Δευτέρα 4 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Endoscopic Stenting in Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma: When, How, and How Much to Drain?
Hilar cholangiocarcinoma (HCCA) involves a complex anatomical region where bile ducts, arteries, and veins create a complex network. HCCA can lead to biliary strictures at the main hepatic confluence, involving the right and left radicles. Endoscopic drainage of jaundiced patients with HCCA is challenging and carries a high risk of infective complications. HCCA needs a careful multidisciplinary evaluation to assess the indication and purposes (preoperative/palliative) of the biliary drainage. Biliary...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Laboratory Investigation and Modelling of the Thermal-Mechanical Properties of Soil in Shallow Mineralized Groundwater Area
The capillary rise of shallow mineralized groundwater can contribute to the salinization of the soil layers. The excessive salt amounts adversely affect soil physical and mechanical properties, as well as the heat transfer performance, all of which are key factors with regard to the design of geothermal-related earth structures such as geothermal energy piles (GEP), ground source heat pumps (GSHP), and earth-air tunnel heat exchangers (EATHE). Therefore, in this study, the thermal-mechanical properties...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
A Wrapper Feature Subset Selection Method Based on Randomized Search and Multilayer Structure
The identification of discriminative features from information-rich data with the goal of clinical diagnosis is crucial in the field of biomedical science. In this context, many machine-learning techniques have been widely applied and achieved remarkable results. However, disease, especially cancer, is often caused by a group of features with complex interactions. Unlike traditional feature selection methods, which only focused on finding single discriminative features, a multilayer feature subset...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Relationship between Size of the Foveal Avascular Zone and Carbohydrate Metabolic Disorders during Pregnancy
Aim. To determine whether the area of the foveal avascular zone (FAZ), as a morphological indicator of the microcirculation of the perifoveal capillary network, changes in the carbohydrate metabolism disorders during pregnancy (the gestational age of patients with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and preexisting diabetes (PexD)). Methods. Ten normal individuals and 41 eyes of 41 patients, 28 with GDM and 13 with PexD, were studied. A 3 × 3 mm area of the FAZ of the superficial capillary plexus...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
The Tale of a Disappearing Lagoon: A Habitat Mapping and Ecological Assessment of Fosu Lagoon, Ghana
Coastal regions of Ghana are primarily engaged in sea and lagoon fishing. Like many lagoons in Ghana, Fosu lagoon is a major source of livelihood for its surrounding communities. However, the lagoon and its associated marsh vegetation is under serious threat from human-induced interference. Due to this, the lagoon is considered as one of the most polluted lagoons in Ghana. Also, studies reveal that a major conservation challenge is the lack of inventory for the lagoon’s associated vegetation. Hence,...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Development of a Novel Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Robot Enabling Complete Remote Control of All Operations: Endoscopic Therapeutic Robot System (ETRS)
Background and Objective. The master and slave transluminal endoscopic robot and other flexible endoscopy platforms are designed primarily for the remote control of forceps, with manipulation of the endoscope itself still dependent on conventional techniques. We have developed an endoscopic therapeutic robot system (ETRS) that provides complete remote control of all forceps and endoscope operations. Method. We carried out endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) in porcine stomachs using the ETRS....
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Effects of Training for Finger Perception on Functional Recovery of Hemiplegic Upper Limbs in Acute Stroke Patients
Background. Stroke causes severe disability, including motor and sensory impairments. We hypothesized that upper limb functional recovery after stroke may be augmented by combining treatments for motor and sensory functions. In order to examine this hypothesis, we conducted a controlled trial on rehabilitation for sensory function to the plegic hand. Methods. The sensory training program consisted of several types of discrimination tasks performed under blind conditions. The sensory training program...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Upper-Extremity Deep Venous Thrombosis following a Fracture of the Proximal Humerus: An Orthopaedic Case Report
Deep venous thrombosis of the lower extremities following orthopaedic surgery is well-documented. Though less common than its lower extremity counterpart, upper extremity deep venous thrombosis (UEDVT) has been documented in the literature as well, largely in the context of arthroscopic shoulder surgery. However, there is a paucity of literature documenting UEDVT following surgical fixation of upper extremity fractures, specifically fractures involving the proximal humerus. We present a case of UEDVT...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Isolated Small Finger Distal Interphalangeal Joint Dupuytren’s Contracture
Dupuytren’s contracture is a disease involving abnormal myofibroblast proliferation and collagen deposition leading to the formation of pathologic cords in the hand. Given that Dupuytren’s contractures rarely extend to the distal interphalangeal joint (DIP), affecting only 5% of patients, there are few cases reported in the literature. Collagenase injection is a frequently used option for minimally invasive treatment of Dupuytren’s disease with greater than a 20-degree joint contracture. Unfortunately,...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Hook Plate Technique for Bony Mallet Thumb
Bony mallet is a common sport injury, but bony mallet thumb is rarely encountered. We performed open reduction and fixation of bony mallet thumb using a hook plate procedure on a 27-year-old man under general anesthesia. The patient began working one day after surgery. Six months postoperatively, the patient had excellent dexterity according to Crawford’s evaluation criteria and no difficulties at work or playing softball. Tension band fixation, compression pins, and the extension block technique...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Induced Diabetes Mellitus Treated with Insulin and Metformin: Evolution of Diabetes Management in the Era of Immunotherapy
Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICPIs) are a breakthrough therapy in oncology and have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of several malignancies. ICPIs have been reported to cause immune-mediated damage of islet cells leading to ICPI-induced type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). These reports described patients presenting with severe diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). We present a case of a 69-year-old Caucasian male with type 2 diabetes suffering from non-small cell lung cancer...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Diagenetic Processes and Reservoir Heterogeneity in Salt-Encased Microbial Carbonate Reservoirs (Late Neoproterozoic, Oman)
A common problem in dolomite reservoirs is the heterogeneous distribution of porosity-reducing diagenetic phases. The intrasalt carbonates of the Ediacaran-Early Cambrian Ara Group in the South Oman Salt Basin represent a self-sourcing petroleum system. Depositional facies and carbonate/evaporite platform architecture are well understood, but original reservoir properties have been modified by diagenesis. Some of the carbonate reservoirs failed to produce hydrocarbons at acceptable rates, which triggered...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Platelet Indices in Colorectal Cancer Patients with Synchronous Liver Metastases
Aims. Liver metastases occur in approximately 25% of colorectal cancer (CRC) patients and cause more than 90% of deaths in CRC. Platelets play a crucial role in cancer progression and metastases. We aimed to investigate the relationship between platelet indices and CRC with synchronous liver metastases. Methods. We conducted a retrospective clinical study including 206 CRC patients without metastases and 200 CRC patients with synchronous liver metastases from January 1, 2015, to December 31, 2017....
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Does Tumour Contrast Retention on CT Immediately Post Chemoembolization Predict Tumour Metabolic Response on FDG-PET in Patients with Hepatic Metastases from Colorectal Cancer?
Purpose. The exact mechanism of action of chemoembolization with drug eluting beads loaded with irinotecan (DEBIRI) in colorectal cancer is undetermined. Posttreatment tumour contrast retention often seen on CT immediately post procedure is of indeterminate significance. This study is aimed at assessing if metabolic response on PET-CT can be related to posttreatment tumour contrast retention. Materials and Methods. In this retrospective study, a total of 17 patients with a total of 55 marker lesions...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Resting-State Functional Network Scale Effects and Statistical Significance-Based Feature Selection in Machine Learning Classification
In recent years, functional brain network topological features have been widely used as classification features. Previous studies have found that network node scale differences caused by different network parcellation definitions significantly affect the structure of the constructed network and its topological properties. However, we still do not know how network scale differences affect the classification accuracy, performance of classification features, and effectiveness of the feature selection...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Late Onset of the Fabella Syndrome after Total Knee Arthroplasty
Some differential diagnosis is thought due to knee pain after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and fabella syndrome may cause post-TKA pain due to mechanical irritation. In this present case, a 64-year-old woman experienced lateral knee pain which was localized at the iliotibial ligament 8 years after the surgery. Fabella syndrome was diagnosed, and fabellectomy provided immediate resolution of the pain. The previous reports have revealed the symptoms occurred after 6 days to a year after total knee...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Aseptic Meningitis as an Immune-Related Adverse Event after Pembrolizumab
Introduction. The management of patients with advanced malignancies is challenging, although recent advances with immunotherapy have shown better outcomes. Pembrolizumab has been associated with a variety of immune-related side effects, but the occurrence of aseptic meningitis is rare. Case. A 55-year-old male with a history of metastatic lung adenocarcinoma previously treated with pembrolizumab presented with persistent severe headaches and photophobia. Subsequent workup with cerebrospinal fluid...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Peritoneal Tuberculosis: A Forsaken Yet Misleading Diagnosis
In women presenting with an abdominal mass and ascites, the first diagnosis to consider is ovarian cancer. However, clinicians should always consider alternative differentials, namely, peritoneal tuberculosis, especially in the presence of respiratory symptoms and with the increasing prevalence of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Peritoneal tuberculosis can mimic the clinical presentation of ovarian cancer, and on imaging, it can show similar features of peritoneal carcinomatosis and nodules. Tumor markers...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Acute Immune-Mediated Thrombocytopenia due to Oxaliplatin and Irinotecan Therapy
We describe a case of a 63-year-old woman with advanced colon cancer and liver metastases who was treated with fluorouracil, leucovorin, and oxaliplatin (FOLFOX) and cetuximab chemotherapy. She tolerated 13 cycles of chemotherapy without any significant hematological side effects, but after the 14th cycle, she developed melena and was admitted for severe thrombocytopenia. After supportive care, the platelet counts rapidly improved to 76,000/μL. Upon initiation of FOLFIRI and cetuximab chemotherapy,...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Plasma-Treated CVD Graphene Gas Sensor Performance in Environmental Condition: The Role of Defects on Sensitivity
In this work, a low-cost resistive gas sensor based on graphene grown by CVD was fabricated and its sensitivity was studied in terms of defect density. CVD graphene was transferred using Polyurethane as sacrifice layer with low contamination and defect-free results. An atmospheric plasma etching system was used to homogeneously induce defects on the sensor’s active area, as investigated through Raman spectroscopy. Device sensing properties were significantly enhanced for greater defect density for...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Preliminary Evaluation of the HOBO Data Logging Rain Gauge at the Chuzhou Hydrological Experiment Station, China
As a tipping bucket rain gauge, the HOBO Data Logging Rain Gauge RG3-M (RG3-M) has been widely used for the field precipitation observation owing to its superiority of independent power supply by a small portable battery. To quantify the measurement accuracy of the RG3-M gauge, a standard Manual Gauge (MG) and eight other models of tipping bucket rain gauges were installed at the Chuzhou hydrological experiment station of China. In this study, we first compared and investigated the accumulated mounts...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Response of Aeroengine with Fusing Design Suffering FBO
The loss of fan blades in an aeroengine, or fan-blade out (FBO), is a type of accident that causes a sudden imbalance and large impact load, which leads to complex vibration of a system. To conduct a dynamic analysis of an aeroengine rotor system is an important requirement for relevant departments. The purpose of this paper is to study the dynamic response of a complex dual-rotor system suffering FBO events and the protective effect of the fusing structure on the system. The dynamic model of an...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Low-Thrust Trajectory Design Using Finite Fourier Series Approximation of Pseudoequinoctial Elements
A new low-thrust trajectory design method is proposed that is based on the finite Fourier series method with pseudoequinoctial elements rather than the more common cylindrical coordinate components. The bijection relation between the elements and control variables is ensured by introducing an additional equality constraint derived from the angular momentum conservation. The guidance law and on-line control variables are obtained by applying inverse dynamics and the framework of inverse simulation...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Network Embedding-Aware Point-of-Interest Recommendation in Location-Based Social Networks
As one of the important techniques to explore unknown places for users, the methods that are proposed for point-of-interest (POI) recommendation have been widely studied in recent years. Compared with traditional recommendation problems, POI recommendations are suffering from more challenges, such as the cold-start and one-class collaborative filtering problems. Many existing studies have focused on how to overcome these challenges by exploiting different types of contexts (e.g., social and geographical...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Erratum to “SIRT7 Regulates the Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells Proliferation and Migration via Wnt/-Catenin Signaling Pathway”
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Chemically Pretreated Ndou Sweet Potato Flour
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas Lam) is a nutritious crop abundant in calories and bioactive compounds such as beta-carotene, ascorbic acid, polyphenols, and dietary fibre. This study investigated the effect of pretreatments on the physicochemical and functional properties of Ndou sweet potato (NSP) flour. Flour samples were prepared by randomly assigning NSP slices to two treatments (citric acid and sodium metabisulphite) at 5, 10, and 15 g/L concentration for 10 min. Distilled water was used as control....
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Sun Nov 03, 2019 14:05
Πονόδοντος: Πότε είναι απαραίτητα τα αντιβιοτικά – Νέες οδηγίες
Νέες κατευθυντήριες οδηγίες συνιστούν να μην χορηγούνται αντιβιοτικά για τον πονόδοντο, εάν δεν συνοδεύεται από άλλα συμπτώματα λοίμωξης. The post Πονόδοντος: Πότε είναι απαραίτητα τα αντιβιοτικά – Νέες οδηγίες appeared first on Iatropedia.
ΕΟΔΥ: Νέα πρόσωπα και νέα Εποχή στο πρώην ΚΕΕΛΠΝΟ
Δημοσιεύθηκε στην Εφημερίδα της Κυβερνήσεως η απόφαση του υπουργού Υγείας Βασίλη Κικίλια για τα νέα πρόσωπα που θα στελεχώσουν τον Εθνικό Οργανισμό Δημόσιας Υγείας (ΕΟΔΥ, πρώην ΚΕΕΛΠΝΟ). The post ΕΟΔΥ: Νέα πρόσωπα και νέα Εποχή στο πρώην ΚΕΕΛΠΝΟ appeared first on Iatropedia.
Reward Boosts Neural Coding of Task Rules to Optimize Cognitive Flexibility
Sam Hall-McMaster<br />Oct 23, 2019; 39:8549-8561<br />BehavioralSystemsCognitive
J. Neurosci.: Most-Read Full-Text Articles
Wed Oct 23, 2019 03:00
Redefining Noradrenergic Neuromodulation of Behavior: Impacts of a Modular Locus Coeruleus Architecture
Dan J. Chandler<br />Oct 16, 2019; 39:8239-8249<br />Symposium and Mini-Symposium
J. Neurosci.: Most-Read Full-Text Articles
Wed Oct 16, 2019 03:00
Holistic Recollection via Pattern Completion Involves Hippocampal Subfield CA3
Xenia Grande<br />Oct 9, 2019; 39:8100-8111<br />BehavioralSystemsCognitive
J. Neurosci.: Most-Read Full-Text Articles
Wed Oct 09, 2019 03:00
Recessive variants in ZNF142 cause a complex neurodevelopmental disorder with intellectual disability, speech impairment, seizures, and dystonia
Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics
Latest additions to Europe PMC
Sun Nov 03, 2019 00:32
Grandmothers’ smoking in pregnancy is associated with a reduced prevalence of early-onset myopia
Scientific Reports
Latest additions to Europe PMC
Sun Nov 03, 2019 00:08
Reliability of preoperative breast biopsies showing ductal carcinoma in situ and implications for non-operative treatment: a cohort study
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment
Latest additions to Europe PMC
Sat Nov 02, 2019 22:41
Multi-targeted kinase inhibition alleviates mTOR inhibitor resistance in triple-negative breast cancer
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment
Latest additions to Europe PMC
Sat Nov 02, 2019 22:38
HER2 double-equivocal breast cancer in Chinese patients: a high concordance of HER2 status between different blocks from the same tumor
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment
Latest additions to Europe PMC
Sat Nov 02, 2019 22:37
Ten principles of heterochromatin formation and function
Nature reviews. Molecular cell biology
Latest additions to Europe PMC
Sat Nov 02, 2019 03:55
Ορατίου Οι Ωδές – Β΄-3
AEQUAM MEMENTO Να θυμάσαι να διατηρείς ατάραχο το πνεύμα σου στις δυσχερείς περιστάσεις, παρόμοια και στις ευχάριστες στιγμές να το προστατεύεις από την υπερβολική χαρά, μελλοθάνατε Δήλλιε, είτε ζήσεις όλον τον καιρό περίλυπος, είτε κατά τις εορταστικές ημέρες ξαπλωμένος σε απόμακρη χλόη ευφραίνεσαι με το παλαιότερο κρασί. Για ποιο λόγο το θεόρατο πεύκο και η λεύκα αγαπούν να σχηματίζουν με τα κλαδιά τους μια φιλόξενη σκιά; Γιατί το τρεχούμενο νερό σπεύδει επίπονα σε λοξό ρυάκι; Δώσε...
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