate-induced toxicity in the brain of rats
Background Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is used extensively as a food additive in the diets of many countries around the world. Aim of the study Our aim was to determine the effects of green zinc oxide nanoparticles on MSG-induced oxidative damage, neurotransmitter changes, and histopathological alternation in the cerebral cortexes of rats. Methods MSG was...
PeerJ Computer Science
Effect of radiotherapy on the gut microbiome in pediatric cancer patients: a pilot study
The incidence of pediatric cancer is lower than that of adult cancer worldwide. However, the former has detrimental side effects on the health of individuals, even after the cancer is cured, due to the impact of treatment on development. Recently, correlations have been made between the gut microbiome and cancer in several studies but only on adult participants. There is always a complication of dealing with pediatric cancer treatment protocols because they usually include a combination of chemotherapy,...
PeerJ Computer Science
Chemical profile and pancreatic lipase inhibitory activity of Sinobambusa tootsik (Sieb.) Makino leaves
Background Sinobambusa tootsik (Sieb.) Makino (S. tootsik) is one species of bamboo distributed in China, Japan and Vietnam. The chemical profile of its leaves and its potential application was unknown yet. Methods The chemical profile of S. tootsik was studied by HPLC and UPLC-DAD-QTOF-MS. The S. tootsik extract was prepared by extraction with 50% aqueous ethanol, followed by H103 macroporous resins adsorption and desorption...
PeerJ Computer Science
Photochemical Rearrangements in Heterocyclic Chemistry
Heterocyclic compounds play an important role in many domains of chemistry. They are important structure elements in bioactive compounds. Photochemical reactions enable transformations of such compounds in a very convenient way. In many cases no chemical reagent is used. Members of one compound family can be transformed into members of another one. Three important types of photochemical rearrangements with heterocyclic compounds are discussed: Photochemical heteroatom isomerization involving heteroatoms...
European Journal of Organic Chemistry
Metal and solvent‐free synthesis of 2H‐pyrido[1,2‐a]pyrimidin‐2‐ones catalyzed by elemental sulfur
The efficiency of elemental sulfur for the synthesis of 2 H ‐pyrido[1,2‐ a ]pyrimidin‐2‐ones has been demonstrated. This strategy involves coupling of 2‐aminopyridines and β‐oxo esters under neat condition in the absence of external oxidant. The reaction does not require pre‐functionalization of the substrates, thus making it an alternate approach for the synthesis of 2 H ‐pyrido[1,2‐ a ]pyrimidin‐2‐ones. The reaction was tolerant to several substituted 2‐aminopyridines and β‐oxo esters.
European Journal of Organic Chemistry

Aminocatalytic Enantioselective 1, 6‐Addition of (Nitromethyl)benzenes to α, β, γ, δ‐Cyclic Dienones
An excellent regio‐, and enantioselective 1, 6‐addition of (nitromethyl)benzenes to α, β, γ, δ‐cyclic dienones via nitro‐ Michael reactions has been developed. With the application of cinchona‐based primary amine catalysts, various chiral ε‐nitro ketene compounds were obtained in moderate to high yields (up to 84%) with high to excellent enantioselectivities (up to >99% ee).
European Journal of Organic Chemistry

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