Τετάρτη 6 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Risk factors for perforation of gastric endoscopic submucosal dissection: a systematic review and meta-analysis
imageThe aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to identify significant risk factors for perforation in gastric endoscopic submucosal dissection. Studies published in the English language were searched for in Embase, WEB OF SCIENCE, Medline (PubMed and Ovid) and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and Database of Systematic Reviews. Inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria were defined in advance in this work. Probable risk factors in a total of eighteen studies were evaluated, and the results are represented in the case of dichotomous variables as an odds ratio (with 95% confidence interval). Analysing the risk factors, the odds ratios were 1.98 (95% confidence interval: 1.02–3.85) for liver disease; 3.62 (95% confidence interval: 2.83–4.65) for vertical localization (the upper portion of the stomach); 1.42 (95% confidence interval: 1.03–1.96) for resected size (>20 mm); 3.05 (95% confidence interval: 1.80–5.17) for depth of invasion (submucosal); 4.12 (95% confidence interval: 1.63–10.39) for operation time (>2 hours); 1.59 (95% confidence interval: 1.25–2.01) for gross type of lesion (depressed or flat); and 3.88 (95% confidence interval: 2.69–5.60) for piecemeal resection. Liver disease, vertical localization (the upper portion of the stomach), resected size (>20 mm), depth of invasion (submucosal), operation time (>2 hours), gross type of lesion (flat or depressed), and piecemeal resection were verified to be risk factors for perforation of gastric endoscopic submucosal dissection.
Prognosis of synchronous colorectal carcinoma compared to solitary colorectal carcinoma: a matched pair analysis
imageBackground Synchronous colorectal carcinoma (CRC) is a specific and rare type of colorectal malignancy. The data on the impact of synchronous CRC are controversial. This study aimed to compare the characteristics and prognosis between synchronous CRC and solitary CRC. Patients and methods 252 patients who underwent surgery between October 2009 and June 2013 with synchronous CRC (n = 126) or solitary CRC (n = 126) were included. The patients were matched according to age, sex, American Society of Anesthesiologists score, BMI, cancer grade, tumor location, and tumor stage. The short-term outcomes included the length of hospital stay, complications, and 30-day mortality. Long-term endpoints were overall survival (OS), disease-free survival (DFS), and cancer-specific survival (CSS). Results The median follow-up duration for all patients were 42.5 months. The incidence of synchronous CRC was high than in older and male patients as well as in mucinous adenocarcinoma containing signet-ring cell carcinoma, tumor deposit, and polypus. The length of hospital stay after surgery was longer for synchronous CRC than solitary CRC (median: 10 vs. 4 days, P = 0.033). In multivariate analysis, synchronous CRC was an independent prognostic factor associated with poor OS (hazard ratio: 2.355, 95% confidence interval: 1.322–4.195, P = 0.004), DFS (hazard ratio: 2.079, 95% confidence interval: 1.261–3.429, P = 0.004), and CSS (hazard ratio: 2.429, 95% confidence interval: 1.313–4.493, P = 0.005). Conclusion The clinical and pathological features exhibit differences between synchronous CRC and solitary CRC and the prognosis of patients with synchronous CRC was poorer than those with solitary CRC.
Coeliac disease: older patients have the most extensive small bowel involvement on capsule endoscopy
imageObjective The relation between symptomatology, serology and findings on small bowel capsule endoscopy (SBCE) in patients with coeliac disease (CD) remains unclear. Clarifying such associations will help to determine whether symptoms and serology can predict severity and extent of disease on SBCE. Methods Patients with newly diagnosed CD were recruited. Information on SBCE was recorded. Signs and symptoms at presentation, serological markers and histological classification of the disease in the duodenum were noted. Results Sixty patients with newly diagnosed CD (mean age: 44.9 years, SD: ±17.4, 17–76) were included in this study. Older patients (P = 0.025) and patients presenting with iron deficiency anaemia had more extensive small bowel (SB) involvement (25.7% vs. 13.5%; P = 0.026). Those with weight loss were more likely to have SB involvement beyond the duodenum (37.5% vs. 5.8%; P = 0.027). Patients presenting with iron deficiency anaemia (53.5 vs. 42.4 years; P = 0.038) and weight loss (60.5 vs. 42.4 years; P = 0.009) were significantly older at diagnosis. Serum albumin was lower in those patients diagnosed later on in life (Pearson correlation −0.0361; P = 0.007). There was no significant association between anti-tissue transglutaminase antibody (P = 0.396) and extent of affected SB mucosa. Patients with more severe Marsh scores on histology from the duodenal bulb had more extensive SB involvement (P = 0.017). Conclusions This is the largest study on the use of SBCE in newly diagnosed CD. Older patients are likely to have more extensive disease on SBCE at diagnosis. Symptoms and serology had no impact on the findings on SBCE apart from weight loss and iron deficiency anaemia.
Efficacy and safety of a capsule endoscope delivery device in children
imageObjectives This multicenter, cross-sectional study aimed to elucidate the efficacy and safety of the AdvanCE capsule endoscope delivery device for children in Japan. Methods The present study analyzed 183 cases of small bowel capsule endoscope (SBCE) insertion performed using the AdvanCE in 154 patients aged less than 18 years at participating institutions between 2013 and 2017. Statistical analyses were conducted to identify factors contributing to the completion rate for the entire small intestine examination, small intestine transit time, adverse events and technical issues. Results The commonest reason for using the AdvanCE was the patient’s inability to swallow the SBCE, which was attributed to young age. SBCE was successfully delivered into the stomach or duodenum in 180 cases and was placed in the duodenum in 90% patients. In 89% patients, the entire small intestine was completely examined, and in 63% patients, findings leading to a new diagnosis or involving changing or maintaining the treatment strategy were obtained. No severe adverse events were observed; however, mild adverse events were observed in 35% patients. No factors considerably contributed to the completion rate for the entire small intestine examination or small intestine transit time and onset of technical issues. The factors that contributed to mild adverse events included intravenous anesthesia, technical issue, and absence of prior insertion of a patency capsule using the AdvanCE. Conclusion The AdvanCE is well tolerated and effective for children.
Sleep disturbances in HIV-HCV coinfected patients: indications for clinical management in the HCV cure era (ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH cohort)
imageObjectives Although common among patients coinfected with HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV), sleep disturbances (SD) are still poorly documented in this population in the HCV cure era. This longitudinal study aimed at analysing SD in HIV-HCV coinfected patients and identifying their clinical and sociobehavioural correlates. Methods We used 5-year annual follow-up data from 1047 participants in the French National Agency for Research on Aids and Viral Hepatitis Cohort 13 ‘Hépatite et VIH’ (ANRS CO13 HEPAVIH) cohort of HIV-HCV coinfected patients to identify clinical (medical records) and behavioural (self-administered questionnaires) correlates of SD (mixed-effects logistic regression). SD were identified using one item documenting the occurrence of insomnia or difficulty falling asleep (ANRS ‘Action Coordonnée 24’ self-reported symptoms checklist), and two items documenting perceived sleep quality (Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression and WHO Quality of Life HIV-specific brief scales). Results Seven hundred and sixteen (68.4%) patients with completed self-administered questionnaires reported SD at their most recent follow-up visit. In the multivariable model, hazardous alcohol consumption (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test-Consumption score ≥ 4 for men, ≥ 3 for women) (adjusted odds ratio = 1.61; 95% confidence interval: 1.09–2.36), depressive symptoms (6.78; 4.36–10.55) and the number of other physical and psychological self-reported symptoms (1.10; 1.07–1.13) were associated independently with SD after adjustment for sex, age and employment status. HCV cure was not associated significantly with SD. Conclusion SD remain frequent in HIV-HCV coinfected patients and are associated with a series of modifiable behavioural risk factors. Independent of HCV cure, improved screening and comprehensive management of alcohol use, physical and psychological self-reported symptoms and depression are essential in this population. Closer investigation of these risk factors of SDs may both increase sleep quality and indirectly improve patients’ clinical outcomes.
The efficacy comparison of carvedilol plus endoscopic variceal ligation and traditional, nonselective β-blockers plus endoscopic variceal ligation in cirrhosis patients for the prevention of variceal rebleeding: a meta-analysis
imageBackground Currently, the first-line treatment regimen in cirrhotic patients for variceal rebleeding prophylaxis is still under debate. Aim This study aimed to compare the efficacy and safety of carvedilol plus endoscopic variceal ligation (EVL) and traditional, nonselective β-blockers (NSBBs) plus EVL in preventing variceal rebleeding. Patients and methods Studies were found in PubMed, the Cochrane Library, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang Med Online, and Wiper Database. Review Manager 5.3 was used to analyze the relevant data. Results Nine trials including 802 patients were identified (402 for carvedilol and 400 for traditional NSBBs). Carvedilol was more efficacious than traditional NSBBs in decreasing the variceal rebleeding rate [odds ratio (OR): 0.53; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.38–0.75; P = 0.0003], lowering the degree of esophageal varices (OR: 4.40; 95% CI: 2.64–7.34; P < 0.00001), decreasing the mean arterial pressure (standard mean difference: − 0.35; 95% CI: − 0.56 to − 0.14; P = 0.0009), reducing the total adverse events occurrence (OR: 0.39; 95% CI: 0.28–0.53; P < 0.00001), and decreasing drug-related adverse events (OR: 0.37; 95% CI: 0.25–0.56; P < 0.00001). No difference was noted between carvedilol and traditional NSBBs with respect to mortality and heart rate (OR: 0.72; 95% CI: 0.43; 1.22; P = 0.22 and standard mean difference: 0.09; 95% CI: − 0.12 to 0.30; P = 0.40, respectively). Conclusion Combined with variceal ligation, carvedilol was more effective and safer than traditional NSBBs in the prevention of rebleeding in cirrhotic patients.
Red blood cell distribution width for predicting significant liver inflammation in patients with autoimmune hepatitis
imageBackground Red blood cell distribution width (RDW) was reported to be associated with the severity of liver diseases. We aimed to investigate the association between RDW and severity of liver inflammation in autoimmune hepatitis (AIH). Patients and methods Ninety-two consecutive AIH patients who underwent liver biopsy during 2016–2017 were included. Liver histology was evaluated using the Scheuer scoring system. Logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the risk factors for significant inflammation. The diagnostic accuracy was evaluated by the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve. Results The RDW level was higher in AIH patients with significant inflammation (14.6%, interquartile range: 13.2–16.3%) than in patients with mild inflammation (13.2%, interquartile range: 12.6–13.8%). The RDW level was correlated positively with the grades of liver inflammation (r=0.356, P < 0.001). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of RDW in predicting significant inflammation was 0.739 (95% confidential interval: 0.634–0.843, P < 0.001), with 67.80% sensitivity and 75.76% specificity. The diagnostic performance of RDW for significant inflammation was better than alanine aminotransferase (P = 0.003) and immunoglobulin G (P = 0.049). RDW (odds ratio = 1.702, P = 0.001) was identified as an independent predictor for significant inflammation by logistic multivariable analysis. Conclusion The RDW level was correlated positively with the severity of liver inflammation in AIH patients. RDW can be a promising indicator for predicting significant liver inflammation in AIH.
Acoustic radiation forced impulse-based splenic prediction model using data mining for the noninvasive prediction of esophageal varices in hepatitis C virus advanced fibrosis
imageBackground Esophageal varices (EV) are serious complications of hepatitis C virus (HCV) cirrhosis. Endoscopic screening is expensive, invasive, and uncomfortable. Accordingly, noninvasive methods are mandatory to avoid unnecessary endoscopy. Acoustic radiation forced impulse (ARFI) imaging using point shear wave elastography as demonstrated with virtual touch quantification is a possible noninvasive EV predictor. We aimed to validate the reliability of liver stiffness (LS) and spleen stiffness (SS) by an ARFI-based study together with other noninvasive parameters for EV prediction in HCV patients. Also, we aimed to evaluate the diagnostic performance of a new simple prediction model (incorporating SS) using data mining analysis. Patients and methods This cross-sectional study included 200 HCV patients with advanced fibrosis. Labs, endoscopic, ultrasonographic, LS, and SS data were collected. Their accuracy in diagnosing EV was assessed and a data mining analysis was carried out. Results Ninety patients (22/46% of F3/F4 patients) had EV (39/30/18/3 patients had grade I/II/III/IV, respectively). LS and SS by ARFI showed high significance in differentiating not only patients with/without EV (P = 0.000 for both) but also correlated with the grading of varices (R = 0.31 and 0.45, respectively; P = 0.000 for both). Spleen longitudinal diameter (SD), splenic vein diameter (SVD), platelets to spleen diameter ratio, LOK index, and FIB-4 score were the best ultrasonographic and biochemical predictors for the prediction of EV [area under receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) 0.79, 0.76, 0.76, 0.74, and 0.71, respectively]. SS (using ARFI) had better diagnostic performance than LS for the prediction of EV (AUROC = 0.76 and 0.70, respectively). The diagnostic performance increased using data mining to construct a simple prediction model: high probability for EV if [(SD cm) × 0.17 + (SVD mm) × 0.06 + (SS) × 0.97] more than 6.35 with AUROC 0.85. Conclusion SS by ARFI represents a reliable noninvasive tool for the prediction of EV in HCV patients, especially when incorporated into a new data mining-based prediction model.
Fibroscan and low-density lipoprotein as determinants of severe liver fibrosis in diabetic patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
imageBackground Fibroscan is an effective and noninvasive tool to quantify fibrosis and steatosis in liver diseases including nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Type-2-diabetes is a known risk factor for worse prognosis in NAFLD. In this study, we compare liver status in NAFDL diabetic and nondiabetic patients, identify potential risk factors, and determine the usefulness of Fibroscan in this population. Patients and methods The charts of all patients with NAFLD who underwent Fibroscan at our institution were reviewed. Fibroscan results, demographics, and clinical data were collected and analyzed using SPSS software. Results Of the 248 NAFLD patients, 73 (29.4%) were diabetic and 175 (70.6%) were nondiabetic. As detected by the NAFLD’ liver stiffness measure, 35 (47.94%) diabetic patients had severe liver fibrosis (F4) in contrast to only 46 (26.3%) nondiabetics. Diabetic patients also presented more with hypertension, dyslipidemia, coronary artery disease, and chronic kidney disease. Liver steatosis, liver function tests, and noninvasive scores did not vary significantly between the two groups, except for γ-glutamyltransferase, prothrombin time-international normalized ratio, and BMI-alanine aminotransferase ratio-diabetes score. Diabetic patients had significantly lower high-density lipoproteins and low-density lipoproteins. Conclusion Fibroscan results and low-density lipoprotein are potential diagnostic factors of liver fibrosis in diabetic patients with NAFLD. Further studies are necessary to verify liver fibrosis diagnostic tools and prognostic and genetic markers in diabetic patients.
Management and outcomes of hepatorenal syndrome at an urban academic medical center: a retrospective study
imageObjectives This study is aimed to evaluate the management of acute kidney injury (AKI) in our inner city, American hospital. We intended to ascertain whether or not there is prompt recognition of AKI in cirrhosis according to International Club of Ascites and acute kidney injury network criteria as well how effective we are at distinguishing among different causes of AKI. We aimed to calculated the mortality of hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) in our hospital, and to evaluate the adequacy of the established treatment of AKI at each stage of its algorithm. Patients and methods ICD diagnostic codes were used to identify patients with liver cirrhosis and acute renal failure. A total of 725 patients met the search criteria. We excluded the patients without clinical or imaging evidence of ascites, heart failure, on hemodialysis, baseline creatinine more than 1.5 mg/dl and patients who died within 48 h of developing acute renal failure. 291 patients met the inclusion criteria. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version 23.0 software with a two-sided significance level set at P value less than 0.05. Results Mean age was 55.7 ± 0.61 and baseline serum creatinine was 0.94 ± 0.14. 66.5% of patients were African American, 27.3%, Hispanic, and 4.3% White. The average rise in creatinine from baseline was 1.36 ± 0.08 mg/dl. 27.2% of patients met the diagnostic criteria of HRS. 92.3% of patients with HRS received intravenous fluids and 75.4% received intravenous albumin within 48 h of acute creatinine rise. The in-hospital mortality rate was 14.1, 23.3, and 41.5% for patients with pre-renal azotemia, ARF, and HRS, respectively (P < 0.01). Conclusion This study demonstrates that with present tools, there is significantly higher mortality in HRS despite guideline-based treatment. Biomarkers for early diagnosis of HRS are necessary to avoid delays in initiation of HRS treatment while establishing the diagnosis. As well, worldwide standardization of the treatment of HRS will be important if the outcome is to be improved.

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