Δευτέρα 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Defining the role of cytoskeletal components in the formation of apoptopodia and apoptotic bodies during apoptosis
The original version of the article unfortunately contained a typo in the fourth author name. The author name was incorrectly listed as Rochelle Tixeria. The correct name should be Rochelle Tixeira. The original article has been corrected.
Polydopamine protected hollow nanosphere with AuAg-nanoframe-core@Carbon@AuAg-nanocrystals-satellite hybrid nanostructure (AuAg@C@AuAg/PDA) for enhancing nanocatalysis
Publication date: Available online 23 September 2019Source: Journal of Hazardous MaterialsAuthor(s): Jinyu Duan, Linfeng Bai, Kezhu Xu, Qunling Fang, Yuhang Sun, Huajian Xu, Ken Chamfai Leung, Shouhu XuanAbstractThis work reported a facile method for fabricating multi-layered polydopamine (PDA) encapsulated AuAg@C@AuAg core/shell nanosphere with a hollow interior. During the synthetic process, the preliminary Ag@C nanosphere is easily covered by an AuAg/PDA hybrid layer through the in situ redox-oxidized...
ScienceDirect Publication: Journal of Hazardous Materials
Steady-State Plasma Concentrations of Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) are Reached in Children and Adults During Once-Weekly Prophylactic Treatment with Nonacog Beta Pegol (N9-GP)
Abstract Background Nonacog beta pegol (N9-GP, Refixia®, Rebinyn®) is a human recombinant coagulation factor IX (rFIX) conjugated to a 40-kDa polyethylene glycol (PEG) moiety. PEGylation significantly prolongs the circulation half-life compared with conventional FIX replacement treatments, resulting in higher FIX levels. Although there is extensive clinical experience with PEGylated molecules, the potential for abnormal and/or indefinite...
Latest Results for BioDrugs
Assessment of the Molecular Mechanism of Action of SB3, a Trastuzumab Biosimilar
Abstract Background SB3, a biosimilar of Herceptin® (trastuzumab, hereinafter referred to as reference product) is currently approved in the EU, Korea, Australia, the USA, and Brazil for the treatment of human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER) 2-positive early and metastatic breast cancer and HER2-positive metastatic gastric cancer. Previously, the biological similarity of SB3 to EU- or US-sourced reference product was assessed using...
Latest Results for BioDrugs
The effect of APTR, Fn14 and CD133 expressions on liver fibrosis in biliary atresia patients
Abstract Purpose Although some biomarkers of hepatic progenitor cells have been reported to be involved in the liver fibrosis in patients with biliary atresia (BA), however, research still shows conflicting results. Therefore, we investigated the effect of Alu-mediated p21 transcriptional regulator (APTR), fibroblast growth factor-inducible 14 (Fn14) and CD133 expressions on liver fibrosis in Indonesian BA patients. ...
Latest Results for Pediatric Surgery International
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 489: Theranostic Sorafenib-Loaded Polymeric Nanocarriers Manufactured by Enhanced Gadolinium Conjugation Techniques
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 489: Theranostic Sorafenib-Loaded Polymeric Nanocarriers Manufactured by Enhanced Gadolinium Conjugation Techniques Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics11100489 Authors: Feczkó Piiper Pleli Schmithals Denk Hehlgans Rödel Vogl Wacker : Today, efficient delivery of sorafenib to hepatocellular carcinoma remains a challenge for current drug formulation strategies. Incorporating the lipophilic molecule into biocompatible and...
Regio‐ and Stereospecific Cyclopolymerization of α,ω‐Diynes by Cationic Molybdenum Imido Alkylidene N‐Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes
The regio‐ and stereoselective cyclopolymerization of several 4,4‐disubstituted 1,6‐heptadiynes by different cationic molybdenum imido alkylidene N‐heterocyclic carbene complexes is described. Cyclopolymerization proceeds with high α‐selectivity (>99%), resulting in all‐trans, syndiotactic polymers. Syndiotacticity is proposed to result from a chain‐end‐controlled approach of the monomer to the cationic metal alkylidene. Abstract Both solvent‐free and acetonitrile‐containing cationic molybdenum...
Macromolecular Rapid Communications
Effects of bovine serum albumin (BSA) on the excited-state properties of meso -tetrakis(sulfonatophenyl) porphyrin (TPPS 4 )
Abstract To infer changes in the photophysical properties of porphyrins due to complexation with albumin, a combination of Z-scan and conventional spectroscopic techniques was employed. We measured the characteristics of excited states of meso-tetrakis(sulfonatophenyl) porphyrin bound to bovine serum albumin and observed that the binding reduces the intersystem crossing quantum yield and increases the internal conversion one. A reverse saturable absorption process was observed...
Latest Results for European Biophysics Journal
Audiometrische Testbatterie bei Presbyakusis
Zusammenfassung Alte Menschen klagen häufig darüber, dass sie an der Kommunikation mit gesprochener Sprache nicht mehr ausreichend teilnehmen können. Die Ursachen dafür liegen sowohl in pathophysiologischen Prozessen als auch in akustischen Parametern und der im hohen Alter häufig auftretenden kognitiven Leistungsminderung, die zusammen den individuellen Nutzen der Sprache stark begrenzen. Die Altersschwerhörigkeit setzt sich aus einer Vielzahl von pathophysiologischen und kognitiven...
Latest Results for HNO
Mid-cervical interneuron networks following high cervical spinal cord injury
Publication date: Available online 22 September 2019Source: Respiratory Physiology & NeurobiologyAuthor(s): K.A. Streeter, M.D. Sunshine, S.R. Patel, E.J. Gonzalez-Rothi, P.J. Reier, D.M. Baekey, D.D. FullerABSTRACTSpinal interneuron (IN) networks can facilitate respiratory motor recovery after spinal cord injury (SCI). We hypothesized that excitatory synaptic connectivity between INs located immediately caudal to unilateral cervical SCI would be most prevalent in a contra- to ipsilateral direction....
ScienceDirect Publication: Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology
Cells, Vol. 8, Pages 1132: Roles of Resveratrol in Improving the Quality of Postovulatory Aging Oocytes In Vitro
Cells, Vol. 8, Pages 1132: Roles of Resveratrol in Improving the Quality of Postovulatory Aging Oocytes In Vitro Cells doi: 10.3390/cells8101132 Authors: Yan-Li Sun Shou-Bin Tang Wei Shen Shen Yin Qing-Yuan Sun After ovulation, mammalian oocytes will undergo a time-dependent process of aging if they are not fertilized. This postovulatory aging (POA) seriously affects the oocyte quality and then impairs the subsequent fertilization and early embryo development, which should...
Cells, Vol. 8, Pages 1131: Inflammasome-Mediated Inflammation in Liver Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury
Cells, Vol. 8, Pages 1131: Inflammasome-Mediated Inflammation in Liver Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury Cells doi: 10.3390/cells8101131 Authors: Mónica B. Jiménez-Castro María Eugenia Cornide-Petronio Jordi Gracia-Sancho Carmen Peralta Ischemia-reperfusion injury is an important cause of liver damage occurring during surgical procedures including hepatic resection and liver transplantation, and represents the main underlying cause of graft dysfunction and liver failure post-transplantation....
Cells, Vol. 8, Pages 1130: The Interactivity between TGFβ and BMP Signaling in Organogenesis, Fibrosis, and Cancer
Cells, Vol. 8, Pages 1130: The Interactivity between TGFβ and BMP Signaling in Organogenesis, Fibrosis, and Cancer Cells doi: 10.3390/cells8101130 Authors: Francesco Dituri Carla Cossu Serena Mancarella Gianluigi Giannelli The Transforming Growth Factor beta (TGFβ) and Bone Morphogenic Protein (BMP) pathways intersect at multiple signaling hubs and cooperatively or counteractively participate to bring about cellular processes which are critical not only for tissue morphogenesis...
Cells, Vol. 8, Pages 1129: The Core Proteome of Biofilm-Grown Clinical Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolates
Cells, Vol. 8, Pages 1129: The Core Proteome of Biofilm-Grown Clinical Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolates Cells doi: 10.3390/cells8101129 Authors: Jelena Erdmann Janne G. Thöming Sarah Pohl Andreas Pich Christof Lenz Susanne Häussler Comparative genomics has greatly facilitated the identification of shared as well as unique features among individual cells or tissues, and thus offers the potential to find disease markers. While proteomics is recognized for its potential to...
Cells, Vol. 8, Pages 1128: Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiac Remodeling and Regeneration in Physical Exercise
Cells, Vol. 8, Pages 1128: Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiac Remodeling and Regeneration in Physical Exercise Cells doi: 10.3390/cells8101128 Authors: Dominik Schüttler Sebastian Clauss Ludwig T. Weckbach Stefan Brunner Regular physical activity with aerobic and muscle-strengthening training protects against the occurrence and progression of cardiovascular disease and can improve cardiac function in heart failure patients. In the past decade significant advances have been made...
On-wall and interior separation in a two-fluid boundary layer
Abstract A two-fluid boundary layer is considered in the context of a high Reynolds number Poiseuille–Couette channel flow encountering an elongated shallow obstacle. The flow is laminar, steady and two-dimensional, with the boundary layer shown to have the pressure unknown in advance and a specified displacement (a condensed boundary layer). The focus is on the detail of the flow reversal triggered by the obstacle. The interface between the two fluids passes through the boundary...
Latest Results for Journal of Engineering Mathematics
Development of a Lower Limb Exoskeleton Worn on the Front of a Human
Abstract This paper introduces a new concept of a lower limb exoskeleton, KUEX, and its control framework. KUEX is a fully actuated system and is developed for a wearer’s walking assistance and sit-to-stand/stand-to-sit assistance. Because of full actuation, it is able to balance by itself and assist the wearer’s weight directly. Also, it is worn on the wearer’s front side. As the reason, it is easy to wear the robot and is able to reduce wearing time. The control framework for...
Latest Results for Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Image Uncertainty-Based Absolute Camera Pose Estimation with Fibonacci Outlier Elimination
Abstract Estimating the pose of a camera is a vital requirement in real-world applications like virtual reality, structure from motion, vision-assisted robot localization and manipulation. The existing Perspective-n-Point (PnP) based pose estimation algorithms have poor accuracy in presence of noise and outliers. Hence, they are combined with the Random Sample Consensus strategies to eliminate the outliers prior to pose estimation and to produce accurate results at the expense...
Latest Results for Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Identification of a distinct lineage of aviadenovirus from crane feces
Abstract Viruses are believed to be ubiquitous; however, the diversity of viruses is largely unknown because of the bias of previous research toward pathogenic viruses. Deep sequencing is a promising and unbiased approach to detect viruses from animal-derived materials. Although cranes are known to be infected by several viruses such as influenza A viruses, previous studies targeted limited species of viruses, and thus viruses that infect cranes have not been extensively studied....
Latest Results for Virus Genes
Prevalence of Epstein–Barr virus infection and characteristics of lymphocyte subsets in newly onset juvenile dermatomyositis
Abstract Background The underlying etiology of juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) is unknown. T cell deficiency as well as Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) infection had been suspected to be involved in the pathogenesis, but it has been poorly evaluated in JDM patients. Methods This study described the traits of T and B lymphocyte subsets in newly onset JDM patients...
Latest Results for World Journal of Pediatrics
Effects of 17β-Estradiol combined with cyclical compressive stress on the proliferation and differentiation of mandibular condylar chondrocytes
Publication date: Available online 23 September 2019Source: Archives of Oral BiologyAuthor(s): Zheng Chen, Yuxuan Wang, Zhihui Mai, Lin Chen, Jiaming Wei, Hongfei Lu, Dongdong Yuan, Hong AiAbstractObjectiveThe aim of this study is to investigate the effects of 17β-Estradiol (E2) at different concentrations combined with cyclical compressive stress on the proliferation and differentiation of mandibular condylar chondrocytes (MCCs).DesignMCCs, isolated from female Sprague-Dawley rats, were exposed...
Oral Biology
Anti-inflammatory activity of Jefea gnaphalioides (a. gray), Astereaceae
Abstract Background Inflammation is a symptom associated with many diseases. This symptom is treated with steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which can cause severe side effects when used as long-term treatments. Natural products are an alternative source of new compounds with anti-inflammatory activity. Jefea gnaphalioides (Astereaceae) (A. Gray) is a plant species used to treat inflammatory problems, in Mexico....
Latest Results for BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Anti-inflammatory activities of astringent persimmons ( Diospyros kaki Thunb.) stalks of various cultivar types based on the stages of maturity in the Gyeongnam province
Abstract Background Natural products play a significant role in human health in relation to the prevention and treatment of inflammatory conditions. One of the plants with great medicinal potentials is Diospyros kaki which is mainly cultivated in Asian countries including Korea, Japan, and China. Astringent D. kaki is a wild species with an astringent taste until they are Ripened. kaki calyx is a traditional Korean medicine (TKM)...
Latest Results for BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Therapeutic Efficacy of Subcutaneous and Intraperitoneal Injections of a Single Dose of Human Umbilical Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Acute and Chronic Colitis in a Mouse Model
Abstract Purpose Intraperitoneal (IP) injection of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) has been reported to treat colitis in mice. Complications such as abdominal organ injury and infection are significant concerns. We studied a single injection of human umbilical cord MSCs (hUCMSCs) via the subcutaneous (SC) and IP routes in mice with colitis. Methods Male C57BL/6Ncrl...
Latest Results for Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering
Self-Sterilizing Polymer to Reduce Healthcare-Acquired Infections
Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a new nanostructured polymer that can kill many different strains of bacteria and viruses within minutes. Their work demonstrates that the unique chemical modifications on the polymer allow it to kill bacteria like E. coli, along with the “superbug” methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and that the polymer can be exposed to bacteria multiple times and still remain effective. This exciting development can be used...
Meru Health Offers Biofeedback Tracking with New Wearable
Last week, Meru Health, a digital mental health clinic, announced the launch of a wearable to capture biofeedback, including heart rate variability (HRV), during mental health exercises. The clip-on wearable is affixed to an individual’s ear while they complete specific exercises, like breathing practices, directed by Meru’s platform. The goal is to show users a physiologically-relevant, quantifiable representation of the effect that correct, consistent use of breathing practices can achieve.  ...
Primary prostate cancer educates bone stroma through exosomal pyruvate kinase M2 to promote bone metastasis
This study identifies a novel pathway through which PCa selectively metastasizes to bone. PCa cells produce exosomes that transfer pyruvate kinase M2 to BMSCs, which in turn produce CXCL12 that promotes PCa invasion and growth.
Latest Articles
Gasdermins and their role in immunity and inflammation
Pyroptosis is an important component of the innate immune system. Gasdermin D, the mediator of pyroptosis, has been shown to be crucial for optimal defense against microbial infection. In this review, the authors discuss gasdermin D and its role in disease.
Latest Articles
Antibodies, Vol. 8, Pages 48: Distinguishing Between Monomeric scFv and Diabody in Solution Using Light and Small Angle X-ray Scattering
Antibodies, Vol. 8, Pages 48: Distinguishing Between Monomeric scFv and Diabody in Solution Using Light and Small Angle X-ray Scattering Antibodies doi: 10.3390/antib8040048 Authors: Frank Lüdel Sandra Bufe Willem M. Bleymüller Hugo de de Jonge Luisa Iamele Hartmut H. Niemann Thomas Hellweg Depending on the linker length between the V H and the V L domain, single-chain Fv (scFv) antibody fragments form monomers, dimers (diabodies) or higher oligomers....
Response to Sung, Rosenberg, and Yang
JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute - Advance Access
Single-Arm Phase II Trials of Combination Therapies: A Review of the CTEP Experience 2008-2017
AbstractDesigning and interpreting single-arm phase II trials of combinations of agents is challenging because it can be difficult based on historical data to identify levels of activity for which the combination would be worth pursuing. We identified Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP) single-arm combination trials that were activated in 2008-2017 and tabulated their design characteristics and results. Positive trials were evaluated as to whether they provided credible evidence that the combination...
JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute - Advance Access
Re: Contrasting Epidemiology and Clinicopathology of Female Breast Cancer in Asians versus the US Population
JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute - Advance Access
Vaccines, Vol. 7, Pages 126: Current Progress of Avian Vaccines Against West Nile Virus
Vaccines, Vol. 7, Pages 126: Current Progress of Avian Vaccines Against West Nile Virus Vaccines doi: 10.3390/vaccines7040126 Authors: Jiménez de Oya Escribano-Romero Blázquez Martín-Acebes Saiz Birds are the main natural host of West Nile virus (WNV), the worldwide most distributed mosquito-borne flavivirus, but humans and equids can also be sporadic hosts. Many avian species have been reported as susceptible to WNV, particularly corvids. In the case that clinical disease...
A network meta-analysis on the efficacy of HER2-targeted agents in combination with taxane-containing regimens for treatment of HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer
Abstract Purpose We performed a network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to evaluate the efficacy of HER2-targeted agents in combination with taxanes and to identify the best strategy for HER2+ metastatic breast cancer (MBC). Methods Pubmed, Embase, the Cochrane Library, and ClinicalTrials.gov were searched for randomized controlled trials...
Latest Results for Breast Cancer
Enhanced polarization photodetection of metallic cavity ensemble through spontaneously configured lateral electrodes
Metallic cavities show substantial advantages in light confinement, providing opportunities to modulate the optical resonances and absorption. Here, we report on the configuration of horizontally aligned ZnO-nanowires-based metallic cavity ensemble with a light to dark current ratio of ∼1000. An enhanced polarization photodetection ratio of transverse electric (TE) to transverse magnetic (TM) was experimentally observed compared to the single ZnO nanowire photodetector. Finite difference ...
Nanotechnology - latest papers
Cu 2 O photocathodes for unassisted solar water-splitting devices enabled by noble-metal cocatalysts simultaneously as hydrogen evolution catalysts and protection layers
Here, we report a Cu 2 O-based photocathode applied with pulsed-laser-deposited overlayers with the structure of Ga 2 O 3 /AZO/TiO 2 and 60 nm dense Pt simultaneously as a hydrogen evolution catalyst and protective layer under backside illumination from ITO substrate. And by depositing thin Au nanoparticles on the bottom of Cu 2 O, we observe the increase of light harvesting and the production of hot electrons from the surface plasmon resonance effect. The modified photocathode presents...
Nanotechnology - latest papers
Nano oxide intermediate layer assisted room temperature sintering of ink-jet printed silver nanoparticles pattern
Sintering of metallic nanoparticles (NPs) at low temperature is highly wanted in the manufacturing of flexible electronics. And for ink-jet printing, the metallic NPs after printing usually need thermal or chemical post-treatment to remove stabilizing agents and achieve conductivity. Here, we reported a facile method to realize one-step printed sintering of silver nanoparticle (AgNP) ink at room temperature by using intermediate coated layers composed of oxide NPs and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)...
Nanotechnology - latest papers
Azurin-TiO 2 hybrid nanostructure field effect transistor for efficient ultraviolet detection
Hybrid semiconductor nanostructures have attracted tremendous response due to their unique properties and applications in nano-optoelectronics and sensors. Here, we fabricated a back-gated transistor based on 300 nm channel of the Azurin-TiO 2 hybrid nanostructure, whose enhanced performance is attributed to the synergetic effect of the metal oxide and azurin. Surface potential mapping under the dark and light condition using Kelvin probe force microscopy, gives the perfect correlation...
Nanotechnology - latest papers
Synthesis of three-dimensional Au-graphene quantum dots@Pt core–shell dendritic nanoparticles for enhanced methanol electro-oxidation
Au-graphene quantum dots (GQDs)@Pt core–shell nanodendrites are synthesized through a two-step reduction approach, in which Au forms the core, GQDs form an intermediate layer and dendritic Pt forms the shell. Among the above synthesized catalysts, the GQDs can manipulate the binding of reaction intermediates on the Pt surface as well as assemble π – π * conjugate bonds, thus forming a dendritic Pt shell instead of a compact Pt shell. The obtained core–shell structure was characterized by...
Nanotechnology - latest papers

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