Παρασκευή 1 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Non‐Ischemic Diabetic Ulcers: A Systematic Review
ABSTRACT Diabetic foot ulcers are a common complication of diabetes, which affects 25% of patients and may ultimately lead to amputation of affected limbs. Research suggests hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves healing of these ulcers. However, this has not been reflected in previous reviews, possibly because they did not differentiate between patients with and without peripheral arterial occlusive disease. Therefore, we performed a systematic review of published literature in the MEDLINE, Embase...
Wound Repair and Regeneration
Thu Oct 31, 2019 10:38
The analgesic hybrid of dermorphin/Substance P and analog of enkephalin improve wound healing in streptozotocin‐induced diabetic rats
Abstract The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of the peptide analgesic hybrid compounds: AWL3106 analog of dermorphin and substance P (7‐11), and biphalin enkephalin analog on wound healing in streptozotocin‐induced diabetic rats. The diabetes was induced in 6‐7 week‐old male Wistar rats by intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin. After 70 days the wounds were created on the back of the rats and then, once a day for 21 days, the dressing containing lanolin ointment, 10% of...
Wound Repair and Regeneration
Thu Oct 31, 2019 10:32
Autologous Fat Grafting with Percutaneous Fasciotomy and Reduction of the Nipple–Areolar Complex for the Correction of Tuberous Breast Deformity in Teenagers
Abstract Background Tuberous breast deformity in the adolescent can be a source of anxiety and social isolation. Current techniques of implant placement and flap reconstruction are not always feasible in this population. Objectives The authors evaluated the use of autologous fat grafting with percutaneous fasciotomy and reduction in the nipple–areolar complex...
Latest Results for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Thu Oct 31, 2019 02:00
Measuring Outcomes of Mohs Defect Reconstruction Using Eye-Tracking Technology
This case series uses eye-tracking technology to objectively measure the association of Mohs facial defect reconstruction with normalized attentional distraction.
JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery Online First
Thu Oct 31, 2019 02:00
Functional Outcomes, Quantitative Morphometry, and Aesthetic Analysis of Articulated Alar Rim Grafts in Septorhinoplasty
This case series analyzes the functional and aesthetic outcomes of articulated alar rim graft placement on nasal airway function, nasal base shape change, and appearance.
JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery Online First
Thu Oct 31, 2019 02:00
Spontaneity Assessment in Dually Innervated Gracilis Smile Reanimation Surgery
This cohort study assesses the outcomes of dually innervated gracilis free muscle transfers using a novel clinical assessment tool.
JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery Online First
Thu Oct 31, 2019 02:00
Clarification of a Suspension Technique for Unstable Nasal Bones—Reply
In Reply Many thanks for the letter and comments relating to the recently published Surgical Pearl. We are very grateful to you for drawing our attention to the work of Maliniac, of which the authors were unaware. I remember during my higher surgical training once being told that if I thought I had had an original idea, I should check the german literature. Although that is not completely accurate in this case, the point is well made.
JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery Online First
Thu Oct 31, 2019 02:00
Clarification of a Suspension Technique for Unstable Nasal Bones
To the Editor We read the article “Suspension Technique for Unstable Nasal Bones” (and related video) by Hunter and Tasman. We congratulate the authors on their work; however, some aspects may be underlined in their article.
JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery Online First
Thu Oct 31, 2019 02:00

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