Emotional Intelligence in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Nurses: Decreasing Moral Distress in End-of-Life Care and Laying a Foundation for Improved Outcomes: An Integrative Review End-of-life care in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is one of the most challenging practices for nurses. Negative emotions associated with moral distress often cause care to be incomplete or nurse disengagement. Emotional intelligence in nurses holds potential to address this issue, while improving patient outcomes. The purpose of this study was to critically appraise the evidence about emotional intelligence in nursing and to explore the relationship between emotional intelligence, moral distress in NICU nurses, end-of-life care, and other priority nurse and patient outcomes. A PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses)–structured integrative review was conducted, and CINAHL, Ovid, PubMed, and other databases were searched. Twelve studies were identified as relevant to this review after exclusion criteria were applied. Evidence supports the efficacy of emotional intelligence in bedside nurses as a method of improving key nurse and patient outcomes. Additionally, research suggests that emotional intelligence can be improved by training interventions. Clinical educators should integrate emotional intelligence concepts and strategies into staff training. Further research is recommended to validate previous findings in the NICU setting. Exploration of the relationship between emotional intelligence and moral distress in NICU nurses would provide a foundation for experimental designs to evaluate the effectiveness of emotional intelligence training interventions.
Kennedy Terminal Ulcers: A Scoping Review Kennedy terminal ulcers, a subset of pressure injuries, are associated with the dying process. This scoping review aimed to identify and map the published literature on Kennedy terminal ulcers in terms of its definition, prevalence, assessment, treatment, management, health care costs, and quality of life for patients in all health care settings. Using the Arksey and O’Malley scoping review framework, we systematically searched the Cochrane Library, CINAHL, EMBASE, MEDLINE, and ProQuest databases and 5 guideline repositories between 1983 and 2018. The following search terms were used: Kennedy ulcers, Kennedy terminal ulcers, terminal ulcer, skin failure, and Skin Changes at Life’s End. Data were extracted using a purposely developed data collection tool. Initial searches yielded 2997 sources, with 32 included in this review. Most Kennedy terminal ulcer literature was published by nurses in the United States. Kennedy terminal ulcer prevalence data are limited, with no validated assessment tools available. Kennedy terminal ulcers may be misclassified as pressure injuries, potentially resulting in financial penalties to the institution. This scoping review revealed significant knowledge and clinical practice gaps in patient assessment, management, and treatment of Kennedy terminal ulcers. Timely patient education may help them to make informed care and quality end-of-life decisions. Further research is needed to inform clinical practice to improve patient care.
Advance Care Planning in Rural Montana: Exploring the Nurse’s Role
It is recommended that advance care planning take place across the lifespan. Rural populations have a heightened risk for poor quality and high cost of end-of-life care. A doctoral project was completed to assess rural nurses’ knowledge, attitudes, and experiences with advance directives using the Knowledge, Attitudinal, and Experimental Surveys on Advance Directives. Descriptive statistics were used for analysis. Participants were nurses who practice in rural settings (N = 22). The average age was 46.4 years; all were white (n = 22), and the majority were baccalaureate prepared (n = 12). Practice settings were primarily in home care and hospice. Knowledge scores on advance directives were low (57%). Nurses felt confident in counseling and initiating discussions with patients and families. Less than one-half of the nurses reported they feel part of the advance care planning team. The majority reported advance directive resources and mentorship of younger nurses would be beneficial and indicated the need for additional education, training, knowledge, time, and support to better assist with advance care planning. Project results and recommendations were presented to the participating health care organization. Recommendations included workplace education, support, mentorship, resources, and education on cultural sensitivity using the rural nursing theory.
Improving Attitudes and Perceptions About End-of-Life Nursing on a Hospital-Based Palliative Care Unit
Nurses play an integral role in high-quality patient care. Thus, their skills in providing end-of-life care should be assessed and continually enhanced. Education intended to improve end-of-life skills must address the affective/emotional component of nursing care. Evidence demonstrates that emotional engagement and resilience among health care providers are correlated with improved quality outcomes and, conversely, that burnout and stress negatively affect patient safety. Addressing the emotional needs of health care providers is critical to improving quality throughout the health care system. An evidence-based workshop was implemented among direct care staff on a hospital-based palliative care unit, with the goal of fostering emotional engagement to improve staff perceptions and attitudes about caring for patients at or near the end of life. Although perceptions about quality of death were not affected by this intervention, there was a significant improvement in attitudes about end-of-life nursing care. Qualitative feedback also reflected appreciation for small group discussions and opportunities to debrief with peers away from the unit. This intervention reflected the value of emotional engagement in educational efforts to improve end-of-life nursing care.
Cytochrome P450 in Palliative Care and Hospice Kits
As hospice and palliative care populations shift from the majority having a primary cancer diagnosis to most with a noncancer diagnosis, clinicians are challenged with caring for chronically ill patients with multiple comorbidities. In addition to traditional pain and symptom management, patients’ comfort goals are frequently addressed by managing the underlying disease and comorbid conditions. As a result, many patients have extensive medication profiles. This raises the potential for drug-drug interactions at cytochrome P450 pathways that can interfere with anticipated drug response. Likewise, polypharmacy can be problematic when using palliative care order sets and hospice comfort kits to manage emergent symptoms or as the patient approaches death. This is further complicated when medications are administered before a pharmacist’s review for drug interactions. This article provides an overview of cytochrome P450 and uses an unfolding case study approach to explore interactions that may occur within a patient’s medication profile or in combination with medications commonly used by palliative care and hospice.
Meeting the Needs of People Who Identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer in Palliative Care Settings
The end-of-life needs of people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) are in many ways identical to those of non-LGBTQ people; however, for a variety of reasons, they are at risk of receiving suboptimal care, irrespective of whether they are being cared for at home or in a nursing home, hospital, or hospice. Although research on the needs of LGBTQ people at the end of life is sparse, drawing on what is available this article explores some of their unique concerns that practitioners should consider during their interactions.
Implementing the Serious Illness Care Program in Primary Care
Inadequate communication about serious illness care preferences affects patients, families, health care providers, and health care systems. Many patient and system barriers prevent comprehensive serious illness communication. The purpose of this evidence-based practice project was to provide a structure within a primary care clinic to facilitate conversations with seriously ill individuals about their care preferences that (a) was adaptable to clinic workflow, (b) improved providers’ perception of the care conversation experience, (c) improved documentation of care preferences, and (d) provided a comfortable and helpful experience. The Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice model and Serious Illness Care Program were used to address provider and system barriers to conversations about care preferences. Program interventions included training providers and staff; identifying patients at risk for high symptom burden and mortality; integrating system interventions; and evaluating outcomes. Providers completed training, after which a 5-week pilot practice change was conducted. Provider perceptions of conversations after implementation were positive. During the pilot, 3 serious illness care conversations were initiated with additional patients prepared for future conversations using an information sheet and introduction to the conversation.
Accuracy of the Surprise Question on an Inpatient Oncology Service: A Multidisciplinary Perspective
The surprise question (SQ), “Would you be surprised if your patient died within a year?”, has been studied in the cancer population as a prognostic prompt. Studies have almost exclusively directed the SQ to physicians, whereas perspectives of nurses remain underevaluated. We asked the SQ for patients admitted to an inpatient medical oncology service to medical oncology, palliative care, and hospital medicine teams and bedside nurses. We performed a 1-year retrospective chart review to identify how concordant various provider types were in their prognostic estimations and identified the missed opportunity rate (MOR) defined as the number of patients who died within a particular time frame but who the providers had predicted would be alive and may not have had a palliative approach. Oncologists had higher MORs for the 6-month and 1-year SQ when compared with hospital medicine providers. Bedside nurses were least concordant in their estimations of prognosis and had higher MORs for all time frames of the SQ. Missed opportunities might have significant implications for the end-of-life care for cancer patients, and continued research is needed to understand what influences provider prognostication and how this impacts palliative care utilization for patients with life-limiting disease. |
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