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Παρασκευή 1 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Personality and the Expression of Symptomatology in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder
imageResearchers and clinicians have begun using dimensions rather than categories to classify psychopathology with a reliance on personality questionnaires to tap traits that can inform dimensional characterizations. A neglected concern is whether in severe psychopathology questionnaire-based assessments of personality reflect a lifetime propensity toward a diagnosis, as some personality-psychopathology models posit, or reflect the transient effects of current symptoms, as a complication model of personality-psychopathology would suggest. Accurate characterization of psychopathology is necessary to understand etiology and prescribe clinical care. We studied 127 adults with schizophrenia, schizoaffective, or bipolar disorder who completed well-validated measures of personality, current symptomatology, and lifetime psychopathology. We found that normative personality traits were related to current symptoms but unrelated to lifetime symptomatology, whereas the schizotypal trait of cognitive-perceptual distortions predicted lifetime psychosis severity. Questionnaire-based assessments of normative personality are likely affected by current symptom states and may fail to yield a stable characterization of psychopathology.
Doctor-Diagnosed Arthritis and Self-Reported Physical Health Function Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults With Serious Mental Illness
imageArthritis is one of the most common chronic conditions in aging adults, with both physical and mental health issues and consequences. However, there is insufficient arthritis research among aging adults with serious mental illness (SMI). This study examined rates of doctor-diagnosed arthritis and its cross-sectional associations with self-reported physical health function among adults aged 50 years and older with SMI. Community-based mental health center participants (n = 176) reported clinical and sociodemographic data (e.g., physical health function, sex), whereas diagnostic information (i.e., arthritis, psychiatric, and medical diagnoses) was retrieved from medical records. Arthritis prevalence was high (43.8%) and had an independent, negative association with physical health function. Findings suggest that arthritis evaluations and intervention services need to be prioritized in middle-aged and older adults with SMI. Future research should focus on further testing arthritis self-management programs and other nonpharmacological psychosocial approaches for arthritis in aging adults with SMI.
Patterns, Predictors, and Prognostic Validity of Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder Symptoms in Recently Bereaved Adults: A Latent Class Analysis
imagePersistent complex bereavement (PCBD) was entered to DSM-5. No studies have yet examined the nature, prevalence, prognostic validity, and underlying mechanisms of PCBD symptom patterns in recently bereaved people. Knowledge on these issues could improve the early identification and treatment of disturbed grief. Latent class analysis was used to identify subgroups characterized by different PCBD symptom patterns among recently (≤6 months) bereaved adults (n = 476). In a subgroup (n = 251), we assessed associations of class membership with PCBD severity and functional impairment assessed 3 years later. Associations between class membership and sociodemographic and cognitive-behavioral variables were also examined. We identified a resilient (50.0%), separation distress (36.1%), and high PCBD symptoms (13.9%) class. Class membership had prognostic value as evidenced by associations with PCBD severity and functional impairment assessed 3 years later. Deaths of partners/children, unexpectedness of the loss, and maladaptive cognitions and avoidance behaviors were also associated with membership of the pervasive symptom classes.
Quality of Life in Patients With Breast Cancer: The Influence of Family Caregiver's Burden and the Mediation of Patient's Anxiety and Depression
imagePrevious research showed that family caregiver's perception of burden can influence patient's report on their quality of life (QoL). The present study investigated the relationship between the two variables by considering the role of patient's anxiety and depression. A total of 382 dyads of Chinese breast cancer patients and their family caregivers participated in this study. The results showed that the mediation model fitted the data well (χ2 = 49.859; df = 16; χ2/df = 3.116; RMSEA = 0.05; TLI = 0.928; CFI = 0.959). It indicated that family caregiver's burden influenced patient's QoL negatively, and this relationship was partially mediated by patient's anxiety and depression.
Medicinal Plants Combating Against Insomnia: A Green Anti-Insomnia Approach
imageInsomnia is a state defined as trouble with sleep; it is a chronically disabling condition and is now significantly prevalent, imposing enormous health and economic burdens both on individuals and on society. This state includes trouble in falling asleep, problems staying asleep, fragmented sleep (repeatedly awakening at night), and/or awakening before time in the morning. This difficulty in sleeping causes feeling exhausted during the day and trouble with daytime activities including driving, family responsibilities, and completion of valued daily routines. Different types of synthetic sedative drugs are used to handle nervous system changes, but repeated use of sedatives caused tolerance in the human body. After a while, people had to take a heavy dose of sedative to make them feel sleepy, which imposes extra toxic effects on vital organs of the body. Medicinal plants are gaining more and more attention as sedative agents because herbs contained different types of natural bioactive metabolites with not well reported side effects. In addition, medicinal plants have economic, high efficacy and are easy available. So in current review plants possessing sedative activities have been compiled with their constituents responsible to manage insomnia. Review of the literature indicated that medicinal plants from various systems of medicine have been reported to possess sedative activity. This review suggests that medicinal plants are efficacious for insomnia; further laboratory and clinical studies are required.
Tracing Metacognition in Psychotherapy: Associations With Symptoms of General Distress and Depression
imageDeficits in metacognition have often been identified as a central feature in various forms of psychopathology. The current study explores changes in metacognition and symptoms during the process of psychodynamic-oriented psychotherapy conducted in a community setting among people with diverse psychological challenges. We examined the associations between metacognition and symptoms at both the within-client and the between-clients level. Nine good-outcome and nine poor-outcome cases of psychodynamic treatment were analyzed. In terms of metacognitive abilities, results showed that clients who were part of the good-outcome group had higher levels of decentration than did clients who were part of the poor-outcome group. In addition, clients' ability to understand the other's mind improved significantly only for clients in the good-outcome group. Furthermore, sessions in which clients' self-reflectivity was higher were followed by increased symptom levels (in the next session) beyond group (poor or good outcome group). Clinical implications regarding the improvement of metacognitive abilities and their associations with outcome measures are discussed.
Metacognitive Interpersonal Mindfulness-Based Training for Worry About Interpersonal Events: A Pilot Feasibility and Acceptability Study
imageIndividuals with personality disorders experience worry and repetitive thoughts regarding interpersonal scenarios. Mainstream mindfulness-based approaches may be insufficient to soothe these individual's distress due to difficulties in letting thoughts go and refocusing attention to the present moment. For this reason, we devised an adapted form of mindfulness-based program called Metacognitive Interpersonal Mindfulness-Based Training (MIMBT) for personality disorders. In this pilot study, 28 individuals attended nine weekly sessions to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability, and to establish preliminary outcomes. All individuals completed the program. Attendance was very high (96%). Significant changes were observed on the primary outcome of reduction in repetitive thinking, measured using the Metacognition Questionnaire-30. We also observed a decrease in depression severity. Despite important limitations, this pilot study suggests that MIMBT has the potential to be a viable and well-accepted option for increasing positive outcomes in the treatment of personality disorders. Clinical considerations and directions for future research are discussed.
Facilitating the Delivery of Cognitive Remediation in First-Episode Psychosis: Pilot Study of a Home-Delivered Web-Based Intervention
imageWe explored the adherence to a home-delivered, computer-based, cognitive remediation protocol in a first-episode psychosis outpatient cohort. Seventeen patients underwent a cognitive training protocol for 6 months using an online platform accessible from their home under the supervision of a qualified neuropsychologist. Neuropsychological, psychopathological, and functional data were collected at baseline and postintervention, whereas qualitative appraisal of the intervention was assessed monthly. Overall, participants' evaluation of the program was positive. This was reflected in a good adherence rate with 12 (70%) of 17 patients completing 80% of the prescribed sessions. Exploratory analysis revealed significant improvements in sustained attention (p = 0.020) and verbal memory (p = 0.018). A decrease in negative symptoms and an improvement on the Clinical Global Impression were also found (p = 0.009). We believe these are encouraging results to further explore the adopted delivery approach, which could facilitate access to cognitive training earlier and to a larger group of patients.
Predictors of Dissociative Experiences Among Adolescents in Nepal: A Path Analysis
imageIn recent years, many adolescents in Nepal have been affected by episodes of mass psychogenic illness, which seem to involve dissociative symptoms. To identify the potential contributors to dissociation, the present study examined correlates of dissociative experiences among adolescents in Nepal. In a cross-sectional survey, 314 adolescents were assessed with the Adolescent Dissociative Experiences Scale and measures of childhood trauma exposure, as well as cognitive and personality traits found to be associated with dissociation in studies on other populations. Path analysis confirmed that childhood trauma, cognitive and personality traits, and current distress each predicted dissociative experiences and behaviors. However, an integrated path model found that the effect of childhood trauma on dissociation was mediated either by posttraumatic stress symptoms or by cognitive failures. Future studies should develop and test multifactorial models of dissociation and multiple pathways.
Exposure to Parental Threatening Behaviors and Internalizing Psychopathology in a Trauma-Exposed Inpatient Adolescent Sample: The Role of Difficulties With Goal-Directed Behaviors
imageParental threatening behaviors have emerged as a subset of negative parental behaviors strongly related to internalizing symptoms among youth, yet the underlying mechanisms in this association have remained unexplored. The current investigation examined the role of difficulties engaging in goal-directed behavior while emotionally distressed in the association between exposure to maternal threatening behaviors and internalizing symptoms among trauma-exposed inpatient psychiatric youth. Participants (N = 50; mean [SD] age, 15.1 [0.51] years; age range, 12–17 years) completed measures of emotion dysregulation, exposure to maternal threatening behaviors, depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, as well as trauma-related functional impairment. Results revealed that inability to engage in goal-directed behavior while distressed significantly explained associations between exposure to maternal threatening behaviors and each of the three symptom classes, but not the association between exposure to maternal threatening behaviors and trauma-related functional impairment. These novel findings underscore the need for interventions that target the capacity for goal-directed behavior in the context of emotional distress, especially among trauma-exposed youth who have experienced parental threatening behaviors.

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