Κυριακή 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

We know DAAs work, so now what? Simplifying models of care to enhance the hepatitis C cascade
Abstract Globally, some 71 million people are chronically infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV). Marginalised populations, particularly people who inject drugs (PWID), have low testing, linkage‐to‐care and treatment rates for HCV. Several models of care (MoCs) and service delivery interventions have the potential to improve outcomes across the HCV cascade of care, but much of the relevant research was carried out when interferon‐based treatment was the standard of care. Often it was not...
Journal of Internal Medicine
Sat Aug 31, 2019 13:44
The role of diet in irritable bowel syndrome: implications for dietary advice
Abstract Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common functional gastrointestinal disorder that affects approximately 10% of the population. Diet triggers symptoms in the vast majority of individuals with IBS. In view of this, there has been a focus on the role of diet in IBS. The diets currently being headlined for IBS include (i) traditional dietary advice, (ii) the low fermentable oligo‐, di‐, mono‐ saccharides and polyols (FODMAPs) diet and (iii) the gluten‐free diet (GFD). Although...
Journal of Internal Medicine
Thu Aug 29, 2019 20:04
Investigation of the Transcriptional Role of a RUNX1 Intronic Silencer by CRISPR/Cas9 Ribonucleoprotein in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells
Direct delivery of preassembled Cas9/guide RNA ribonucleoprotein complexes is a fast and efficient means for genome editing in hematopoietic cells. Here, we utilize this approach to delete a RUNX1 intronic silencer and examine the transcriptional responses in OCI-AML3 leukemic cells.
JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments
Sun Sep 01, 2019 22:18
Cell Cycle-specific Measurement of γH2AX and Apoptosis After Genotoxic Stress by Flow Cytometry
The presented method combines the quantitative analysis of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), cell cycle distribution and apoptosis to enable cell cycle-specific evaluation of DSB induction and repair as well as the consequences of repair failure.
JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments
Sun Sep 01, 2019 21:18
Ex Vivo Method for Assessing the Mouse Reproductive Tract Spontaneous Motility and a MATLAB-based Uterus Motion Tracking Algorithm for Data Analysis
Uterine contractions are important for the well-being of females. However, pathologically increased contractility may result in dysmenorrhea, especially in younger females. Here, we describe a simple ex vivo preparation allowing quick assessment of the efficacy of smooth muscle relaxants that may be used for treating dysmenorrhea.
JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments
Sun Sep 01, 2019 20:19
Preparation and Characterization of Nanoliposomes for the Entrapment of Bioactive Hydrophilic Globular Proteins
This study describes classical hydration using the thin lipid film method for nanoliposome preparation followed by nanoparticle characterization. A 47 kDa-hydrophilic and globular protein, tarin, is successfully encapsulated as a strategy to improve stability, avoid fast clearance, and promote controlled release. The method can be adapted to hydrophobic molecules encapsulation.
JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments
Sat Aug 31, 2019 21:48
Generation of Neurospheres from Mixed Primary Hippocampal and Cortical Neurons Isolated from E14-E16 Sprague Dawley Rat Embryo
Presented here is a protocol for the spontaneous generation of neurospheres enriched in neural progenitor cells from high density plated neurons. During the same experiment, when neurons are plated at a lower density, the protocol also results in prolonged primary rat neuron cultures.
JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments
Sat Aug 31, 2019 20:48
Using Unidirectional Rotations to Improve Vestibular System Asymmetry in Patients with Vestibular Dysfunction
A new rehabilitation method is presented for rebalancing the vestibular system in patients with asymmetric responses, which consists of unidirectional rotations toward the weaker side. By directly modifying the vestibular pathway rather than enhancing the multisensory aspects of compensation, asymmetry can be normalized within 1-2 sessions and show lasting effects.
JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments
Fri Aug 30, 2019 22:55
Accurate Determination of the Equilibrium Surface Tension Values with Area Perturbation Tests
Two protocols for determining the equilibrium surface tension (EST) values using the emerging bubble method (EBM) and the spinning bubble method (SBM) are presented for a surfactant-containing aqueous phase against air.
JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments
Fri Aug 30, 2019 21:56
A Model of Self-limited Acute Lung Injury by Unilateral Intra-bronchial Acid Instillation
Selective intra-bronchial acid instillation to the left lung in mice results in unilateral and self-limited acute lung injury that models human acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) induced by gastric acid aspiration.
JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments
Fri Aug 30, 2019 21:56
A Double Humanized BLT-mice Model Featuring a Stable Human-Like Gut Microbiome and Human Immune System
We describe a novel method for generating double humanized BLT-mice that feature a functional human immune system and a stable engrafted human-like gut microbiome. This protocol can be followed without the need for germ-free mice or gnotobiotic facilities.
JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments
Fri Aug 30, 2019 20:57
Murine Model of Metastatic Liver Tumors in the Setting of Ischemia Reperfusion Injury
We describe in detail a clinically relevant colorectal cancer liver metastases (CRLM) tumor model and the influence of liver ischemia reperfusion (I/R) in tumor growth and metastasis. This model can help to better understand the mechanisms underlying surgery-induced promotion of liver metastatic growth.
JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments
Fri Aug 30, 2019 20:57
A Simple High Efficiency Protocol for Pancreatic Islet Isolation from Mice
This islet isolation protocol described a novel route of collagenase injection to digest the exocrine tissue and a simplified gradient procedure to purify the islets from mice. It involves enzymatic digestion, gradient separation/purification, and islet hand-picking. Successful isolation can yield 250–350 high quality and fully functional islets per mouse.
JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments
Fri Aug 30, 2019 19:57
Corrigendum to: “Does high-dose gestational folic acid increase the risk for autism? The birth order hypothesis” [Medical Hypotheses 132 (2019) 109350]
Publication date: December 2019Source: Medical Hypotheses, Volume 133Author(s): Gideon Koren, Sarah Moser-Sharman
ScienceDirect Publication: Medical Hypotheses
Fri Aug 30, 2019 17:14
Is selective protein adsorption on biomaterials a viable option to promote periodontal regeneration?
Publication date: Available online 30 August 2019Source: Medical HypothesesAuthor(s): Ludovica Parisi, Andrea Toffoli, Beatrice Mozzoni, Federico Rivara, Benedetta Ghezzi, Miriam Cutrera, Simone Lumetti, Guido M. MacalusoAbstractPeriodontitis is an inflammatory condition that can induce significant destruction of the periodontium, the set of specialized tissues that provide nourishment and support to the teeth. According to the guided tissue regeneration principles, the periodontium can be regenerated...
ScienceDirect Publication: Medical Hypotheses
Fri Aug 30, 2019 17:14
Hypothermia-Rewarming: A Double-edged Sword?
Publication date: Available online 30 August 2019Source: Medical HypothesesAuthor(s): Yi Hou, Yuanyuan Qiao, Ming Xiong, Dajin Zhang, Wei Rao, Chenghe ShiAbstractHypothermia is a condition in which the body's core temperature drops below 35.0 °C. Hypothermia is the opposite of hyperthermia, which the metabolism and body functions are abnormal. Severe hypothermia is a life-threatening problem that may cause atrial and ventricular dysrhythmias, coagulopathy, cardiac, and central nervous system depression....
ScienceDirect Publication: Medical Hypotheses
Fri Aug 30, 2019 17:14
Antibiotic Resistance Patterns of Diverse Escherichia coli Phylogenetic Groups Isolated from the Al-Hillah River in Babylon Province, Iraq
Surface water contamination remains a major worldwide public health concern and may contribute to the dissemination of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The Al-Hillah River in the city of Babylon Province, Iraq, diverts flows from the Euphrates River. Because of its importance in irrigation and population density, it faces several forced and unforced changes due to anthropogenic activities. To evaluate water quality, water samples were collected from three sites with different anthropogenic pressures...
The Scientific World Journal

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