Investigating Evolutionary Rate Variation in BacteriaAbstract
Rates of molecular evolution are known to vary between species and across all kingdoms of life. Here, we explore variation in the rate at which bacteria accumulate mutations (accumulation rates) in their natural environments over short periods of time. We have compiled estimates of the accumulation rate for over 34 species of bacteria, the majority of which are pathogens evolving either within an individual host or during outbreaks. Across species, we find that accumulation rates vary by over 3700-fold. We investigate whether accumulation rates are associated to a number potential correlates including genome size, GC content, measures of the natural selection and the time frame over which the accumulation rates were estimated. After controlling for phylogenetic non-independence, we find that the accumulation rate is not significantly correlated to any factor. Furthermore, contrary to previous results, we find that it is not impacted by the time frame of which the estimate was made. However, our study, with only 34 species, is likely to lack power to detect anything but large effects. We suggest that much of the rate variation may be explained by differences between species in the generation time in the wild.
Stress Adapted Mollusca and Nematoda Exhibit Convergently Expanded Hsp70 and AIG1 Gene FamiliesAbstract
We recently sequenced the genome of the first subterrestrial metazoan, the nematode Halicephalobus mephisto. A central finding was a dramatic expansion of genes encoding avrRpt2 induced gene (AIG1), and 70 kDa heat shock (Hsp70) domains. While the role of Hsp70 in thermotolerance is well established, the contribution of AIG1 is much more poorly characterized, though in plants some members of this family are heat-induced. Hypothesizing that this dual domain expansion may constitute a general biosignature of thermal stress adaptation, here we examine a number of genomes, finding that expansion of both AIG1 and Hsp70 is common in bivalves. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that the bivalve-specific Hsp70 protein expansion groups with H. mephisto sequences. Our identification of the same gene expansions in bivalves and a nematode implies that this biosignature may be a general stress adaptation strategy for protostomes, particularly those organisms that cannot escape their stressful environments. We hypothesize that the two families play largely complementary mechanistic roles, with Hsp70 directly refolding heat-denatured proteins while AIG1 promotes cellular and organismal survival by inhibiting apoptosis.
Why Nature Chose PotassiumAbstract
The presence of most of the atoms involved in the building up of living cells can be explained by their intrinsic physico-chemical properties. Yet, the involvement of the alkali metal potassium cation (K+) is somewhat of a mystery for most scenarios of origins of life, as this element is less abundant than its sodium counterpart in sea water, the original medium bathing the majority of proposed sites as the cradle of life. Potassium is involved in key processes that could as well have been fulfilled by sodium (such as maintenance of an electrochemical potential or homeostatic osmolarity). However, K+ is also required for the setup of a functional translation machinery, as well as for a fairly enigmatic metabolic pathway involving the usually toxic metabolite methylglyoxal. Here we discuss the possibility that potassium has been selected because of some of its idiosyncratic properties or whether it is just the outcome of the accidental place where life was born. Specific physico-chemical properties of the K+ ion would argue in favour of positive selection in the course of life’s evolution. By contrast, the latter explanation would require that life originated on potassium-rich environments, possibly continental but yet of unknown location, making K+ presence just a frozen accident of evolution.
Adaptive Evolution of C-Type Lysozyme in Vampire BatsAbstract
In mammals, chicken-type (c-type) lysozymes are part of the innate immune system, killing bacteria by degrading peptidoglycan in their cell walls. Many of the studies on the evolution of c-type lysozymes have focused on its new digestive function, including the duplicated stomach lysozymes in ruminants. Similarly, in bats, gene duplications and subsequent adaptive evolution of c-type lysozyme have been reported in a clade of insectivorous species, which might have been driven by the need to digest chitin. However, no studies on the evolution of c-type lysozyme have been carried out in the second largest and dietary diverse bat family Phyllostomidae, which includes insectivorous, frugivorous, nectarivorous and sanguivorous species. Here, we sequenced and analyzed c-type lysozyme genes from four phyllostomid bats, the common vampire bat, the white-winged vampire bat, the lesser long-nosed bat and the big fruit-eating bat. Only a single lysozyme gene was identified in each of these species. Evidence for positive selection on mature lysozyme was found on lineages leading to vampire bats, but not other bats with single copy lysozyme genes. Moreover, several amino acid substitutions found in mature lysozymes from the sanguivorous clade are predicted to have functional impacts, adding further evidence for the adaptive evolution of lysozyme in vampire bats. Functional adaptation of vampire bat lysozymes could be associated with anti-microbial defense, possibly driven by the specialized sanguivory-related habits of vampire bats.
Characterization and Evolution of Germ1 , an Element that Undergoes Diminution in Lampreys (Cyclostomata: Petromyzontidae)Abstract
The sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) undergoes substantial genomic alterations during embryogenesis in which specific sequences are deleted from the genome of somatic cells yet retained in cells of the germ line. One element that undergoes diminution in P. marinus is Germ1, which consists of a somatically rare (SR) region and a fragment of 28S rDNA. Although the SR-region has been used as a marker for genomic alterations in lampreys, the evolutionary significance of its diminution is unknown. We examined the Germ1 element in five additional species of lamprey to better understand its evolutionary significance. Each representative species contained sequences similar enough to the Germ1 element of P. marinus to be detected via PCR and Southern hybridizations, although the SR-regions of Lampetra aepyptera and Lethenteron appendix are quite divergent from the homologous sequences of Petromyzon and three species of Ichthyomyzon. Lamprey Germ1 sequences have a number of features characteristic of the R2 retrotransposon, a mobile element that specifically targets 28S rDNA. Phylogenetic analyses of the SR-regions revealed patterns generally consistent with relationships among the species included in our study, although the 28S-fragments of each species/genus were most closely related to its own functional rDNA, suggesting that the two components of Germ1 were assembled independently in each lineage. Southern hybridizations showed evidence of genomic alterations involving Germ1 in each species. Our results suggest that Germ1 is a R2 retroelement that occurs in the genome of P. marinus and other petromyzontid lampreys, and that its diminution is incidental to the reduction in rDNA copies during embryogenesis.
Evolutionary Dynamics of Transferred Sequences Between Organellar Genomes in CucurbitaAbstract
Twenty-nine DNA regions of plastid origin have been previously identified in the mitochondrial genome of Cucurbita pepo (pumpkin; Cucurbitaceae). Four of these regions harbor homolog sequences of rbcL, matK, rpl20–rps12 and trnL–trnF, which are widely used as molecular markers for phylogenetic and phylogeographic studies. We extracted the mitochondrial copies of these regions based on the mitochondrial genome of C. pepo and, along with published sequences for these plastome markers from 13 Cucurbita taxa, we performed phylogenetic molecular analyses to identify inter-organellar transfer events in the Cucurbita phylogeny and changes in their nucleotide substitution rates. Phylogenetic reconstruction and tree selection tests suggest that rpl20 and rbcL mitochondrial paralogs arose before Cucurbita diversification whereas the mitochondrial matK and trnL–trnF paralogs emerged most probably later, in the mesophytic Cucurbita clade. Nucleotide substitution rates increased one order of magnitude in all the mitochondrial paralogs compared to their original plastid sequences. Additionally, mitochondrial trnL–trnF sequences obtained by PCR from nine Cucurbita taxa revealed higher nucleotide diversity in the mitochondrial than in the plastid copies, likely related to the higher nucleotide substitution rates in the mitochondrial region and loss of functional constraints in its tRNA genes.
Antimicrobial Resistance in Bacteria: Mechanisms, Evolution, and PersistenceAbstract
In recent years, we have seen antimicrobial resistance rapidly emerge at a global scale and spread from one country to the other faster than previously thought. Superbugs and multidrug-resistant bacteria are endemic in many parts of the world. There is no question that the widespread use, overuse, and misuse of antimicrobials during the last 80 years have been associated with the explosion of antimicrobial resistance. On the other hand, the molecular pathways behind the emergence of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria were present since ancient times. Some of these mechanisms are the ancestors of current resistance determinants. Evidently, there are plenty of putative resistance genes in the environment, however, we cannot yet predict which ones would be able to be expressed as phenotypes in pathogenic bacteria and cause clinical disease. In addition, in the presence of inhibitory and sub-inhibitory concentrations of antibiotics in natural habitats, one could assume that novel resistance mechanisms will arise against antimicrobial compounds. This review presents an overview of antimicrobial resistance mechanisms, and describes how these have evolved and how they continue to emerge. As antimicrobial strategies able to bypass the development of resistance are urgently needed, a better understanding of the critical factors that contribute to the persistence and spread of antimicrobial resistance may yield innovative perspectives on the design of such new therapeutic targets.
Virus–Host Coevolution with a Focus on Animal and Human DNA VirusesAbstract
Viruses have been infecting their host cells since the dawn of life, and this extremely long-term coevolution gave rise to some surprising consequences for the entire tree of life. It is hypothesised that viruses might have contributed to the formation of the first cellular life form, or that even the eukaryotic cell nucleus originates from an infection by a coated virus. The continuous struggle between viruses and their hosts to maintain at least a constant fitness level led to the development of an unceasing arms race, where weapons are often shuttled between the participants. In this literature review we try to give a short insight into some general consequences or traits of virus–host coevolution, and after this we zoom in to the viral clades of adenoviruses, herpesviruses, nucleo-cytoplasmic large DNA viruses, polyomaviruses and, finally, circoviruses.
An Evolutionary Perspective on the Impact of Genomic Copy Number Variation on Human HealthAbstract
Copy number variants (CNVs), deletions and duplications of segments of DNA, account for at least five times more variable base pairs in humans than single-nucleotide variants. Several common CNVs were shown to change coding and regulatory sequences and thus dramatically affect adaptive phenotypes involving immunity, perception, metabolism, skin structure, among others. Some of these CNVs were also associated with susceptibility to cancer, infection, and metabolic disorders. These observations raise the possibility that CNVs are a primary contributor to human phenotypic variation and consequently evolve under selective pressures. Indeed, locus-specific haplotype-level analyses revealed signatures of natural selection on several CNVs. However, more traditional tests of selection which are often applied to single-nucleotide variation often have diminished statistical power when applied to CNVs because they often do not show strong linkage disequilibrium with nearby variants. Recombination-based formation mechanisms of CNVs lead to frequent recurrence and gene conversion events, breaking the linkage disequilibrium involving CNVs. Similar methodological challenges also prevent routine genome-wide association studies to adequately investigate the impact of CNVs on heritable human disease. Thus, we argue that the full relevance of CNVs to human health and evolution is yet to be elucidated. We further argue that a holistic investigation of formation mechanisms within an evolutionary framework would provide a powerful framework to understand the functional and biomedical impact of CNVs. In this paper, we review several cases where studies reveal diverse evolutionary histories and unexpected functional consequences of CNVs. We hope that this review will encourage further work on CNVs by both evolutionary and medical geneticists.
In Vitro Selection of DNA Aptamers for a Small-Molecule Porphyrin by Gold Nanoparticle-Based SELEXAbstract
In this study, a new strategy for the selection of aptamers against small-molecule target was established using gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) as the separation matrix and Zinc(II)-Protoporphyrin IX (ZnPPIX) as the target molecule without the immobilization step due to the absorption of ssDNA on AuNPs. The progress of the selection process was monitored by the recovery rate and the fluorescence enhancement of N-methyl mesoporphyrin IX (NMM) after reacting with each selected pool. After 11 rounds of selection, a truncated aptamer ZnP1.2 with a low-micromolar dissociation constant was obtained, and it also showed good fluorescence enhancement for NMM and the enhanced peroxidase activity after binding with hemin, indicating this functional aptamer has potential to be a light-up fluorescent probe and a DNAzyme which could be used as an alternative to peroxidases for many colorimetric or chemiluminescent detections in biosensing events. The experimental results show that the simple and convenient AuNP-based SELEX is very conducive to the selection of aptamers for small-molecule targets.
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
Τρίτη 19 Νοεμβρίου 2019
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
11:10 μ.μ.

Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,
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