Πέμπτη 21 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Clinical features and outcome of hepatosplenic fungal infections in children with haematological malignancies
Youssef Madney  Lobna Shalaby  Mervat Elanany  Naglaa Adel  Eman Nasr  Khaled Alsheshtawi  Alaa Younes  Hanafy Hafez
First published: 12 September 2019 https://doi.org/10.1111/myc.13002
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Hepatosplenic fungal infection (HSFI) is a severe invasive fungal infection observed during neutrophil recovery in patients with acute leukaemia treated with intensive chemotherapy. Retrospective analysis including all paediatric haematological malignancies patients with HSC treated in Children Cancer Hospital Egypt (2013‐2018). Twenty‐five patients with acute leukaemia developed HSFI (19 patients diagnosed as hepatosplenic candidiasis). Most of the cases (92%) occurred during the induction phase. Organs affected were as follows: liver in 18 patients, renal in 13 patients, spleen in 12 patients, skin in four patients and retina in one patient. Five (20%) patients had proven HSC, 14 (56%) probable and six (24%) possible HSFI. Ten patients had a PET‐CT for response assessment. Candida tropicalis was the most common isolated spp. from blood/tissue culture. Six (24%) patients developed HSFI on top of antifungal prophylaxis. Steroids were given in 12 (52%) patients with HSFI as immune reconstitution syndrome (IRS). Caspofungin was the first line of treatment in 14 (56%) patients, liposomal amphotericin B in six (24%) patients and azoles in five (20%) patients. HSFI was associated with delayed of intensification phase of chemotherapy (median 42 days). The success rate was reported in 24 patients with complete response (68%) and partial response in (28%) patients, while failure (death) seen in 1(4%) patient. HSC is still a major challenge in paediatric leukaemias patients with impact on treatment delay and survival outcome. PET scan, non‐culture diagnostics and steroid role evidence in IRS are growing. Antifungal stewardship for screening, early detection for high‐risk patients and better response assessment is challenging.

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