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Δευτέρα 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Response to letter about “Lack of an effective drug for abdominal aortic aneurysm”
Abstract We agree there was substantial heterogeneity in the design of the past abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) drug trials, particularly those testing antibiotics. While Yu et al. have focused on I2, it should be noted that this describes the dispersion of effect sizes and does not completely describe the heterogeneity between studies. The included antibiotic trials had many methodological variations, such as different sample sizes, durations of antibiotic administration and follow‐up protocols,...
Journal of Internal Medicine
Current management of Cushing's disease
Abstract Cushing's disease (CD) is caused by a pituitary tumor that secretes adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) autonomously, leading to excess cortisol secretion from the adrenal glands. The condition is associated with increased morbidity and mortality that can be mitigated by treatments that result in sustained endocrine remission. Transsphenoidal pituitary surgery (TSS) remains the mainstay of treatment for CD but requires considerable neurosurgical expertise and experience in order to optimize...
Journal of Internal Medicine
Minimally invasive mitral valve surgery is associated with a low rate of complications
Abstract Minimally invasive mitral valve surgery is generally performed through a right minithoracotomy, in contrast to the traditional full median sternotomy approach. Minimally invasive mitral valve surgery is performed with increasing frequency and by reducing surgical trauma several observational studies suggest potential benefits with decreased bleeding and postoperative pain, reduced incidence of sternal wound infections, reduced length of hospital stay and shortened recovery period...
Journal of Internal Medicine
Coffee intake protects against symptomatic gallstone disease in the general population: a Mendelian randomization study
Abstract Background and objectives Coffee intake is associated with low risk of symptomatic gallstone disease (GSD). We tested the hypothesis that high coffee intake causally protects against symptomatic GSD using a Mendelian randomization design. Methods First, we tested whether high coffee intake was associated with low risk of GSD in 104 493 individuals from the general population. Mean follow‐up was 8 years (range: <1–13 years). Secondly, we tested whether two genetic variants...
Journal of Internal Medicine
We know DAAs work, so now what? Simplifying models of care to enhance the hepatitis C cascade
Abstract Globally, some 71 million people are chronically infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV). Marginalised populations, particularly people who inject drugs (PWID), have low testing, linkage‐to‐care and treatment rates for HCV. Several models of care (MoCs) and service delivery interventions have the potential to improve outcomes across the HCV cascade of care, but much of the relevant research was carried out when interferon‐based treatment was the standard of care. Often it was not...
Journal of Internal Medicine
The role of diet in irritable bowel syndrome: implications for dietary advice
Abstract Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common functional gastrointestinal disorder that affects approximately 10% of the population. Diet triggers symptoms in the vast majority of individuals with IBS. In view of this, there has been a focus on the role of diet in IBS. The diets currently being headlined for IBS include (i) traditional dietary advice, (ii) the low fermentable oligo‐, di‐, mono‐ saccharides and polyols (FODMAPs) diet and (iii) the gluten‐free diet (GFD). Although...
Journal of Internal Medicine
How to handle hypertriglyceridaemia in acute pancreatitis ‐ Still a vote for conservatives?"
Abstract The observation of opalescent blood when drawing samples from a patient with suspect acute pancreatitis is not uncommon in the emergency room, and the confirmation of massive hypertriglyceridaemia by the laboratory generally initiates the surgeon on duty to take a rapid contact with the internist colleague. Hypertriglyceridaemia is present in about one of ten patients with acute pancreatitis, and can frequently be linked to excessive alcolhol intake, uncontrolled diabetes, pregnancy or...
Journal of Internal Medicine
Together for Health: An Initiative to Access Health Services for the Hispanic/Mexican Population Living in the United States
A disproportionately small percentage of the Hispanic/Mexican population in the United States has adequate access to health services, which decreases quality of life at both the individual and community levels. In addition, it increases risk for preventable diseases through insufficient screening and management. The Mexican Section of the U.S./Mexico Border Health Commission, in efforts to address barriers to accessing preventive health care services for vulnerable populations, launched the initiative...
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
Syria Profile of the Epidemiology and Management of Early Childhood Caries Before and During the Time of Crisis
Syria has witnessed the greatest humanitarian crisis of forcibly displaced population since World War II. The present review aimed to outline Syria's profile of the epidemiology and management of early childhood caries (ECC). Before the crisis, the burden of ECC amongst Syrian pre-schoolers had been growing in prevalence and severity. Comparable data showed an increase in the burden of ECC amongst Syrian children aged five years, rising from 74% in 1991 to 81% in 2011, with a dmft value of 8.6. A...
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
Prevalence and Treatment Needs for Early Childhood Caries Among 3–5-Year-Old Children From a Rural Community in Uganda
Introduction: Early Childhood caries (ECC) is the term used to describe dental caries in children aged 71 months and below. ECC causes a lot of pain and discomfort in the affected children and is expensive to treat. There is limited data on the prevalence of ECC in preschool children resident in the rural Uganda.Aim: To determine the prevalence and treatment needs for ECC among 3–5-year-old nursery school children in a rural community in Rukungiri District, Uganda.Study Design: This was a descriptive...
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
Associations Between Schemes of Social Insurance and Self-Rated Health Comparison: Evidence From the Employed Migrants in Urban China
Background: Little was known about the relationship between social insurance without health insurance and self-rated health comparison (SRHC). The present study aimed to investigate how social insurance schemes improved SRHC among employed migrants in urban China.Methods: The employed migrants aged 18 and above were selected from the 2009 Rural-Urban Migration in China project. Multiple probit regression models were adopted to identify the determinants of participation of social insurance. Multiple...
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
Uptake of Recommended Vaccines and Its Associated Factors Among Malaysian Pilgrims During Hajj and Umrah 2018
This study aimed to assess the uptake of recommended vaccines and to identify the factors associated with the vaccines' uptake among Malaysian Hajj and Umrah pilgrims. A cross-sectional survey among Malaysian Hajj and Umrah pilgrims in 2018. The uptake of the recommended vaccines was surveyed through an anonymous self-administered questionnaire to pilgrims attending a pre-departure Hajj/Umrah orientation course. Descriptive statistics were used for elaborating the demographic characteristics and...
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
A Contextual Nutrition Education Program Improves Nutrition Knowledge and Attitudes of South African Teachers and Learners
Background: Evaluating the impact of a nutrition education program could provide insight into the effectiveness of an intervention. Researchers tested the hypothesis that a theory-based contextual nutrition education program (NEP) would improve the nutrition knowledge, attitudes, and dietary practices (KAP) of teachers and learners.Methods: Twenty three teachers who taught nutrition in Grades 4–7 (treatment school, n = 12) and 681 learners (treatment school, n = 350) participated in the study. In...
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
Time Required to Create a Referral in Various Store-and-Forward Telemedicine Networks
Store and forward telemedicine is used routinely in health care, but there is little published information about how such telemedicine systems are used. For example, an important aspect of the system's usability is the length of time it takes to submit a referral. Referral-submission times were measured in networks based on the Collegium Telemedicus system. In a 25-week period in 2018/2019, eight Collegium networks received a total of 1,649 clinical or educational cases submitted via the web interface....
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
Factors Associated With HIV Infection in Zimbabwe Over a Decade From 2005 to 2015: An Interval-Censoring Survival Analysis Approach
Objectives: The main objective of this study was to compare results from two approaches for estimating the effect of different factors on the risk of HIV infection and determine the best fitting model.Study design: We performed secondary data analysis on cross-sectional data which was collected from the Zimbabwe Demographic Health Survey (ZDHS) from 2005 to 2015.Methods: Survey and cluster adjusted logistic regression was used to determine variables for use in survival analysis with HIV status as...
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
Corrigendum: Caseload and Case Fatality of Lassa Fever in Nigeria, 2001–2018: A Specialist Center's Experience and Its Implications
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
Parental Reflective Functioning in Mothers and Fathers of Children With ADHD: Issues Regarding Assessment and Implications for Intervention
Parental factors contribute to ADHD, partly in an etiological way and partly as moderators and mediators of child outcomes and treatment effects. An important aspect of parenting seems to be parental reflective functioning (PRF), defined as the parent's capacity to reflect upon his own and his child's internal mental experience. The studies on parenting factors linked to ADHD have not extensively investigated the role of PRF. Recent findings on interventions have begun to consider mentalization to...
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
A Discussion of the Use of Virtual Reality for Training Healthcare Practitioners to Recognize Child Protection Issues
Background: Virtual reality technology is a rapidly developing tool which has been shown to have exciting prospects in the field of medical education (1). In a recent, subsequent study, Pan et al. consider the potential of the same technology in the realm of child protection training and safeguarding issues (2). To build upon the Pan et al. (2) study, a panel discussion was held at The Centre for Behavior Change Annual Conference 2018 to discuss the question “Can a virtual reality communication scenario...
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
Cross-Sectional Associations of Neighborhood Perception, Physical Activity, and Sedentary Time in Community-Dwelling, Socioeconomically Diverse Adults
Background: Little is known about the role of perceived neighborhood environment as a determinant of physical activity (PA) and sedentary time (ST) in understanding obesity-related health behaviors. We focus on a biracial, socioeconomically diverse population using objectively measured ST, which is under-represented in the literature.Methods: We examined the association between self-reported neighborhood perception (Likert-scale questions), PA using the Baecke questionnaire, and both non-sedentary...
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
Telepathology in Low Resource African Settings
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
The Importance of Improving the Quality of Care Among HIV/AIDS Hospitalizations in Portugal
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
Analytical Study of Donor's Milk Bank Macronutrients by Infrared Spectroscopy. Correlations With Clinic-Metabolic Profile of 100 Donors
For its specific qualitative characteristics human donor milk (DM) is the main alternative to preterm infants nutrition and growing. How several studies suggest child's physical and mental development is influenced by breastfeeding that prevents the necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), and sepsis common in preterm newborns. Our research was conducted in NICU's Human Milk Bank (HMB) “Allattiamolavita.” Our study was based on macronutrients analysis (MA) of 100 DM samples...
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
Harmonization of Biosafety and Biosecurity Standards for High-Containment Facilities in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: An Approach From the Perspective of Occupational Safety and Health
Following the global-level Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak during 2014–2016, international collaboration with multiorganizational participation has rapidly increased. Given the greater priorities for research and development (R&D) outcomes despite the quantitative and qualitative lack of high-containment laboratory facilities in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where biological targets for investigation are located near their natural habitats, occupational readiness for health workers'...
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
Career Paths of Public Health Medicine Specialists in South Africa
Public health (PH) skills are core to building responsive and appropriate health systems, and PH personnel including medical specialists are embedded in many countries' health systems. In South Africa, the medical specialty in PH, Public Health Medicine (PHM), has existed for over 40 years. Four years of accredited training plus success in a single national exit exam allows specialist registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA). However, there are few posts designated...
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
Emergency Department Workload and Crowding During a Major Electronic Health Record Breakdown
Background: Emergency Departments (EDs) today rely heavily on Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and associated support systems. EHR updates are known to be associated with adverse events, but reports on the consequences of breakdowns in EDs are lacking.Objectives: To describe the effects on workload, occupancy, patient Length Of Stay (LOS), and admissions at three EDs (a regional trauma center, a community hospital and a rural community hospital) during a 96 h period of EHR downtime, of which 48 h...
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
The Association Between Mobile Game Addiction and Depression, Social Anxiety, and Loneliness
As a new type of addictive behaviors and distinct from traditional internet game addiction on desktop computers, mobile game addiction has attracted researchers' attention due to its possible negative effects on mental health issues. However, very few studies have particularly examined the relationship between mobile game addiction and mental health outcomes, due to a lack of specified instrument for measuring this new type of behavioral addiction. In this study, we examined the relationship between...
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
Hospitalized Children: Anxiety, Coping Strategies, and Pretend Play
The aim of this paper was to assess strengths and fragilities in children aged 6 to 10 who suffered one or more hospitalizations. State and trait anxiety, coping abilities, and cognitive and affective functioning through play were assessed using a triangulation approach. Fifty hospitalized children aged 6–10 were compared to 50 non-hospitalized children, and children at first admission were compared with children with more than one hospitalization experience. The State-Trait Anxiety Scales Inventory...
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
Prescription Opioids Are Associated With Population Mortality in US Deep South Middle-Age Non-hispanic Whites: An Ecological Time Series Study
Objective: The US Burden of Disease Collaborators reported that between 1990 and 2016, the top 10 states with increasing probability of death between the ages of 20 and 55 years were all in the South. A recent study of annual surveillance data found that increasing all-cause mortality rates were occurring in middle-age non-Hispanic whites. The vast proportion of all-cause mortality consists of medical causes, not external causes (i.e., overdose, mental illness, suicide, homicide, or motor vehicle...
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
Less Economically Developed Countries Need Help to Create Healthy Workplaces
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
Development and Evaluation of the Implementation of Guidelines for Healthier Canteens in Dutch Secondary Schools: Study Protocol of a Quasi-Experimental Trial
Introduction: To encourage healthier food/drink choices, the “Guidelines for Healthier Canteens” were developed by the Netherlands Nutrition Centre. This paper describes (1) how we developed a plan to support implementation of the “Guidelines for Healthier Canteens” in Dutch secondary schools, and (2) how we will evaluate this plan on process and effect level.Materials and Methods: The implementation plan (consisting of several tools) was developed in cooperation with stakeholders. Barriers/facilitators...
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
Tele-Ultrasound in Resource-Limited Settings: A Systematic Review
Background: Telemedicine, or healthcare delivery from a distance, has evolved over the past 50 years and helped alter health care delivery to patients around the globe. Its integration into numerous domains has permitted high quality care that transcends obstacles of geographic distance, lack of access to health care providers, and cost. Ultrasound is an effective diagnostic tool and its application within telemedicine (“tele-ultrasound”) has advanced substantially in recent years, particularly in...
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
Using Genomics to Track Global Antimicrobial Resistance
The recent advancements in rapid and affordable DNA sequencing technologies have revolutionized diagnostic microbiology and microbial surveillance. The availability of bioinformatics tools and online accessible databases has been a prerequisite for this. We conducted a scientific literature review and here we present a description of examples of available tools and databases for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) detection and provide future perspectives and recommendations. At least 47 freely accessible...
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
Testing the Duke Population Health Profile (Duke-PH) in a Sample of Community Health Center Patients
Introduction: Our purpose was to develop and test a brief, self-report, and scorable survey instrument for measuring population health profiles from the individual respondent's perspective. We defined population health as the state of physical, mental, and social well-being of a group of individuals, including determinants of their well-being.Materials and Methods: Respondents were adult patients in a community health center. Instrument items, an overall scale, and two subscales were developed and...
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
Health Implications of Diverse Visions of Urban Spaces: Bridging the Formal-Informal Divide
In the past 200 years, urban spaces have been imagined as neatly laid out, well-planned, sanitised and civilised places of dense human habitation with regulated economic activity, where political power, financial capital, the frontiers of knowledge and technology thrive. This has been the urban planners dream, even while it does not reflect the full reality, whether of cities in the LMICs or the HICs. In the face of such homogenising visions arising from Euro-American models, formal urban systems...
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
Groundwater Storage Trends and Their Link to Farmer Suicides in Maharashtra State, India
Threats posed by land degradation and desertification continue to destabilize India's agriculture productivity and food security. The enduring negative environmental consequences of the agricultural intensification that started during the 1960s have further contributed to the depletion of soil nutrients in farmlands through heavy input of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. More than half of India's population depends on farming. When crop productivity fails, the economically-depressed farmers are...
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
Microbial Community Profiling in Intensive Care Units Expose Limitations in Current Sanitary Standards
Hospital-associated infections (HAIs) are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in intensive care units (ICUs) and neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). Organisms causing these infections are often present on surfaces around the patient. Given that microbiota may vary across different ICUs, the HAI-related microbial signatures within these units remain underexplored. In this study, we use deep-sequencing analyses to explore and compare the structure of bacterial communities at inanimate surfaces...
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles
Does Level of Received Intervention Dose Have an Impact on the Effectiveness of the Social Norms Alcohol Prevention Program The GOOD Life?
Background: Few studies have assessed how social norms messages are perceived and understood by adolescents in secondary school. We examined whether the self-reported level of exposure, satisfaction and recall of a social norms intervention had an impact on the preventive effect of the intervention The GOOD Life. Furthermore, we explored which factors were associated with high recall of the intervention.Methods: Data from pupils aged 13–17 years enrolled in a cluster-randomized controlled trial with...
Frontiers in Public Health | New and Recent Articles

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