Natural occurrence of mycotoxins in maize and sorghum in TogoAbstract
Mycotoxins are fungal secondary metabolites frequently affecting agronomical crops and consequently imposing a major challenge for food safety and public health. In this study, a total of 67 raw cereals (55 maize and 12 sorghum) were collected from the market of Togo. The samples were investigated on the occurrence of 21 mycotoxins using state-of-the-art high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS). The most frequent occurring mycotoxins were fumonisins (88 and 67% for maize and sorghum respectively) with concentrations ranging from 101 to 1838 μg/kg for maize and 81.5 to 361 μg/kg for sorghum, respectively. Aflatoxin B1 was detected in 38% of the maize samples with maximum contamination levels of 256 μg/kg, and 25% of the sorghum samples (range 6–16 μg/kg). The concentrations of aflatoxins were high in maize, with some cases exceeding the maximum legislative limits (EU) for unprocessed maize placed on the market. In addition to these high contamination levels, the co-occurrence of three classes of mycotoxins (i.e., aflatoxins, fumonisins, and trichothecenes) was observed in this study. For the first time, the multi-mycotoxins occurrence in agronomical crops in Togo was reported.
Analyses of biomarkers of exposure to nephrotoxic mycotoxins in a cohort of patients with renal tumoursAbstract
The Czech Republic occupies the first place in the world in the frequency of renal and other urinary tract tumours, but their aetiology is unknown. To explore whether carcinogenic and nephrotoxic mycotoxins may contribute to kidney diseases in the Czech population, biomarkers of ochratoxin A (OTA) and citrinin (CIT) exposure were determined in biological specimens from a cohort of 50 patients with malignant renal tumours. Biomarker analyses in blood and urine samples used validated targeted methods for measuring OTA and CIT plus dihydrocitrinone (DH-CIT) after enrichment of analytes by specific immunoaffinity clean-up. OTA and CIT plus its metabolite DH-CIT were frequently detected in patient urine samples (OTA 62%; CIT 91%; DH-CIT 100%). The concentration ranges in urine were 1–27.8 ng/L for OTA, 2–87 ng/L for CIT and 2–160 ng/L for DH-CIT. The analyses of blood samples revealed also a frequent co-occurrence of OTA and CIT, in the ranges of 40–870 ng/L serum for OTA and 21–182 ng/L plasma for CIT. This first analysis of biomarkers in blood and urine samples of Czech patients revealed no major differences in comparison with published data for the general healthy Czech and European populations. Nonetheless, a frequent co-occurrence of CIT and OTA biomarkers in patient samples may be of interest with regard to potential interactions with other risk factors for renal disease.
Fusarium species and enniatin mycotoxins in wheat, durum wheat, triticale and barley harvested in FranceAbstract
Contamination with enniatins A, A1, B and B1 was investigated in 1240 samples of small grain cereals (470 wheat, 260 durum wheat, 282 spring barley, 172 triticale and 56 winter barley) from the French harvests of 2012 to 2014. Associations with Fusarium avenaceum, F. tricinctum and F. poae were assessed, with the identification of Fusarium species by real-time PCR and mycotoxin quantification by LC–MS/MS. Enniatins were common in the fields sampled. Enniatin concentrations varied between years but were consistently highest on spring barley (mean values of 199 to 1316 μg/kg) and triticale (mean values from 131 to 1218 μg/kg), and lower on wheat (mean values from 47 to 142 μg/kg) and durum wheat (mean values from 55 to 596 μg/kg). The concentrations of the various enniatins were strongly correlated with each other (Pearson’s correlation coefficient of 0.61 to 0.98). Enniatin B was the most frequent (68% of the total enniatin content), followed by enniatin B1 (22%), enniatin A1 (7%) and enniatin A (3%). Fusarium species were quantified by calculating arithmetic mean total DNA levels. F. tricinctum was the most abundant (0.177 pg/ng total DNA), followed by F. avenaceum (0.141 pg/ng total DNA) and F. poae (0.091 pg/ng total DNA). Total DNA levels for each species, and the predominant species varied between years and crops. Small grain cereal species (p value < 0.001), harvest year (p value = < 0.001) and the presence of F. avenaceum (p value < 0.001), F. tricinctum (p value < 0.001) or F. poae (p value = 0.017) affected enniatin content. F. tricinctum was the leading enniatin producer on durum wheat (29% to 45%) and spring barley (23 to 37%). F. avenaceum produced large amounts of enniatins on durum wheat (13% to 17%) and wheat (1% to 18%) and was the leading producer on triticale (30% to 55%). F. poae made a minor contribution on all crops, never accounting for more than 2% of total enniatin content. Enniatins are, thus, highly prevalent in French small grain cereals and are mostly produced by F. avenaceum and F. tricinctum.
Effects of ascorbic acid on patulin in aqueous solution and in cloudy apple juiceAbstract
Degradation of the mycotoxin patulin (PAT) and the generation of (less toxic) breakdown products, such as (E/Z)-ascladiol (ASC-E/Z) and desoxypatulinic acid (D-PAT), can occur due to chemical, physical and biological treatments. Our study focused on the chemical degradation of PAT in the presence of ascorbic acid (AA) both for pure PAT standard in acidified aqueous solution and for PAT-contaminated cloudy apple juice (CAJ) (obtained via addition of apple mash produced from apples inoculated with Penicillium expansum). Within this framework, different concentrations of AA were evaluated, as well as the presence/absence of oxygen and different storage temperatures. In order to do so, an in-house methodology allowing a good separation of PAT from its reaction and breakdown products was optimized first. The highest PAT reduction (60%) in CAJ with an initial PAT concentration of 100 μg/kg and 0.25% (w/v) AA was achieved after 6 days of incubation at 22 °C in the presence of oxygen. It was also found that the treatment by AA resulted in the generation of degradation products less toxic than PAT (such as (E/Z)-ASC). In conclusion, AA used to improve numerous product quality aspects (e.g. colour (less browning), nutritional value, etc.) and considered as a safe food additive (Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (1999)) has an effect on PAT degradation. It was shown that such degradation generated less toxic compounds in the presence of oxygen. In view of consumers’ safety, fortification of apple juice (and possibly apple-based products) with AA could be helpful within an integrated system to ensure products with low levels of patulin. The optimum conditions for such an approach within a legal and practical point of view need to be further explored.
Detection of epigenetic effects of citrinin using a yeast-based bioassayAbstract
The present study investigated the effects of citrinin (CIT) on a yeast-transformed human DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) associated with flocculation that can be inhibited by epigenetic mutagens. CIT (0.5–2 μmol/L) inhibited the flocculation levels of yeast transfected with DNMT-genes (DNMT yeast) and the reporter gene activity of FLO1, which has been associated with flocculation. In contrast, the same concentrations of CIT had little effect on reporter activity under the control of a less methylation-sensitive FLO1 promoter. It was also shown that bacterial DNMT activity could be inhibited in the presence of CIT (4 and 40 μmol/L). These results show that CIT has inhibitory activity of DNMT, suggesting that the cytotoxicity of CIT may be involved in epigenetic mutagenicity.
Dual culture of atoxigenic and toxigenic strains of Aspergillus flavus to gain insight into repression of aflatoxin biosynthesis and fungal interactionAbstract
Application of atoxigenic strains to compete against toxigenic strains of Aspergillus flavus strains has emerged as one of the practical strategies for reducing aflatoxin contamination in corn, peanut, and tree nuts. The actual mechanism that results in aflatoxin reduction is not fully understood. Real-time RT-PCR and relative quantification of gene expression protocol were applied to elucidate the molecular mechanism. Transcriptional analyses of aflatoxin biosynthetic gene cluster in dual culture of toxigenic and atoxigenic A. flavus strains were carried out. Six targeted genes, aflR, aflJ, omtA, ordA, pksA, and vbs, were downregulated to variable levels depending on paired strains of toxigenic and atoxigenic A. flavus. Consistent with the decreased gene expression levels, the aflatoxin concentrations in dual cultures were reduced significantly in comparison with toxigenic cultures. Fluorescent images showed fungal hyphae in dual culture displayed green fluorescent, and contacts of live hyphae were seen. A coconut agar plate assay was used to show that toxigenic A. flavus colony produced blue fluorescence under long UV exposure, suggesting that aflatoxin is exported outside fungal hyphae. Furthermore, the assay was applied to demonstrate the potential role of thigmo-regulation in fungal interaction.
Relationship between cyclopiazonic acid production and gene expression in Penicillium griseofulvum under dry-cured ham processing environmental conditionsAbstract
Cyclopiazonic acid (CPA)-producing Penicillium griseofulvum is usually found on the dry-cured ham surface during its ripening. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of temperature and water activity (aw) of dry-cured ham processing on growth, CPA production, and temporal relative expression of genes involved in CPA biosynthesis on dry-cured meat-based media. P. griseofulvum CECT 2919 grew faster than P. griseofulvum IBT 14319 in all conditions tested, although no growth occurred at 0.85 aw. Besides, the dry-cured ham-based medium favoured CPA synthesis for both strains compared to the meat-based medium. For the strain CECT 2919, the expression of the mfs-1 and pks-nrps genes were stimulated at 0.90 and 0.95 aw, respectively, while the dmaT gene expression was inhibited during the incubation time. By contrast, the strain IBT 14319 showed that the dmaT gene expression was stimulated at 0.90 aw, while the pks-nrps and mfs-1 genes were repressed throughout incubation time. In conclusion, it is necessary to reduce aw on the surface of the hams below 0.85 during ripening before to increase temperature to reduce growth of P. griseofulvum and CPA production. This information may be useful to design preventive and corrective actions to minimise risks associated with the presence of CPA in dry-cured ham.
Volatile 1-octen-3-ol increases patulin production by Penicillium expansum on a patulin-suppressing mediumAbstract
1-Octen-3-ol is one of the most abundant volatile compounds associated with fungi and functions as a germination and growth inhibitor in several species. By investigating its effect on the biosynthesis of patulin, a mycotoxin made by Penicillium expansum, it was found that a sub-inhibitory level of volatile 1-octen-3-ol increased accumulation of patulin on a medium that normally suppresses the mycotoxin. Transcriptomic sequencing and comparisons of control and treated P. expansum grown on potato dextrose agar (PDA; patulin permissive) or secondary medium agar (SMA; patulin suppressive) revealed that the expression of gox2, a gene encoding a glucose oxidase, was significantly affected, decreasing 10-fold on PDA and increasing 85-fold on SMA. Thirty other genes, mostly involved in transmembrane transport, oxidation-reduction, and carbohydrate metabolism were also differently expressed on the two media. Transcription factors previously found to be involved in regulation of patulin biosynthesis were not significantly affected despite 1-octen-3-ol increasing patulin production on SMA. Further study is needed to determine the relationship between the upregulation of patulin biosynthesis genes and gox2 on SMA, and to identify the molecular mechanism by which 1-octen-3-ol induced this effect.
Mycobiota and mycotoxins in Portuguese pork, goat and sheep dry-cured hamsAbstract
The objectives of the present work were to survey, for the first time, the contamination of Portuguese fresh and dry-cured meat products with ochratoxin A (OTA) and aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), and to determine the fungi potentially responsible for this contamination. A total of 128 samples including pork fresh legs, dry-cured legs and shoulders, as well as goat and sheep dry-cured legs were analysed. Mycological analysis of these samples yielded a total of 630 fungal isolates. Penicillium sp. was the dominant fungal genus in all products (66% of all isolates). Penicillium nordicum and Aspergillus westerdijkiae were only rarely isolated from pork ham samples. In fresh pork meat, 40% of the samples were contaminated with OTA at levels below 1 μg/kg. In pork dry-cured legs with 20 to 25 months of ripening, 43% of the samples showed detectable contamination, while 18% of the shoulder hams were contaminated. OTA was not detected in any of the goat and sheep samples. OTA contamination does not seem to be a risk in small-piece and short-ripe products like goat and sheep legs, but affects longer ripe products like pork legs and shoulders. Although aflatoxigenic fungi were identified, AFB1 was not detected in any sample, and it should not be considered a risk in dry-cured hams.
Potential adverse effects on animal health and performance caused by the addition of mineral adsorbents to feeds to reduce mycotoxin exposureAbstract
The contamination of feed with mycotoxins is a continuing feed quality and safety issue, leading to significant losses in livestock production and potential human health risks. Consequently, various methods have been developed to reduce the occurrence of mycotoxins in feed; however, feed supplementation with clay minerals or mineral adsorbents is the most prominent approach widely practiced by farmers and the feed industry. Due to a negatively charged and high surface area, pore volume, swelling ability, and high cation exchange capacity, mineral adsorbents including bentonite, zeolite, montmorillonite, and hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate can bind or adsorb mycotoxins to their interlayer spaces, external surface, and edges. Several studies have shown these substances to be partly or fully effective in counteracting toxic effects of mycotoxins in farm animals fed contaminated diets and thus are extensively used in livestock production to reduce the risk of mycotoxin exposure. Nevertheless, a considerable number of studies have indicated that these agents may also cause undesirable effects in farm animals. The current work aims to review published reports regarding adverse effects that may arise in farm animals (with a focus on pig and poultry) and potential interaction with veterinary substances and nutrients in feeds, when mineral adsorbents are utilized as a technological feed additive. Furthermore, results of in vitro toxicity studies of both natural and modified mineral adsorbents on different cell lines are reported. Supplementation of mycotoxin-contaminated feed with mineral adsorbents must be carefully considered by farmers and feed industry.
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
Κυριακή 3 Νοεμβρίου 2019
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
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Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,
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