Herald Cell: The Gateway to Posterior Tympanotomy—A Cadaveric StudyAbstract
Posterior tympanotomy is the avenue to the facial recess of the middle ear from mastoid antrum. The entry into the facial recess in many cases is heralded by a distinct air cell before approaching the facial-chordal plane. The current study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of this ‘Herald Cell’ in an adult cadaveric population. It was a human cadaveric temporal bone dissection study. The bones were dissected to carry out cortical mastoidectomy and posterior tympanotomy using standard otologic drills under microscopic visualization (Leica M320 F12). Appropriate snapshots were taken to document the presence or absence of Herald cell. A total of 51 temporal bones were dissected (26 right, 25 left sided). The Herald cell was found to be present in 22 bones (43.1%). Herald cell, when present, is a convenient and reliable landmark to carry out a safe posterior tympanotomy.
Redo Tracheostomy: Our Experience, Problems Encountered and How to Overcome ThemAbstract
Tracheostomy is a life-saving procedure done electively or most commonly in emergency basis. In patients with diagnosed case of cancer in upper airway tract they usually require tracheostomy at some point of time during their whole treatment procedure. Patients receiving radiotherapy or chemotherapy or combination of these are at high risk of developing post treatment changes in neck anatomy. Redo tracheostomy due to any reasons in such types of patients is a surgical challenge. The purpose of this article is to share our surgical technique in redo tracheostomy. During a period of two years 39 patients with diagnosed cancer in head neck region underwent redo tracheostomy at the hand of the author. Twenty-six patients were had received chemoradiation for their primary cancer and 6 patients were planned for second surgery due to recurrence disease in oral cavity. Reasons for redo tracheostomy are: sixteen patients were post chemoradiation on follow up with accidental expulsion of tube, 17 patients were recurrence/residual disease and 6 patients were plan for second surgery due to recurrence disease. In 9 cases the surgery was started by other doctor and taken over by the author due to profuse bleeding (5 cases) and failure to localised the trachea (4 cases). Among the 39 patients successful redo tracheostomy was possible in all. Mild surgical emphysema was encountered in 3 patients which was not significant. There was no other complication related to tracheostomy till the patients were discharge from the hospital. When redo tracheostomy is required in a post chemoradiation patients maintaining the proper dissection plane and procedure is important to avoid unnecessary complication intraoperatively.
Isovolumetric Relaxation Time (IVRT): An Effective Tool in Management of Subclinical HypothyroidismAbstract
Hypothyroidism is a common condition in which thyroid gland doesn’t produce sufficient thyroid hormone. Normal range of TSH is 0.4 to 4 mIU/L. Patients with TSH between 5 and 10 mIU/L, with normal T4 are diagnosed to have subclinical hypothyroidism. Decision to treat, particularly the subclinical hypothyroidism is tailored to individual patients. In our study, isovolumetric relaxation time (IVRT) was used to detect the diastolic function of cardia in hypothyroid patient, with the help of 2D echocardiogram. Normal duration of IVRT is 54 to 65 μs and in hypothyroidism it is expected to increase. To assess, whether IVRT is an effective tool in the management of subclinical hypothyroidism. 50 patients attending otorhinolaryngology OPD with TSH level of 5 to 10 mIU/L were selected for the study. All these were sent for 2D echocardiogram, for the measurement of IVRT. These 50 patients were divided into 2 groups. Group A—patients with TSH level 5 to 10 mIU/L and normal IVRT. Group B—patients with TSH level 5 to 10 mIU/L and prolonged IVRT. Patients in Group A were not given thyroxine, and after 3 months, they were reviewed with TSH level and IVRT duration. Patients in Group B were started with thyroxine, and after 3 months, they were reviewed with TSH level and IVRT duration. The basal and 3 months follow up values of TSH and IVRT was analysed on both the groups. The p value of group A was not significant, but p value group B was significant. IVRT as a measuring tool in sub clinical hypothyroidism will definitely bring a major change in the concepts of treatment.
A Study of Toluidine Blue Staining in Suspected Oral Malignancies in Patients Presenting to Tertiary Care Hospital in Central IndiaAbstract
Oral malignancies are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in worldwide and especially in Indian subcontinent. India stands at first position in total number of oral cancers in worldwide. Hence it is the need of hour to have safe and reliable screening test for early diagnosis of oral malignancies. Toluidine blue (TB) staining is an ideal screening test with high sensitivity and specificity. This study carried out in our department with objective to study efficacy of TB in oral malignancies and potential oral malignant lesions and also to evaluate and compare TB staining with histopathological examination of lesion. This prospective study conducted on 183 patients who attended ENT department. Out of 183 patients 146 (79.8%) were positive with TB and 37 (20.2%) were not stained with TB. Out of 146 positive patients 134 were turned out to be positive for malignancy in histopathological examination. Out of 37 negative patients 5 were positive for malignancy in histopathological examination and 32 were negative. Out of 183 patients 139 (76%) were positive whereas 44 (24%) were found negative for malignancy. In present study clinical examination of oral cavity reveal most of the patients had leukoplakis (37.7%) followed by swelling (26.8%), ulcer (26.2%). Positive and negative predictive value of TB was 91.8% and 86.5% respectively whereas positive and negative predictive value of histopathology was 96.4% and 72.7% respectively. TB stain is cheap, quick and easily available readymade kit and no side effects and so have excellent patient compliance so it can be best utilized as a premier tool in initial detection of suspected oral malignancy.
Facial Nerve Stimulation as a Complication of Cochlear ImplantationAbstract
Facial nerve stimulation (FNS) can be considered as one of potential complications of the cochlear implant (CI) procedure. A number of conditions have been identified that appear to predispose patients to facial nerve stimulation. Facial nerve stimulation can frequently be resolved with minimal changes in speech processor fitting but this may lead to reduction in the outcome. To overcome the aberrant FNS after cochlear implantation with preservation of patient performance. A retrospective review has been made of the clinical features of 2 patients out of 175 children younger than 17 years of age consecutively implanted, from April 2014 to December 2017 (in the ENT Department at the National Hearing and Speech Institute, Egypt). These 2 patients developed post-implantation facial nerve stimulation. Changing the programming strategies help to overcome this complication. FNS is one of the most frequent complications of the CI procedure. It can produce significant discomfort, in some cases may lead to limiting the use of an implant. So, preoperative counseling of the patient and surgical planning, is essential to avoid such complication. The management of FNS requires awareness with programming techniques and, in some cases, surgical explantation or re-implantation.
An Immunohistochemical Study of HIF-1 Alpha in Oral Epithelial Dysplasia and Oral Squamous Cell CarcinomaAbstract
To evaluate and compare the expression of HIF-1 Alpha (HIF-1α) in oral epithelial dysplasia (OED) and various grades of Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). 30 cases each of OEDand OSCC were stained with HIF-1α antibody. Quantification of HIF-1α positive cellswas carried out and the data was statistically analysed. The mean % HIF-1α labeling index (HIF-1α LI) increased significantly from mild OED (32.11%), moderate OED (55.07%), to severe OED (64.58%). There was a statistically significant increase in the expression of HIF-1α as grades of OED increased. The mean HIF-1α LI % in well differentiated OSCC was 46.3%, Moderately differentiated OSCC—76.31% and Poorly differentiated OSCC—89.9%. The mean HIF-1α LI was found to increase with increasing grades of OSCC which was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Further a comparison of mean HIF-1α LI in OED with different histologic grades of OSCC by Independent samples t test was performed. We found statistically significant difference between OED and moderately differentiated OSCC and OED and poorly differentiated OSCC (P = 0.000). Progressive increase in expression of HIF-1α was noted from OED to OSCC. It can be postulated that epithelial dysplastic lesions with increased HIF-1α expression are at greater risk of malignant transformation, suggesting that the expression of HIF-1α is an early event in oral carcinogenesis.
Orbital Cellulitis: Defining Multidisciplinary Approach as the Need of the HourAbstract
The aim of the study is to determine epidemiological profile of cases admitted with suspicion of pre or post septal cellulitis and to define and evaluate the various factors associated with the aetiology, presentation, diagnosis and management of orbital and preseptal cellulitis via a one year study of ten cases presenting to a tertiary care hospital in western Rajasthan, India. All patients presenting to our department or being transferred from other departments to us with the diagnosis of pre/post septal cellulitis from the March of 2017 to February 2018 were considered for this case series. Data compilation of these patients was done which included age, sex, chief complain, duration of illness, associated co-morbidities, time of presentation, management plan undertaken and associated radiological findings. All these aspects were then evaluated. Our study included 10 cases. Of these 8 were less than 14 years and 2 were over 50 years. Both the adults were female and were positive for Diabetes Mellitus type two. 80% of these patients presented between the duration of November to February with maximum (40%) in the month of December. In 7 of these 10 patients, the cellulitis was associated with underlying sinusitis. Six patients were admitted directly from ENT OPD while other 4 were being managed in other ward before being transferred to us. All patients were managed conservatively except 1 who required surgical intervention. Pre/post septal cellulitis is a dangerous condition in which prompt intervention needs to be undertaken as it can be difficult to predict what course it will follow. Radiological evaluation should be done in all cases as most cases are associated with an underlying sinus infection. Also, it is more common in paediatric age group and the patient may initially be referred to an ophthalmologist or a paediatrician in which case it becomes very important that a good working interdepartmental collaboration be present so that correct management plan can be followed.
Expectations and Experience of Children with Unilateral Cochlear Implantation: A Parental PerspectiveAbstract
To find out parental expectations regarding outcomes of unilateral cochlear implantation prior to surgery and experience received by them after cochlear implantation and 1 year of regular auditory verbal therapy, with respect to the communication abilities, social skills and participation. Total of 200 parents of hearing impaired children participated in the study. A closed ended questionnaire containing 13 questions were used to collect the data. The participants were instructed to complete all the questions provided based on their expectations and experiences. The descriptive statistics were used to determine the frequency and percentage. Among 200 parents, almost all (95%) of the parents expected to have improvement in all the subscale of communication abilities, social skills and participation. 68.5% of the parents experienced improvement in their child’s communication abilities, such as, response to quiet sounds, repetition of words without seeing speaker’s face, elimination of use of gestures, easy communication and verbal expression for needs, thoughts and feelings. 76% of the parents experienced improvement in social skills and participations, such as, good relationship with elders, siblings and peers, making friends outside the family, actively participating in the activity done by other children and easily accepted by peers in the classroom. A large number of parents met with their expectations and a small proportion of families were found to be disappointed due to high hopes and unrealistic expectation before implantation, which had adverse effect on the children’s performance.
A Comparative Study of Orbital Blow Out Fracture Repair, Using Autogenous Bone Graft and Alloplastic MaterialsAbstract
Maxillofacial trauma, a common injury in urban population following road traffic accident or act of interpersonal violence of which orbital floor fractures is common. It impairs the integrity of the extraocular muscles and may be accompanied by enophthalmos, orbital deformity and diplopia. Orbital reconstruction is essential to improve anatomical and visual deformity. Repair of orbital floor is done by autologous bone graft or synthetic implants. Compare outcome of orbital floor reconstruction in blow out orbital fracture using autogenous bone graft from iliac crest, outer table of mandible, alloplastic implant- silastic block and titanium mesh. 30 patients having orbital fractures were considered in study population. All the patients were treated by ORIF and repair of floor by subcilliary incision. Out of 30 patients, repair of orbital floor was done by autologous bone graft from iliac crest in 7 patients (Group A), bone graft from outer table of mandible in 5 patients (Group B), implant using silastic block in 8 patients (Group C) and titanium mesh in 10 patients (Group D). Factors analyzed were age, sex, cause of fracture and treatment outcome in terms of correction of pre operative diplopia and enophthalmos, rate of development of post operative infection, wound dehiscence and implant exposure. All patents were reviewed at 4 weeks and 12 weeks following operation. 71.42% of patients in Group A had early correction of diplopia and enophthalmos. This was 100% in rest of the groups. All patients had complete correction when assessed at 12 weeks post operatively. Post operative complication rate was 20% and 12.5% in Group B and C respectively. There were no complications in the rest of the groups within the follow up period. No statistically significant difference as to the chance of occurrence of complication could be found amongst the groups. Autologous bone graft has no immunological reaction but donor site morbidity. Silastic block may case immunological reaction, infection, poor drainage of orbital floor. But titanium mesh for orbital floor repair has excellent outcome and superior to other modality of treatment.
Tracheal Stenosis: Evaluation of an Institutional Protocol and Introduction of Novel Surgical Criteria and Scoring SystemAbstract
Treatment modalities for treatment of post intubation and post tracheostomy tracheal stenosis are many. However, well defined surgical criteria and prognostic classification eluding us till date. A prospective study of 57 cases of post intubation and post tracheostomy tracheal stenosis managed as per well defined surgical criteria followed in our institution. Patients were divided into three groups as per the primary surgical procedure used. The stenosis was classified into mild, moderate and severe based on our proposed prognostic classification. The success rate of endoscopic procedure was 81% with average 1.6 number of procedures per patient, for tracheoplasty success rate was 63% with 1.4 number of procedure per patient, and similarly for tracheal resection and anastomosis was 90% with 1.1 procedure per patient. The patient score as per our proposed classification correlated well with the prognosis. Our surgical criteria correlates well with success rate reported by other authors and can be helpful for institutions or surgeons dealing with tracheal stenosis occasionally. Our prognostic classification can be used to predict prognosis.
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,
Δευτέρα 11 Νοεμβρίου 2019
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,
9:33 μ.μ.

Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,
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