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Δευτέρα 16 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Risk Indicators for Hearing Impairment in Neonates


To identify relation between prevalence of hearing impairment and risk factors at the time of birth in high risk neonates. A year-long study is performed at HBT Medical College and Dr. R. N. Cooper Municipal General Hospital, Vile Parle (west), Mumbai. The Study comprised of 478 high risk babies born between March 2016 and February 2017 and admitted in NICU of the hospital. Out of these 68 babies were either transferred to higher centre or took discharge against medical advice. A total of 410 babies completed the study. Additional 21 eligible babies died in NICU during the study. A Prospective Observational Study is used to analyse the findings of the study. Skew analysis of spread of prevalence across risk factors is used to establish higher prevalence of hearing impairment in high risk neonates. Cramer’s Moment Coefficient of Skewness and Corresponding Test Statistics are used for studying the skewness. Out of 410 babies screened during the study 5 babies were diagnosed with profound SNHL. The risk factors associated with babies is plotted against frequency of babies with Profound SNHL. The plot is found to be un-uniformly distributed and shows inclination towards higher prevalence with high risk babies. Sample skewness (G1) value − 0.81 indicates moderately negative skewed sample. This means the number of babies with profound SNHL found by 3 stage screening is moderately concentrated at high risk weightage.

Demography and Pattern of Tobacco Usage in Carcinoma of Upper Aerodigestive Tract


Upper aerodigestive tract (UADT) malignancies account for significant proportion of all malignancies. The aim of the study is to know the demography and patterns of tobacco consumption and the proportion of non-tobacco consumers in patients with UADT carcinoma. Patient diagnosed with primary UADT carcinoma visiting outpatient department in a tertiary centre from February 2009 to May 2011 were included in the study. 150 patients were documented with UADT carcinoma and analysed. Among these 133 were males and 17 were female. 40% of them had smoking, 25% had smokeless tobacco, 13% had both smoking and smokeless tobacco and 22% hadn’t had any form of tobacco. Carcinoma larynx is the most common site and glottis is the commonest subsite. Most individuals who developed UADT carcinoma have used tobacco in some form. The high proportion of UADT carcinoma in non-tobacco consumer is alarming.

Troika of Posture, Occlusion and Airway


Good posture means spine is neutral. Posture is dictated by the existing occlusion, especially the relation between the maxillary and mandibular permanent first molars. Overloading the spine due to bad posture is the precursor of many ailments. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome is one of them. Compromised airway is found to be a major contributory factor in sleep apnea cases. Restoring the dental anatomy to its normal has been found to reduce the load on the spine, improving ones posture. It also facilitates the compromised airways to attain normalcy.

Correction to: Cochlear Implant Made Easy by Bhopal Technique: Our Experience of 200 Patients
In the original publication of the article, the corresponding author biography has been missed to publish. Now the same has been published in this correction.

CSF Gusher and Its Management in Cochlear Implant Patient with Enlarged Vestibular Aqueduct


Aim is to share our experience of CSF gusher and its management during cochlear implant surgery in patients with enlarged vestibular aqueduct. All cases underwent classic cochlear implant surgeries via Veria technique. It is a retrospective study done at Civil Hospital Ahmedabad from January 2013 to March 2018 with 415 patients. The study includes 39 children between age groups 2–8 years who have enlarged vestibular aqueduct. In all 39 patients with enlarged vestibular aqueduct during cochleostomy there was CSF gusher which was managed by the covering the cochleostomy site with temporalis fascia. There was no need for use of fibrin glue in any case. But it was kept in standby mode in case needed. And there was no post operative CSF otorrea in any patients. While preparing the patient for cochlear implant whenever you come across enlarged vestibular aqueduct via HRCT temporal bone and MRI of cochlea, be prepared for CSF gusher while doing the cochleostomy. Csf gusher is intra operative challenge rather than a bad prognostic determine for post operative audiologic out come. Keeping fibrin glue in stand by helps if major CSF leaks happens. Finally, we achieved a simple stepwise algorithm for the management of gusher during cochlear implantation.

Duplication Anomalies of the Internal Auditory Canal: Varied Spectrum


Duplication anomalies of the internal auditory canal are rare, with only twenty-one cases reported in literature. These range from incomplete partition and complete partition to true duplication. We present three cases showing this entire spectrum of duplication abnormalities and discuss the role of imaging in the preoperative work up of such patients planned for cochlear implant.

Correlation of Primary Tumour Size and Central Compartment Lymph Nodes Metastasis in Well Differentiated Thyroid Malignancies in a Tertiary Care Centre


Central compartment lymph nodes are the first to be involved in thyroid carcinoma and associated with higher chances of recurrence. (1) Recurrence and revision surgery can be associated with a high risk of vocal cord paralysis and hypocalcemia. (2) However, the need for central compartment lymph nodes dissection routinely in all cases of thyroid malignancies is controversial considering the risk to recurrent laryngeal nerve and parathyroids. (3) The aim of the study was to evaluate the incidence of central compartment lymph nodes metastasis in well differentiated thyroid malignancy and their correlation with size of the primary tumour along with incidence of postoperative hypocalcemia and recurrent laryngeal nerve injury after central compartment lymph node dissection. Observational study 30 patients diagnosed as well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma after fine needle aspiration cytology and planned for total thyroidectomy and central compartment lymph node dissection in the Department of ENT at a tertiary care hospital in Mysuru were studied. After surgery, histopathological examination (HPE) of thyroid and lymph node specimen was done. Postoperatively, all patients were evaluated for hypocalcemia and recurrent laryngeal nerve injury. The incidence of central compartment lymph node metastasis after HPE was 66.6%. 80% cases with tumor size ≤ 1 cm and 64% cases having tumor size > 1 cm showed central compartment lymph node involvement. Overall Incidence of transient Hypocalcaemia was 40%. No case of recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy was observed. In well-differentiated thyroid malignancies we found a high incidence of central compartment lymph node involvement which was even higher with primary tumour of smaller size (≤ 1 cm). We did not find any incidence of permanent hypocalcemia and recurrent laryngeal nerve injury. So based on our study we emphasize on elective central compartment lymph node clearance to avoid recurrence.

Establishment of Paediatric Airway Surgery Services in Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital: A Leap in Otorhinolaryngology in Nepal


Paediatric airway surgery is an emerging superspeciality for a developing country like Nepal. Thriving in a resource limited environment of the country, Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital is setting its early steps in this subspecialty of paediatric otorhinolaryngology. With generous support of the experts from USA and a team of very dedicated surgeons in the department, future of paediatric airway surgery in Nepal seems to be promising. Here, we discuss in brief about the establishment of paediatric airway surgery in Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, the tertiary referral center of Nepal with short discussion on the cases operated so far and their outcomes.

Parotid Gland Tumours: Our Experience


Salivary gland tumor comprises of approximately 3 to 10% of neoplasms of the head and neck region. Parotid gland is the most commonly involved salivary gland with an incidence of 62% followed by submandibular gland and other minor salivary gland tumors. However clinical course of benign and malignant tumors resemble each other in clinical findings, we require histopatholocal or cytological diagnosis for planning of management. To analyze parotid tumors retrospectively with following objectives. (1) Demographic distribution of parotid tumors. (2) To evaluate cytological and histopathological findings of parotid tumors. (3) Correlation of cytological and histopathological findings of parotid tumors. It was a retrospective observational study involving 31 patients who presented with parotid region swelling. Pre operative FNAC (fine needle aspiration cytology) and post operative histopathology were correlated. Surgical management depended on nature of disease. Correlation of FNAC and Histopathology: among 27 cases pre operative FNAC and post operative histopathology was same and in only 3 cases reports differed. One FNAC was inconclusive. In present study, Sensitivity of FNAC is 81.81%, Specificity is 94.73% and accuracy is 90%. FNAC is usually the first investigative modality, as it is a minimally invasive, cheap, OPD procedure that can differentiate benign from malignant tumors. Knowing preoperative pathological nature of disease can help in planning of surgical process.

“Sinus Headache”: Diagnosis and Dilemma?? An Analytical and Prospective Study


To evaluate the type, location, severity of headache and their relation to various nasal and sinus related pathological conditions. All the patients presenting with acute and chronic sinus and nasal infections along with headache were included in the study. The diagnostic confirmation was done with clinical along with radiological and endoscopic evaluation. Various parameters categorized accordingly. Chronic rhinosinusitis/chronic recurrent rhinosinusitis are the most common nasal condition seen in oto-rhino-laryngology OPD which has enormous economic burden and significant morbidity on general population. The headache is the commonest associated symptom which is needed to be given attention. The location, variation, pattern of the headache can guide us towards the correct diagnosis.

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