Τρίτη 3 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

High-Definition Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to Improve Verbal Retrieval Deficits in Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury
Journal of Neurotrauma, Ahead of Print.
Journal of Neurotrauma
Tue Sep 03, 2019 10:00
Endovascular treatment of acute intracranial vertebrobasilar artery occlusion: a multicenter retrospective observational study
Abstract Purpose This study aimed to evaluate prognostic parameters associated with favorable clinical prognosis and assess the feasibility and safety of three different treatment strategies in patients with acute intracranial vertebrobasilar artery occlusion (VBAO). Methods A total of 159 patients with acute VBAO at 3 stroke centers between September 2015...
Efficacy of tRNS and 140 Hz tACS on motor cortex excitability seemingly dependent on sensitivity to sham stimulation
Abstract This study investigates the effect of corticospinal excitability during sham stimulation on the individual response to transcranial non-invasive brain stimulation (tNIBS). Thirty healthy young adults aged 24.2 ± 2.8 S.D. participated in the study. Sham, as well as 1 mA of tRNS and 140 Hz tACS stimulation were applied for 10 min each at different sessions. The effect of each stimulation type was quantified by recording TMS-induced, motor evoked potentials (MEPs) before...
Experimental Brain Research
Tue Sep 03, 2019 03:00
The role of age on helmet therapy in deformational plagiocephaly and asymmetric brachycephaly
Abstract Purpose This study aimed to investigate the effect of age at helmet therapy onset on treatment efficacy in moderate-to-severe deformational plagiocephaly (DP) and combined DP and asymmetrical brachycephaly (AB) in infants. Methods Ninety-eight infants who were referred to our institution and who underwent helmet therapy between 2014 and 2018 were...
Latest Results for Child's Nervous System
Tue Sep 03, 2019 03:00
Reply to: Improved Scatter Correction to Eliminate Halo Artifacts for 68Ga-Labeled Radiopharmaceuticals in PET Imaging
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
Preclinical Evaluation and Pilot Clinical Study of Al18F-PSMA-BCH for Prostate Cancer PET Imaging
Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA)–targeted radioligands have played an important role in the diagnosis of prostate cancer. In this study, we developed an Al18F-labeled radiotracer and evaluated its potential for prostate cancer imaging. Methods: Al18F-PSMA-BCH (BCH is Beijing Cancer Hospital) was efficiently prepared manually. The binding affinity to PSMA was evaluated in vitro using the 22Rv1 (PSMA-positive) cell line. Small-animal PET imaging, biodistribution studies of Al18F-PSMA-BCH in...
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
2019 SNMMI Highlights Lecture: Neurosciences
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
Parameters to Predict Progression-Free and Overall Survival After Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy: A Multivariate Analysis in 782 Patients
Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) is an effective treatment for patients with neuroendocrine neoplasms. The aim of this study was to identify clinical and treatment parameters associated with progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS). Methods: All patients treated from October 2002 until March 2016 at the Zentralklinik Bad Berka with at least 3 administrations of PRRT (maximal interval of 6 mo between consecutive administrations) were included. Data were collected in 5...
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
SNMMI Newsline
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
Small-Animal PET/CT Imaging of Local and Systemic Immune Response Using 64Cu-{alpha}CD11b
Current noninvasive imaging methods for monitoring immune response were largely developed for interrogation of the local reaction. This study developed the radiotracer 64Cu-labeled anti-CD11b (64Cu-αCD11b) for longitudinal assessment of local and systemic immune response involving mobilization of CD11b+ myeloid cells by small-animal PET/CT. Methods: Acute or chronic inflammation in the ears of BALB/c mice was induced by 12-o-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate. Acute lung inflammation was induced by...
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
Bill Targets Expanded Access to Diagnostic Radiopharmaceuticals
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
18F-Fluoroestradiol PET Imaging of Activating Estrogen Receptor-{alpha} Mutations in Breast Cancer
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of estrogen receptor-α gene (ESR1) mutations at the tyrosine (Y) 537 amino acid residue within the ligand binding domain on 18F-fluoroestradiol (18F-FES) binding and in vivo tumor uptake compared with wild-type (WT)-estrogen receptor α (ER). Methods: ER-negative MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells were used to generate stable cell lines that express WT-ER, Y537S, or Y537C mutant ER. Receptor expression and localization were confirmed by Western blot...
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
Fifth Anniversary of SNMMI Professional Relations Fellowship
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
First Clinicopathologic Evidence of a Non-PSMA-Related Uptake Mechanism for 68Ga-PSMA-11 in Salivary Glands
The intense accumulation of prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) radioligands in salivary glands is still not well understood. It is of concern for therapeutic applications of PSMA radioligands, because therapeutic radiation will damage these glands. A better understanding of the uptake mechanism is, therefore, crucial to find solutions to reduce toxicity. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the accumulation of PSMA-targeting radioligands in submandibular glands (SMGs) can be explained...
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
SNMMI Leadership Update: Focus on International Diversity and Inclusivity
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
Enhancement of 211At Uptake via the Sodium Iodide Symporter by the Addition of Ascorbic Acid in Targeted {alpha}-Therapy of Thyroid Cancer
211At is an α-emitter that has similar chemical properties to iodine and is used in targeted α-therapy. In the present study, we added ascorbic acid (AA) to 211At solution to increase the radiochemical purity of astatide and evaluated its efficacy against differentiated thyroid cancer, which is characterized by the expression of sodium/iodide symporter (NIS). Methods: Crude 211At solution (AA(–)) and 211At solution treated with AA (AA(+)) were prepared. Uptake by the thyroid was compared between...
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
From the Literature
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
Also Human: The Inner Lives of Doctors
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
A Conversation Between Joanna Fowler and Johannes Czernin
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
This Month in JNM
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
Solid-State Detector SPECT Myocardial Perfusion Imaging
There has been an evolutionary leap in SPECT imaging with the advent of camera systems that use solid-state crystals and novel collimator designs configured specifically for cardiac imaging. Solid-state SPECT camera systems have facilitated dramatic reductions in both imaging time and radiation dose while maintaining high diagnostic accuracy. These advances are related to simultaneous improvement in photon sensitivity due to the collimator and imaging geometry, as well as image resolution due to...
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
The Contribution of Multiparametric Pelvic and Whole-Body MRI to Interpretation of 18F-Fluoromethylcholine or 68Ga-HBED-CC PSMA-11 PET/CT in Patients with Biochemical Failure After Radical Prostatectomy
Our purpose was to assess whether the addition of data from multiparametric pelvic MRI (mpMR) and whole-body MRI (wbMR) to the interpretation of 18F-fluoromethylcholine (18F-FCH) or 68Ga-HBED-CC PSMA-11 (68Ga-PSMA) PET/CT (=PET) improves the detection of local tumor recurrence or of nodal and distant metastases in patients after radical prostatectomy with biochemical failure. Methods: The current analysis was performed as part of a prospective, multicenter trial on 18F-FCH or 68Ga-PSMA PET, mpMR,...
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
Training Requirements for Theranostics: A Unique Opportunity for Collaboration
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
111In-Pentetreotide Scintigraphy Versus 68Ga-DOTATATE PET: Impact on Krenning Scores and Effect of Tumor Burden
Eligibility for somatostatin receptor (SSTR) radionuclide therapy uses the qualitative Krenning score based on 111In-pentetreotide planar scintigraphy as was performed in the NETTER-1 trial. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of using SSTR PET–based Krenning score in comparison to 111In-pentetreotide. Methods: This was a post hoc head-to-head comparison of 68Ga-DOTATATE–based and 111In-pentetreotide–based Krenning scores in 150 patients included in a prospective phase 2 study (NCT01967537)....
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
Vascular Calcification: The Evolving Relationship of Vascular Calcification to Major Acute Coronary Events
Calcification in a coronary artery is accepted as definite evidence of coronary atherosclerosis. The extent and density of calcification, as combined in the Agatston score, is associated with the risk of a patient experiencing a major acute coronary event. Atherosclerosis occurs because damaged endothelial cells allow low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLc) to leak into subintimal tissue. Proteoglycans in subendothelial collagen have a high affinity for LDLc, retaining the lipoprotein cholesterol...
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
qPSMA: Semiautomatic Software for Whole-Body Tumor Burden Assessment in Prostate Cancer Using 68Ga-PSMA11 PET/CT
Our aim was to introduce and validate qPSMA, a semiautomatic software package for whole-body tumor burden assessment in prostate cancer patients using 68Ga-prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) 11 PET/CT. Methods: qPSMA reads hybrid PET/CT images in DICOM format. Its pipeline was written using Python and C++ languages. A bone mask based on CT and a normal-uptake mask including organs with physiologic 68Ga-PSMA11 uptake are automatically computed. An SUV threshold of 3 and a liver-based threshold...
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
Early Phase I Study of a 99mTc-Labeled Anti-Programmed Death Ligand-1 (PD-L1) Single-Domain Antibody in SPECT/CT Assessment of PD-L1 Expression in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Immunotherapy with checkpoint inhibitor programmed cell death 1 (PD-1)/programmed death ligand-1 (PD-L1) antibodies demonstrates improvements in treatment of advanced non–small cell lung cancer. Treatment stratification depends on immunohistochemical PD-L1 measurement of biopsy material, an invasive method that does not account for spatiotemporal heterogeneity. Using a single-domain antibody, NM-01, against PD-L1, radiolabeled site-specifically with 99mTc for SPECT imaging, we aimed to assess the...
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
Synergistic Effect of a Mesothelin-Targeted 227Th Conjugate in Combination with DNA Damage Response Inhibitors in Ovarian Cancer Xenograft Models
Targeted 227Th conjugates (TTCs) represent a new class of therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals for targeted α-therapy. They comprise the α-emitter 227Th complexed to a 3,2-hydroxypyridinone chelator conjugated to a tumor-targeting monoclonal antibody. The high energy and short range of the α-particles induce antitumor activity, driven by the induction of complex DNA double-strand breaks. We hypothesized that blocking the DNA damage response (DDR) pathway should further sensitize cancer cells by inhibiting...
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
Assessment of Simplified Methods for Quantification of 18F-FDHT Uptake in Patients with Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer
18F-fluorodihydrotestosterone (18F-FDHT) PET/CT potentially provides a noninvasive method for assessment of androgen receptor expression in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). The objective of this study was to assess simplified methods for quantifying 18F-FDHT uptake in mCRPC patients and to assess effects of tumor perfusion on these 18F-FDHT uptake metrics. Methods: Seventeen mCRPC patients were included in this prospective observational multicenter study. Test...
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
In Vivo Translation of the CIRPI System: Revealing Molecular Pathology of Rabbit Aortic Atherosclerotic Plaques
Thin-cap fibroatheroma (TCFA) are the unstable lesions in coronary artery disease that are prone to rupture, resulting in substantial morbidity and mortality worldwide. However, their small size and complex morphologic and biologic features make early detection and risk assessment difficult. We tested our newly developed catheter-based Circumferential-Intravascular-Radioluminescence-Photoacoustic-Imaging (CIRPI) system in vivo to enable detection and characterization of vulnerable plaque structure...
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
Frequency, Determinants, and Costs of Recommendations for Additional Imaging in Clinical 18F-FDG PET/CT Reports
Our purpose was to determine the frequency, determinants, and costs of recommendations for additional imaging (RAIs) in clinical 18F-FDG PET/CT reports. Methods: This retrospective study included a random sample of 2,643 18F-FDG PET/CT scans that were performed for various clinical reasons at a tertiary-care academic medical center without financial incentives for self-referral, within a 1.5-y period. Results: Ninety-eight (3.7%) of 2,643 18F-FDG PET/CT reports contained an RAI. None of the investigated...
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
Molecular Imaging of the Glomerulus via Mesangial Cell Uptake of Radiolabeled Tilmanocept
An unmet need for the clinical management of chronic kidney disease is a predictive tool of kidney function during the first decade of the disease, when there is silent loss of glomerular function. The objective of this study was to demonstrate receptor-mediated binding of tilmanocept to CD206 within the kidney and provide evidence of kinetic sensitivity of this binding to renal function. Methods: Rats were positioned in a PET scanner with the liver and kidneys within the field of view. After an...
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
Early Detection of Multiorgan Light-Chain Amyloidosis by Whole-Body 18F-Florbetapir PET/CT
Immunoglobulin light-chain (AL) amyloidosis affects multiple systemic organs. However, determination of the precise extent of organ involvement remains challenging. Targeted amyloid imaging with 18F-florbetapir PET/CT offers the potential to detect AL deposits in multiple organs. The primary aim of this study was to determine the distribution and frequency of AL deposits in the various organs of subjects with systemic AL amyloidosis using 18F-florbetapir PET/CT. Methods: This prospective study included...
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
Improved Scatter Correction to Eliminate Halo Artifacts for 68Ga-Labeled Radiopharmaceuticals in PET Imaging
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
Combination of 5-Fluorouracil with Epigenetic Modifiers Induces Radiosensitization, Somatostatin Receptor 2 Expression, and Radioligand Binding in Neuroendocrine Tumor Cells In Vitro
Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy in advanced neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) demonstrates a limited objective response rate. The therapeutic efficacy might be further increased by peptide receptor chemoradionuclide therapy. In this preclinical study, we explored the effects of 5-fluorouracil plus the DNA methyltransferase inhibitor decitabine or the histone deacetylase inhibitor tacedinaline on NET cells in vitro. Methods: Human NET cell lines BON1 and QGP1 were treated with 5-fluorouracil alone...
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
The Martinique Principles
JNM Current Issue
Tue Sep 03, 2019 20:10
Recovery of decreased metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 availability in abstinent alcohol-dependent patients
Animal models of alcohol dependence and relapse demonstrate an important role of the glutamatergic system, in particular the cerebral metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5). Using [18F]FPEB positron emission tomography, it was found that chronic alcohol use leads to decreased limbic mGluR5 availability, where lower mGluR5 was associated with less craving. Here, we tested whether the state of decreased mGluR5 availability in alcohol-dependent patients normalizes during abstinence (at 2- and 6-month...
The Journal of Nuclear Medicine (JNM)
Tue Sep 03, 2019 17:12
Hybrid Tracers Based on Cyanine Backbones Targeting Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen - Tuning Pharmacokinetic Properties and Exploring Dye-Protein Interaction
Currently, the use of prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA)-targeted radiotracers, e.g., 99mTc-labelled PSMA tracer analogues for radioguided surgery, is revolutionising prostate cancer surgery. The purpose of this study was to develop a second-generation 99mTc-labelled PSMA tracer incorporating a fluorescent dye. Methods: PSMA-targeting hybrid tracers were synthesised: EuK-Cy5-mas3, EuK-(SO3)Cy5-mas3, EuK-Cy5(SO3)-mas3, EuK-(Ar)Cy5-mas3, EuK-Cy5(Ar)-mas3; the Cy5 dye acts as a functional backbone...
The Journal of Nuclear Medicine (JNM)
Tue Sep 03, 2019 17:12
First-Line Selective Internal Radiation Therapy in Patient with Uveal Melanoma Liver Metastases
Survival of patients with uveal melanoma liver metastases is strongly correlated with disease control in the liver. Unfortunately, there are no standardized treatments for this chemo-resistant disease. Selective Internal Radiation Therapy (SIRT) has been tested as salvage therapy but no data exist about its use as first-line therapy. The purpose of this study was to investigate the safety and efficacy of SIRT used as first-line therapy in patients with uveal melanoma metastatic to the liver. Methods:...
The Journal of Nuclear Medicine (JNM)
Tue Sep 03, 2019 17:12

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