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Παρασκευή 1 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Ouabain Accelerates Collective Cell Migration Through a cSrc and ERK1/2 Sensitive Metalloproteinase Activity
The original version of the article unfortunately contained an error in the author group. Dr. Isabel Larré was not submitted and published in the original version.

Prevailing Effects of Ibutilide on Fast Delayed Rectifier K + Channel


Effects of ibutilide, a class III antiarrhythmic drug, on delayed rectifier potassium currents (IK) in freshly isolated guinea pig ventricular myocytes were studied. Experiments were performed using the whole-cell configuration of patch-clamp technique under blockade of L-type calcium currents (Cav1). Ibutilide at concentrations ranging between 10 nM and 100 µM inhibited IKr in dose-dependent manner with a half maximal effective concentration of 2.03 ± 0.74 µM (n = 5–10). The amplitude of tail currents activated by prepulse to + 20 mV was decreased from 253 ± 52 to 130 ± 25 pA (n = 8, p < 0.01) in the presence of 1 µM ibutilide. The envelope test revealed time-dependent changes in ratio of IK-tailIK during 0.2–2 s pulse durations in the absence of drug. With ibutilide, regardless of pulse duration, a relatively constant ratio was estimated, indicative of predominant involvement of IKr component. The slow IKs persisted to greater extent even at 100 μM ibutilide revealing a distinguishable selectivity toward the IKr component.

Role of Lipid Composition in the Interaction and Activity of the Antimicrobial Compound Fengycin with Complex Membrane Models


Fengycins are compounds produced by bacteria of the Bacillus genus with strong antifungal activity. In this work, lipids extracted from fungal and oomycetal molds were used to assess the ability of fengycin to bind and insert into complex membrane models prepared as Langmuir lipid monolayers. In addition, fengycin-induced leakage in liposomes prepared from these complex lipid extracts was also evaluated. Fengycin’s ability to bind and incorporate into these membranes seemed to be mainly related to ergosterol content. Other membrane characteristics such as phospholipid fatty acyl chain length played a more peripheral role. A high ergosterol concentration appeared to allow other membrane characteristics generally associated with fengycin binding and/or insertion, such as higher proportion of phosphatidylcholine head groups or increased fatty acyl unsaturation, to be present without adversely affecting membrane integrity. Increased membrane leakage was also generally associated with the presence of low or no ergosterol. Leakage was also correlated with the previously reported biological activity of fengycin on these molds.

Comparative Proteomics Analysis of Four Commonly Used Methods for Identification of Novel Plasma Membrane Proteins


Plasma membrane proteins perform a variety of important tasks in the cells. These tasks can be diverse as carrying nutrients across the plasma membrane, receiving chemical signals from outside the cell, translating them into intracellular action, and anchoring the cell in a particular location. When these crucial roles of plasma membrane proteins are considered, the need for their characterization becomes inevitable. Certain characteristics of plasma membrane proteins such as hydrophobicity, low solubility, and low abundance limit their detection by proteomic analyses. Here, we presented a comparative proteomics study in which the most commonly used plasma membrane protein enrichment methods were evaluated. The methods that were utilized include biotinylation, selective CyDye labeling, temperature-dependent phase partition, and density-gradient ultracentrifugation. Western blot analysis was performed to assess the level of plasma membrane protein enrichment using plasma membrane and cytoplasmic protein markers. Quantitative evaluation of the level of enrichment was performed by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) and benzyldimethyl-n-hexadecylammonium chloride/sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (16-BAC/SDS-PAGE) from which the protein spots were cut and identified. Results from this study demonstrated that density-gradient ultracentrifugation method was superior when coupled with 16-BAC/SDS-PAGE. This work presents a valuable contribution and provides a future direction to the membrane sub-proteome research by evaluating commonly used methods for plasma membrane protein enrichment.

Direct Drug Targeting into Intracellular Compartments: Issues, Limitations, and Future Outlook


Intracellular compartment drug delivery is a promising strategy for the treatment of diseases. By this way, medicines can delivered to particular intracellular compartments. This maximizes the therapeutic efficacy and safety of medicines, particularly of anticancer and antiviral drugs. Intracellular compartment drug delivery is either indirectly by targeting of cell nucleus as central compartment of the cell or directly through the targeting of compartments itself. Drugs or nanoshuttles labeled with compartment’s localization signal represent a smart tactic for subcellular compartment targeting. There are several boundaries prevent the arrival of shuttles to the specified intracellular compartments. These boundaries include selective permeability of biomembranes, efflux transporters, and lysosomes. The utilization of specific ligands during design of drug delivery nanoshuttles permits the targeting of specified intracellular compartment. Therefore drugs targeting could correct the diseases associated organelles. This review highlights the direct targeting of the medicines into subcellular compartment as a promising therapeutic strategy.

Ouabain Accelerates Collective Cell Migration Through a cSrc and ERK1/2 Sensitive Metalloproteinase Activity


Studies made in the Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) epithelial cell line showed that ouabain regulates cell adhesion and cell-adhesion-related biological processes, such as migration. Here, we demonstrated that 10 nM ouabain accelerates collective cell migration and heals wounds in cultured MDCK cell monolayers. Ouabain-induced acceleration of cell migration depends on activation of the cSrc-ERK1/2 signaling cascade, as it was inhibited by the kinase inhibitors PP2 and PD98059. Activation of the cSrc-ERK1/2 signaling cascade increased expression and activation of the extracellular matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2). Inhibition of MMP activity using the generic inhibitor GM6001 or the potent iMMP-2 inhibitor prevented the accelerative effect of ouabain. Likewise, Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK) inhibition with the transfection of dominant negative peptide FRNK impaired the effect of ouabain. These results suggest that ouabain binding to the Na+,K+-ATPase accelerates collective migration of MDCK cells through activation of the cSrc-ERK1/2-FAK signaling cascade and promoting secretion and MMP activity.

Transport of Docosahexaenoic Acid via the Human Placenta: A Theoretical Study


The high demand of the fetus for Docosahexaenoic acid, DHA, is satisfied by a concert of several mechanisms that take place in the placental terminal villi. Scarcity of laboratory data makes the detailed description of these mechanisms elusive. Here, the DHA transport across the placenta is modeled as a boundary value problem that accounts for diffusion, reactions with fatty acids binding proteins, FABPs, and metabolic consumption within the Syncytiotrophoblast, ST. For any given DHA fluxes at the bordering membranes, analytical and numerical solutions yield the DHA concentration profile within the ST. We find that in order to comply with adequate DHA delivery to the fetus and with physiological DHA concentrations in the maternal and fetal circulations, it is essential to have a significant rise of DHA concentration at the microvillus membrane, MVM and a rapid dissociation of the DHA from the FABP. The model establishes the relations between the concentrations of the FABPs in the ST, their equilibrium dissociation constant from the DHA, and the placental DHA metabolic degradation rate, hitherto unknown. We conclude that the bound (to the protein) DHA molecule is degraded at a rate of 0.3–0.45 s−1.

Synchronization Modulation of Na/K Pumps Induced Membrane Potential Hyperpolarization in Both Physiological and Hyperkalemic Conditions


The capability of the synchronization modulation (SM) technique in enhancing the function of Na/K pumps has been demonstrated in various cells and tissues, including cardiomyocytes, a monolayer of cultured MDCK kidney cells, peripheral blood vessels, and frog skeletal muscles. This study characterized the membrane potential hyperpolarization induced by SM in both physiological and high [K+]o conditions on single skeletal muscle fibers. The results showed that SM could consistently induce membrane potential hyperpolarization by a few millivolts, and this hyperpolarization was not possible in the presence of ouabain. In contrast, the same electrical pulses but with random frequencies, constant frequencies, or synchronization with backward-modulation could not hyperpolarize the membrane potential. Prolonged field application and higher field intensity enhanced the effects of SM-induced hyperpolarization. Finally, the effect of SM was tested on skeletal muscle fibers incubated in a solution with high external potassium. Results showed that the SM electric field could hyperpolarize the membrane potential even if the external K+ concentration was higher than the normal, which implied the therapeutic effects of the SM electric field on the hyperkalemic situation.

Evidence to Suggest Bacterial Lipoprotein Diacylglyceryl Transferase (Lgt) is a Weakly Associated Inner Membrane Protein


The unique and ubiquitous bacterial lipoprotein biosynthesis pathway is an attractive new antibiotic target. Crystal structures of its three biosynthetic enzymes have been solved recently. The first enzyme, Phosphatidylglycerol:proLipoprotein diacylglyceryl Transferase (Lgt), which initiates the post-translational modification at the metabolic interface of protein biosynthesis, phospholipid biosynthesis, protein secretion and lipid modification was reported to be a seven-transmembrane helical structure with a catalytic periplasmic head. Its complete solubilization in water or mild detergent in a fully active state, its chromatographic behaviour as an active monomer in the absence of detergent and recovery of active whole-length protein after proteolytic treatment of spheroplasts cast serious doubts about its proposed membrane association and orientation. Rather, it could be a seven-helical bundle partially embedded in the inner membrane’s inner leaflet aided by hydrophobic interaction. In fact, there are examples where originally reported seven-transmembrane proteins were later shown to be seven-helical peripheral membrane proteins based on solubilization criterion and re-analysis. Validated computational tool, Membrane Optimal Docking Area (MODA), also predicted a weaker association of Lgt’s helices with the membrane compared to typical transmembrane proteins. This insight is crucial to Lgt-based antibiotic design.

Life During Wartime: A Personal Recollection of the Circa 1990 Prestegard Lab and Its Contributions to Membrane Biophysics


A subjective account is presented of challenges and excitement of being a postdoctoral trainee in the lab of James H. Prestegard at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut from 1989 to 1991. This includes accounts of the early development of bicelles and of oriented sample NMR results that contributed to our modern understanding of the properties of the water–lipid interface of disordered phase biological membranes.

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