Δευτέρα 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

HER2-targeted therapies — a role beyond breast cancer
Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology, Published online: 23 September 2019; doi:10.1038/s41571-019-0268-3HER2-targeted therapies have dramatically improved the outcomes in women with HER2-positive breast cancer. Furthermore, genetic sequencing studies have revealed HER2 alterations in a range of other cancers, including gastric cancer, colorectal cancer and non-small-cell lung cancer. In this Review the authors describe the available data on HER2-targeted therapies beyond breast cancer.
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HER2-targeted therapies — a role beyond breast cancer
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The emerging role of epigenetic therapeutics in immuno-oncology
Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology, Published online: 23 September 2019; doi:10.1038/s41571-019-0266-5Despite promising responses in a minority of patients with cancer, considerable scope remains to improve the efficacy of both immune-checkpoint inhibitors and epigenetic drugs, with one potential strategy involving the combination of these two types of treatment. Here, the authors describe the mechanisms underlying the synergy between immune-checkpoint inhibitors and epigenetic drugs and discuss the...
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The emerging role of epigenetic therapeutics in immuno-oncology
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Inside the USCAP Journals
Modern Pathology, Published online: 23 September 2019; doi:10.1038/s41379-019-0361-2Inside the USCAP Journals
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Potential of Cannabinoid Receptor Ligands as Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
Abstract Substance use disorder (SUD) is a major public health crisis worldwide, and effective treatment options are limited. During the past 2 decades, researchers have investigated the impact of a variety of pharmacological approaches to treat SUD, one of which is the use of medical cannabis or cannabinoids. Significant progress was made with the discovery of rimonabant, a selective CB1 receptor (CB1R) antagonist (also an inverse agonist), as a promising therapeutic for SUDs...
Latest Results for CNS Drugs
Recent Advances in the Drug Treatment of Dravet Syndrome
Abstract Dravet syndrome is a rare but severe epilepsy syndrome that begins in the first year of life with recurrent seizures triggered by fever that are typically prolonged and hemiclonic. The epilepsy is highly drug resistant. Although development is normal at onset, over time, most patients develop moderate-to-severe intellectual disability, behavior disorders, and a characteristic crouch gait. There is a significant mortality, predominantly owing to sudden unexpected death...
Latest Results for CNS Drugs
Fair comparisons in the arena of risk scores
Abstract We congratulate Goode and colleagues on their work(1). We are happy to see several research groups are working on this topic, underscoring the importance of the need for predicting outcome of PSC. The authors mention the Amsterdam‐Oxford PSC score, which contains similar variables and evaluates almost the same outcomes and state that it has a moderate C statistic of 0.68, and suggest the UK‐PSC score is superior due to its C‐statistic of 0.80.
HBx protein contributes to liver carcinogenesis by H3K4me3 modification through stabilizing WD repeat domain 5 protein
Abstract Cancer is typically considered as a genetic and epigenetic disease. While numerous studies have indicated that aberrant structure, function or expression level of epigenetic enzymes contribute to many tumor types, precisely how the epigenetic mechanisms are involved in the hepatitis B virus (HBV)‐induced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) remains unknown. In this study, we found that the WD repeat domain 5 protein (WDR5)—a core subunit of histone H3 lysine 4 methyltransferase complexes, which...
Greta Thunberg: You have stolen my childhood with your empty words
World leaders are at a UN summit in New York to discuss more ambitious plans to curb carbon emissions just days after the biggest ever climate change protest
New Scientist - The Human Brain
AI is learning to diagnose schizophrenia from a smartphone video
An app that analyses facial expressions and speech may be able to diagnose schizophrenia
New Scientist - The Human Brain
Weird galaxies suggest our best understanding of the cosmos is wrong
We have found two weird galaxies that either have no dark matter or are travelling insanely fast. Our best models of the cosmos can't explain how they exist
New Scientist - The Human Brain
Google claims it has finally reached quantum supremacy
Has Google achieved quantum supremacy? The firm says its quantum chip can perform a calculation that is practically impossible for our best supercomputer
New Scientist - The Human Brain
Hypersexual disorder linked to genes that regulate love hormone
People with excessive sexual fantasies and urges have different gene expressions that seem to affect how the “love hormone” oxytocin is regulated
New Scientist - The Human Brain
The best roguelike games are a perfect balance of order and randomness
Roguelike games like Rad and Spelunky are storytelling machines in which every player’s experience is different. The best ones are a blend of order and chaos, says Jacob Aron in his latest column
New Scientist - The Human Brain
UK families in buyers club fly to Argentina for cystic fibrosis drugs
The NHS in England won’t provide a new treatment for cystic fibrosis, so families have formed a buyers club and travelled to South America to buy a version
New Scientist - The Human Brain
Deciphering the interplay between the genotoxic and probiotic activities of <i>Escherichia coli</i> Nissle 1917
by Clémence Massip, Priscilla Branchu, Nadège Bossuet-Grief, Camille V. Chagneau, Déborah Gaillard, Patricia Martin, Michèle Boury, Thomas Sécher, Damien Dubois, Jean-Philippe Nougayrède, Eric Oswald Although Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 (EcN) has been used therapeutically for over a century, the determinants of its probiotic properties remain elusive. EcN produces two siderophore-microcins (Mcc) responsible for an antagonistic activity against other Enterobacteriaceae. EcN also synthesizes...
PLoS Pathogens
A fungal ABC transporter FgAtm1 regulates iron homeostasis via the transcription factor cascade FgAreA-HapX
by Zhihui Wang, Tianling Ma, Yunyan Huang, Jing Wang, Yun Chen, H. Corby Kistler, Zhonghua Ma, Yanni Yin Iron homeostasis is important for growth, reproduction and other metabolic processes in all eukaryotes. However, the functions of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters in iron homeostasis are largely unknown. Here, we found that one ABC transporter (named FgAtm1) is involved in regulating iron homeostasis, by screening sensitivity to iron stress for 60 ABC transporter mutants of Fusarium...
PLoS Pathogens
CA1-projecting subiculum neurons facilitate object–place learning
Nature Neuroscience, Published online: 23 September 2019; doi:10.1038/s41593-019-0496-ySun and Jin et al. report that a population of neurons in the subiculum form a pathway for visual information to reach the hippocampus and impact place-specific activity. Activation of these neurons promotes the formation of object-location memories.
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Layer-dependent activity in human prefrontal cortex during working memory
Nature Neuroscience, Published online: 23 September 2019; doi:10.1038/s41593-019-0487-zBy developing layer-specific functional MRI techniques for a high-order cognitive brain area, Finn et al. dissociate activity in superficial and deeper cortical layers during different periods of a working memory task in human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.
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Fragmented mitochondria released from microglia trigger A1 astrocytic response and propagate inflammatory neurodegeneration
Nature Neuroscience, Published online: 23 September 2019; doi:10.1038/s41593-019-0486-0Microglia and astrocytes propagate neurodegeneration by releasing fragmented and dysfunctional mitochondria into the neuronal milieu. Inhibiting pathological fragmentation of glial mitochondria blunts neuroinflammation and increases neuroprotection.
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A perturbed gene network containing PI3K–AKT, RAS–ERK and WNT–β-catenin pathways in leukocytes is linked to ASD genetics and symptom severity
Nature Neuroscience, Published online: 23 September 2019; doi:10.1038/s41593-019-0489-xIn leukocyte transcriptomes from toddlers with ASD, Gazestani et al. find a perturbed gene network that is involved in fetal brain development and lies downstream of ASD risk genes, and whose dysregulation level correlates with ASD symptom severity.
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Fragmented mitochondria released from microglia trigger A1 astrocytic response and propagate inflammatory neurodegeneration
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CA1-projecting subiculum neurons facilitate object–place learning
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Layer-dependent activity in human prefrontal cortex during working memory
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A perturbed gene network containing PI3K–AKT, RAS–ERK and WNT–β-catenin pathways in leukocytes is linked to ASD genetics and symptom severity
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Getting to know the neighbourhood
Nature Reviews Cancer, Published online: 23 September 2019; doi:10.1038/s41568-019-0211-zOmbrato et al. developed a fluorescent labelling system, which uses metastatic cells themselves to directly mark neighbouring cells in vivo and revealed the lung parenchyma to be a previously unrecognized component of the metastatic niche.
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Getting to know the neighbourhood
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Disclosure strategies in adults with epilepsy when telling, “I have epilepsy”: The How2tell study
Abstract Objective To generate evidence‐based knowledge about the strategies that adult people with epilepsy (PWEs) use in the process of telling others about their epilepsy. Methods In‐depth, one‐to‐one interviews explored PWEs’ first‐hand experiences of self‐disclosure (or not), and grounded theory methods of inductive‐deductive analysis were used to identify strategies used in disclosing. Interviews were audio‐recorded, transcribed, coded, and independently recoded by two researchers...
Field drift correction of proton resonance frequency shift temperature mapping with multichannel fast alternating nonselective free induction decay readouts
Purpose To demonstrate that proton resonance frequency shift MR thermometry (PRFS‐MRT) acquisition with nonselective free induction decay (FID), combined with coil sensitivity profiles, allows spatially resolved B 0 drift‐corrected thermometry. Methods Phantom experiments were performed at 1.5T and 3T. Acquisition of PRFS‐MRT and FID were performed during MR‐guided high‐intensity focused ultrasound heating. The phase of the FIDs was used to estimate the change in angular frequency δωdrift...
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
HOXD9 promotes the growth, invasion and metastasis of gastric cancer cells by transcriptional activation of RUFY3
The transcription factor HOXD9 is one of the members of the HOX family, which plays an important role in neoplastic processes. However, the role of HOXD9 in the growth and metastasis of gastric cancer (GC) rem...
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research - Latest Articles
Marcksb plays a key role in the secretory pathway of zebrafish Bmp2b
by Ding Ye, Xiaosi Wang, Changyong Wei, Mudan He, Houpeng Wang, Yanwu Wang, Zuoyan Zhu, Yonghua Sun During vertebrate early embryogenesis, the ventral development is directed by the ventral-to-dorsal activity gradient of the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling. As secreted ligands, the extracellular traffic of BMP has been extensively studied. However, it remains poorly understood that how BMP ligands are secreted from BMP-producing cells. In this work, we show the dominant role of Marcksb...
Publishing science
Correction: Suicidal Autointegration of <i>Sleeping Beauty</i> and <i>piggyBac</i> Transposons in Eukaryotic Cells
by Yongming Wang, Jichang Wang, Anatharam Devaraj, Manvendra Singh, Ana Jimenez Orgaz, Jia-Xuan Chen, Matthias Selbach, Zoltán Ivics, Zsuzsanna Izsvák
Publishing science
European Roma groups show complex West Eurasian admixture footprints and a common South Asian genetic origin
by Neus Font-Porterias, Lara R. Arauna, Alaitz Poveda, Erica Bianco, Esther Rebato, Maria Joao Prata, Francesc Calafell, David Comas The Roma population is the largest transnational ethnic minority in Europe, characterized by a linguistic, cultural and historical heterogeneity. Comparative linguistics and genetic studies have placed the origin of European Roma in the Northwest of India. After their migration across Persia, they entered into the Balkan Peninsula, from where they spread into Europe,...
Publishing science
Chromosomal rearrangements as a source of new gene formation in <i>Drosophila yakuba</i>
by Nicholas B. Stewart, Rebekah L. Rogers The origins of new genes are among the most fundamental questions in evolutionary biology. Our understanding of the ways that new genetic material appears and how that genetic material shapes population variation remains incomplete. De novo genes and duplicate genes are a key source of new genetic material on which selection acts. To better understand the origins of these new gene sequences, we explored the ways that structural variation might alter...
Publishing science
Native American admixture recapitulates population-specific migration and settlement of the continental United States
by I. King Jordan, Lavanya Rishishwar, Andrew B. Conley European and African descendants settled the continental US during the 17th-19th centuries, coming into contact with established Native American populations. The resulting admixture among these groups yielded a significant reservoir of Native American ancestry in the modern US population. We analyzed the patterns of Native American admixture seen for the three largest genetic ancestry groups in the US population: African descendants, Western...
Publishing science

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