Παρασκευή 22 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Effects of virtual reality technology locomotive multi-sensory motion stimuli on a user simulator sickness and controller intuitiveness during a navigation task
Abstract Simulator sickness of users and intuitiveness of controllers contribute to a user’s acceptance or rejection of a virtual reality (VR) experiment. However, few studies investigated the effects of different VR locomotive controllers and potential gender effects. Hence, we investigated the effects of different motion stimuli combinations and a user’s range of neck motion via two experiments in a gender balanced group. Thus, through separate sessions, young adult participants...
Latest Results for Medical
Evaluation of surface EMG-based recognition algorithms for decoding hand movements
Abstract Myoelectric pattern recognition (MPR) to decode limb movements is an important advancement regarding the control of powered prostheses. However, this technology is not yet in wide clinical use. Improvements in MPR could potentially increase the functionality of powered prostheses. To this purpose, offline accuracy and processing time were measured over 44 features using six classifiers with the aim of determining new configurations of features and classifiers to improve...
Latest Results for Medical
Thu Nov 21, 2019 02:00
An automatic evaluation method for retinal image registration based on similar vessel structure matching
Abstract Registration of retinal images is significant for clinical diagnosis. Numerous methods have been proposed to evaluate registration performance. The available evaluation methods can work well in normal image pairs, but fair evaluation cannot be obtained for image pairs with anatomical changes. We propose an automatic method to quantitatively assess the registration of retinal images based on the extraction of similar vessel structures and modified Hausdorff distance. Firstly,...
Latest Results for Medical
Thu Nov 21, 2019 02:00
Quantitative assessment of lower limbs gross motor function in children with cerebral palsy based on surface EMG and inertial sensors
Abstract Taking advantage of motion sensing technology, a quantitative assessment method for lower limbs motor function of cerebral palsy (CP) based on the gross motor function measurement (GMFM)-24 scale was explored in this study. According to the motion analysis on GMFM-24 scale, we translated the assessment problem of GMFM-24 scale into a detection problem of different motion modes including static state, fall, step, turning, alternating gait, walking, running, lifting legs,...
Latest Results for Medical
Thu Nov 21, 2019 02:00

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