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Δευτέρα 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Coping with Work Stressors and Paving the Way for Flow: Challenge and Hindrance Demands, Humor, and Cynicism
Abstract Although the concept of flow at work is increasingly receiving scholarly attention, knowledge about the interaction between challenge and hindrance stress demands in the context of flow is still lacking. Moreover, little is known about the stress-relieving capacity of coping mechanisms in connection to work-related flow. The aim of our study is to investigate whether and how challenge stress demands are related to work-related flow, and whether this relationship is moderated...
Latest Results for Journal of Happiness Studies
Correction: Suicidal Autointegration of <i>Sleeping Beauty</i> and <i>piggyBac</i> Transposons in Eukaryotic Cells
by Yongming Wang, Jichang Wang, Anatharam Devaraj, Manvendra Singh, Ana Jimenez Orgaz, Jia-Xuan Chen, Matthias Selbach, Zoltán Ivics, Zsuzsanna Izsvák
PLOS Genetics: New Articles
Chromosomal rearrangements as a source of new gene formation in <i>Drosophila yakuba</i>
by Nicholas B. Stewart, Rebekah L. Rogers The origins of new genes are among the most fundamental questions in evolutionary biology. Our understanding of the ways that new genetic material appears and how that genetic material shapes population variation remains incomplete. De novo genes and duplicate genes are a key source of new genetic material on which selection acts. To better understand the origins of these new gene sequences, we explored the ways that structural variation might alter...
PLOS Genetics: New Articles
Marcksb plays a key role in the secretory pathway of zebrafish Bmp2b
by Ding Ye, Xiaosi Wang, Changyong Wei, Mudan He, Houpeng Wang, Yanwu Wang, Zuoyan Zhu, Yonghua Sun During vertebrate early embryogenesis, the ventral development is directed by the ventral-to-dorsal activity gradient of the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling. As secreted ligands, the extracellular traffic of BMP has been extensively studied. However, it remains poorly understood that how BMP ligands are secreted from BMP-producing cells. In this work, we show the dominant role of Marcksb...
PLOS Genetics: New Articles
Native American admixture recapitulates population-specific migration and settlement of the continental United States
by I. King Jordan, Lavanya Rishishwar, Andrew B. Conley European and African descendants settled the continental US during the 17th-19th centuries, coming into contact with established Native American populations. The resulting admixture among these groups yielded a significant reservoir of Native American ancestry in the modern US population. We analyzed the patterns of Native American admixture seen for the three largest genetic ancestry groups in the US population: African descendants, Western...
PLOS Genetics: New Articles
European Roma groups show complex West Eurasian admixture footprints and a common South Asian genetic origin
by Neus Font-Porterias, Lara R. Arauna, Alaitz Poveda, Erica Bianco, Esther Rebato, Maria Joao Prata, Francesc Calafell, David Comas The Roma population is the largest transnational ethnic minority in Europe, characterized by a linguistic, cultural and historical heterogeneity. Comparative linguistics and genetic studies have placed the origin of European Roma in the Northwest of India. After their migration across Persia, they entered into the Balkan Peninsula, from where they spread into Europe,...
PLOS Genetics: New Articles
Gut Microbiome in Psoriasis is Perturbed Differently During Secukinumab and Ustekinumab Therapy and Associated with Response to Treatment
Abstract Background and Objective Immunotherapy could change the complex host-microbial interactions. We aimed to investigate the dynamics of gut microbiome in response to secukinumab [an interleukin (IL)-17 inhibitor] and ustekinumab (an IL-12/23 inhibitor) therapy and its association with treatment response in psoriasis. Methods This observational, longitudinal...
Latest Results for Clinical Drug Investigation
Evaluation of the Feasibility of a Web-Based Survey to Assess Patient-Reported Symptom Improvement and Treatment Satisfaction Among Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis Receiving Secukinumab
Abstract Background and Objective Patient perspectives regarding treatment experience and satisfaction may be useful for clinicians when making treatment strategies. This US-based study assessed the feasibility of evaluating real-world, patient-reported narratives regarding symptom improvement and treatment satisfaction among patients with psoriatic arthritis treated with secukinumab. ...
Latest Results for Clinical Drug Investigation
Anatomic variability of oval window as pertaining to stapes surgery
Abstract Purpose The purpose of the study is to study the details of dimensions and shape of oval window in different age groups, sides and genders and their clinical implications. The oval window is a key structure while performing surgeries in relation to stapes. An intricate knowledge of the shape and size of the oval window is important for the reconstruction and fitting of cartilage compatible with the native shape of the oval window....
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy
Morphometric analysis of occipital condyles using alternative imaging technique
Abstract Purpose The occipital condyles (OCs) are crucial anatomical structures in the cranial base. To our knowledge, there is no cone beam computed tomography (CBCT)-based study on the morphometric analysis of OCs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the morphometric analysis of OCs using CBCT. Methods CBCT images of 200 OCs from 100 patients of which...
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy
Trajectories of brain remodeling in temporal lobe epilepsy
Abstract Temporal lobe epilepsy has been usually associated with progressive brain atrophy due to neuronal cell loss. However, recent animal models demonstrated a dual effect of epileptic seizures with initial enhancement of hippocampal neurogenesis followed by abnormal astrocyte proliferation and neurogenesis depletion in the chronic stage. Our aim was to test for the hypothesized bidirectional pattern of epilepsy-associated brain remodeling in the context of the presence and...
Latest Results for Journal of Neurology
Author Correction: CCR5AS lncRNA variation differentially regulates CCR5, influencing HIV disease outcome
Nature Immunology, Published online: 23 September 2019; doi:10.1038/s41590-019-0516-9Author Correction: CCR5AS lncRNA variation differentially regulates CCR5, influencing HIV disease outcome
Nature Immunology - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Author Correction: CCR5AS lncRNA variation differentially regulates CCR5, influencing HIV disease outcome
Nature Immunology - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Coverless real-time image information hiding based on image block matching and dense convolutional network
Abstract Information security has become a key issue of public concern recently. In order to radically resist the decryption and analysis in the field of image information hiding and significantly improve the security of the secret information, a novel coverless information hiding approach based on deep learning is proposed in this paper. Deep learning can select the appropriate carrier according to requirements to achieve real-time image data hiding and the high-level semantic...
Latest Results for Journal of Real-Time Image Processing
Ischemia on PET MPI May Identify Patients With Improvement in Angina and Health Status Post-Revascularization
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Current Issue
Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Renal Denervation: To Beam, or Not to Beam?
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Current Issue
Extent of Myocardial Ischemia on Positron Emission Tomography and Survival Benefit With Early Revascularization
AbstractBackgroundPrior studies with single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) have shown a survival benefit with early revascularization in patients with >10% to 12.5% ischemic myocardium. The relationship among positron emission tomography (PET)–derived extent of ischemia, early revascularization, and survival is unknown. ObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the association among percent ischemia on PET MPI, revascularization, and survival....
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Current Issue
Two Statistical Methodological Issues Worth of Attention for Survival Data Using Multivariable Models
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Current Issue
Positron Emission Computed Tomography Identified Ischemia to Guide Treatment Strategies in Stable Ischemic Heart Disease
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Current Issue
Therapeutic Inertia in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention: Time to Move the Bar
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Current Issue
Childhood Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Risk of Atrial Fibrillation in Adulthood
AbstractBackgroundCigarette smoking is known to increase the risk of atrial fibrillation (AF), and a recent cross-sectional analysis suggested that parental smoking may be an AF risk factor. ObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to assess if parental smoking predicts offspring AF in the Framingham Heart Study. MethodsThis study analyzed Framingham Offspring cohort participants with parents in the Original cohort with known smoking status during the offspring’s childhood. Framingham participants...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Current Issue
Reply: Strategies to Prevent Cardiotoxicity
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Current Issue
Secondhand Smoke and Atrial Fibrillation: Importance of Managing Modifiable Risk Factors
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Current Issue
JACC Instructions for Authors
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Current Issue
Cardiovascular Toxicities Associated With Ibrutinib
AbstractBackgroundIbrutinib has revolutionized treatment for several B-cell malignancies. However, a recent clinical trial where ibrutinib was used in a front-line setting showed increased mortality during treatment compared with conventional chemotherapy. Cardiovascular toxicities were suspected as the culprit but not directly assessed in the study. ObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to identify and characterize cardiovascular adverse drug reactions (CV-ADR) associated with ibrutinib. MethodsThis...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Current Issue
Cardiovascular Toxicities of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: JACC Review Topic of the Week
AbstractImmune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have been an important therapeutic advance in the field of cancer medicine, resulting in a significant improvement in survival of patients with advanced malignancies. Recent reports provided greater insights into the incidence of cardiovascular adverse events (CVAEs) with ICI use. Myocarditis is the most common CVAE associated with ICI. Pericardial diseases, Takotsubo syndrome, arrhythmias, and vasculitis constitute other significant AEs. Physicians should...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Current Issue
Real-Life Insight Into Ibrutinib Cardiovascular Events: Defining the Loose Ends
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Current Issue
Misdiagnosis of Type II Myocardial Infarction
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Current Issue
Improving Communication in Heart Failure Patient Care
AbstractBackgroundAlthough implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) reduce sudden death, these patients die of heart failure (HF) or other diseases. To prevent shocks at the end of life, clinicians should discuss deactivating the defibrillation function. ObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to determine if a clinician-centered teaching intervention and automatic reminders increased ICD deactivation discussions and increased device deactivation. MethodsIn this 6-center, single-blinded,...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Current Issue
Effect of Cardioprotective Drugs on Chemotherapy-Induced Heart Failure and New Risk Stratification
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Current Issue
Training, Triggers, and a Team for the Right Discussions
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Current Issue
Strategies to Prevent Cardiotoxicity
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Current Issue
Noninvasive Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Renal Denervation in a Swine Model
AbstractBackgroundCatheter-based renal denervation (RDN) has achieved promising outcomes to treat hypertension in recent randomized controlled trials. ObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to assess the feasibility, efficacy, and safety of noninvasive stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) as an approach for RDN. MethodsSBRT was performed in 24 renal arteries from 12 normotensive swine at doses of 25, 35, and 45 Gy (n = 4 each), and an additional 4 swine served as controls. Blood pressure (BP),...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Current Issue
Reply: Two Statistical Methodological Issues Worth of Attention for Survival Data Using Multivariable Models
Journal of the American College of Cardiology Current Issue

Associations between Problematic Gambling, Gaming, and Internet Use: A Cross-Sectional Population Survey
Background. While pathological gambling, or gambling disorder, is an established diagnosis, a link to other potential behavioural addictions has been suggested. The present study aimed to investigate whether signs of problem gaming and problematic internet use are related to problem gambling in the general population, while including other potential risk factors. Methods. A cross-sectional study design, using an electronical questionnaire, administered through a marketing survey company for relative...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Isolated Splenic Metastases from Renal Cell Carcinoma 11 Years after Surgery
Splenic metastases are rare and usually occur in cases of disseminated disease. We report a case of a patient who had isolated splenic metastases with a previous history of left nephrectomy due to a renal cell carcinoma 11 years before. The aim of this report is to describe the case and review the literature of isolated splenic metastases due to renal carcinoma. This case emphasizes the importance of considering splenic metastatic disease even after many years of diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma.
Hindawi Publishing Corporation

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