Mouse model of the human serotonin transporter-linked polymorphic regionAbstract
Genetic factors play a significant role in risk for mood and anxiety disorders. Polymorphisms in genes that regulate the brain monoamine systems, such as catabolic enzymes and transporters, are attractive candidates for being risk factors for emotional disorders given the weight of evidence implicating monoamines involvement in these conditions. Several common genetic variants have been identified in the human serotonin transporter (5-HTT) gene, including a repetitive sequence located in the promoter region of the locus called the serotonin transporter-linked polymorphic region (5-HTT-LPR). This polymorphism has been associated with a number of mental traits in both humans and primates, including depression, neuroticism, and harm avoidance. Some, but not all, studies found a link between the polymorphism and 5-HTT levels, leaving open the question of whether the polymorphism affects risk for mental traits via changes in 5-HTT expression. To investigate the impact of the polymorphism on gene expression, serotonin homeostasis, and behavioral traits, we set out to develop a mouse model of the human 5-HTT-LPR. Here we describe the creation and characterization of a set of mouse lines with single-copy human transgenes carrying the short and long 5-HTT-LPR variants. Although we were not able to detect differences in expression between the short and long variants, we encountered several technical issues concerning the design of our humanized mice that are likely to have influenced our findings. Our study serves as a cautionary note for future studies aimed at studying human transgene regulation in the context of the living mouse.
Allele substitution and dominance effects of CD166 / ALCAM gene polymorphisms for endoparasite resistance and test-day traits in a small cattle population using logistic regression analysesAbstract
The study investigated the effects of four single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule (ALCAM) gene on liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) infections (FH-INF), gastrointestinal nematode infections (GIN-INF) and disease indicator traits [e.g. somatic cell score (SCS), fat-to-protein ratio (FPR)] in German dual-purpose cattle (DSN). A genome-wide association study inferred the chip SNP ALCAMc.73+32791A>G as a candidate for F. hepatica resistance in DSN. Because of the crucial function of ALCAM in immune responses, SNPs in the gene might influence further resistance and performance traits. Causal mutations were identified in exon 9 (ALCAMc.1017T>C) and intron 9 (ALCAMc.1104+10T>A, ALCAMc.1104+85T>C) in a selective subset of 94 DSN cows. We applied logistic regression analyses for the association between SNP genotypes with residuals for endoparasite traits (rINF-FH, rGIN-INF) and estimated breeding values (EBVs) for test-day traits. The probability of the heterozygous genotype was estimated in dependency of the target trait. Allele substitution effects for rFH-INF were significant for all four loci. The T allele of the SNPs ALCAMc.1017T>C and ALCAMc.1104+85T>C was the favourable allele when improving resistance against FH-INF. Significant allele substitution for rGIN-INF was only found for the chip SNP ALCAMc.73+32791A>G. We identified significant associations between the SNPs with EBVs for milk fat%, protein% and FPR. Dominance effects for the EBVs of test-day traits ranged from 0.00 to 0.47 SD and were in the direction of improved resistance for rFH-INF. We estimated favourable dominance effects from same genotypes for rFH-INF and FPR, but dominance effects were antagonistic between rFH-INF and SCS.
Hepatic gene expression variations in response to high-fat diet-induced impaired glucose tolerance using RNAseq analysis in collaborative cross mouse populationAbstract
Hepatic gene expression is known to differ between healthy and type 2 diabetes conditions. Identifying these variations will provide better knowledge to the development of gene-targeted therapies. The aim of this study is to assess diet-induced hepatic gene expression of susceptible versus resistant CC lines to T2D development. Next-generation RNA-sequencing was performed for 84 livers of diabetic and non-diabetic mice of 41 different CC lines (both sexes) following 12 weeks on high-fat diet (42% fat). Data analysis revealed significant variations of hepatic gene expression in diabetic versus non-diabetic mice with significant sex effect, where 601 genes were differentially expressed (DE) in overall population (males and females), 718 genes in female mice, and 599 genes in male mice. Top prioritized DE candidate genes were Lepr, Ins2, Mb, Ckm, Mrap2, and Ckmt2 for the overall population; for females-only group were Hdc, Serpina12, Socs1, Socs2, and Mb, while for males-only group were Serpine1, Mb, Ren1, Slc4a1, and Atp2a1. Data analysis for sex differences revealed 193 DE genes in health (Top: Lepr, Cav1, Socs2, Abcg2, and Col5a3), and 389 genes DE between diabetic females versus males (Top: Lepr, Clps, Ins2, Cav1, and Mrap2). Furthermore, integrating gene expression results with previously published QTL, we identified significant variants mapped at chromosomes at positions 36–49 Mb, 62–71 Mb, and 79–99 Mb, on chromosomes 9, 11, and 12, respectively. Our findings emphasize the complexity of T2D development and that significantly controlled by host complex genetic factors. As well, we demonstrate the significant sex differences between males and females during health and increasing to extent levels during disease/diabetes. Altogether, opening the venue for further studies targets the discovery of effective sex-specific and personalized preventions and therapies.
The gut microbiota modulates differential adenoma suppression by B6/J and B6/N genetic backgrounds in Apc Min miceAbstract
Tumor multiplicity in the ApcMin (Min) mouse model of CRC is a classic quantitative trait that is subject to complex genetic and environmental factors, and therefore serves as an ideal platform to study modifiers of disease. While disparate inbred genetic backgrounds have well-characterized modifying effects on tumor multiplicity, it is unclear whether more closely related backgrounds such as C57BL/6J and C57BL6/N differentially modify the phenotype. Furthermore, it is unknown whether the complex gut microbiota (GM) influences the effects of these background strains. We assessed tumor multiplicity in F1 mice generated from the original Min colony from the McArdle Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin (C57BL/6JMlcr-ApcMin) crossed with either C57BL/6J or C57BL/6N wild-type mice. We also used complex microbiota targeted rederivation to rederive B6NB6JMF1-ApcMin embryos using surrogate dams harboring complex GMs from two different sources to determine the effects of complex GM. Both B6/J and B6/N backgrounds significantly repressed tumor multiplicity. However, the B6/N background conferred a stronger dominant suppressive effect than B6/J. Moreover, we observed that complex GM likely modulated B6/N-mediated adenoma repression such that two distinct communities conferred differential tumor multiplicity in isogenic B6NB6JMF1-ApcMin mice. Although we cannot rule out possible maternal effects of embryo transfer, we show that B6/J and B6/N have modifier effects on Min, and these effects are further altered by the complex GM. Foremost, strict attention to genetic background and environmental variables influencing the GM is critical to enhance reproducibility in models of complex disease traits.
Mice expressing the variant rs1143679 allele of ITGAM (CD11b) show impaired DC-mediated T cell proliferationAbstract
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and functional genomic analyses have implicated several ITGAM (CD11b) single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the development of SLE and other disorders. ITGAM encodes the αM chain of the β2 integrin Mac-1, a receptor that plays important roles in myeloid cell functions. The ITGAM SNP rs1143679, which results in an arginine to histidine change at amino acid position 77 of the CD11b protein, has been shown to reduce binding to several ligands and to alter Mac-1-mediated cellular response in vitro. Importantly, however, the potential contribution of this SNP variant to the initiation and/or progression of immune and inflammatory processes in vivo remains unexplored. Herein, we describe for the first time the generation and characterization of a mouse line expressing the 77His variant of CD11b. Surprisingly, we found that 77His did not significantly affect Mac-1-mediated leukocyte migration and activation as assessed using thioglycollate-induced peritonitis and LPS/TNF-α-induced dermal inflammation models. In contrast, expression of this variant did alter T cell immunity, as evidenced by significantly reduced proliferation of ovalbumin (OVA)-specific transgenic T cells in 77His mice immunized with OVA. Reduced antigen-specific T cell proliferation was also observed when either 77His splenic dendritic cells (DCs) or bone marrow-derived DCs were used as antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Although more work is necessary to determine how this alteration might influence the development of SLE or other diseases, these in vivo findings suggest that the 77His variant of CD11b can compromise the ability of DCs to induce antigen-driven T cell proliferation.
miR-129-5p improves cardiac function in rats with chronic heart failure through targeting HMGB1Abstract
Increasing evidence shows that miRNAs play pivotal roles in cardiovascular diseases, including heart failure (HF). The aim of this study was to investigate the role of miR-129-5p in chronic heart failure and the underlying mechanisms. The levels of miR-129-5p and HMGB1 in chronic heart failure patients (CHF) and normal controls were examined by RT-qPCR and ELISA. Cardiac function, hemodynamics parameters, oxidative stress, and inflammation factors were analyzed in CHF rat model after transfection of miR-129-5p or HMGB1. Dual-luciferase activity reporter assay was conducted to validate the interaction between miR-129-5p and HMGB1. Downregulation of miR-129-5p and upregulation of HMGB1 were observed in the serum of CHF patients, respectively. Transfection of miR-129-5p improved heart function and hemodynamic parameters, as well as attenuated oxidative stress and inflammation factors in CHF rats. We further confirmed that HMGB1 is a direct target of miR-129-5p. Transfection of miR-129-5p also decreased the mRNA and protein levels of HMGB1 in myocardial tissues of CHF rats. Overexpression of HMGB1 diminished the effects of miR-129-5p on ameliorating oxidative stress and inflammatory response in rats with CHF. Our findings suggest that miR-129-5p protects the heart by targeting HMGB1.
Transposable element-mediated structural variation analysis in dog breeds using whole-genome sequencingAbstract
Naturally occurring diseases in dogs provide an important animal model for studying human disease including cancer, heart disease, and autoimmune disorders. Transposable elements (TEs) make up ~ 31% of the dog (Canis lupus familiaris) genome and are one of main drivers to cause genomic variations and alter gene expression patterns of the host genes, which could result in genetic diseases. To detect structural variations (SVs), we conducted whole-genome sequencing of three different breeds, including Maltese, Poodle, and Yorkshire Terrier. Genomic SVs were detected and visualized using BreakDancer program. We identified a total of 2328 deletion SV events in the three breeds compared with the dog reference genome of Boxer. The majority of the genetic variants were found to be TE insertion polymorphism (1229) and the others were TE-mediated deletion (489), non-TE-mediated deletion (542), simple repeat-mediated deletion (32), and other indel (36). Among the TE insertion polymorphism, 286 elements were full-length LINE-1s (L1s). In addition, the 49 SV candidates located in the genic regions were experimentally verified and their polymorphic rates within each breed were examined using PCR assay. Polymorphism analysis of the genomic variants revealed that some of the variants exist polymorphic in the three dog breeds, suggesting that their SV events recently occurred in the dog genome. The findings suggest that TEs have contributed to the genomic variations among the three dog breeds of Maltese, Poodle, and Yorkshire Terrier. In addition, the polymorphic events between the dog breeds indicate that TEs were recently retrotransposed in the dog genome.
The dark genome and pleiotropy: challenges for precision medicineAbstract
Surprisingly we remain ignorant of the function of the majority of genes in the human and mouse genomes. The dark genome is a major obstacle to the interpretation of the function of human genetic variation and its impact on disease. At the same time, pleiotropy, how individual variants influence multiple phenotypes, is key to understanding gene function and the role of genes and genetic networks in disease systems. Both understanding the genetics of disease and developing new therapeutic approaches and advances in precision medicine are all compromised by our limited knowledge of gene function and pleiotropic effects. Illuminating the dark genome and revealing pleiotropy across the genome requires a highly coordinated and international effort to acquire and analyse high-dimensional phenotype data from model organisms. We describe briefly how the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium is addressing these challenges and the novel features of the pleiotropic landscape that are revealed by functional genomics programmes at genome-wide scale.
Exploring the dark genome: implications for precision medicineAbstract
The increase in the number of both patients and healthcare practitioners who grew up using the Internet and computers (so-called “digital natives”) is likely to impact the practice of precision medicine, and requires novel platforms for data integration and mining, as well as contextualized information retrieval. The “Illuminating the Druggable Genome Knowledge Management Center” (IDG KMC) quantifies data availability from a wide range of chemical, biological, and clinical resources, and has developed platforms that can be used to navigate understudied proteins (the “dark genome”), and their potential contribution to specific pathologies. Using the “Target Importance and Novelty Explorer” (TIN-X) highlights the role of LRRC10 (a dark gene) in dilated cardiomyopathy. Combining mouse and human phenotype data leads to increased strength of evidence, which is discussed for four additional dark genes: SLX4IP and its role in glucose metabolism, the role of HSF2BP in coronary artery disease, the involvement of ELFN1 in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and the role of VPS13D in mouse neural tube development and its confirmed role in childhood onset movement disorders. The workflow and tools described here are aimed at guiding further experimental research, particularly within the context of precision medicine.
Liver size and lipid content differences between BALB/c and BALB/cJ mice on a high-fat diet are due, in part, to Zhx2Abstract
BALB/cJ mice exhibit considerable phenotypic differences with other BALB/c substrains. Some of these traits involve the liver, including persistent postnatal expression of genes that are normally expressed only in the fetal liver and reduced expression of major urinary proteins. These traits are due to a mutation that dramatically reduces expression of the gene encoding the transcription factor Zinc fingers and homeoboxes 2 (Zhx2). BALB/cJ mice also exhibit reduced serum lipid levels and resistance to atherosclerosis compared to other mouse strains when placed on a high-fat diet. This trait is also due, at least in part, to the Zhx2 mutation. Microarray analysis identified many genes affecting lipid homeostasis, including Lipoprotein lipase, that are dysregulated in BALB/cJ liver. This led us to investigate whether hepatic lipid levels would be different between BALB/cJ and BALB/c mice when placed on a normal chow or a high-fat chow diet. On the high-fat chow, BALB/cJ mice had increased weight gain, increased liver:body weight ratio, elevated hepatic lipid accumulation and markers of liver damage when compared to BALB/c mice. These traits in BALB/cJ mice were only partially reversed by a hepatocyte-specific Zhx2 transgene. These data indicate that Zhx2 reduces liver lipid levels and is hepatoprotective in mice on a high-fat diet, but the partial rescue by the Zhx2 transgene suggests a contribution by both parenchymal and non-parenchymal cells. A model to account for the cardiovascular and liver phenotype in mice with reduced Zhx2 levels is provided.
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
Πέμπτη 14 Νοεμβρίου 2019
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
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