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Δευτέρα 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Helicobacter p ylori eradication treatment for gastric carcinoma prevention in asymptomatic or dyspeptic adults: systematic review and Bayesian meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.
Related ArticlesHelicobacter p ylori eradication treatment for gastric carcinoma prevention in asymptomatic or dyspeptic adults: systematic review and Bayesian meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMJ Open. 2019 Sep 20;9(9):e026002 Authors: Terasawa T, Hamashima C, Kato K, Miyashiro I, Yoshikawa T, Takaku R, Nishida H Abstract OBJECTIVES: Recent meta-analyses of eradication therapy in Helicobacter pylori-infected adults reported significant...
pubmed: health technology
Effect of deinstitutionalisation for adults with intellectual disabilities on costs: a systematic review.
Related ArticlesEffect of deinstitutionalisation for adults with intellectual disabilities on costs: a systematic review. BMJ Open. 2019 Sep 20;9(9):e025736 Authors: May P, Lombard Vance R, Murphy E, O'Donovan MA, Webb N, Sheaf G, McCallion P, Stancliffe R, Normand C, Smith V, McCarron M Abstract OBJECTIVE: To review systematically the evidence on the costs and cost-effectiveness of deinstitutionalisation for adults with intellectual disabilities. ...
pubmed: health technology
Novel functional imaging technique for the brachial plexus based on magnetoneurography.
Related ArticlesNovel functional imaging technique for the brachial plexus based on magnetoneurography. Clin Neurophysiol. 2019 Aug 22;130(11):2114-2123 Authors: Watanabe T, Kawabata S, Hoshino Y, Ushio S, Sasaki T, Miyano Y, Ozaki I, Adachi Y, Sekihara K, Okawa A Abstract OBJECTIVE: To visualize neural activity in the brachial plexus using magnetoneurography (MNG). METHODS: Using a 124- or 132-channel biomagnetometer system with a superconducting...
pubmed: health technology
Exposure to BTEX in buses: The influence of vehicle fuel type.
Related ArticlesExposure to BTEX in buses: The influence of vehicle fuel type. Environ Pollut. 2019 Aug 31;255(Pt 1):113100 Authors: Fontes T, Manso MC, Prata JC, Carvalho M, Silva C, Barros N Abstract Diesel-fueled buses have been replaced by Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) to minimize the high level of emissions in urban areas. However, differences in indoor exposure levels to Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylene (BTEX) in those vehicles have not...
pubmed: health technology
Impacts of atmospheric particulate matter pollution on environmental biogeochemistry of trace metals in soil-plant system: A review.
Related ArticlesImpacts of atmospheric particulate matter pollution on environmental biogeochemistry of trace metals in soil-plant system: A review. Environ Pollut. 2019 Sep 12;255(Pt 1):113138 Authors: Luo X, Bing H, Luo Z, Wang Y, Jin L Abstract Atmospheric particulate matter (PM) pollution and soil trace metal (TM) contamination are binary environmental issues harming ecosystems and human health, especially in the developing China with rapid urbanization...
pubmed: health technology
Feasibility study of utilizing XRV-124 scintillation detector for quality assurance of spot profile in pencil beam scanning proton therapy.
Related ArticlesFeasibility study of utilizing XRV-124 scintillation detector for quality assurance of spot profile in pencil beam scanning proton therapy. Phys Med. 2019 Sep 19;66:15-20 Authors: Rana S, Samuel EJJ Abstract PURPOSE: The purpose of the current study is to (i) investigate the feasibility of utilizing the XRV-124 - a cone-shaped scintillation detector - to measure the spot size and spot position in pencil beam scanning proton therapy, and...
pubmed: health technology
A robust computational framework for estimating 3D Bi-Atrial chamber wall thickness.
Related ArticlesA robust computational framework for estimating 3D Bi-Atrial chamber wall thickness. Comput Biol Med. 2019 Sep 12;114:103444 Authors: Wang Y, Xiong Z, Nalar A, Hansen BJ, Kharche S, Seemann G, Loewe A, Fedorov VV, Zhao J Abstract Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most prevalent form of cardiac arrhythmia. The atrial wall thickness (AWT) can potentially improve our understanding of the mechanism underlying atrial structure that drives AF...
pubmed: health technology
"You can see those concentric rings going out": Emergency personnel's experiences treating overdose and perspectives on policy-level responses to the opioid crisis in New Hampshire.
Related Articles"You can see those concentric rings going out": Emergency personnel's experiences treating overdose and perspectives on policy-level responses to the opioid crisis in New Hampshire. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2019 Sep 13;204:107555 Authors: Saunders E, Metcalf SA, Walsh O, Moore SK, Meier A, McLeman B, Auty S, Bessen S, Marsch LA Abstract BACKGROUND: In parallel to a substantial increase in opioid overdose deaths in New Hampshire (NH), emergency...
pubmed: health technology
Impact of municipal wastewater reuse through micro-irrigation system on the incidence of coliforms in selected vegetable crops.
Related ArticlesImpact of municipal wastewater reuse through micro-irrigation system on the incidence of coliforms in selected vegetable crops. J Environ Manage. 2019 Sep 19;251:109532 Authors: Tripathi VK, Rajput TBS, Patel N, Nain L Abstract The incidence of coliforms in soil and agricultural produce was evaluated in two vegetable crops, namely, cauliflower and eggplant, which were grown using wastewater for irrigation. Field experiment was conducted...
pubmed: health technology
Removal of fluoride in membrane-based water and wastewater treatment technologies: Performance review.
Related ArticlesRemoval of fluoride in membrane-based water and wastewater treatment technologies: Performance review. J Environ Manage. 2019 Sep 19;251:109524 Authors: Damtie MM, Woo YC, Kim B, Hailemariam RH, Park KD, Shon HK, Park C, Choi JS Abstract The presence of excess fluoride in aqueous media above local environmental standards (e.g., the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standard of 4 mg/L) affects the health of aquatic life. Excess...
pubmed: health technology
Differentiating on port fees to accelerate the green maritime transition.
Related ArticlesDifferentiating on port fees to accelerate the green maritime transition. Mar Pollut Bull. 2019 Sep 07;149:110561 Authors: Mjelde A, Endresen Ø, Bjørshol E, Gierløff CW, Husby E, Solheim J, Mjøs N, Eide MS Abstract This study investigates conditions under which differentiating port fees based on vessels' environmental performance could be an additional driver for cruise-ship owners to invest in green technologies. Our case study on liquefied...
pubmed: health technology
Human health risk assessment of antibiotics in binary mixtures for finished drinking water.
Related ArticlesHuman health risk assessment of antibiotics in binary mixtures for finished drinking water. Chemosphere. 2019 Sep 14;240:124864 Authors: Kumari M, Kumar A Abstract The present study developed a new step-wise approach to estimate the potential human health risk of antibiotics in binary mixture for drinking water samples for two different sub-populations. Monte Carlo simulation based uncertainty analysis was performed to reduce uncertainty...
pubmed: health technology
Metabolic rate and muscle activation level when wearing state-of-the-art cold-weather protective clothing during level and inclined walking.
Related ArticlesMetabolic rate and muscle activation level when wearing state-of-the-art cold-weather protective clothing during level and inclined walking. Appl Ergon. 2019 Sep 19;82:102956 Authors: Renberg J, Christiansen MT, Wiggen ØN, Roeleveld K, Bardal EM, Reinertsen RE Abstract Use of cold-weather personal protective clothing (PPC) in cold climates is essential but can add metabolic cost to the wearer. This study measured the effect of wearing...
pubmed: health technology
An investigation of the effect of freezing storage on the biaxial mechanical properties of excised porcine tricuspid valve anterior leaflets.
Related ArticlesAn investigation of the effect of freezing storage on the biaxial mechanical properties of excised porcine tricuspid valve anterior leaflets. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2019 Sep 16;101:103438 Authors: Duginski GA, Ross CJ, Laurence DW, Johns CH, Lee CH Abstract The atrioventricular heart valve (AHV) leaflets are critical to the facilitation of proper unidirectional blood flow through the heart. Previously, studies have been conducted...
pubmed: health technology
Visible light-induced apoptosis activatable nanoparticles of photosensitizer-DEVD-anticancer drug conjugate for targeted cancer therapy.
Related ArticlesVisible light-induced apoptosis activatable nanoparticles of photosensitizer-DEVD-anticancer drug conjugate for targeted cancer therapy. Biomaterials. 2019 Sep 14;224:119494 Authors: Um W, Park J, Ko H, Lim S, Yoon HY, Shim MK, Lee S, Ko YJ, Kim MJ, Park JH, Lim DK, Byun Y, Kwon IC, Kim K Abstract The therapeutic efficacy of photodynamic therapy (PDT) in cancer treatment is attributed to the conversion of tumor oxygen into reactive singlet...
pubmed: health technology
Reporting the details of consent procedures in clinical trials.
Related ArticlesReporting the details of consent procedures in clinical trials. J Clin Epidemiol. 2019 Sep 19;: Authors: Dal Ré R, Solberg B, Fuhr U, Eriksson S PMID: 31542507 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: health technology
The Utility of Local Smoke Evacuation in Reducing Surgical Smoke Exposure in Spine Surgery: A Prospective Self-Controlled Study.
Related ArticlesThe Utility of Local Smoke Evacuation in Reducing Surgical Smoke Exposure in Spine Surgery: A Prospective Self-Controlled Study. Spine J. 2019 Sep 19;: Authors: Liu N, Filipp N, Wood KB Abstract BACKGROUND CONTEXT: Exposure to surgical smoke remains a potential occupational health concern to spine operating room personnel. Using a smoke evacuator (local exhaust ventilation) is currently regarded as a primary means of protection, yet few...
pubmed: health technology
Clinical and pathological comparison of Astragalus lentiginosus and Ipomoea carnea poisoning in goats.
Related ArticlesClinical and pathological comparison of Astragalus lentiginosus and Ipomoea carnea poisoning in goats. Toxicon. 2019 Sep 19;: Authors: de Carvalho Nunes L, Stegelmeier BL, Cook D, Pfister JA, Gardner DR, Riet-Correa F, Welch KD Abstract The indolizidine alkaloid swainsonine, found in some Astragalus and Oxytropis (i.e., locoweed) species, is a potent cellular glycosidase inhibitor that often poisons livestock. Other toxic genera such...
pubmed: health technology
Liposomes augment biological benefits of curcumin for multitargeted skin therapy.
Related ArticlesLiposomes augment biological benefits of curcumin for multitargeted skin therapy. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 2019 Sep 19;: Authors: Ternullo S, Gagnat E, Julin K, Johannessen M, Basnet P, Vanić Ž, Škalko-Basnet N Abstract Curcumin, a multi-targeting pharmacologically active compound, is a promising molecule for the treatment of skin inflammation and infection in chronic wounds. However, its hydrophobic nature remains to be a challenge in development...
pubmed: health technology
Beneficial role of insect-derived bioactive components against inflammation and its associated complications (colitis and arthritis) and cancer.
Related ArticlesBeneficial role of insect-derived bioactive components against inflammation and its associated complications (colitis and arthritis) and cancer. Chem Biol Interact. 2019 Sep 19;:108824 Authors: Dutta P, Sahu RK, Dey T, Lahkar MD, Manna P, Kalita J Abstract Insect-based bioactive components are emerging as novel sources of drugs, effective against various diseases. Inflammation is considered to be an innate immune response developed by...
pubmed: health technology
Mitochondrial fission factor is a novel Myc-dependent regulator of mitochondrial permeability in cancer.
Related ArticlesMitochondrial fission factor is a novel Myc-dependent regulator of mitochondrial permeability in cancer. EBioMedicine. 2019 Sep 14;: Authors: Seo JH, Agarwal E, Chae YC, Lee YG, Garlick DS, Storaci AM, Ferrero S, Gaudioso G, Gianelli U, Vaira V, Altieri DC Abstract BACKGROUND: Mitochondrial functions are exploited in cancer and provide a validated therapeutic target. However, how this process is regulated has remained mostly elusive and...
pubmed: health technology
The association between disability and unintentional injuries among adolescents in a general education setting: Evidence from a Swedish population-based school survey.
Related ArticlesThe association between disability and unintentional injuries among adolescents in a general education setting: Evidence from a Swedish population-based school survey. Disabil Health J. 2019 Sep 12;:100841 Authors: Jernbro C, Bonander C, Beckman L Abstract BACKGROUND: Unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death among adolescents. Adolescents with disabilities may be particularly vulnerable with an increased risk of unintentional...
pubmed: health technology
Clinically important microbial diversity and its antibiotic resistance pattern towards various drugs.
Related ArticlesClinically important microbial diversity and its antibiotic resistance pattern towards various drugs. J Infect Public Health. 2019 Sep 18;: Authors: Boovaragamoorthy GM, Anbazhagan M, Piruthiviraj P, Pugazhendhi A, Kumar SS, Al-Dhabi NA, Mohammed Ghilan AK, Arasu MV, Kaliannan T Abstract BACKGROUND: Increased use of antibiotics in poultry leads to the development of antimicrobial resistance among the commensal bacterium of broiler chickens....
pubmed: health technology
Glycaemic durability of an early combination therapy with vildagliptin and metformin versus sequential metformin monotherapy in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes (VERIFY): a 5-year, multicentre, randomised, double-blind trial.
Related ArticlesGlycaemic durability of an early combination therapy with vildagliptin and metformin versus sequential metformin monotherapy in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes (VERIFY): a 5-year, multicentre, randomised, double-blind trial. Lancet. 2019 Sep 17;: Authors: Matthews DR, Paldánius PM, Proot P, Chiang Y, Stumvoll M, Del Prato S, VERIFY study group Abstract BACKGROUND: Early treatment intensification leading to sustained good glycaemic control...
pubmed: health technology
The melanopsin-directed white noise electroretinogram (wnERG).
Related ArticlesThe melanopsin-directed white noise electroretinogram (wnERG). Vision Res. 2019 Sep 18;: Authors: Adhikari P, Zele AJ, Cao D, Kremers J, Feigl B Abstract The white noise electroretinogram (wnERG) provides a measure of the impulse response function under conditions of retinal equilibrium; it is yet to be determined how the electrical response generated by melanopsin ganglion cell photoreception is expressed in the impulse response. To...
pubmed: health technology
[The challenges and contributions of digital technology to improve the performance of the health system].
Related Articles[The challenges and contributions of digital technology to improve the performance of the health system]. Soins. 2019 Sep;64(838):30-32 Authors: Lucas J Abstract The digital transformation is already under way in our health system. The deployment of data-driven management and artificial intelligence supports the transition towards treatment methods oriented more towards chronic diseases. Understanding the ethical issues associated with...
pubmed: health technology
Factors that influence infertile couples' selection of reproductive medicine centers---A cross-sectional questionnaire study.
Related ArticlesFactors that influence infertile couples' selection of reproductive medicine centers---A cross-sectional questionnaire study. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Sep;58(5):633-639 Authors: Pan LF, Wang PH, Lin LT, Hsu S, Tsui KH Abstract OBJECTIVE: The number of infertile women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles has increased annually. Due to this competitive environment, we designed a questionnaire and aimed to investigate factors...
pubmed: health technology
Development of stimuli-responsive nano-based pesticides: emerging opportunities for agriculture.
Related ArticlesDevelopment of stimuli-responsive nano-based pesticides: emerging opportunities for agriculture. J Nanobiotechnology. 2019 Sep 21;17(1):100 Authors: Camara MC, Campos EVR, Monteiro RA, do Espirito Santo Pereira A, de Freitas Proença PL, Fraceto LF Abstract Pesticides and fertilizers are widely used to enhance agriculture yields, although the fraction of the pesticides applied in the field that reaches the targets is less than 0.1%. Such...
pubmed: health technology
Neuroprotective effects of an Nrf2 agonist on high glucose-induced damage in HT22 cells.
Related ArticlesNeuroprotective effects of an Nrf2 agonist on high glucose-induced damage in HT22 cells. Biol Res. 2019 Sep 21;52(1):53 Authors: Zhao J, Liu L, Li X, Zhang L, Lv J, Guo X, Chen H, Zhao T Abstract BACKGROUND: Oxidative stress is the hallmark of diabetic encephalopathy, which may be caused by hyperglycaemic toxicity. We aimed to discover pharmacologic targets to restore redox homeostasis. We identified the transcription factor Nrf2 as such...
pubmed: health technology
Synthesis and evaluation of acrylate resins suspending indole derivative structure in the side chain for marine antifouling
Publication date: Available online 22 September 2019Source: Colloids and Surfaces B: BiointerfacesAuthor(s): Kang Feng, Chunhua Ni, Liangmin Yu, Wenjun Zhou, Xia LiAbstractA novel indole derivative (N-(1H-2-phenyl-indole-3-ylmethyl) acrylamide, NPI) synthesized by a Friedel-Crafts alkylation reaction was identified using IR spectroscopy, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and elemental analysis. The inhibitory effect of this novel indole derivative on bacteria and marine algae was studied. The results showed that the...
Colloid & interphases B
[Cancer of the vulva: Diagnostic stages, treatment and survival in a country with limited resources (Burkina Faso)].
Related Articles[Cancer of the vulva: Diagnostic stages, treatment and survival in a country with limited resources (Burkina Faso)]. Bull Cancer. 2019 Sep 18;: Authors: Zongo N, Korsaga Somé N, Ouédraogo S, Ouédraogo AS, Zamané H, Zida M, Ouangre E, Sanou A, Niampa P, Lompo OM, Traoré A, Dem A Abstract INTRODUCTION: Vulvar cancer is rare and belatedly diagnosed in Africa. We describe its diagnostic stages, therapeutic and evolution features in a country...
Association française pour l'étude du cancer
Cancer chemotherapy on immune recovery rate of CD4 cells in people living with HIV in Yaoundé, Cameroon.
Related ArticlesCancer chemotherapy on immune recovery rate of CD4 cells in people living with HIV in Yaoundé, Cameroon. Bull Cancer. 2019 Sep 18;: Authors: Mbassa Nnouma G, Tchatchouang S, Kagoué Siméni LA, Ebogo Belobo JT, Okobalemba A PMID: 31542166 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Association française pour l'étude du cancer
Prevalence and scope of advanced practice provider oncology care among Medicare beneficiaries with breast cancer.
Related ArticlesPrevalence and scope of advanced practice provider oncology care among Medicare beneficiaries with breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2019 Sep 21;: Authors: Yen TWF, Laud PW, McGinley EL, Pezzin LE, Nattinger AB Abstract PURPOSE: Advanced practice providers (APPs) have increasingly become members of the oncology care team. Little is known about the scope of care that APPs are performing nationally. We determined the prevalence and...
pubmed: future oncology
Severe anemia may not be a contraindication to debridement in a Jehovah's witness patient with necrotizng fasciitis of the lower extremity - A case report.
Related ArticlesSevere anemia may not be a contraindication to debridement in a Jehovah's witness patient with necrotizng fasciitis of the lower extremity - A case report. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2019 Sep 04;63:27-30 Authors: Ogedegbe C, Fernando J, Kaul S Abstract INTRODUCTION: Necrotizing fasciitis is a severe soft tissue infection characterized by rapidly progressing necrosis involving the fascia and subcutaneous tissue. Necrotizing fasciitis of the...
pubmed: "int j surg case rep...
Closure of mesenteric defects is associated with a higher incidence of small bowel obstruction due to adhesions after laparoscopic antecolic Roux-en-y gastric bypass: a retrospective cohort study.
Related ArticlesClosure of mesenteric defects is associated with a higher incidence of small bowel obstruction due to adhesions after laparoscopic antecolic Roux-en-y gastric bypass: a retrospective cohort study. Int J Surg. 2019 Sep 19;: Authors: Nuytens F, Van Rooy F, D'Hondt M, Vansteenkiste F, Pottel H, Abasbassi M, Servaege A, Devriendt D Abstract INTRODUCTION: Small bowel obstruction (SBO) is a frequent complication after laparoscopic Roux-en-y...
International Journal of Surgery
Prognostic effect of troponin elevation in patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy with regional anesthesia - A prospective study.
Related ArticlesPrognostic effect of troponin elevation in patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy with regional anesthesia - A prospective study. Int J Surg. 2019 Sep 19;: Authors: Pereira-Macedo J, Rocha-Neves JP, Dias-Neto MF, Andrade JPV Abstract BACKGROUND: Myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery (MINS) occurs in 15% of patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy (CEA) with general anesthesia. Short and long-term risk of myocardial infarction...
International Journal of Surgery
Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of childhood vitiligo: a study of 701 patients from Brazil
Abstract Background Vitiligo is an acquired pigmentary disorder that affects approximately 0.5–2% of the world's population, and 25% of cases begin before 10 years of age. Although prevalent, there are few studies on the characterization of childhood vitiligo. Objective To evaluate the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of childhood vitiligo. Methods Transverse study conducted by reviewing data records of patients under the age of 18 in which disease onset occurred before...
International Journal of Dermatology
Translational anatomy of the left atrium and esophagus as relevant to the pulmonary vein antral isolation for atrial fibrillation.
Related ArticlesTranslational anatomy of the left atrium and esophagus as relevant to the pulmonary vein antral isolation for atrial fibrillation. Surg Radiol Anat. 2019 Sep 21;: Authors: Gupta T, Cheema N, Randhawa A, Sahni D Abstract PURPOSE: Pulmonary vein antrum isolation by radiofrequency ablation has become a preferred treatment for atrial fibrillation. The aim of our research is to study the anatomy of the PVantrum and its related structures with...
radiol anat

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