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Πέμπτη 21 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Collaborating with Families and Law Enforcement Agencies to Improve Outcomes for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
imageABSTRACT: Increased visibility of adverse encounters between individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and law enforcement (LE) has stimulated a dialog among providers. There are a variety of contributing factors to the increase, including the recognized lack of training of LE professionals on the needs of individuals with ASD and the paucity of awareness of resources by the families of these individuals. The aim of this article is to provide insight into developmental-behavioral pediatric professionals, to enhance safety and reduce adverse outcomes for individuals with ASD in schools and the community.
Parents' Consumer Preferences for Early Childhood Behavioral Intervention in Primary Care
imageABSTRACT: Objective: Early childhood parenting interventions are increasingly delivered in primary care, but parental engagement with those interventions is often suboptimal. We sought to better understand parents' preferences for the content and delivery method of behavioral health guidance in pediatric primary care and to determine the relationship of those preferences with demographic characteristics, child behavior problems, and parenting style. Methods: Participants were 396 parents of young children recruited from primary care offices. We collected measures of parental preferences (including behavioral topics, intervention strategies, and methods of delivery) for behavioral intervention in primary care, child behavior symptoms, parenting style, and demographic characteristics. Descriptive statistics were used to identify parents' most preferred behavioral topics and intervention delivery methods. We used a hierarchical regression approach to determine whether parenting style predicted parents' preferences beyond demographic and child-level factors. Results: Nearly all parents (96%) endorsed a behavioral topic (e.g., aggression) as important. Most preferred to receive intervention during routine medical appointments. Child behavior problems correlated with parents' overall interest in behavioral guidance, but clinically significant symptoms did not differentiate interest in any single topic. Socioeconomic factors and negative parenting practices predicted some parental preferences. Notably, lax parenting generally predicted higher interest in behavioral intervention, whereas hostile and physically controlling parenting predicted lower interest. Conclusion: Most parents are interested in behavioral guidance as part of primary care, but their preferences for the content and delivery of that guidance vary by known socioeconomic, child, and parenting risk factors. Tailoring intervention to parents' preferences may increase engagement with available interventions.
Adolescent-Reported Sleep/Wake Patterns in the Relationships Between Inhibitory Control and Internalizing and Externalizing Problems
imageABSTRACT: Objective: Youth with poorer inhibitory control are more likely to experience internalizing and externalizing problems, placing them at risk for poorer psychological, academic, and social functioning. Modifying inhibitory control is challenging; therefore, research is needed to identify alternative targets to reduce internalizing and externalizing problems in youth. Sleep/wake patterns may serve as alternative targets, given their relationships with poorer inhibitory control and greater internalizing and externalizing problems. This study examines the mediating role of sleep/wake patterns in the relationships between youth inhibitory control and internalizing and externalizing problems. Method: One hundred fifty-five adolescent (ages 12–15 years) and parent dyads completed the Behavioral Rating Inventory of Executive Function, Pediatric Symptom Checklist, and Adolescent Sleep-Wake Scale, short version. Bootstrapped mediations examined indirect relationships between inhibitory control and internalizing and externalizing through sleep/wake patterns. Results: Analyses revealed that problematic sleep/wake patterns partially mediated the relationship between poorer inhibitory control and greater internalizing, explaining 19% of the variance in internalizing problems. In addition, problematic sleep/wake patterns partially mediated the relationship between poorer inhibitory control and greater externalizing, explaining 58% of the variance in externalizing problems. Conclusion: The results suggest that sleep/wake patterns may be a mechanism through which deficits in inhibitory control increase youth risk for internalizing and externalizing problems. Because sleep/wake patterns are frequently modified through adoption of health behaviors conducive to good sleep, assessing for problematic patterns in adolescents who present with internalizing and externalizing problems may offer providers a relatively modifiable target to reduce the emotional and behavioral problems of youth with poorer inhibitory control abilities.
Impact of Stressful Climates on Provider Perceptions of Integrated Behavioral Health Services in Pediatric Primary Care: An Exploratory Study
imageABSTRACT: Objective: Pediatric primary care providers (PCPs) work in challenging environments and are increasingly called to implement complex interventions, such as behavioral health (BH) service integration. We explore how perceived stressful practice climates (1) change over time in and (2) influence provider perceptions of collaborative care versus usual care, 2 models of integrated BH care. Methods: Secondary exploratory analysis using hierarchical linear modeling was performed on an 18-month cluster-randomized trial of 8 pediatric primary care practices to Doctor-Office Collaborative Care (DOCC), where an on-site care manager delivered BH services in coordination with PCPs, or Enhanced Usual Care (EUC), where a care manager facilitated referrals to local BH providers. Various indicators of PCP perceptions of BH services, including satisfaction with practice, burdens and beliefs regarding psychosocial problems, and effectiveness in treating behavioral problems, were assessed as outcomes. Moderators were 2 domains of stressful climates, role conflict and role overload. Results: Role conflict and role overload stayed stable in both conditions. Role conflict strengthened the positive effect of DOCC on PCP perceived effectiveness in treating behavioral problems (β [SE], 0.04 [0.02]; p = 0.04) and improvement in managing oppositional/aggressive behavior (0.02 [0.01]; p = 0.02). Role overload strengthened the positive effect of DOCC on PCP-perceived improvement in managing attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (0.03 [0.01]; p = 0.01). Stressful climates did not influence perceptions for EUC providers. Conclusions: Providers experiencing more stressful practice climates developed more positive perceptions of collaborative care. This may encourage stressed providers to make effective practice changes and promote practice integration of BH services.
Maternal Anxiety, Parenting Stress, and Preschoolers' Behavior Problems: The Role of Child Self-Regulation
imageABSTRACT: Objective: Maternal anxiety is a well-known risk factor for early childhood behavior problems. In this study, we explore (1) whether parenting stress mediates this relation and also (2) whether child factors, namely self-regulation, modify the influence of maternal well-being on child externalizing and internalizing problems at 4 years of age. Method: Mothers taking part in the Growing Up in Singapore Towards Healthy Outcomes cohort completed the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory when their children were 24 months of age. At 42 months of age, children performed a self-regulation task (n = 391), and mothers completed the Parenting Stress Index. When children were 48 months old, both parents completed the Child Behavior Checklist. Results: As predicted, parenting stress mediated the relation between maternal trait anxiety and child externalizing and internalizing problems. This mediating effect was further moderated by child self-regulation. The indirect effect of maternal trait anxiety through parenting stress on child externalizing problems was stronger among children with low self-regulation. Conclusion: Parenting stress is an additional pathway connecting maternal trait anxiety and children's externalizing and internalizing behavior problems. The risk for child externalizing problems conveyed by elevated maternal trait anxiety and parenting stress may be buffered by better self-regulation in 4-year-olds. These results suggest that interventions that include decreasing parenting stress and enhancing child self-regulation may be important to limiting the transgenerational impact of maternal trait anxiety.
Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Perceived Picky Eating in a Low-Income, Primarily Hispanic Sample
imageABSTRACT: Objective: Feeding concerns are common in the first 2 years of life and typically reflect maternal perceptions occurring within the larger context of the parent-child relationship. We aimed to determine whether (1) maternal depressive systems predicted perceived picky eating, mediated by maternal negative perceptions; (2) receipt of the Video Interaction Project (VIP) parenting intervention impacted perceived picky eating through this pathway; and (3) perceived picky eating was associated with child growth or subsequent dietary patterns. Methods: We performed a partial longitudinal analysis of 187 low-income, predominantly Hispanic mother-child dyads enrolled in a randomized controlled trial of the VIP. Mother-infant dyads were enrolled postpartum in an urban public hospital. Participants randomized to the VIP met with an interventionist on days of well-child visits; sessions were designed to facilitate interactions in play and shared reading through provision of learning materials and review of videotaped parent-child interaction; the curriculum did not contain feeding-specific elements. We used structural equation modeling to determine direct, indirect, and total effects of maternal depressive symptoms, maternal negative perceptions, and the VIP on perceived picky eating. We then tested associations between perceived picky eating and (1) child growth, using multivariable linear regression and multilevel modeling; and (2) subsequent child dietary consumption, using multivariable multinomial logistic regression. Results: Maternal depressive symptoms had significant total effects on negative maternal perceptions (β = 0.32, p < 0.001) and perceived picky eating (β = 0.21, p < 0.01) after controlling for potential confounders. This effect was partially mediated by maternal negative perceptions (indirect effect: β = 0.06, p = 0.04). When used in the model as the predictor, the VIP had a significant total effect on perceived picky eating (β = −0.16, p = 0.02), which was partially mediated by maternal depressive symptoms and negative perceptions (indirect effect: β = −0.05, p = 0.02). Perceived picky eating was not associated with child diet at age 2 years or adiposity from 6 months to 3 years. Conclusion: Maternal concerns about picky eating may reflect deeper depressive symptoms and negative perceptions of her child's behavior. Interventions designed to facilitate positive parenting in general may lessen feeding-specific concerns, such as picky eating. Although reassurance about growth and nutritional outcomes for children perceived as picky eaters is appropriate, clinicians should also consider probing for underlying symptoms of depression that could lead to eating concerns.
Differences Between Mothers' and Fathers' Perception of Their Adolescents' Pain Before and After Parent Training Through The Comfort Ability Pain Management Program
imageABSTRACT: Objective: To evaluate differences in how mothers and fathers perceive and respond to their adolescents' chronic pain before and after The Comfort Ability Program (CAP), a 1-day cognitive-behavioral intervention, and to compare outcomes between mother-father dyads and mothers who attended the intervention alone. Methods: Parents completed the Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS) and Helping for Health Inventory (HHI) at baseline (preintervention) and at 1 week, 1 month, and 3 months after intervention. Confirmatory factor analyses evaluated construct validity and invariances of the scales. Paired t tests compared scores between mothers and fathers. Unpaired t tests compared mother-father dyads (n = 33) and mothers who attended the intervention alone (n = 73). Results: PCS baseline showed significant construct instability between maternal and paternal interpretations. However, 1 week after intervention, construct stability improved between parents. On the PCS and HHI, in which lower scores represent more adaptive parenting behaviors, fathers scored significantly lower than mothers at baseline (PCS: 22.6 [7.7] vs 28.0 [11.4], p value = 0.033; HHI: 16.0 [8.1] vs 20.6 [9.6], p value = 0.029). At 3 months after intervention, PCS scores for both mothers and fathers significantly decreased from baseline (mothers: p value = 0.009; fathers: p value = 0.052) and converged (mothers: 18.6 [11.2] vs fathers: 18.3 [13.2]; p value = 0.786). Mother and father HHI scores were significantly lower at 3 months than baseline (mothers: 13.2 [9.5], p value = 0.005; fathers: 15.0 [12.7], p value = 0.017), although improvement of construct stability between parents was less evident. Conclusion: Findings suggest that mothers and fathers may differentially perceive and respond to their adolescents' pain and that CAP parent-training intervention may help align their thinking. The results further demonstrate that both parents make adaptive changes after intervention, reinforcing the value of including both parents in pediatric treatment for chronic pain.
Psychiatric Symptoms: Prevalence, Co-occurrence, and Functioning Among Extremely Low Gestational Age Newborns at Age 10 Years
imageABSTRACT: Objective: To evaluate the percentage of children born extremely preterm (EP) who screen positive for ≥1 DSM-IV psychiatric disorders, the co-occurrence of and sex-related differences in these classifications, and the functional correlates of psychiatric symptoms. Methods: The Extremely Low Gestational Age Newborn (ELGAN) Study is a prospective cohort follow-up of children born <28 weeks' gestation. For 871 10-year-old children, parents completed the Child Symptom Inventory-4 (CSI-4), a child educational/medical history questionnaire, and the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL). Results: At age 10 years, ELGANs were more likely to screen positive for a number of psychiatric disorders when compared with normative expectations on the CSI-4, with a few sex-related differences. Fifteen percent of participants screened positive for 1 disorder, 7% for 2, 3% for 3, and 4% for ≥4 psychiatric disorders. Compared with children who did not screen positive for psychiatric disorders, children who screened positive for ≥3 psychiatric disorders were approximately twice as likely to have repeated a grade, have an individualized educational program, have an individual school aide, and to require special remediation classes. Children who screened positive for any psychiatric disorder were 4 times more likely to use 1 or more psychotropic medication, and those who screened positive for ≥2 psychiatric disorders had lower PedsQL scores. Conclusion: Among 10-year-old children born EP, rates of psychiatric symptoms exceeded normative expectation, and children who screened positive for more than 1 psychiatric disorder were at increased risk of having multiple functional impairments.
Language Skills in Children Born Preterm (<30 Wks' Gestation) Throughout Childhood: Associations With Biological and Socioenvironmental Factors
imageABSTRACT: Objective: To examine the individual and collective contribution of biological and socioenvironmental factors associated with language function at 2, 5, 7, and 13 years in children born preterm (<30 weeks' gestation or <1250 g birth weight). Methods: Language function was assessed as part of a prospective longitudinal study of 224 children born preterm at 2, 5, 7, and 13 years using age-appropriate tools. Language Z-scores were generated based on a contemporaneous term-born control group. A selection of biological factors (sex, small for gestational age, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, infection, and qualitatively defined brain injury) and early socioenvironmental factors at age 2 years (primary income earner employment status and type, primary caregiver education level, English as a second language, parental mental health history, parent sensitivity and facilitation, and parent-child synchrony) was chosen a priori. Associations were assessed using univariable and multivariable linear regression models applied to outcomes at each time point. Results: Higher primary caregiver education level, greater parent-child synchrony, and parent sensitivity were independently associated with better language function across childhood. Socioenvironmental factors together explained an increasing percentage of the variance (9%–18%) in language function from 2 to 13 years of age. In comparison, there was little evidence for associations between biological factors and language function, even during early childhood years. Conclusion: This study highlights the importance of socioenvironmental factors over biological factors for language development throughout childhood. Some of these socioenvironmental factors are potentially modifiable, and parent-based interventions addressing parenting practices and education may benefit preterm children's language development.
Inattention and Hyperactivity in Children with Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Congenital Cytomegalovirus
imageABSTRACT: Objectives: To explore the relationship between congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) and inattention and hyperactivity among school-aged children. Methods: The Behavior Assessment System for Children, Second Edition, parent- and self-report, was completed among children with symptomatic congenital CMV (ScCMV) (n = 36), asymptomatic congenital CMV (AcCMV) (n = 76), and controls (n = 29) enrolled in a longitudinal cohort. The proportions of children with ScCMV, AcCMV, and controls with Attention Problems or Hyperactivity T-scores ever ≥ 65 were compared. Mean T-scores in these domains were also compared and adjusted for IQ. Results: Children with AcCMV did not differ from controls in the proportion of children with elevated Attention Problems or Hyperactivity T-scores or in mean Attention Problems or Hyperactivity T-scores. Children with ScCMV had a higher proportion of elevated Attention Problems T-scores compared with the AcCMV group but not controls. There were no differences in the proportions of children with elevated Hyperactivity T-scores between ScCMV and AcCMV or control groups. Children with ScCMV had higher mean Attention Problems T-scores versus those with AcCMV and controls and higher mean Hyperactivity T-scores versus those with AcCMV but not controls. After adjustment for IQ, differences in mean Attention Problems or Hyperactivity T-scores were no longer significant. Conclusion: Children with AcCMV are not at increased risk of inattention or hyperactivity compared with controls. However, our study suggests an increased prevalence of inattention and hyperactivity among children with ScCMV. Differences in IQ were confirmed to have a confounding effect. Evaluation for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder may be warranted in this population.

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