Τρίτη 19 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Assessment of sealing ability of two root-end filling materials at different depths: A comparative study
Anupama Ahirwar, J John, Midhun Paul, Allu Baby, Bilu Sara, Sapna C Kambiranda

International Journal of Oral Care and Research 2019 7(3):61-64

Background: Most biocompatible and least microleakage of root-end filling material helps the clinician to provide a proper apical seal that prevents the movement of bacteria and the spreading of their remnants from the root canal system into the periapical tissues. The aim of this study was to compare the sealing ability of biodentine and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) as root-end filling material at different depths. Materials and Methods: For this study, 100 freshly extracted maxillary central and lateral incisor teeth were taken and stored in normal saline. All teeth were divided into four experimental groups: Group 1––filled with biodentine; Group 2––filled with MTA; Group 3––positive control group; and Group 4––negative control group. Groups 1–3 were divided into three subgroups, which comprised 10 teeth each. The teeth were immersed in methylene blue dye (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Mumbai, India) for 72h. The depth of dye penetration was examined under a stereomicroscope (Magnus, Olympus, Noida, India) with a ×10 eyepiece magnification and ×2 zoom to evaluate the roots for the extent of microleakage. Results: On biodentine filling, at 3 mm showed the least mean (126.72 ± 111.87) followed by 4 mm (137.28 ± 111.87) and 2 mm (195.36 ± 182.99) deep cavities, respectively. On MTA filling, at 4 mm showed the least mean (902.88 ± 321.12) followed by 3 mm (924.00 ± 303.06) and 2 mm (1404.48 ± 539.72) deep cavities, respectively. Conclusion: On conclusion, both the materials tested showed dye penetration but there was significantly less dye penetration in biodentine, which may be because of its smaller particle size and formation of mineral tags, which may offer more resistance to microleakage than MTA at a similar depth.

Evaluation and comparison of freeway space in edentulous and dentulous patients with and without head-stabilizing device
Khushboo Mishra, Divya Hegde, Suchitra SR, Sajan Shetty, Sanjana Shah, Alwin George

International Journal of Oral Care and Research 2019 7(3):65-70

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare and evaluate freeway space with and without head-stabilizing device. Materials and Methods: A head posture-fixing device was used to fix the head posture in a natural head position. The goniometer (ISICO, 17 Transparent, 360°, Galaxy informatics India, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-India) axis was used in various studies to standardize head posture changes. The digital calipers with measuring range of 0–150 mm/0”–6” and resolution of 0.01 mm/0.0005” was used. Chin–tip of the nose (Niswonger’s method) was taken as the reference point. Results: Freeway space without head-stabilizing device for dentulous and edentulous subjects was 4.8 mm and with stabilizing device was 2.2 mm, which was near to the precise value, and was found to be significant with head-stabilizing device. Conclusion: There was a significant difference between all tested groups. These results clarified that freeway space with head-stabilizing device obtained excellent reproducibility compared to the conventional methods.

Evaluation of anti-inflammatory property of Aloe vera mouthwash on gingivitis
Nubesh Khan, Binsu Sukumaran, Bijoy John, Gayathri Sasikumari, Rohit R Thakkar, Vinod Sargaiyan

International Journal of Oral Care and Research 2019 7(3):71-73

Introduction: The Aloe vera has pharmacological actions which include antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic and immune- boosting properties. The purpose of this study was to evaluate anti inflammatory property of aloe vera mouthwash on gingivitis. Materials and methods: This study used 50 patients who came to a private clinic in Kerala, India, divided into 25 subjects in the test group and 25 subjects in the control group. Results: The difference is seen in the mean value of index in the subjects of scaling with the Aloe vera mouthwash of 0.97210.19543, higher than the mean on subjects without Aloe vera mouthwash of 0.76320.18754 (p<0.05). Conclusions: The use of Aloe vera mouthwash can decrease gingival inflammation, which can be seen from the gingival index score on all test subjects.

Activ GP system in endodontics: A review
Mazen Doumani, Adnan Habib, Razan O Khallof, Mohammad I Albakheet, Mohammed G Alghamdi, Turki I Alowyyed

International Journal of Oral Care and Research 2019 7(3):74-76

The ideal endodontic obturating material must cut communication between the root canal and the periodontal tissues. It should also be nongenotoxic, non-carcinogenic, nontoxic, biocompatible with host tissues, insoluble in tissue fluids, and dimensionally stable. Because the available root canal filling materials do not have these ideal properties, Activ GP system was developed and recommended to be used as a root canal filling material. The use of a new material should be based on laboratory, biological, and clinical studies. The aim of this review was to update previously published information and present a list of articles from various highly indexed endodontic journals regarding Activ GP system, cytotoxicity, pH, solubility, anti-biofilm activity, sealing properties, resistance to fracture of dental roots obturated with Activ GP system, retreatment, and the effect of irrigating solutions on bond strength of this system.

Erupted compound odontoma: A rare case report and review
Dilip Kumar Kasavanhalli Honnegowda, Vaibhav Lakavanahalli Ranganna, Kiran Yadnalli Chandregowda, Gopal Krishna, Naveen Kumar

International Journal of Oral Care and Research 2019 7(3):77-80

Odontomas are benign tumors containing various component tissues of the teeth. They usually remain asymptomatic and are diagnosed on routine radiographs. Clinically, they are often associated with delayed eruption or impaction of permanent teeth and retained primary teeth. A case of erupted compound odontoma in association with an impacted maxillary permanent right canine in a 32-year-old female patient was reported. Erupted odontoma is a rare entity to occur, making it an interesting case for reporting.

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