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Τετάρτη 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Generalization of extent analysis method for solving multicriteria decision making problems involving intuitionistic fuzzy numbers


Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is a widely used multicriteria decision making method. Chang’s extent analysis method (EAM) is appeared as a very popular fuzzy AHP approach. The aim of this paper is to generalize the EAM in intuitionistic fuzzy settings for effective modeling of imprecision and uncertainty inherent in nature. In this paper, special triangular intuitionistic fuzzy degree of possibility is defined for comparing two or more triangular intuitionistic fuzzy numbers (TIFNs) and some relevant theorems are introduced generating intuitionistic fuzzy numbers as weights of criteria or performance scores of alternatives. Based on TIFNs, a conversion scale for linguistic variables is proposed for generating a triangular intuitionistic fuzzy preference relation. The EAM is then generalized in intuitionistic fuzzy settings by proposing generalized intuitionistic fuzzy EAM using TIFNs and its arithmetic for deriving crisp priority vector from the triangular intuitionistic fuzzy preference relation. The advanced approach is validated through two numerical examples.

A comparative study on performance measurement of Indian public sector banks using AHP-TOPSIS and AHP-grey relational analysis


Banks are the financial intermediaries and important means for the advancement of economies. In the cutthroat competitions, the increase in market shares is a matter of concern for all. Banks are expected to increase their efficiency to boost competitive capacity, which also helps the Decision-maker to know about grey areas for development. Therefore, performance measurements of efficiency calculation, by using different methods are the concern for research across the world. This paper tries to use the combination of AHP, TOPSIS, and Grey Relational Analysis for efficiency calculation of different public sector banks in India and finally, results were compared. AHP is used to determine the weight criteria and Grey Relational Analysis and TOPSIS are used to rank the bank performances. The proposed method of this study used various inputs and outputs criteria which were taken from various banks annual reports. Descriptive statistics and correlation matrix were used to test the validity of the criteria. The findings reveal that banks which are considered as efficient are close to relative closeness to the ideal solution, expose an alternative ranking of the banks, present research also provides better insight to focus on the area of improvement in comparison to others banks. The Comparative result shows both models have the almost same interpretation. Little deviation in their ranks is due to methodological differences. The proposed research will provide a framework for further applications and both approaches will help decision maker of Indian Public sector banks to find optimal solutions to the complex problems by assessing various alternatives.

On the optimal control of loss probability and profit in a GI / C - BMSP /1/ N queueing system


This paper deals with a single server queueing system where the waiting space is limited. The server serves the customer in batches. The arrival process is considered to be renewal type and the services are considered to be correlated which has been presented by a continuous-time batch Markovian service process (C-BMSP). Distribution of the system length at pre-arrival instant of a customer and at an arbitrary-epoch have been determined for this queueing system. These probability distributions have been used for obtaining the blocking probability of an arbitrary customer, expected system-length, expected waiting time of an arbitrary customer in the system, and several other important performance measures. This model may find application in queueing systems involving inventory where delay in demand may lead to perishing of goods due to long wait in the system. Also, a profit function has been derived for such a queueing model to maximize the profit from the system for certain model parameters. Finally, assuming that the inter-arrival time follows phase-type distribution, a few numerical examples have been presented in the form of graphs and tables.

Optimization of software development life cycle process to minimize the delivered defect density


Many organizations utilize information technology to gain competitive advantage. As the need for software increased, the number of software companies and the competition among them also increased. The software organizations in countries like India can no longer survive based on cost advantage alone. The companies need to deliver defect-free software on time within the budgeted cost. This paper is a case study on minimizing the delivered defect density by optimally executing the various phases in software development life cycle process. The implementation of the study on four projects has shown that the delivered defect density can be minimized by executing the software development process with optimum settings suggested by the methodology. The project managers can also utilize the approach to achieve the goals set on other important output characteristics like productivity, schedule, etc.

On hidden Z -matrix and interior point algorithm


We propose an interior point method to compute solution of linear complementarity problem LCP (qA) given that A is a real square hidden Z-matrix (generalization of Z-matrix) and q is a real vector. The class of hidden Z-matrix is important in the context of mathematical programming and game theory. We study the solution aspects of linear complementarity problem with \(A \in\) hidden Z-matrix. We observe that our proposed algorithm can process LCP (qA) in polynomial time under some assumptions. Two numerical examples are illustrated to support our result.

Identification and prioritization of human resource strategies with employees’ creativity approach in administrative organizations using SWOT–ANP


Human resources management (HRM) helps the organization to assess organizational and environmental changes related to its activities at minimum costs. Moreover, HRM ensures unity and coherence to personnel activities. Therefore, nowadays, the human resources strategies are considered to be the main components of organizations to get improvement. It is imperative to consider the strategies, in order to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the management activities, and in order to develop the abilities of employees. In this regard, successful organizations are those organizations in which managers and employees, are always in a dynamic competition for innovation and creativity on the basis of their organization strategies, and also those organizations in with thinking among the forces have become a habit and a task. The present study tries to identify and prioritize the human resource strategies with an approach based on the creativity among the employees in administration of documents and properties registration departments. The analysis was conducted by the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats matrix. Then analytical network process multi-criteria decision making method is applied to prioritize the strategies. The strategy for the maintenance of human resources, based on the expanded creativity criterion, would be the first priority, along with its details.

Optimal time-dependent production policy under random time horizon


A production inventory model with linearly time dependent production rate to a certain period and then with constant production rate is developed in random time horizon under inflation and time value of money. It is assumed that time period i.e. business period is random and follows exponential distribution with known mean. Demand is linearly stock-dependent. With experience unit production cost decreases with cycles and a part of the set up cost decreases with time. Here also holding and set up costs are imprecise and the optimistic/pessimistic equivalent of fuzzy objective function is obtained by using possibility/necessity measure of fuzzy event. The model is formulated as a cost minimization problem for a production controlled inventory system and solved with the help of GRG (LINGO-14.0) technique(cf. Gabriel and Ragsdell in AMSE J Eng Ind 99:384–00, 1977). The results of the models are obtained for some numerical data and then presented in tabular forms. Some sensitivity analyses are presented for the expected total cost of a model with respect to demand, combined effect of inflation, the time value of money and mean value of time horizon distribution. In real-life the inventory parameters are uncertain. Here in general format, a production controlled inventory model is formulated with imprecise data and made crisp using fuzzy measures in both optimistic and pessimistic senses. It is shown numerically that cost in pessimistic sense is more than that in optimistic sense.

Modelling and analysis of healthcare inventory management systems


The core competency of the healthcare system is to provide treatment and care to the patient. The prime focus has always been towards appointing specialized physicians, well-trained nurses and medical staffs, well-established infrastructure with advanced medical equipment, and good quality pharmacy items. But, of late, the focus is driven towards management side of healthcare systems which include proper capacity planning, optimal resource allocation, and utilization, effective and efficient inventory management, accurate demand forecasting, proper scheduling, etc. and may be dealt with a number of operations research tools and techniques. In this paper, a Markov decision process inventory model is developed for a hospital pharmacy considering the information of bed occupancy in the hospital. One of the major findings of this research is the significant reduction in the inventory level and total inventory cost of pharmacy items when the demand for the items is considered to be correlated with the number of beds of each type occupied by the patients in the healthcare system. It is observed that around 53.8% of inventory cost is reduced when the bed occupancy state is acute care, 63.9% when it is rehabilitative care, and 55.4% when long-term care. This may help and support the healthcare managers in better functioning of the overall healthcare system.

Parametric analysis of a green electrical discharge machining process using DEMATEL and SIR methods


To achieve safer machining environment, and minimize emission of harmful and toxic substances during electrical discharge machining (EDM) process along with improvement in its performance, this paper emphasizes on identifying the best parametric combination of a green EDM process using superiority and inferiority ranking (SIR) method. Decision making trial and evaluation laboratory method is also employed to visualize the interrelationships between the responses of the said process while splitting them into cause and effect groups. In this process, peak current, pulse duration, dielectric level and flushing pressure are the input parameters, while process time, relative tool wear ratio, process energy, concentration of aerosol and dielectric consumption are considered as the responses. The optimal parametric combination as derived employing the SIR method is validated with the help of developed regression equations for each of the responses, which show that the adopted approach outperforms the other popular optimization techniques in obtaining the best mix of the green EDM process parameters for having improved machining performance and less hazardous effects on the environment.

Unified killing mechanism in a single server queue with renewal input


Queueing systems experienced in real-life situations are very often influenced by negative arrivals which are independent of service process and cause the elimination of jobs from the system. Such a scenario occurs in computer network and telecommunication systems where an attack by a malicious virus results in the removal of some or all data files from the system. Along this direction many authors have proposed various killing processes in the past. This paper unifies different killing mechanisms into the classical single server queue having infinite capacity, where arrival occurs as renewal process with exponential service time distribution. The system is assumed to be affected by negative customers as well as disasters. The model is investigated in steady-state in a very simple and elegant way by means of supplementary variable and difference equation technique. The distribution of system-content for the positive customers is derived in an explicit form at pre-arrival and random epochs. The influence of different parameters on the system performance are also examined.

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