Δευτέρα 11 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Impaired liver function during pregnancy may increase risk of childhood obesity
Impaired liver function during pregnancy may alter gut bacteria composition and increase the risk of obesity in children, according to results presented at The Society for Endocrinology Annual Conference. In a rodent of model of the most common liver disease in pregnancy, the composition of gut bacteria in offspring was altered and liver function impaired, particularly when they were fed a Western-style, high-fat diet. These findings suggest that children at risk should maintain a healthy diet and...
Medical Xpress - latest medical and health news stories
Age is not a barrier to the benefits of weight-loss surgery
While weight-loss surgeries are not usually performed in people above the age of 65, a new study shows that these procedures can lead to successful weight loss and better diabetes control in older adults. The study, presented at the Society for Endocrinology annual conference in Brighton, UK, indicates that elderly patients treated with bariatric surgery (gastric bypass or gastric sleeve) can recover well and have a reduced risk of obesity-related complications, including heart disease and diabetes.
Medical Xpress - latest medical and health news stories
The Affordable Care Act's impact on insurance coverage and treatment in patients with HIV and cancer
A recent study reveals that, for people living with both HIV and cancer (PLWHC), implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) improved insurance coverage, both in states that expanded Medicaid coverage and those that did not. Lack of insurance is still common in non-expansion states, however, and patients who are minorities or have low income are most likely to live in these states. The findings are published early online in CANCER, a peer-reviewed journal of the American...
Medical Xpress - latest medical and health news stories
Toxics, Vol. 7, Pages 57: Releases of Fire-Derived Contaminants from Polymer Pipes Made of Polyvinyl Chloride
Toxics, Vol. 7, Pages 57: Releases of Fire-Derived Contaminants from Polymer Pipes Made of Polyvinyl Chloride Toxics doi: 10.3390/toxics7040057 Authors: Ngee Sing Chong Saidi Abdulramoni Dwight Patterson Heather Brown In order to assess the human exposure risks from the release of contaminants from water pipes made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), experiments were carried out by subjecting the PVC pipe material to burning and leaching conditions followed by analysis of the emission...
Toxics MDPI Open

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