Upper Esophageal Sphincter Dysfunction in Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease |
A Patient with DysphagiaAbstract
We report a case of an uncommon type of dysphagia, due to esophagus compression by an aberrant right subclavian artery. This condition, known as dysphagia lusoria, was first recorded in 1787 by London physician David Bayford.
The Influence of Age, Sex, Visual Feedback, Bulb Position, and the Order of Testing on Maximum Anterior and Posterior Tongue Strength in Healthy Belgian ChildrenAbstract
Tongue strength and its role in the pathophysiology of dysphagia in adults are well accepted and studied. An objective and reliable measurement of tongue strength in children necessitates equally good methodology, knowledge of influencing factors, and normative data. Only limited data on testing tongue strength in children are available thereby limiting its potential use. The present study examined tongue strength and several parameters known to be important in adults in the largest sample of healthy children from 3 to 11 years old to date using the Iowa Oral Performance Instrument with standard bulbs. Tongue strength increases markedly for children between 6 and 7 years, with slower increases before and after this age. Unlike adults, no influence of sex or location was found on the maximum tongue strength in children, and visual feedback was found to be counterproductive in obtaining the highest tongue pressures. The normative data obtained can be used for objective assessment of tongue weakness and subsequent therapy planning in dysphagic children.
Optimising Radiation Therapy Dose to the Swallowing Organs at Risk: An In Silico Study of feasibility for Patients with Oropharyngeal TumoursAbstract
Recent evidence suggests that reducing radiotherapy dose delivered to specific anatomical swallowing structures [Swallowing Organs at Risk (SWOARs)] may improve swallowing outcomes post-treatment for patients with head and neck cancer. However, for those patients with tumours of the oropharynx, which typically directly overlap the SWOARs, reducing dose to these structures may be unachievable without compromising on the treatment of the disease. To assess the feasibility of dose reduction in this cohort, standard IMRT plans (ST-IMRT) and plans with reduced dose to the SWOARs (SW-IMRT) were generated for 25 oropharyngeal cancer patients (Brouwer et al. in Radiother Oncol 117(1):83–90, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radonc.2015.07.041, 2015; Christianen et al. in Radiother Oncol 101(3):394–402, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radonc.2011.05.015, 2011). ST-IMRT and SW-IMRT plans were compared for: mean dose to the SWOARs, volume of pharynx and larynx receiving 50 Gy and 60 Gy (V50 and V60 respectively) and overlap between the tumour volume and the SWOARs. Additionally, two different SWOARs delineation guidelines (Brouwer et al. in Radiother Oncol 117(1):83–90, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radonc.2015.07.041, 2015; Christianen et al. in Radiother Oncol 101(3):394–402, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radonc.2011.05.015, 2011) were used to highlight differences in calculated volumes between existing contouring guidelines. Agreement in SWOARs volumes between the two guidelines was calculated using a concordance index (CI). Despite a large overlap between the tumour and SWOARs, significant (p < 0.05) reductions in mean dose to 4 of the 5 SWOARs, and V50/V60 for the pharynx and larynx were achieved with SW-IMRT plans. Low CIs per structure (0.15–0.45) were found between the two guidelines highlighting issues comparing data between studies when different guidelines have been used (Hawkins et al. in Semin Radiat Oncol 28(1):46–52, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.semradonc.2017.08.002, 2018; Brodin et al. in Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 100(2):391–407, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrobp.2017.09.041, 2018). This study found reducing dose to the SWOARs is a feasible practice for patients with oropharyngeal cancer. However, future prospective research is needed to determine if the extent of dose reduction achieved equates to clinical benefits.
Assessment of the Food-Swallowing Process Using Bolus Visualisation and Manometry Simultaneously in a Device that Models Human SwallowingAbstract
The characteristics of the flows of boluses with different consistencies, i.e. different rheological properties, through the pharynx have not been fully elucidated. The results obtained using a novel in vitro device, the Gothenburg Throat, which allows simultaneous bolus flow visualisation and manometry assessments in the pharynx geometry, are presented, to explain the dependence of bolus flow on bolus consistency. Four different bolus consistencies of a commercial food thickener, 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 Pa s (at a shear rate of 50 s−1)—corresponding to a range from low honey-thick to pudding-thick consistencies on the National Dysphagia Diet (NDD) scale—were examined in the in vitro pharynx. The bolus velocities recorded in the simulator pharynx were in the range of 0.046–0.48 m/s, which is within the range reported in clinical studies. The corresponding wall shear rates associated with these velocities ranged from 13 s−1 (pudding consistency) to 209 s−1 (honey-thick consistency). The results of the in vitro manometry tests using different consistencies and bolus volumes were rather similar to those obtained in clinical studies. The in vitro device used in this study appears to be a valuable tool for pre-clinical analyses of thickened fluids. Furthermore, the results show that it is desirable to consider a broad range of shear rates when assessing the suitability of a certain consistency for swallowing.
Radiation Risks to Adult Patients Undergoing Modified Barium Swallow StudiesAbstract
Modified Barium Swallow Studies (MBSSs) are a fluoroscopic exam that exposes patients to ionizing radiation. Even though radiation exposure from MBSSs is relatively small, it is necessary to understand the excess cancer risk to the patient, in order to ensure a high benefit-to-risk ratio from the exam. This investigation was aimed at estimating the excess radiation risks during MBSSs. We examined 53 adult MBSSs performed using the full Modified Barium Swallow Impairment Profile (MBSImP) protocol. For each exam, the radiation dose (in terms of dose area product), patient age, and sex was recorded. Using published methodology, we determined the effective dose and organ specific dose then used BEIR VII data to calculate the excess cancer incidence related to radiation exposure from MBSSs in adults. Excess cancer incidence risks due to MBSSs were 11 per million exposed patients for 20-year-old males, 32 per million exposed patients for 20-year-old females, 4.9 per million exposed patients for 60-year-old males, and 7.2 per million exposed patients for 60-year-old females. Radiation exposure to the thyroid, lung, and red bone marrow contributed over 90% of the total cancer incidence risk. For the 20-year-old males, the excess cancer incidence risk is 4.7%/Sv, which is reduced to 1.0%/Sv in the 80-year-olds. For the 20-year-old females, the excess cancer incidence risk is 14%/Sv, which is reduced to 1.3%/Sv for 80-year-olds. Overall, the risk per unit effective dose from MBSSs is lower than the risk estimates for uniform whole-body irradiation. Patient age is the most important determinant of patient cancer risk from MBSSs.
Simultaneous Radiological and Fiberendoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (“SIRFES”) in Patients After Surgery of Oropharyngeal/Laryngeal Cancer and Postoperative DysphagiaAbstract
To compare the results of a simultaneously performed videofluoroscopic swallowing study and fiberendoscopic evaluation of swallowing in patients with dysphagia after surgery and radiotherapy for oropharyngeal or laryngeal cancer. This prospective study included 31 patients who were examined simultaneously with a standardized protocol. The fiberendoscopic and videofluoroscopic swallowing loops were independently scored by two otorhinolaryngologists/phoniatricians and two radiologists. The presence of penetration/aspiration, the amount of pharyngeal residues and the position of the bolus head when triggering of pharyngeal swallow begins were evaluated. Generalized linear models were used to model the impact of rater, method, bolus and quantities as well as specified moderation effects on scorings. In addition, post hoc Wilcoxon tests were used. Rater agreement was assessed using weighted kappas and their 95% confidence intervals. A total of 202 swallow sequences in 29 patients was evaluated. Interrater agreement was substantial to excellent for both methods (weighted k = 0.979–0.613). Significant differences between both methods were found when assessing the penetration-aspiration scale (p = 0.001, tendency of higher scores by videofluoroscopic (median = 2.59) as opposed to fiberendoscopic (median = 2.14) and the residue severity scores in the valleculae (p = 0.029) and the sinus piriformes (p = 0.002) with larger residues scored by fiberendoscopic evaluation of swallowing. No significant differences were found regarding the time point of triggering (p = 0.273). Simultaneous evaluation of swallowing with FEES and VFSS showed significantly different results in symptomatic patients after tumor operation and radiotherapy.
The Modified Barium Swallow Impairment Profile as a Predictor of Clinical Outcomes of Admission for Pneumonia or Choking in Dysphagic Patients with Parkinson’s DiseaseAbstract
Dysphagia increases risk of pneumonia in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD). However, no studies have investigated the association between objective measures of swallowing dysfunction and clinical outcomes. Therefore, we aimed to study the link between scores obtained on the modified barium swallow impairment scale profile (MBSImP) and hospital admissions for pneumonia and choking, in groups of patients with PD on different feeding modes. 157 patients who completed MBS studies were divided into three groups based on their feeding modes (oral, enteral, and rejected enteral feeding with oral feeding at own risk). Videos were analysed using the MBSImP. We evaluated the association of the oral, pharyngeal, and combined scores, with risk of admission for pneumonia and choking. Kaplan–Meier plots and log-rank tests were used to compare survival distributions among feeding groups. Cox regression models were generated to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals. Patients in the group that rejected enteral feeding scored the highest on the MBSImP, followed by enteral then oral feeding. Within the group that rejected enteral feeding, higher pharyngeal (HR = 3.73, p = 0.036) and combined scores (HR = 1.63, p = 0.034) significantly increased the risk of pneumonia and choking. In the enteral feeding group, higher oral subscores (HR = 2.16, p = 0.011) increased risk for the event, while higher pharyngeal (HR = 0.40, p = 0.004) subscores reduced risk for pneumonia and choking. This is the first study to analyse the association of MBSImP scores with clinical outcomes in PD patients. Patients who rejected enteral feeding had the highest risk for pneumonia and choking that could be predicted by their MBSImP scores. In the enteral feeding group, this risk was partially reversed. Compliance with feeding modes reduces the risk of pneumonia and choking.
Dysphagia Research Society 27th Anniversary Annual Meeting March 7–9, 2019 Wyndham San Diego Bayside, San Diego, California |
Pharyngeal Swallowing During Wake and SleepAbstract
Sleep is associated with stages of relative cortical quiescence, enabling evaluation of swallowing under periods of reduced consciousness and, hence, absent volition. The aim of this study was to measure and characterize changes in the characteristics of pharyngeal swallows during sleep and wake using high-resolution manometry (HRM). Pharyngeal swallows were recorded with a ManoScan™ HRM in wake-upright, wake-supine, and sleep conditions in 20 healthy participants (mean 27 years; range 21–52). Velopharyngeal and hypopharyngeal segments were analysed separately. Contractile integral, mean peak pressure, inverse velocity of superior-to-inferior pharyngeal pressure, and time to first maximum pressure were analysed with custom-designed software. The supine-wake condition was compared to both upright-wake and sleep conditions using linear mixed effects models. No significant differences were found between supine-wake and upright-wake conditions on any measures. The mean peak pharyngeal pressure was lower during sleep than during the supine-wake condition for both the velopharynx (− 60 mmHg, standard error [SE] = 11, p < 0.001) and hypopharynx (− 59 mmHg, SE = 9, p = 0.001), as was the pharyngeal inverse velocity (− 12 ms/cm, SE = 4, p = 0.012) for the hypopharyngeal segment and the pharyngeal contractile integral (− 32 mmHg s cm, SE = 6, p < 0.001). No significant differences were found in time to the first pharyngeal maximum pressure. This study used HRM to characterize and compare pharyngeal pressures during swallowing in both wake and sleep conditions. No differences were found between upright and supine awake conditions, a finding important to pharyngeal manometric measures made during supine positioning, such as in fMRI. Higher pressures and longer time-related measures of volitional pharyngeal swallowing when awake indicate that cortical input plays an important role in modulation of pharyngeal swallowing.
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,
Τετάρτη 6 Νοεμβρίου 2019
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,
10:19 μ.μ.

Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,
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