Δευτέρα 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Deubiquitinating Enzymes in Model Systems and Therapy: Redundancy and Compensation Have Implications
Whole genome duplication early in chordate evolution produced deubiquitinating enzyme genes that diverged in sequence and became partially subfunctionalized. In species where one gene is later lost or pseudogenized knockout of the remaining gene may generate obvious developmental phenotypes whereas compensation can mask phenotypes in species with two functional genes. Abstract The multiplicity of deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) encoded by vertebrate genomes is partly attributable to whole...
The Protein‐Coding Human Genome: Annotating High‐Hanging Fruits
Major transcripts of protein‐coding genes in human are well annotated. Recent studies revealed unprecedented details on wobble splicing, micro‐exons, and mutually exclusive exons through elaborate approaches incorporating splice mechanism and protein structure. Still, challenges remain such as identification of combinations of alternatively spliced exons and annotations specific for pan‐genomes. Abstract The major transcript variants of human protein‐coding genes are annotated to a certain...
Granulomatous Inflammation and the Lymphatic System—Perhaps a New Target for Intervention in Tuberculosis and Sarcoidosis (Comment on https://doi.org/10.1002/bies.201900086)
The experimental dose ranges influence the LET d dependency of the proton minimum RBE (RBE min )
Cell experiments have shown the proton relative biological effectiveness (RBE) to vary with dose and linear energy transfer (LET), which has led to development of variable RBE models. The RBE is normally estimated from two independent functions, the RBE max and RBE min , describing the extreme RBE at low and high doses. While there is consensus that RBE max increases with increasing LET, the RBE min is not uniformly defined and its dependency on LET is deviating. In this work, we analysed ...
Physics in Medicine and Biology - latest papers
##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0031-9155/64/19/195004/toc_pmbab3704ieqn001.gif] {$ \newcommand{\e}{{\rm e}} {{\ell }_{0}}$} gradient minimization for limited-view photoacoustic tomography
Photoacoustic tomography (PAT) is an emerging and effective imaging technique, which offers high spatial resolution with high contrast. In particular, the acquired data is incomplete due to geometrical limitations or accelerating data acquisition by undersampling technology, thus some artifacts will be presented in the reconstructed image. To deal with limited-view PAT, we introduce a ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0031-9155/64/19/195004/pmbab3704ieqn003.gif] regularization scheme into...
Physics in Medicine and Biology - latest papers
Intra-fraction motion prediction in MRI-guided radiation therapy using Markov processes
Internal organ motion during radiation delivery may lead to underdosing of cancer cells or overdosing of normal tissue, potentially causing treatment failure or normal-tissue toxicity. Organ motion is of particular concern in the treatment of lung and abdominal cancers, where breathing induces large tumor displacement and organ deformation. A new generation of radiotherapy devices is equipped with on-board MRI scanners to acquire a real-time movie of the patient’s anatomy during radiation...
Physics in Medicine and Biology - latest papers
A compressed sensing approach to immobilized nanoparticle localization for superparamagnetic relaxometry
Superparamagnetic relaxometry (SPMR) exploits the unique magnetic properties of targeted superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIOs) to detect small numbers of cancer cells. Reconstruction of the spatial distribution of cancer-bound nanoparticles requires solving an ill-posed inverse problem. The current method, multiple source analysis (MSA), uses a least-squares fit to determine the strength and location of a pre-determined number of magnetic dipoles. In this proof-of-concept study,...
Physics in Medicine and Biology - latest papers
Impact of new ICRU 90 key data on stopping-power ratios and beam quality correction factors for carbon ion beams
The recent update of key dosimetric data by the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU) makes several changes to the computation of beam quality correction factors k Q with regard to, for example, the mean excitation energies, I , which enter the stopping power computation for water and air, the computation procedure itself, the average energy expended in the production of an ion pair in air, W / e , as well as chamber-specific factors for cobalt-60. With the...
Physics in Medicine and Biology - latest papers
Optical simulation study on the spatial resolution of a thick monolithic PET detector
The intrinsic spatial resolution of clinical positron emission tomography (PET) detectors is ~3–4 mm. A further improvement of the resolution using pixelated detectors will not only result in a prohibitive cost, but is also inevitably accompanied by a strong degradation of important performance parameters like timing, energy resolution and sensitivity. Therefore, it is likely that future generation high resolution PET detectors will be based on continuous monolithic scintillation detectors....
Physics in Medicine and Biology - latest papers
Single patient convolutional neural networks for real-time MR reconstruction: a proof of concept application in lung tumor segmentation for adaptive radiotherapy
Investigate 3D (spatial and temporal) convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for real-time on-the-fly magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) reconstruction. In particular, we investigated the applicability of training CNNs on a patient-by-patient basis for the purpose of lung tumor segmentation. Data were acquired with our 3 T Philips Achieva system. A retrospective analysis was performed on six non-small cell lung cancer patients who received fully sampled dynamic acquisitions consisting of 650...
Physics in Medicine and Biology - latest papers
Corrigendum to “CD36-Mediated Lipid Accumulation and Activation of NLRP3 Inflammasome Lead to Podocyte Injury in Obesity-Related Glomerulopathy”
Mediators of Inflammation
Rate of change of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D following sublingual and capsular vitamin D preparations
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Published online: 23 September 2019; doi:10.1038/s41430-019-0503-0Rate of change of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D following sublingual and capsular vitamin D preparations
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition - AOP
Association among the prognostic nutritional index, completion of adjuvant chemotherapy, and cancer-specific survival after curative resection of stage II/III gastric cancer
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Published online: 23 September 2019; doi:10.1038/s41430-019-0502-1Association among the prognostic nutritional index, completion of adjuvant chemotherapy, and cancer-specific survival after curative resection of stage II/III gastric cancer
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition - AOP
UPLC-HDMS-based on serum metabolomics reveals the toxicity of arecae semen
Publication date: Available online 22 September 2019Source: Journal of EthnopharmacologyAuthor(s): Qinghua Lin, Chunguo Wang, Zhe Jia, Hui Xiong, Xue Xue, Mengnan Liu, Xinfang Xu, Wenjia Qu, Xiangri LiAbstractEthnopharmacological relevanceArecae semen has been used as vermifuge and digestant in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for more than one thousand years. However, the toxicity effect of areca semen and its underlying mechanism are still unclear.The aim of the study: This study was aimed to...
ScienceDirect Publication: Journal of Ethnopharmacology
A Study of LY3435151 in Participants With Solid Tumors
Conditions:   Solid Tumor;   Triple-negative Breast Cancer;   Gastric Adenocarcinoma;   Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma;   Cervical Carcinoma;   High Grade Serous Ovarian Carcinoma;   Hepatocellular Carcinoma;   Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma;   LeiomyosarcomaInterventions:   Drug: LY3435151;   Drug: PembrolizumabSponsor:   Eli Lilly and CompanyNot yet recruiting
Navigation for Timely Adjuvant Therapy for Patients With Locally Advanced HNSCC
Condition:   Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Head and NeckIntervention:   Behavioral: NDURESponsors:   Medical University of South Carolina;   National Cancer Institute (NCI)Not yet recruiting
PD-1 Antibody + XELOX in 1st Line Serum A-fetoprotein (AFP)-Elevated Gastric or Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma
Conditions:   Gastric or Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma;   AFPInterventions:   Drug: Anti-PD-1 antibody;   Drug: XELOXSponsor:   China Medical University, ChinaNot yet recruiting
Circulating Tumor DNA (ctDNA) in Locally Advanced Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Conditions:   Head and Neck Neoplasm;   Carcinoma, Squamous CellIntervention:   Other: Blood and tumor samplesSponsor:   UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer CenterNot yet recruiting
Ailanthone inhibition data on seed germination and seedling growth of <em>Lepidium sativum</em> L. and <em>Raphanus sativus</em> L
Publication date: Available online 23 September 2019Source: Data in BriefAuthor(s): Sonia Demasi, Matteo Caser, Silvia Fogliatto, Francesco Vidotto, Francesco Trotta, Valentina ScariotAbstractAilanthone is a quassinoid from Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle with allelopathic properties that deserves interest for its potential use as a natural herbicide. Data about seed germination and root and hypocotyl length of two model species (Lepidium sativusL.ˈIngleseˈ and Raphanus sativusL.ˈTondo Rosso...
ScienceDirect Publication: Data in Brief
Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 574: Heavy Rainfall Events in Southern China Associated with Tropical Cyclones in the Bay of Bengal: A Case Study
Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 574: Heavy Rainfall Events in Southern China Associated with Tropical Cyclones in the Bay of Bengal: A Case Study Atmosphere doi: 10.3390/atmos10100574 Authors: Junpeng Yuan Jiao Lü Dian Feng Mengni Mao Tao Feng Juyue Yin Ling Zuo We use a case study to show that a continuous heavy rainfall process in southern China was closely related to tropical cyclone activity in the Bay of Bengal. The continuous heavy rainfall that occurred in southern...
Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 573: Trace Metal Content and Health Risk Assessment of PM10 in an Urban Environment of León, Mexico
Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 573: Trace Metal Content and Health Risk Assessment of PM10 in an Urban Environment of León, Mexico Atmosphere doi: 10.3390/atmos10100573 Authors: Julia Griselda Cerón Bretón Rosa María Cerón Bretón Alberto Antonio Espinosa Guzman Claudio Guarnaccia Stephanie Martínez Morales Reyna del Carmen Lara Severino Marcela Rangel Marrón Guadalupe Hernández López Simón Eduardo Carranco Lozada Jonathan D.W. Kahl Ildefonso Esteban Pech Pech Evangelina...
Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 572: Visualization of Climate Factors for Sports Events and Activities–The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games
Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 572: Visualization of Climate Factors for Sports Events and Activities–The Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games Atmosphere doi: 10.3390/atmos10100572 Authors: Andreas Matzarakis Dominik Fröhlich Stéphane Bermon Paolo Adami Detailed climate information in an easily interpretable form is demanded by the general public, as well as by decision-makers on different planning levels. One example is the group of planners in the field of sports and tourism. A promising...
Efficacy of a low-dose melatonin pretreatment in protecting against the neurobehavioral consequences of chronic hypoperfusion in middle-aged female rats
Publication date: Available online 22 September 2019Source: Behavioural Brain ResearchAuthor(s): Maxine De Butte, Blake GiesekingAbstractMild cognitive impairment (MCI) is characterized by a reduction in cerebral blood flow. Permanent ligation of the common carotid arteries (2VO) in the rat mimics the chronic decrease in CBF that characterizes aMCI. The current study determined if melatonin (a pineal hormone with neuroprotective properties) can attenuate the neurobehavioral consequences of 2VO using...
Behavioural Brain Research
Correction: Tumour-infiltrating CD8<sup>+</sup> lymphocytes and colorectal cancer recurrence by tumour and nodal stage
British Journal of Cancer, Published online: 23 September 2019; doi:10.1038/s41416-019-0590-7Correction: Tumour-infiltrating CD8+ lymphocytes and colorectal cancer recurrence by tumour and nodal stage
Correction: Tumour-infiltrating CD8<sup>+</sup> lymphocytes and colorectal cancer recurrence by tumour and nodal stage
Blue light (λ=453 nm) nitric oxide dependently induces β-endorphin production of human skin keratinocytes <em>in-vitro</em> and increases systemic β-endorphin levels in humans <em>in-vivo</em>
Publication date: Available online 22 September 2019Source: Free Radical Biology and MedicineAuthor(s): Isabel Albers, Erika Zernickel, Manuel Stern, Melanie Broja, Lukas Busch, Christian Heiss, Vera Grotheer, Joachim Windolf, Christoph V. SuschekAbstractβ-Endorphin exerts a broad spectrum of physiological activity on mood, immune functions, pain management, reward effects, and behavioral stability. β-Endorphin is produced in certain neurons within the central and peripheral nervous system but also...
ScienceDirect Publication: Free Radical Biology and Medicine
Regulation of mitochondrial cristae remodelling by acetylcholine alleviates palmitate-induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy
Publication date: Available online 22 September 2019Source: Free Radical Biology and MedicineAuthor(s): Run-Qing Xue, Ming Zhao, Qing Wu, Si Yang, Yan-Ling Cui, Xiao-Jiang Yu, Jian-Kang Liu, Wei-Jin ZangAbstractMitochondrial dysfunction is associated with obesity-induced cardiac remodelling. Recent research suggests that the cristae are the true bioenergetic components of cells. Acetylcholine (ACh), the major neurotransmitter of the vagus nerve, exerts cardio-protective effects against ischaemia....
ScienceDirect Publication: Free Radical Biology and Medicine
Sequential peeling as a monotherapy for treatment of milder forms of acne vulgaris
Abstract Background Glycolic acid (GA) and salicylic acid (SA) peels have been used separately for acne treatment, not as a sequential peel. Aim To evaluate the efficacy and safety of sequential peeling with 70% GA and 20% SA as a monotherapy and as an adjuvant to systemic doxycycline in treatment of mild to moderate acne and the effect on serum interleukin (IL) 17 and tissue IL‐1α. Patients/Methods Forty‐five mild to moderate acne vulgaris patients were randomly assigned into three...
Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology
A multi-segment modelling approach for foot trajectory estimation using inertial sensors
Publication date: Available online 22 September 2019Source: Gait & PostureAuthor(s): Nikiforos Okkalidis, George Marinakis, Alfred Gatt, Marvin K Bugeja, Kenneth P Camilleri, Owen FalzonAbstractBackgroundKinematic gait analysis employing multi-segment foot models has been mainly conducted in laboratories by means of optical motion capture systems. This type of process requires considerable setup time and is constrained by a limited capture space. A procedure involving the use of multiple inertial...
Gait & Posture
ABE/ASGE position statement on training and privileges for primary endoscopic bariatric therapies
The Association for Bariatric Endoscopy (ABE), a division of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE), was established to provide state-of-the-art education and practice support to endoscopists who have an interest in endoscopic bariatric management, with an emphasis on ensuring high-quality healthcare for patients with obesity. This document outlines the fundamental principles for effective training to provide comprehensive care, acquisition of the requisite endoscopic skills,...
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Polymerization shrinkage of resin-based composites for dental restorations: A digital volume correlation study
Publication date: Available online 22 September 2019Source: Dental MaterialsAuthor(s): Marta Gallo, Hazem Abouelleil, Jean Marc Chenal, Jérôme Adrien, Joël Lachambre, Pierre Colon, Eric MaireAbstractObjectiveResin-based composites are widely used in dental restorations; however, their volumetric shrinkage during polymerization leads to several issues that reduce the restoration survival rates. For overcoming this problem, a deep study of shrinkage phenomena is necessary.MethodsIn this study, micro-tomography...
Dental Materials
For Children with Neuroblastoma, Trial Results Highlight Continued Evolution of Treatment
For many children with high-risk neuroblastoma, receiving two separate stem cell transplants is more beneficial than receiving one, according to the results of an NCI-supported clinical trial conducted by the Children’s Oncology Group.
Cancer Currents: An NCI Cancer Research Blog
Refining single-crystalline epsilon iron oxide nanorods via low-temperature aging
Publication date: Available online 23 September 2019Source: Advanced Powder TechnologyAuthor(s): Ji Ma, Yunguo Wang, Kezheng ChenAbstractRefinement of ε-Fe2O3 phase in ε-Fe2O3/SiO2 composite powder is an urgent need in terms of its practical applications in high-density magnetic storage media. In this work, two types of refinement routes were employed for this purpose. It was found that short-time tempering treatment was not an ideal route for the refinement, because ε-Fe2O3 nanorods were ruptured...
Powder Technology
JCDD, Vol. 6, Pages 35: The Non-Fibrillar Side of Fibrosis: Contribution of the Basement Membrane, Proteoglycans, and Glycoproteins to Myocardial Fibrosis
JCDD, Vol. 6, Pages 35: The Non-Fibrillar Side of Fibrosis: Contribution of the Basement Membrane, Proteoglycans, and Glycoproteins to Myocardial Fibrosis Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease doi: 10.3390/jcdd6040035 Authors: Michael Chute Preetinder Aujla Sayantan Jana Zamaneh Kassiri The extracellular matrix (ECM) provides structural support and a microenvironmentfor soluble extracellular molecules. ECM is comprised of numerous proteins which can be broadly classified...
Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease
JCDD, Vol. 6, Pages 34: Ca2+ Signaling in Cardiac Fibroblasts and Fibrosis-Associated Heart Diseases
JCDD, Vol. 6, Pages 34: Ca2+ Signaling in Cardiac Fibroblasts and Fibrosis-Associated Heart Diseases Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease doi: 10.3390/jcdd6040034 Authors: Jianlin Feng Maria K. Armillei Albert S. Yu Bruce T. Liang Loren W. Runnels Lixia Yue Cardiac fibrosis is the excessive deposition of extracellular matrix proteins by cardiac fibroblasts and myofibroblasts, and is a hallmark feature of most heart diseases, including arrhythmia, hypertrophy,...
Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease

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