Πέμπτη 14 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Human Papillomavirus Related Multiphenotypic Sinonasal Carcinoma: Report of a Case with Early and Progressive Metastatic Disease
J Neurol Surg Rep 2019; 80: e41-e43DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-3399571 Introduction Human papillomavirus (HPV) related multiphenotypic sinonasal carcinoma (HMSC) is a newly described entity. The prognosis of this neoplasm is not well understood, but cases often demonstrate high-grade features and paradoxically indolent behavior. Case Report We present the case of a 65-year-old man referred with unilateral nasal congestion and epistaxis. Nasal endoscopy and imaging revealed an expansile...
Journal of Neurological Surgery Reports
Thu Nov 14, 2019 01:00
Are Linear Measurements of the Nucleus Basalis of Meynert Suitable as a Diagnostic Biomarker in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer Disease? [ADULT BRAIN]
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE:Cell loss within the nucleus basalis of Meynert is an early event in Alzheimer disease. The thickness of the nucleus basalis of Meynert (NBM) can be measured on structural MR imaging. We investigated NBM thickness in relation to cognitive state and biochemical markers.MATERIALS AND METHODS:Mean bilateral nucleus basalis of Meynert thickness was measured on coronal T1-weighted MR imaging scans from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative dataset. Three hundred and fifteen...
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:00
Outcome Study of the Pipeline Embolization Device with Shield Technology in Unruptured Aneurysms (PEDSU) [INTERVENTIONAL]
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE:The recently introduced Pipeline Flex Embolization Device with Shield Technology (Pipeline Shield) is the third generation of Pipeline flow-diverter devices. It has a new stent-surface modification, which reduces thrombogenicity. We aimed to evaluate clinical and radiographic (safety and efficacy) outcomes of the Pipeline Shield.MATERIALS AND METHODS:The 30-day and 1-year mortality and morbidity rates and the 6- and 18-month radiographic aneurysm occlusion outcomes for procedures...
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:00
Prognostic Predictions for Patients with Glioblastoma after Standard Treatment: Application of Contrast Leakage Information from DSC-MRI within Nonenhancing FLAIR High-Signal-Intensity Lesions [FUNCTIONAL]
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE:Attempts have been made to quantify the microvascular leakiness of glioblastomas and use it as an imaging biomarker to predict the prognosis of the tumor. The purpose of our study was to evaluate whether the extraction fraction value from DSC-MR imaging within nonenhancing FLAIR hyperintense lesions was a better prognostic imaging biomarker than dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging parameters for patients with glioblastoma.MATERIALS AND METHODS:A total of 102 patients with...
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:00
How Flow Reduction Influences the Intracranial Aneurysm Occlusion: A Prospective 4D Phase-Contrast MRI Study [INTERVENTIONAL]
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE:Flow-diverter stents are widely used for the treatment of wide-neck intracranial aneurysms. Various parameters may influence intracranial aneurysm thrombosis, including the flow reduction induced by flow-diverter stent implantation, which is assumed to play a leading role. However, its actual impact remains unclear due to the lack of detailed intra-aneurysmal flow measurements. This study aimed to clarify this relationship by quantitatively measuring the intra-aneurysmal flow...
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:00
Quantification of Iodine Leakage on Dual-Energy CT as a Marker of Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability in Traumatic Hemorrhagic Contusions: Prediction of Surgical Intervention for Intracranial Pressure Management [FUNCTIONAL]
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE:Hemorrhagic contusions are associated with iodine leakage. We aimed to identify quantitative iodine-based dual-energy CT variables that correlate with the type of intracranial pressure management.MATERIALS AND METHODS:Consecutive patients with contusions from May 2016 through January 2017 were retrospectively analyzed. Radiologists, blinded to the outcomes, evaluated CT variables from unenhanced admission and short-term follow-up head dual-energy CT scans obtained after contrast-enhanced...
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:00
Publicly Available Metrics Underestimate AJNR Twitter Impact and Follower Engagement [SOCIAL MEDIA VIGNETTE]
SUMMARY:Social media use by professional organizations has increased as a platform to disseminate information, affording an alternative avenue to engage membership and the public. The American Journal of Neuroradiology (AJNR) posts cases and articles, hosts Tweet chats, advertises podcasts, and more on its Twitter account (@TheAJNR). The objective of this study was to determine whether user engagement is underestimated on the basis of publicly available metrics and to assess the engagement rate....
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:00
Intraspinal Paragonimiasis in Children: MRI Findings and Suggestions for Pathogenesis [PEDIATRICS]
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE:Intraspinal paragonimiasis is a rare entity for which imaging findings have seldom been described. The present study investigated the MR imaging features of spinal paragonimiasis, thus providing diagnostic imaging evidence and exploring the possible pathogenesis of intraspinal paragonimiasis.MATERIALS AND METHODS:The clinical and imaging findings of spinal paragonimiasis in 6 children were analyzed retrospectively. Spinal MR imaging was performed in all patients, 5 of whom...
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:00
Validation of Highly Accelerated Wave-CAIPI SWI Compared with Conventional SWI and T2*-Weighted Gradient Recalled-Echo for Routine Clinical Brain MRI at 3T [ADULT BRAIN]
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE:SWI is valuable for characterization of intracranial hemorrhage and mineralization but has long acquisition times. We compared a highly accelerated wave–controlled aliasing in parallel imaging (CAIPI) SWI sequence with 2 commonly used alternatives, standard SWI and T2*-weighted gradient recalled-echo (T2*W GRE), for routine clinical brain imaging at 3T.MATERIALS AND METHODS:A total of 246 consecutive adult patients were prospectively evaluated using a conventional SWI or T2*W...
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:00
Volumetry of Mesiotemporal Structures Reflects Serostatus in Patients with Limbic Encephalitis [ADULT BRAIN]
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE:Limbic encephalitis is an autoimmune disease. A variety of autoantibodies have been associated with different subtypes of limbic encephalitis, whereas its MR imaging signature is uniformly characterized by mesiotemporal abnormalities across subtypes. Here, we hypothesized that patients with limbic encephalitis would show subtype-specific mesiotemporal structural correlates, which could be classified by supervised machine learning on an individual level.MATERIALS AND METHODS:T1WI...
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:00
Automated ASPECTS in Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Comparative Analysis with CT Perfusion [ADULT BRAIN]
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE:Automated ASPECTS has the potential of reducing interobserver variability in the determination of early ischemic changes. We aimed to assess the performance of an automated ASPECTS software against the assessment of a neuroradiologist in a comparative analysis with concurrent CTP-based CBV ASPECTS.MATERIALS AND METHODS:Patients with anterior circulation stroke who had baseline NCCT and CTP and underwent successful mechanical thrombectomy were included. NCCT-ASPECTS was assessed...
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:00
Safety and Diagnostic Efficacy of Gadobenate Dimeglumine in MRI of the Brain and Spine of Neonates and Infants [PEDIATRICS]
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE:Contrast-enhanced MR imaging provides essential information for pediatric imaging applications. We evaluated gadobenate dimeglumine for contrast-enhanced MR imaging of infants younger than 2 years of age.MATERIALS AND METHODS:Ninety children younger than 2 years of age (including 55 children younger than 1 year) who underwent enhanced MR imaging of the CNS with gadobenate dimeglumine at 0.1 mmol/kg body weight ± 25% by volume were retrospectively enrolled at 2 imaging centers....
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:00
Ultra-High-Field Targeted Imaging of Focal Cortical Dysplasia: The Intracortical Black Line Sign in Type IIb [PEDIATRICS]
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE:Conventional MR imaging has limitations in detecting focal cortical dysplasia. We assessed the added value of 7T in patients with histologically proved focal cortical dysplasia to highlight correlations between neuropathology and ultra-high-field imaging.MATERIALS AND METHODS:Between 2013 and 2019, we performed a standardized 7T MR imaging protocol in patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy. We focused on 12 patients in whom postsurgical histopathology revealed focal cortical...
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:00
Qualitative Assessment and Reporting Quality of Intracranial Vessel Wall MR Imaging Studies: A Systematic Review [ADULT BRAIN]
BACKGROUND:Over the last quarter-century, the number of publications using vessel wall MR imaging has increased. Although many narrative reviews offer insight into technique and diagnostic applications, a systematic review of publication trends and reporting quality has not been conducted to identify unmet needs and future directions.PURPOSE:We aimed to identify which intracranial vasculopathies need more data and to highlight areas of strengths and weaknesses in reporting.DATA SOURCES:PubMed, EMBASE,...
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:00
Cost and Utility of Routine Contrast-Enhanced Neck MRA in a Pediatric MRI Stroke Evaluation Protocol [PEDIATRICS]
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE:Cervical arterial dissection is one of the frequent causes of pediatric arterial ischemic stroke. Out of concern for missing cervical arterial dissection in patients in whom pediatric stroke is suspected, our tertiary children's hospital added contrast-enhanced 3D neck MR angiography to every pediatric stoke work-up. This research investigated whether the routine use of contrast-enhanced neck MRA in our MR imaging stroke protocol ever detected a cervical arterial abnormality...
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:00
Topological Alterations of the Structural Brain Connectivity Network in Children with Juvenile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis [FUNCTIONAL]
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE:We used diffusion MR imaging to investigate the structural brain connectivity networks in juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, a neurodegenerative lysosomal storage disease of childhood. Although changes in conventional MR imaging are typically not visually apparent in children aged <10 years, we previously found significant microstructural abnormalities by using diffusion MR imaging. Therefore, we hypothesized that the structural connectivity networks would also be...
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:00
Imaging Findings Related to the Valsalva Maneuver in Head and Neck Radiology [HEAD & NECK]
SUMMARY:Forced exhalation against a closed glottis, known as the Valsalva maneuver, is an important clinical diagnostic and therapeutic tool due to its physiologic effects. Several unique conditions and anatomic changes can occur with repetitive or acute changes in pressure from the Valsalva maneuver. We will discuss and review various pertinent head and neck imaging cases with findings resulting from induced pressure gradients, including the Valsalva maneuver. Additionally, we will demonstrate the...
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:00
Early intrathecal T helper 17.1 cell activity in Huntington's disease
Abstract Objectives Huntington's disease (HD) is an autosomal dominantly inherited neurodegenerative disorder caused by a CAG repeat expansion in the huntingtin (HTT) gene. No disease modifying therapy exists for the treatment of patients with HD. The purpose of this study was therefore to investigate early disease mechanisms which potentially could be used as a target therapeutically. Methods Lymphocyte activity in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from four cohorts of HTT gene expansion carriers...
Annals of Neurology
Thu Nov 14, 2019 19:30
Comparison of the response to rituximab between MOG‐ and AQP4‐antibody diseases
Abstract Objective To compare response to rituximab (RTX) between adult patients positive for myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) and aquaporin‐4 (AQP4) antibodies. Methods We prospectively studied adult patients with MOG or AQP4 antibodies who received RTX under an individualized dosing schedule adapted to the biological effect of RTX monitored by memory B‐cell measurement. Memory B cells were counted monthly and when relapse occurred. The biological effect of RTX was considered...
Annals of Neurology
Thu Nov 14, 2019 19:28
The central role of subthreshold currents in myotonia
Abstract It is generally thought that muscle excitability is almost exclusively controlled by currents responsible for generation of action potentials. We propose that smaller ion channel currents that contribute to setting the resting potential and to subthreshold fluctuations in membrane potential can also modulate excitability in important ways. These channels open at voltages more negative than action potential threshold and are thus termed subthreshold currents. As subthreshold currents are...
Annals of Neurology
Thu Nov 14, 2019 19:26
Corrigendum: A Randomized Study of Solriamfetol for Excessive Sleepiness in Narcolepsy
Annals of Neurology
Thu Nov 14, 2019 13:20
Editorial Board
Publication date: December 2019Source: Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, Volume 187Author(s):
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery
Thu Nov 14, 2019 21:24
How reliable is CT angiography in the etiologic workup of intracranial hemorrhage? A single surgeon's experience
Publication date: Available online 14 November 2019Source: Clinical Neurology and NeurosurgeryAuthor(s): Rose Fluss, Ralph RahmeAbstractObjectivesCT angiography (CTA) is gradually replacing digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in the etiologic workup of intracranial hemorrhage, though debate persists regarding its diagnostic accuracy. To better define the role of CTA in a pragmatic, real-world setting, we reviewed the experience of a single dual vascular-endovascular neurosurgeon.Patients and MethodsNontraumatic...
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery
Thu Nov 14, 2019 21:24
Hemiballism: unusual clinical manifestation in three patients with frontoparietal infarct
Publication date: Available online 14 November 2019Source: Clinical Neurology and NeurosurgeryAuthor(s): Masina Cotroneo, Antonio Ciacciarelli, Domenico Cosenza, Carmela Casella, Cristina Dell’Aera, Francesco Grillo, Maria Carolina Fazio, Paolino La Spina, Rosa Fortunata MusolinoAbstractThe term hemiballism-hemichorea refers to a movement disorder characterized by involuntary movements, often violent, described as uncontrollable jerking, flinging, flailing or kicking, involving proximal muscles of...
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery
Thu Nov 14, 2019 21:24
Cerebrospinal fluid opening pressure: the effect of body mass index and body composition
Publication date: Available online 13 November 2019Source: Clinical Neurology and NeurosurgeryAuthor(s): B.R. Wakerley, R. Warner, M. Cole, K. Stone, C. Foy, M. SittampalamAbstractObjectivesIdiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) is strongly related to obesity. The relationship between intracranial pressure, body mass index (BMI), percentage body fat and distribution of body fat in non-IIH patients remains less clear. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between intracranial pressure...
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery
Thu Nov 14, 2019 21:24
Using Components of the Glasgow Coma Scale and Rotterdam CT scores for Mortality Risk Stratification in Adult patients with Traumatic Brain Injury: A Preliminary study
Publication date: Available online 13 November 2019Source: Clinical Neurology and NeurosurgeryAuthor(s): M.D. In-Suk Bae, M.D. Hyoung-Joon Chun, M.D. Hyeong-Joong Yi, M.D. Kyu-Sun ChoiAbstractObjectiveThe Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and Rotterdam Computed Tomography Score (RCTS) are widely used to predict outcomes after traumatic brain injury (TBI). The objective of this study was to determine whether the GCS and RCTS components can be used to predict outcomes in patients with traumatic intracranial...
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery
Thu Nov 14, 2019 21:24
Editorial Board
Publication date: October 2019Source: Current Opinion in Neurobiology, Volume 58Author(s):
Current Opinion in Neurobiology
Thu Nov 14, 2019 19:29
Predicting the fate of basketball throws: an EEG study on expert action prediction in wheelchair basketball players
Abstract The ability to anticipate and detect changes in human movement helps people to modify their behaviors in ever changing environments. Studies indicate that expertise modulates observation of domain-specific actions in sports—a process that is crucial for adapting rapidly to a new situation, often before awareness of environmental changes is achieved. Here, we explored the electrophysiological underpinnings of wheelchair basketball players predicting the fate of free throws...
Experimental Brain Research
Thu Nov 14, 2019 02:00
The role of cortical areas hMT/V5+ and TPJ on the magnitude of representational momentum and representational gravity: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study
Abstract The perceived vanishing location of a moving target is systematically displaced forward, in the direction of motion—representational momentum—, and downward, in the direction of gravity—representational gravity. Despite a wealth of research on the factors that modulate these phenomena, little is known regarding their neurophysiological substrates. The present experiment aims to explore which role is played by cortical areas hMT/V5+, linked to the processing of visual motion,...
Experimental Brain Research
Thu Nov 14, 2019 02:00
Arteriovenous Malformation Presenting as Symptomatic, Enlarging and Contrast-Enhancing Mass 12 Years After Being Treated with Embolization and Radiotherapy
Publication date: February 2020Source: World Neurosurgery, Volume 134Author(s): Brannan E. O'Neill, Kutluay Uluc, Matthew D. Wood, Jerry Jaboin, Justin S. Cetas, Jeremy Ciporen, Aclan DoganBackgroundGross total resection of arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) of the central nervous system confirmed by formal angiography is accepted as a cure for patients. In some cases, this may not be possible. Even though in these cases other treatment modalities such as endovascular embolization and radiotherapy...
World Neurosurgery
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:50
Comparative analysis of continuous suturing, interrupted suturing, and cyanoacrylate-based lid techniques for end-to-end microvascular anastomosis: laboratory investigation
Publication date: Available online 14 November 2019Source: World NeurosurgeryAuthor(s): Gyang Markus Bot, Xiaochun Zhao, Brenna K. McElenney, Ali Tayebi Meybodi, Evgenii Belykh, Michael T. Lawton, Mark C. PreulAbstractObjectiveMastery of the microsurgical anastomosis is an indispensable component of neurosurgical training. However, in many resource-limited countries, the training, materials, and equipment to obtain these surgical and decision-making skills are severely lacking. This study aimed to...
World Neurosurgery
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:50
Novel software-derived workflow in EC-IC bypass surgery validated by transdural ICG videoangiography
Publication date: Available online 14 November 2019Source: World NeurosurgeryAuthor(s): Philippe Dodier, Thomas Auzinger, Gabriel Mistelbauer, Wei-Te Wang, Heber Ferraz-Leite, Andreas Gruber, Wolfgang Marik, Fabian Winter, Gerrit Fischer, Josa M. Frischer, Gerhard BavinzskiAbstractBackgroundThe introduction of image-guided methods in bypass surgery resulted in optimized preoperative identification of recipients and in excellent patency rates, but recently presented methods are also resource-consuming.ObjectiveTo...
World Neurosurgery
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:50
Intramedullary Spinal Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma: Systematic Review of Disease Presentation, Treatment and Prognosis with Case Illustration
Publication date: Available online 14 November 2019Source: World NeurosurgeryAuthor(s): Umaru Barrie, Mahmoud Elguindy, Mark Pernik, Emmanuel Adeyemo, Salah G. Aoun, Kristen Hall, Valery Peinado Reyes, Tarek Y. EL Ahmadieh, Carlos A. Bagley
World Neurosurgery
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:50
Effect of Sevoflurane Postconditioning on the Incidence of Symptomatic Cerebral Hyperperfusion after Revascularization Surgery in Adult Patients with Moyamoya Disease
Publication date: Available online 14 November 2019Source: World NeurosurgeryAuthor(s): Hyun-Kyu Yoon, Hyongmin Oh, Hyung-Chul Lee, Won-Sang Cho, Jeong Eun Kim, Jae Won Park, Hongyoon Choi, Hee-Pyoung ParkAbstractObjectiveVarious experimental studies reported neuroprotective effects of sevoflurane postconditioning against cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury. We thus investigated its neuroprotective effects on hyperperfusion-related transient neurologic deterioration, called symptomatic cerebral...
World Neurosurgery
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:50
From the Occipital Condyle to the Sphenoid Sinus, extradural extension of the far lateral transcondylar approach with endoscopic assistance
Publication date: Available online 14 November 2019Source: World NeurosurgeryAuthor(s): Valentina Tardivo, Moujahed Labidi, Thibault Passeri, Anne Laure Bernat, Francesco Zenga, Eduard Voormolen, Nicolas Penet, Sebastien Froelich
World Neurosurgery
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:50
Effect of Electronic Clinical Decision Support on Imaging for the Evaluation of Acute Low Back Pain in the Ambulatory Care Setting
Publication date: Available online 13 November 2019Source: World NeurosurgeryAuthor(s): Doris Chen, Hriday P. Bhambhvani, Jason Hom, Megan Mahoney, Max Wintermark, Christopher Sharp, John Ratliff, Yi-Ren ChenAbstractObjectiveTo assess the effectiveness of a clinical decision support tool consisting of an electronic medical record Best Practice Alert (BPA) on the frequency of lumbar imaging in patients with acute low back pain (LBP) in the ambulatory care setting. To understand why providers order...
World Neurosurgery
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:50
Fulminant reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome after carotid endarterectomy for asymptomatic stenosis
Publication date: Available online 13 November 2019Source: World NeurosurgeryAuthor(s): David T. Asuzu, Jeyan Kumar, Stepan Capek, Min Park
World Neurosurgery
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:50
Radioanatomic assessment of the geniculate ganglion dehiscence and dimension: A cadaveric study
Publication date: Available online 13 November 2019Source: World NeurosurgeryAuthor(s): Vural Hamzaoğlu, Orhan Beger, Osman Erdoğan, Engin Kara, Yusuf Vayisoğlu, Pourya Taghipour, Hakan Özalp, Derya Karataş, Emel Avcı, Ahmet Dağtekin, Celal Bağdatoğlu, Ahmet Hakan Öztürk, Derya Ümit TalasAbstractObjectiveThe main aim of this study placed on cadavers was to compare the data related to geniculate ganglion (GG) dehiscence and dimension obtained from computed tomography (CT) with dissection values.MethodsThis...
World Neurosurgery
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:50
Pathological Correlation of Cellular Imaging using Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) quantification in patients with Brain Metastases following Gamma Knife Radiosurgery
Publication date: Available online 13 November 2019Source: World NeurosurgeryAuthor(s): Hamid Borghei-Razavi, Mayur Sharma, Todd Emch, Daria Krivosheya, Bryan Lee, Baha’eddin Muhsen, Richard Prayson, Nancy Obuchowski, Gene H. Barnett, Michael A. Vogelbaum, Samuel T. Chao, John H. Suh, AlirezaM. Mohammadi, Lilyana AngelovAbstractIntroductionThe aim of our study was to evaluate the role of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in differentiating Radiation necrosis (RN) from recurrent tumor following...
World Neurosurgery
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:50

The Association between Surgical Level and Early Postoperative Thigh Symptoms among Patients Undergoing Standalone Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion (LLIF)
Publication date: Available online 13 November 2019Source: World NeurosurgeryAuthor(s): Toshiyuki Shirahata, Ichiro Okano, Stephan N. Salzmann, Oliver C. Sax, Jennifer Shue, Andrew A. Sama, Frank P. Cammisa, Tomoaki Toyone, Katsunori Inagaki, Alexander P. Hughes, Federico P. GirardiAbstract:BackgroundLLIF is often associated with postoperative lumbar plexus symptoms, including pain, paresthesia, and motor deficits in the lower extremities, especially in the anterior thigh regions. Previous studies...
World Neurosurgery
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:50
Severe neuromuscular scoliosis implicated by dysfunction of intrathecal Baclofen pump. Case report and literature review
Publication date: Available online 13 November 2019Source: World NeurosurgeryAuthor(s): Dimitrios Panagopoulos, Katerina Apostolopoulou, Marios ThemistocleousAbstractBackgroundComplex spinal deformities are a common issue in pediatric patients with an underlying neurological diagnosis or syndrome. Management of neuromuscular scoliosis is an awesome responsibility as these patients present with the most challenging pathologies of the deformed spine. Besides surgical correction of the underlying deformity,...
World Neurosurgery
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:50
Unilateral versus bilateral percutaneous pedicle screw fixation in oblique lumbar interbody fusion
Publication date: Available online 13 November 2019Source: World NeurosurgeryAuthor(s): Jiankun Wen, Changgui Shi, Lei Yu, Shuang Wang, Yanhai Xi, Xiaojian YeAbstractObjectiveTo compare the clinical and radiological outcomes of unilateral pedicle screws (UPS) and bilateral pedicle screws (BPS) fixations after single-level oblique lateral interbody fusion (OLIF) procedures.MethodsThis retrospective study included 74 patients receiving a single-level OLIF at L3-4 or L4-5 (June 2014-June 2017). These...
World Neurosurgery
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:50
Incidence and Clinical Risk of Cement Extravasation in Adult Patients Undergoing Prophylactic Vertebroplasty during Surgical Spine Reconstruction
Publication date: Available online 13 November 2019Source: World NeurosurgeryAuthor(s): Michael A. Bohl, Rajiv Sethi, Jean-Christophe Leveque
World Neurosurgery
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:50
Comparison of Subthalamic Nucleus and Globus Pallidus Internus Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery on Parkinson's Disease-related Pain
Publication date: Available online 13 November 2019Source: World NeurosurgeryAuthor(s): Shun Gong, Menting Xu, Yingqun Tao, Yang Liu, Hai Jin, Xiao Sun, Shimiao Wang, Xingwang Yang, Yu Wang, Lijia Yuan, Weilong SongAbstractObjectiveThis study was to analyze and compare the effects of subthalamic nucleus (STN)-Deep brain stimulation (DBS) and Globus pallidus internus (GPi)-DBS on Parkinson's disease (PD)-related pain.MethodsA retrospective study was performed of 64 patients (28 underwent GPi-DBS,...
World Neurosurgery
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:50
Effect of spiral nucleus implant parameters on the compressive biomechanics of lumbar intervertebral disc
Publication date: Available online 13 November 2019Source: World NeurosurgeryAuthor(s): Cheng-Fei Du, Chun-Jie Liu, Yun-Peng Huang, Xin Wang
World Neurosurgery
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:50
Long-Term Comparison of Health Care Utilization and Reoperation Rates in Patients Undergoing Cervical Disc Arthroplasty (CDA) and Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF) for Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease
Publication date: Available online 13 November 2019Source: World NeurosurgeryAuthor(s): Chitra Kumar, Nicholas Dietz, Mayur Sharma, Dengzhi Wang, Beatrice Ugiliweneza, Maxwell BoakyeAbstractStudy DesignRetrospective cohort analysisBackgroundAnterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) has been the gold standard procedure for single level degenerative disc disease (DDD). Recently, cervical disc arthroplasty (CDA) has become increasingly prevalent as an alternate intervention.ObjectiveExamine the...
World Neurosurgery
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:50
Transposition of superior cerebellar artery for microvascular decompression in trigeminal neuralgia using an <em>in situ</em> superior petrosal vein sling technique
Publication date: Available online 13 November 2019Source: World NeurosurgeryAuthor(s): Ding Zhang, António Barata, Pedro Pires, Pedro Soares, Luís MarquesAbstractBackgroundSeveral microvascular decompression technical variations for the treatment of medically refractory trigeminal neuralgia have been put forward that can be categorized generally as interposition and transposition techniques. These latter approaches, so-called slinging techniques, have been gaining traction, as they possibly reduce...
World Neurosurgery
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:50
Comparison of clinical outcomes based on target delineation in patients treated with stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for spinal metastases
Publication date: Available online 13 November 2019Source: World NeurosurgeryAuthor(s): Mark Attiah, Kiri Sandler, Rogelio Medina, Bilwaj Gaonkar, David McArthur, George Farha, Michael Selch, Antonio De Salles, Stephen Tenn, Nzhde Agazaryan, Percy Lee, Michael Steinberg, Daniel Lu, Luke Macyszyn, Tania KaprealianAbstractObjectiveStereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) is an effective treatment for spinal metastases in the vertebral body. There is variation between practitioners about appropriate target...
World Neurosurgery
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:50
Sudden aggravated radicular pain caused by hemorrhagic spinal angiolipomas after a back massage. A case report
Publication date: Available online 13 November 2019Source: World NeurosurgeryAuthor(s): Xiaolei Zhang, James Jin Wang, Yi Guo, Sheng Dong, Wei Shi, Guoqin Wang, Huifang Zhang, Guihuai WangAbstractBackgroundSpinal angiolipomas (SALs) are benign tumors that usually present a slow progressive spinal cord or radicular compression. Acute myelopathy or acute aggravated radicular syndrome are exceedingly rare.Case descriptionThe authors report an original case with sudden aggravated radicular pain caused...
World Neurosurgery
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:50
Transforaminal Endoscopic Approach for Lumbar Extraforaminal Synovial Cysts: Technical Note
Publication date: Available online 13 November 2019Source: World NeurosurgeryAuthor(s): Albert E. Telfeian, Adetokunbo Oyelese, Jared Fridley, Krisztina Moldovan, Ziya L. GokaslanAbstractObjectiveLumbar facet cysts are commonly seen in degenerative lumbar conditions causing stenosis and radiculopathy. Extraforaminal lumbar facet cysts are a rare entity and present a surgical challenge because of their location. Transforaminal endoscopic spine surgery is an emerging technique in spine surgery but...
World Neurosurgery
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:50
Unique Neurosurgical Morbidity and Mortality Conference Characteristics: A Comprehensive Literature Review of Neurosurgical Morbidity & Mortality Conference Practices with Proposed Recommendations
Publication date: Available online 13 November 2019Source: World NeurosurgeryAuthor(s): Ilya Rybkin, Ida Azizkhanian, James Gary, Chad Cole, Meic Schmidt, Chirag Gandhi, Fawaz Al-Mulfti, Patrice Anderson, Justin Santarelli, Christian BowersAbstractObjectiveThe aim of this study was to review the literature for neurosurgical complication definitions and to report the current scales used for classifying these complications, as well as to discuss their limitations.MethodsA systematic review was performed...
World Neurosurgery
Thu Nov 14, 2019 17:50
Effects of arm weight support on neuromuscular activation during reaching in chronic stroke patients
Abstract To better understand how arm weight support (WS) can be used to alleviate upper limb impairment after stroke, we investigated the effects of WS on muscle activity, muscle synergy expression, and corticomotor excitability (CME) in 13 chronic stroke patients and 6 age-similar healthy controls. For patients, lesion location and corticospinal tract integrity were assessed using magnetic resonance imaging. Upper limb impairment was assessed using the Fugl-Meyer upper extremity...
Experimental Brain Research
Thu Nov 14, 2019 02:00
Editorial Board
Publication date: 1 January 2020Source: Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Volume 329Author(s):
Journal of Neuroscience Methods
Thu Nov 14, 2019 14:08
A rapid and accurate method to quantify neurite outgrowth from cell and tissue cultures: Two image analytic approaches using adaptive thresholds or machine learning
Publication date: Available online 14 November 2019Source: Journal of Neuroscience MethodsAuthor(s): A. Ossinger, A. Bajic, S. Pan, B. Andersson, P. Ranefall, N.P. Hailer, N. SchizasAbstractBackgroundAssessments of axonal outgrowth and dendritic development are essential readouts in many in vitro models in the field of neuroscience. Available analysis software is based on the assessment of fixed immunolabelled tissue samples, making it impossible to follow the dynamic development of neurite outgrowth....
Journal of Neuroscience Methods
Thu Nov 14, 2019 14:08
The effect of coil placement and orientation on the assessment of focal excitability in motor mapping with navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation
Publication date: Available online 13 November 2019Source: Journal of Neuroscience MethodsAuthor(s): Jusa Reijonen, Laura Säisänen, Mervi Könönen, Ali Mohammadi, Petro JulkunenAbstractBackgroundNavigated transcranial magnetic stimulation (nTMS) is used for mapping muscle representations in the primary motor cortex. We used sulcus-aligned mapping and electric field (E-field) modeling to investigate the excitability of the motor hand area for further understanding the methodological limitations of...
Journal of Neuroscience Methods
Thu Nov 14, 2019 14:08
An economical solution to record and control wheel-running for group-housed mice
Publication date: Available online 13 November 2019Source: Journal of Neuroscience MethodsAuthor(s): Kyle A. Mayr, Leanne Young, Leonardo A. Molina, Michelle A. Tran, Patrick J. WhelanAbstractBackgroundThe effects of exercise on brain function are widely known; however, there is a need for inexpensive, practical solutions for monitoring and metering the activity of multiple mice.New methodA contoured running wheel that has a built-in radio-frequency identification (RFID) receiver to monitor the activity...
Journal of Neuroscience Methods
Thu Nov 14, 2019 14:08
Companion animal models of neurological disease
Publication date: Available online 13 November 2019Source: Journal of Neuroscience MethodsAuthor(s): Brittanie Partridge, John H. RossmeislAbstractClinical translation of novel therapeutics that improve the survival and quality of life of patients with neurological disease remains a challenge, with many investigational drug and device candidates failing in advanced stage clinical trials. Naturally occurring inherited and acquired neurological diseases, such as epilepsy, inborn errors of metabolism,...
Journal of Neuroscience Methods
Thu Nov 14, 2019 14:08
Effects of Motion Related Outliers in Dynamic Functional Connectivity Using the Sliding Window Method
Publication date: Available online 13 November 2019Source: Journal of Neuroscience MethodsAuthor(s): Antonis D. Savva, Michalis Kassinopoulos, Nikolaos Smyrnis, George K. Matsopoulos, Georgios D. MitsisAbstractBackgroundIt has been suggested that the use of window functions, other than the rectangular, in the sliding window method, may be beneficial for reducing the effects of motion-related outliers in the time-series, when assessing dynamic functional connectivity (dFC) in resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI).MethodologyTen...
Journal of Neuroscience Methods
Thu Nov 14, 2019 14:08
Neural representations of phonology in temporal cortex scaffold longitudinal reading gains in 5- to 7-year-old children
Publication date: Available online 14 November 2019Source: NeuroImageAuthor(s): Jin Wang, Marc F. Joanisse, James R. BoothAbstractThe objective of this study was to investigate whether phonological processes measured through brain activation are crucial for the development of reading skill (i.e. scaffolding hypothesis) and/or whether learning to read words fine-tunes phonology in the brain (i.e. refinement hypothesis). We specifically looked at how different grain sizes in two brain regions implicated...
Thu Nov 14, 2019 13:38

Reliability-based voxel selection
Publication date: Available online 14 November 2019Source: NeuroImageAuthor(s): Leyla Tarhan, Talia KonkleAbstractWhile functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies typically measure responses across the whole brain, not all regions are likely to be informative for a given study. Which voxels should be considered? Here we propose a method for voxel selection based on the reliability of the data. This method isolates voxels that respond consistently across imaging runs while maximizing the...
Thu Nov 14, 2019 13:38
Introduction to the special issue on Reproducibility in Neuroimaging
Publication date: Available online 13 November 2019Source: NeuroImageAuthor(s): Russell A. Poldrack, Kirstie Whitaker, David Kennedy
Thu Nov 14, 2019 13:38
Electroencephalographic evidence for the involvement of mirror-neuron and error-monitoring related processes in virtual body ownership
Publication date: Available online 13 November 2019Source: NeuroImageAuthor(s): Gal Raz, Guy Gurevitch, Tom Vaknin, Araz Aazamy, Iddo Gefen, Stanislaw Grunstein, Gal Azouri, Noam GoldwayAbstractThe illusion that an artificial or virtual object becomes part of one's body has been demonstrated and productively investigated in the past two decades. Empirical and theoretical accounts of this phenomenon suggest that the body ownership illusion relies not on a single process, but rather on the alignment...
Thu Nov 14, 2019 13:38
Proton therapy for newly diagnosed pediatric diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma
Abstract Introduction Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) is a type of brain malignancy with a very poor prognosis. Although various radiation and chemotherapy protocols have been attempted, only conventional radiotherapy has yielded improvements in survival. In this study, we aimed to compare proton therapy versus conventional photon radiotherapy in terms of the outcomes of pediatric patients with DIPG. ...
Latest Results for Child's Nervous System
Thu Nov 14, 2019 02:00
Effects of repetitive passive movement on ankle joint on spinal reciprocal inhibition
Abstract Repetitive passive movement (RPM) activates afferent Ia fibers. The input of afferent Ia fibers from antagonist muscle may modulate the extent of spinal reciprocal inhibition (RI). However, effects of RPM on RI remain unknown. We aimed to clarify these effects in 20 healthy adults. Four RPM tasks (40°/s, 80°/s, 120°/s, and 160°/s), with the range of ankle joint movement set to 40°, ranging from 10° in dorsiflexion to 30° in plantar flexion, were performed for 10 min. For...
Experimental Brain Research
Thu Nov 14, 2019 02:00

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