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Πέμπτη 14 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Comparative analysis of fresh chondrocytes, cultured chondrocytes and chondroprogenitors derived from human articular cartilage
Publication date: Available online 13 November 2019Source: Acta HistochemicaAuthor(s): Elizabeth Vinod, Upasana Kachroo, Soosai Manickam Amirtham, Boopalan Ramasamy, Solomon SathishkumarAbstractIntroductionInterest in chondroprogenitors arose due to their inherent stem cell like properties, and their initial characterization was based on identification of a small percentage of CD49e positive cells in cultured chondrocytes (CC). It was further noted that when fresh chondrocytes (FC; reported to express...
Acta Histochemica
Thu Nov 14, 2019 19:34
Appendicular morphology and locomotor performance of two morphotypes of continental anoles: Anolis heterodermus and Anolis tolimensis
We analyzed the relationship between the anatomical characteristics of the appendicular skeleton and the locomotor performance of two Anolis species found in Colombia that have different use of habitat. Anolis heterodermus, a strictly arboreal species, was compared with Anolis tolimensis, which inhabits the lower strata of vegetation. These two species differ in their body plan, in the skeleton and appendicular musculature. The results highlight the muscle and bone specializations associated with...
Journal of Anatomy
Thu Nov 14, 2019 16:50
Characterisation of the developing heart in a pressure overloaded model utilising RNA sequencing to direct functional analysis
The pressure overloaded developing chick heart was found to have left-sided dilation and decreased apoptosis. Global gene expression profiling found changes in gene expression relating to metabolism, apoptosis, neural development and contractility, suggesting a cardioprotective response. This study provides insights into the effect that altered haemodynamics has on structure and function during cardiogenesis, increasing the understanding of the pressure overloaded developing heart. Abstract...
Journal of Anatomy
Thu Nov 14, 2019 11:56
Risk of malignancy in the various categories of the UK Royal College of Pathologists Thy terminology for thyroid FNA cytology: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
Background The UK Royal College of Pathologists Thy terminology for reporting thyroid fine‐needle aspiration cytology (FNAC), first published in 2009 is used throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland, in some parts of Italy and Switzerland and elsewhere. There is no review of the literature or meta‐analysis of the risk of malignancy (ROM) in the various categories of the UK Thy terminology. The goal of this study was to establish the published ROM for each Thy category and compare the results with...
Cancer Cytopathology
Wed Nov 13, 2019 19:48
Update on risk stratification in the Papanicolaou Society of Cytopathology System for Reporting Pancreaticobiliary Cytology categories: 3‐year, prospective, single‐institution experience
Background Risk stratification is a critical element for the successful implementation of cytopathology reporting systems. To the authors' knowledge, there are limited prior studies regarding risk stratification for The Papanicolaou Society of Cytopathology System for Reporting Pancreaticobiliary Cytology (PSCPC). In the current study, the authors reported on a single‐institution experience on 3‐year prospective PSCPC regarding risk of malignancy (ROM) and the overall risk of malignancy (OROM)....
Cancer Cytopathology
Wed Nov 13, 2019 19:47
Overexpression of miR-150 Inhibits the NF-κB Signal Pathway in Intervertebral Disc Degeneration through Targeting <b><i>P2X7</i></b>
Objective: To elaborate the mechanism of miR-150 in the regulation of the NF-κB signal pathway in intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD) by targeting P2X7. Methods: The degenerative and normal intervertebral disc tissues were collected to detect the expressions of miR-150 and P2X7. Nucleus pulposus cells were transfected and divided into different groups. Cell apoptosis was determined by flow cytometry and TUNEL staining. The expressions of IL-6, TNF-α, MMP-3, MMP-13, Cox-2, iNOS, collagen II and...
Cells Tissues Organs
Thu Nov 14, 2019 12:35
A rare case of pulmonary typical carcinoid with prominent acinic cell differentiation, resembling acinic cell carcinoma
We herein describe a rare case of low‐grade endobronchial tumor that exhibited two distinct features of typical carcinoid and acinic cell carcinoma (ACC) by immunohistochemical and ultrastructure study. ACC was suspected on transbronchial biopsy. The resected specimen showed that the tumor surface comprised an acinic cell component (40% of the tumor), and the central area comprised typical carcinoid (60% of the tumor). The acinic cell component was positive for chromogranin A, synaptophysin and alpha‐1‐antichymotrypsin....
Pathology International
Thu Nov 14, 2019 11:15
Undergraduate medical students' perception of pathology
Publication date: Available online 13 November 2019Source: Annals of Diagnostic PathologyAuthor(s): Areej Al NemerAbstractWith the current trend of internationalization of medical school curricula, pathology role tends to gradually shrink. This potentially could negatively influence the students' decisions of selecting pathology as their prospective career. Besides, a pathology-related knowledge gap might be created as a side effect. In 2013, the College of Medicine in Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal...
Annals of Diagnostic Pathology
Thu Nov 14, 2019 12:43
Eröffnungsrede des Tagungspräsidenten der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pathologie
Der Pathologe
Thu Nov 14, 2019 02:00
Subtypisierung des follikulären Schilddrüsenkarzinoms (WHO 2017)
Der Pathologe
Thu Nov 14, 2019 02:00

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